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The AMIGO Project Publications


The AMIGO Project Members, Memorandum of Understanding, 1998.

Published abstracts:

Davila, J.M., J. Garate, M. Berrocoso, P. Elosegui, R.A. Bennett, J.L. Davis, Kinematics of the Ibero-Maghrebian plate boundary zone, Journal of Geophysical Research Abstracts, 1, 1999.

Elosegui, P., D. Ben Sari, J.M. Davila, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, R. Bennett, J.L. Davis, The AMIGO Project: present-day crustal deformation of the western section of the Alpine-Mediterranean plate boundary zone, IUGG XXII General Assembly, B.80, 1999.

Elosegui, P., D. Ben Sari, J.M. Davila, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, R. Bennett, J.L. Davis, AMIGO GPS measurements to investigate geodynamic processes along the western section of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary zone, EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophy. Union, Fall Meeting, 80, (46), F1066, 1999.

Davila, J.M., D. Ben Sari, P. Elosegui, J. Garate, V.B. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, R. Bennett, and J.L. Davis, El proyecto AMIGO: Estudios GPS multidisciplinares en la region occidental de la frontera de placas Euroasiatica y Africana. Situacion actual, in II Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofisica, 2000.

Elosegui, P., R. Bennett, D. Ben Sari, J.M. Davila, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, J.L. Davis, Present-day pattern of crustal deformation along the western section of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary zone from AMIGO GPS measurements, EGS Abstracts, 2000.

Bennett, R., D. Ben Sari, J. Davis, P. Elosegui, J. Garate, J. Martin Davila, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, The AMIGO Project: Present-day crustal deformation of the western section of the Alpine-Mediterranean plate boundary zone, Tenth General Assembly of the WEGENER Project, ROA 3/2000, 2000.

Davila, J.M., R. Bennett, D. Ben Sari, J.L. Davis, P. Elosegui, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, The western section of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary zone: GPS-derived deformation field, EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophy. Union, Fall Meeting, 81, (48), F330, 2000.

Elosegui, P., J.M. Davila, R. Bennett, D. Ben Sari, J.L. Davis, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Pysklywec, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, Global Positioning System constraints on active tectonics in the Alboran Sea region, EGS Abstracts, 2001.

Davila, J.M., D. Ben Sari, P. Elosegui, J. Garate, V. Mendes, D. Ouazar, J. Pagarete, R. Reilinger, A. Rius, J. Talaya, R. Bennett, J.L. Davis, AMIGO Project: An international GPS effort for studying the western section of the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary, in Geodynamics of the Western Part of the Eurasian-African Plate Boundary (Azores-Tunisia), ROA 3/2001, 2001.

For further information contact:

Dr. Pedro Elosegui
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St, MS 42
Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
(617) 496-7645