Trip Case
SAO travelers can retrieve electronic ticket receipts and electronic invoices by signing up for Trip Case.
Current Outstanding Travel List of current unsubmitted travel expense reports.
Created Vouchers, Not Approved List of current vouchers in a created status, but have not been approved for payment.
Per Diem Rates
Link to The GSA for domestic and foreign per diem rates.
U.S. Department of State
Information about travel warnings, visas, passports, etc.
Smithsonian Emergency Assistance Abroad
Government Schedules and Airfares
Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange rates based on the US dollar.
Transportation Security Administration
Comprehensive travel guide with information on travel preparation, security procedures, etc.
A source for airline seating information.
The Lonely Planet
Link to Lonely Planet Online.
Link to the Delorme mapping.
Zagat Guide
Descriptions and reviews of restaurants and city info.
Note: The travel department cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or availability of outside links.