The COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey of Star Forming Regions
IRAS Based Thermal Emission Maps
Click on one of the links below to view images.
Index •
Serpens •
Ophiuchus •
Perseus •
Instructions for viewing FITS files
- Open the fits images using SAOImage DS9 (ds9 at the Unix command prompt if
it is on the network).
- Go to Analysis, Coordinate Grid Parameters. You can customize what you want
to display under view, as well as change the coordinate system (galactic,
ecliptic, equatorial) under coordinate. You can also change the color of the
grid and the grid numbers under color.
- You can change the color of the image itself. For all the images seen here
I used the SLS color scheme under Color.
- To look at a histogram of the distribution of pixels, go to Scale, Scale
Parameters. In scale parameters, I keep my histogram linear by going to Graph,
linear. You can also adjust the color table by truncating low and high values
by moving the red line on the left of the histogram to the right and the green
line on the right side of the histogram to the left.
- By clicking on the tabs directly above the main image and below the
information about the pixel the mouse is over, you can display the image as
linear, logarithmic, squared, square root, histogram equilization, etc. You can
also zoom in and out on the image.
- In the top right corner of SAOImage ds9 is a zoomed in part of the image
centered on where you cursor is. Also, when you are zoomed in you can change
the region you are viewing by moving the turqoise colored rectangle in the small
image (directly to the left of the zoomed in image, both of these images are in
the upper right corner of SAOImage ds9).
Last modified on Friday, 22-Feb-2008 13:54:41 EST