Postdoc Liaisons
 List of Postdoctoral Liaisons

Michael McCarthy (AMP)
Phone: 617-495-7262

Hossein Sadeghpour (ITAMP)
Phone: 617-495-7022

Dan Fabricant (OIR)
Phone: 617-495-7398

Paul Nulsen (HEAD)
Phone: 617-495-7043

Pepi Fabbiano (HEAD)
Phone: 617-495-7203

David Wilner (RG)
Phone: 617-496-7623

Mark Reid (RG)
Phone: 617-495-7470

Jennifer Yee (SSP)
Email: jyee@cfa.harvard.ed
Phone: 617-495-7594

Role of Postdoctoral Liaisons

The role of the postdoc liaison (PDL) is to help welcome new postdocs to the CfA when they arrive, especially when an advisor is absent, and to be an independent resource for them as needed during their tenures at CfA.

When new postdocs arrive, their advisors have the primary responsibility for introducing them to their Division Administrators (DA) and then to other Division postdocs, scientists, staff, and the PDL; introductions to other scientists with related research interests are an essential part of this welcoming process. In case the advisor is unable to do this, the PDL has the responsibility of contacting the new postdoc and handling these orientation tasks. (The DAs will help each postdoc with all of the orientation paperwork.)

During the course of their stay at CfA, postdocs may have questions for their PDL. The ongoing role for the PDL is to:

Be available to postdocs; Be attentive to potential issues for the postdocs in your Division, both as a group of scientists and as individuals; Periodically meet with the postdocs, one-on-one basis or as a group, to remind them that you exist, and to talk about Division/CfA resources. In some Divisions, a more formal annual review process may be implemented.

When postdocs begin applying for other positions, as their tenures here conclude, the CfA will try to be of assistance to them by offering comments on their application materials, when requested. The PDLs will participate and/or help CfA identify suitable reviewers in the Division.


Paula Teixeira