This file is ment to be a PRIMER on the feature and use of this release of SGK's libraries. This release works under IDL 5.5, RSI lack of understanding of the concept of backward compatibility is out of my control :) It will be extended if there is interest in these libs, by adding examples provided by users. Note that they are ment to be used under a UN*X OS (use of /tmp and some other UN*X feature). color/colormaps: My color maps are stored in the subdir colormaps/, and are loaded with the routines SGKLCT or XSGKLCT. The location of the color maps subdir can be specified thru the enviroment variable COLMAP_DIR math: misc: plot: LABEL: [La]TeX alike parser for plot labels, ie: plot, ... , title = label('$\alpha_{1}^{"}$') list of symbols: \\ \AA \sqrt \| \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \epsilon \zeta \eta \theta \iota \kappa \lambda \mu \nu \xi \o \pi \rho \sigma \tau \upsilon \phi \chi \psi \omega \Gamma \Delta \Theta \Lambda \Xi \Pi \Sigma \Upsilon \Phi \Psi \Omega \pm \times \div \leq \geq \equiv \ll \gg \sim \neq \propto \leftarrow \downarrow \rightarrow \uparrow \ell \exists \nabla \infty \partial \int \Int \oint \plus \star \dot \diamond \triangle \cross \square \{ \} \_ \^ \$ \ \blank \~ \bs SWINDOW, STV, STVSCL, SXYOUTS, SPOSITION routines to get on a postscript plot what you got on the screen: image = randomu(seed, 200, 300) image = image*100+150 swindow, 0, xsize=300, ysize=400 stv, image, 50, 50 plot, findgen(10), /noerase, $ position = sposition([50, 50, 250, 350]), /dev sxyouts, 100, 200, 'this is at (100,200)' the same commands inside a PS_OPEN and PS_CLOSE will produce a similar output, test this using: ps_open, /portrait then these commands, then ps_close, /noprint and view the resulting /tmp/ with a PostScript viewer (gs, gv, ghostview, ...) SDSP: uses the above routines to display an image with a frame: image = randomu(seed,200,300)*100+150 sdsp, image, zoom = [2, 1], xr = [-1, 1], yr = [0, 30]