2025 Submillimeter Array Interferometry School


July 17, 2024: First Announcement

The Center for Astrophysics, in conjunction with the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the University of Hawaii, is organizing the 2023 Submillimeter Array Interferometry School.

The school will be held in Hilo, HI from 6-10 January 2025. The main goals of the school are to provide advanced undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and scientists outside the field with a broad knowledge of interferometry and data reduction techniques at (sub)millimeter wavelengths.

The workshop will provide a series of lectures focusing on fundamentals of radio interferometry, with a special emphasis on the Submillimeter Array (SMA) interferometer and its new capabilities. The school will also extensively utilize the SMA, located on Maunakea, providing experience with performing observations, with data reduction training utilizing projects proposed by school participants.

The school application portal will open in August 2024. More details about the application process can be found on the registration page . Some travel support for early-career researchers will be available as needed for participation.