The SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer consists of a
telescope spectrometer unit (TSU) and a remote electronics unit (REU) (see Figure 3 ).
The TSU is a triple telescope with external
and internal occultation
and a high resolution spectrometer assembly. The TSU has its own pointing mechanism, a roll mechanism, a telescope mirror mechanism, an internal occulter mechanism and an aperture door mechanism.
Electronics located in the TSU include image processors, detector power supplies and monitors, sun sensor electronics and position transducer electronics. Three spherical telescope mirrors focus co-registered images of the extended corona onto the three entrance slits of the spectrometer assembly. The spectrometer assembly consists of three channels:
The REU electronics include the central processing unit, low voltage power supplies, power switching, mechanism controller circuitry, housekeeping, thermal control and interface electronics.
Typical instrument parameters used for UVCS observations are summarized in Table I. The primary observational mode provides simultaneous and cospatial
measurements of the line profile of HI 1216 Å, the integrated
spectral radiance of OVI 1032 Å and 1037 Å, Mg X 610 Å and 625 Å, Si XII
499 Å and 521 Å, Fe XII 1242 Å, other spectral lines within the UVCS
spectral ranges, and the visible polarized radiance. Other modes provide intensities of other lines, electron scattered HI Ly-, spectral line profiles
for minor ions
and higher spectral and/or spatial resolution, but require longer exposure times.
The field-of-view (FOV) of UVCS is illustrated in Figure 4 . The instantaneous
FOV is the portion of the solar image that passes through the entrance slits of the ultraviolet channels. Spatial elements along the instantaneous FOV are resolved by the XDL detectors. The WLC has a 14 arcsecond x 14 arcsecond spatial field
at the center of the instantaneous FOV. Internal mirror motions are used to step the instantaneous FOV
across the 141 arcminute direction. Offset pointing adjustments with the UVCS pointing mechanism can be used to extend the FOV down to the solar limb and onto the disk or
up to 12 solar radius. UVCS can rotate its FOV about Sun-center in order to
observe the full corona.