Science: Circumstellar Disks and Planet Formation
At least one in ten nearby Sun-like stars hosts a giant planet. A massive effort is underway to find more exoplanets, determine their key properties, and associate demographic trends with models of their formation. Ultimately the goal is to develop a robust theoretical framework grounded in this growing suite of empirical evidence that explains how different kinds of planets are made. That formation process is intimately tied to the initial conditions in the reservoirs of planet-building material - the circumstellar disks of gas and dust around young stars.
The Submillimeter Array (SMA) has been pioneering millimeter-wavelength resolved observations of these circumstellar disks, continuing to deliver over a decade of fundamental discoveries that have paved the way in understanding the physical (densities, temperatures), material (grain sizes, turbulence) and chemical properties of these environments where planets are born. At the wavelengths probed by the SMA, studies have focused on resolved imaging of continuum (dust) and spectral line (molecules) in these disks.