Model Shop (MS) Featured Part

Fabrication Requests.

Work being submitted to the Model Shop should be accompanied by the following information.

1. Department Name
2. P.O. Number or Charge Code
3. Date Required
4. Part Number
5. Part Name/Description
6. Revision
7. Quantity required
8. Cad files and PDF prints are preferred.
9. Indicate whether or not you require an estimate prior to start.
10. Any additional comments

Estimates for your fabrication needs are available upon request. We also work to Blanket Purchase Orders. Itemized tracking of cost is done here at the shop.

Your parts will be handled with extreme care during your requested Modifications.

Billing is handled through the Smithsonians Institutes internal billing system or invoiced against your companies Purchase Order.

Please feel free to stop by most days 7:00 - 3:00 (Calling in advance is recommended but not required.)

Requests can also be sent via E-mail & attachments Internal University Mail UPS or Fed-X

Larry Knowles (617) 495-2020

  Milling Work

Section Photo