Individual Surveys: Galactic Center (DHT02)

Bitran, Alvarez, Bronfman, May, & Thaddeus (1997), A&AS, 125, 99

click image for larger version

move cursor over image for interpolated version

FITS Cubes
7.7 MB each
Raw:    DHT02_Center_raw.fits
Raw Header:    DHT02_Center_raw.txt
Interpolated*:    DHT02_Center_interp.fits
Moment masked:    DHT02_Center_mom.fits

* In each spectrum, <= 2 missing channels are filled by linear interpolation. In each
spatial plane, single missing pixels are filled by linear interpolation, first in l direction, then b.


This is a high-quality survey of the Galactic center region carried out from Chile, where the center passed almost directly overhead. Users are cautioned of the coarser (1/4°) sampling at |b| > 1°; the interpolated cube is easier to use for most purposes.