*** io *** cvtByteOrder - equiv to swap_endian OPENR_ - openr, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN OPENU_ - openu, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN OPENW_ - openw, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN SGK_PICKFILE - return a picked file *** color *** COL3 - convert [r,g,b] to long IDL color GET_PLCT() - returns a colors array, compatible w/ plct NOBPTT - do NOT bypass translation table PC8 - Set device, pseudo_color = 8 PICKCOLOR - help pick a color, using HSV model (best w/ 24 bit disp) PLCT - Load a `plotting' color map (16 predefined colors) SGKLCT - Load a color table, using SGK's format SGKRCT() - reads my color maps TC24 - Set device, true_color = 24 UDC - use decomposed color model for 24 bit dispays XSGKLCT - GUI to SGKLCT *** math *** CMP_AVG - computes average of argument CMP_CC - compute cross-correlation CMP_COVAR - compute covariance from Hessian matrix (use num. der.) CMP_COVAR_A - compute covariance from Hessian matrix (analytical) CMP_RMS - computes root-mean-squares of argument CMP_WAVG - computes weighted average of arguments DLSQ_FIT - perform non linear least-square fit FCC - compute cross-correlation using FFT LZ - Lorentzian((x-x0)/w) FCN - c(0)*lz(x, c(1), c(2)) + c(3) DLZ - 1st derivative wrt kth param of lz() DFCN - 1st derivative wrt kth param of fcn() D2FCN - 2nd derivative wrt kth & kkth param of fcn() FITSANMBA() - simulated anealing amoeba fitting FRSTDER - computes the 1st derivative FSMOOTH - frequency smoothing, over `n' pixels FSMOOTH2D - 2d frequency smoothing, over `n' pixels GEN_POLY - Generalized Polynomial Computation getFWHM - computes FWHM of y(x) GETMAX - compute the maximum, using parabolic fit INTERP_1D - 1D linear interpolation INTERP_2D - 2D bi-cubic interpolation LGFIT - Fit a Legendre polynomial expansion LGPOLY - evaluate Legendre polynomial expansion LINFIT - perform a linear fit LSQ - perform a Least-Squares fit POLY2D - estimate a 2D polynomial POLY_SOLVE - solve for x the polynomial expansion Sum_i Pi(x) = y POLYFIT - perform a polynomial fit, include x-sigma rejection POLYFIT2D - perform a 2D polynomial fit, include x-sigma rejection POLYX - evaluates extended polynomial QEQROOTS - solve quadratic equation a x^2 + b x + c SANMBA - simulated annealing amoeba minimization SCNDER - computes second derivative SVDINVERT - invert matrix using single value decomposition TZ_INTEGRATE - trapeze rule integration TZ_INTEGRATE2D - 2D trapeze rule integration XBIN - bin a data set xybin = xbin(x,y,n) XSMOOTH - smoothing up to the edges ZBIN2D - bin a data set zbin = zbin2d(x,y,z,nx,ny) *** misc *** @ADD-ALL-ASTRON-LIBS - add ALL pro/* for astron lib addal - add ASTRON lib to the path ADDSLASH - add a slash (/) to end of a string, unless ... CMP_FWHM() - computes FWHM CTRL - return control char cvt_d2HMS - return 'HH:MM:SS.SS' string of a value CVT_GM() - convert to/from gong month number cvt_HMS2D - return double value of a 'HH:MM:SS' string cvt_jd2t - return 'YYYY.MM.DD_HH:MM:SS_UT' string for JD CVT_MDI() - convert to/from MDI mission day no CVT_MDI2YR() - cvt MDI day# or date to fractional year cvt_s2hms - return 'HH:MM:SS.SSS' or '+D:HH:MM' string for s cvt_s2t - return 'YYYY.MM.DD_HH:MM:SS' string for seconds cvt_T2JD - convert 'YYYY.MM.DD_HH:MM:SS' string to JD DEG2RAD - convert degree to radians EPLAPSED - measured elapsed time since last call to ELAPSED FILEEXIST - check if a file exists FLIP - flip an array FTOA - return string(f), using fixed formating rule GETVAL - extract the value of a string in the form 'key: value' IMAg - return imaginary part of value ISAPEAK - return list of peaks ISDOUBLE - return 1 if argument is of type DOUBLE ISLONG - return 1 if argument is of type LONG ISSTRING - return 1 if argument is of type STRING ISSTRUC - return 1 if argument is of type STRUCTURE ITOA - return strcat(string(round(i), format='(i0)'), sep) N_() - return n_elements(v) NEEDSWAP - check OS byte order NLAST - n_elements()-1 NLINES - return the no of lines in a file @NO-WARNINGS - turn off all warnings OLH - wrapper to widget_olh PAUSE - pause until a CR is pressed PCURSOR - print the current value of the cursor PLOT_CLOCK - plot the time as a clock PTELL - print a number to tell progress of a computation RAD2DEG - convert radians to degrees RAMP - return a ramp of N values