Software Available on the PC
The PC computer runs Windows 10 Entreprise, with the usual slew of software suites. The following list
of software is available:
- Office 2016, recommended over using Office 365.
- Browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Edge.
- VPN – Cisco AnyConnect.
- Acrobat Reader, Phantom PDF – PDF viewers.
- VLC – recommended media player.
- PuTTY, WinSCP, FileSync – ssh, scp and file synchronization.
- Zoom, MS Teams – video conferencing tools.
- TeamViewer, VNC – remote access tools.
- GIMP, Ghostscript – images and postscript viewer/editors.
- Screen Grab Pro – screen grab tool.
- Cygwin – Unix implementation under Windows that offers a fully functional X server.
- Emacs – the kitchen sink editor.
- wget – Windows equivalent of Unix wget
Shortcuts to most tools are available in C:/Program Files/ToolsShortcuts, and the
ToolsShortcuts shortcut on the desktop and the taskbar.