UVCS has three instrument workstations (IWS), each consisting of one Sun SPARCstation 2 and one Sun IPC:
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The commanding and telemetry reception IWSs use UVCS Test and Operations Control Center (UTOCC) software originally developed by BASG and adapted by SAO for use in the EOF environment. It performs functions related to NRT commanding and telemetry reception, including formulation of commands, execution of STOL procedures, reception and storage of telemetry data, display of HK data, etc. The Telemetry Sorter software performs the function of sorting science telemetry packets according to data type (detector count data, table dumps, SCI-HK data) and selecting the packets belonging to a single exposure. The inputs are "telemetry log" files produced by UTOCC and Playback data provided by ECS.
The commanding IWS contains Mission Operations (MOPS) software which performs functions related to onboard table management, including generation, upload and verification of table loads for detector masks and observation sequences. This software contains a database with the history of onboard tables (used by data processing software).
The telemetry processing IWS contains Data Formatting software for creating uncalibrated Spectral & Visible Light Data files (FITS). Each file contains a series of exposures belonging to one observation (e.g., one radial scan in the corona) and one detector (LYA, OVI or VLD). The inputs for this software are temporary files produced by the Telemetry Sorter.
The telemetry processing IWS and the workstation at the EAF contain Data Analysis Software written in IDL. This software is used for displaying data on screen, combining data from several exposures, determination of instrument pointing, correcting for flat field & dark count, performing wavelength and radiometric calibrations, producing intensity and line-width maps, etc. The inputs for this software are (raw or processed) Spectral & VL Data files, as well as various calibration files.