Education Research

The Science Education Department plays a leading role in the study of the nature of learning. Major projects include the development of misconception-based assessment instruments, and research into identifying measurable factors that predict levels of achievement. This page lists currently active research programs.

 Project FICSS (Factors Influencing College Science Success)
Project FICSS conducted a large-scale epidemiological study of the relationship between the decisions that high school science teachers and their students make and the later success of students in their introductory college science courses. Learn More...
 MOSART: Misconception-Oriented Standards-Based Assessment Resources for Teachers
Project MOSART enhances the quality of the K-12 science teacher workforce and aids in generating evidence-based outcomes of learning through the development of comprehensive subject matter assessment tools. Learn More...
 MOSART-LS: Misconceptions Oriented Standards-based Resource for Teachers in Life Science
Project MOSART-LS is developing rigorous assessment tools that will aid in generating evidence-based measures of the impact of K-8 teachers’ life science subject-matter knowledge and relevant pedagogical content knowledge. The availability of these assessment tools will serve teacher prparation and enhancement programs by strengthening teacher content knowledge and awareness of student ideas. Learn More...
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Black Holes: Space Warps & Time Twists is a traveling museum exhibition that immerses visitors in the modern search for black holes through a variety of interactive and multimedia experiences. Find out more...

Education by Department:


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