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Instructions for each field:
First Name is required. Example: John
Last Name is required. Example: Smith
The Title is required. Must be selected from the list.
The Institution is required. Example: Harvard University
Street address is required. Example: 1000 Mass Ave
City is required. Example: Cambridge
Zip is required if the country is the USA Example: 02138
State is required. **Note the Country has to be Selected First
The Country is required. Must be selected from the list.
Phone is required, enter numbers Only. Example Please enter only: 6174967941
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Please enter a password that you will be able to remember easily.
Please RE-enter the password for confirmation.
Age is required, enter numbers Only. Example: 18
Gender is required, Must be selected from the list.
Student Grade is selected based on this teacher account.
Number of student accounts is selected based on this teacher account.
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(Please note: Other Worlds is a research and development project designed to improve high-school science education by providing teachers and their students with access to a network of powerful educational telescopes. Since observing time is limited, priority for access will be given to teachers and other educators.
To receive a Guest Code, contact Susan Sunbury, click here for details.)