CfA: OIR: IR Group Travel Authorization Request

Click here to view helpful reminders for completing this form.


Destination(s) (If foreign travel, please speak to your administrator to determine if agency approval is required.):

City 1:

City 2:

Dates: (Please enter date as MM/DD/YY)

Departure to City 1:

Departure from City 1 to City 2:

Return to Home:

Purpose of Travel:

If meeting, provide exact title and whether you are presenting a paper. If observing, specify observatory and/or telescope. If grant related, specify how.

Specify any nonbusiness (vacation) dates:

Expected funding, contract or grant name:

Ticket Type:

Special Requests:

Car Required: Special Type: Shuttle to mountain observing site:

Do you need SAO to book a hotel:

Specify Hotel:

Is hotel cost more than allowed per diem?

If yes, total cost of room per night:


Conference/Workshop Registration Fee:

Is there a special conference lodging rate? per night

Advance needed* How much?

Sponsored travel (travel paid partly or completely by an outside organization): Please click "helpful reminders" at the top of this page to read about sponsored travel before completing this section.

Is this trip sponsored?

Will the sponsor reimburse part or all of your expenses?

If partial, please explain:

Does the sponsor offer an honorarium?

Sponsor's name and email contact:

Send email copy to this email address:

*Advances are only for SAO Predocs and Postdocs, and for employees who have prepaid out-of-pocket expenses.


Section Photo