PI: Warren Brown
The SAO Widefield InfraRed Camera (SWIRC) operates at the f/5
focus of the MMT. Proposed in May 2003 and commissioned in June
2004, the goal of the instrument was to deliver quickly a wide
field-of-view instrument with minimal optical elements and hence high
throughput. The trade-off was to sacrifice K-band capability by not
having an internal, cold Lyot stop. SWIRC has three science filters:
Y-band (1.02 um),
J-band (1.2 um), and
H-band (1.6 um), plus a dark slide.
The instrument is based on a 2048x2048 pixel HAWAII-2 detector;
its 0.15 arcsec/pixel plate scale fully samples the best seeing at the
MMT, and provides a field of view of 5.12 x 5.12 arcmin. Beginning 2015C, MMIRS is at the MMT and should be used in place of SWIRC. |