
The COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey of Star Forming Regions

IRAS Based Thermal Emission Maps

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Finding new features in recalibrated data

By recalibrating IRAS 60 and 100 µm data from the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) we have created new, highly-sensitive temperature and column-density maps. The maps show some surprising new features that are not apparent in the near-infrared extinction maps or molecular-line emission maps of the same regions. For example, in this temperature map of Ophiuchus we find a warm (37K) dust ring centered on the crosshairs. This ring is centered on the B star &rho-Ophiuchus, 1 degree north of the well-studied ρ-Oph star-forming cluster. A number of xray sources, including the ROSAT source 1RXSJ162554.5-233037, which has very hard xray emission characteristic of a compact object are also projected to lie within the ring. Click on the above links to view images or download FITS files for the other regions.