for a given range RCALL - return & close,/all READ_RDB - read a RDB table, ie tab separated READ_STRUCT - read a struct array from a flat ASCII table READ_TABLE - read a flat ASCII table REAL - return real part of value REWIND, lu - point_lun, lu, 0 RHIST - [cumul] histogram w/ range STRCAP - capitalize arg STRCAT - catenate string array in one string w/ given separator STRSEP - calls strsplit(string, separator, /extract) STRTR() - string translator TWIDDLE - show progress WRITE_MGIFS - hacked version of write_gif, w/ LOOP keyword WRITE_PPM - write PPM file WRITE_RDB - write a RDB table, ie tab separated WRITE_STRUCT - write a struct array as a flat ASCII table WRITExPPM - WRITE_PPM modified to force maxmal to be 255 *** plot *** AUTO_RANGE - return a padded plotting range bMenu - button selection menu BWIN - wrapper around window to open a big window COLBAR - Add a color bar to a plot DEMO_MODE - Returns true if IDL is in Demo Mode. EB_PLOT - overplot error-bars @EPS-PRINT - print the postscript plot @EPS-PRINT-C - print the postscript plot @EPS-PRINT-C - print the postscript plot EPSCLOSE - call ps_close for EPS files (noprint, noid) EPSOPEN - call ps_open for EPS files FSDSP - Scaled display of a 2D array in a FITS file GET_CPOS - get the cursor postion GET_IJPOS - get ip, jp from !p.multi for current plot GETRELPOS() - get relative position for multi plot GV - run cmd=ghostview on plot file HHASH - plot hashes in the given yRange hist_oplot - oplot histogram using polyfill HLINE - overplot an horizontal line IDENTIFY - identify points on a plot LABEL - LaTeX alike string parser for labeling MAKE_LEGEND - put a legend on a plot MAKE_USERSYM - create the user symbol of given name PLOT3D - 3d point plot plot_vs_date - wrapper to plot, t, y, to labe x-axis as time/date spec @PS-PRINT-C - print the postscript plot @PS-PRINT-CP - print the postscript plot: color & portrait @PS-PRINT-GV - print the postscript plot @PS-PRINT-P - print the postscript plot, portrait mode @PS-PRINT-Q - queue the postscript plot to be printed @PS-PRINT - print the postscript plot PS_CLOSE - Close the PostScript plotting device opened with PS_Open PS_OPEN - Set the plotting device to be PostScript PS_OPTS - Set options for plotting device if set to be PostScript PUT_ID - Put an ID (time stamp, user, & hostname) on a plot RELSCALE - Relative scaling, convert relative unit to data unit RESET_P - reset !p !x !y ROPLOT - oplot, units in relative scale RXYOUTS - "Relative" version of xyouts SDSP - Scaled display of a 2D array (ie image) SDSPOS - position equiv to sdsp, when using !p.multi setPMulti - set/resel !p.multi and !p.charsize setRelPos - set relpos parameters for getrelpos() SHOW3D - displays volumetric data using cuts SHOW_FONT - Show all the characters in a given font SPOSITION - Return dev. pos. for proper scaling of plots on images SQUARE_PLOT - Restrict the plotting area to a relative square position STV - Performs a "scaled" TV, see SWINDOW STVSCL - Performs a "scaled" TVSCL, see SWINDOW SWINDOW - Open a "scaled" window, w/ proper scaling whether X or PS SXYOUTS - "scaled" version of XYOUTS, see SWINDOW VEC2D - Plot 2D vector VEC3D - Make a 3d vector plot VECOL2D - Plot 2D vector, using color coding VHASH - plot hashes in the given xRange VLINE - overplot a vertical line XBOPLOT - over-plot binned values XFONTSEL - Select an X font XGetScreenSize - return the screen(s) size (using xdpyinfo) XPLOT_IO - Log plot x vs y, works when y is not always positive XYLABEL - wrapper to xyouts, x, y, label(string), but add /rel ZLOG() - take alog10, but limited to top 3 decades ZOOM - Zoom an array by factor(s) n1, [n2] ZOOMTO - Zoom an array to be N1 x N2 ZSCALE() - scale argument min/max to 0-255 *** widgets *** CWX_ANIMATE - SGK version of CW_ANIMATE getIDsFromCheckList - get widget IDs from checkList (see topMBW) PlayAnyMovie - Play movie from list of any images. PlayPPMMovie - Play movie from list of PPM images. PlayPPMMovie - Play movie from list of PPM images. setIDsFromCheckList - (re)set check marks from checkList (see topMBW) SHOWPERCENT - Creates a widget to indicate fraction completed TOPMBW - Creates a top level base widget w/ menu bar XBLINK - blink two images XMANAGER - SGK version of XMANAGER XWDEL - wdel for xwin XWIN - widget wrapper around window to open a big window XWSET - wset for xwin