The routines described in this help file are accessible by adding the
following directories in your IDL !path system variable:

  /home/sylvain/idl/lib.v5/fitsio         FITS I/O routines
  /home/sylvain/idl/lib.v5/fitsio/addl    Additional routines needed for  the
                                          ASTRON-derived FITS I/O routines that
                                          are part of the ASTRON lib. 


IDL> libDir = '/home/sylvain/idl/lib.v5/'
IDL> !Path  = libDir+'fitsio:' + libDir+'fitsio/addl:' + !Path


  Some of the routines in the fitsio/ directory are [modified] copies of the
astronomy library routine (ASTRON). All the files in fitsio/addl/ are
[modified] copies of the astronomy library routine used by the ASTRON-derived
routines in fitsio/.

  The purpose of this is to allow you to add the FITS I/O routines without
adding all the other ASTRON routines.  If you already include all of the
ASTRON routines to you !PATH, adding fitsio/addl/ is *not* required.

 Note also that:

  - not all the routines in FITSIO are part of the ASTRON library.
  - READFITS() has been modified to use /verbose instead of /silent
  - some of the ASTRON-derived routine have modified to be IDL 5.1 complient.

*** fitsio ***
 FCLOSE          - close a FITS file opened with id = fOpen()
 FCLOSEW         - close a FITS file opened with id = fOpenW()
 FOPEN           - open a FITS file, returns the file identifier
 FOPENW          - open a FITS file for writing, returns the file identifier
 FREAD           - Read a row of a FITS file 
 FWRITE          - Write (portion of) a row of a FITS file 
 MKHDR           - Make a minimal primary (or IMAGE extension) FITS header
 PRINTHDR        - Print the content of a FITS header
 RDFHDR          - read a FITS header
 READFITS        - Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. 
 SORTHDR         - Sort a FITS  header
 SXADDPAR        - Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.
 SXDELPAR        - Proc. to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS header
 SXPAR           - Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header
 WRITEFITS       - Write IDL array and header variables to a disk FITS file.

; fClose, id or fClose, /all
; close a FITS file opened with id = fOpen()
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Wed Sep  9 12:10:35 1998 -> SGK

; fCloseW, id or fCloseW, /all
; close a FITS file opened with id = fOpenW()
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Tue Jun  8 11:03:32 1999 -> SGK

; id = fOpen(fileName[, hdr])
; open a fits file, returns the file identifier
; input keywords:
;   nFiles: max no of FITS files that can be open simultaneously
;           default: 20
; littleEndian: FITS file was written in IEEE little-endian format (non std)
;               input otherwise assumed to be in IEEE big-endian format
; output keywords:
;   nRows: no of rows
;   nCols: no of columns
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Wed Oct  1 17:59:45 2003 -> SGK

; id = fOpenW(fileName, hdr)
; open a fits file for writing:
;   writes the header and returns the file identifier 
;   writing is done with fwrite; it must be sequential and with the same data
;   type as defined in the header. The FITS keywords BZERO and BSCALE are not
;   supported by fWrite.
;   You cannot append to a partially written file (yet?)
; input keywords:
;   nFiles: max no of FITS files that can be open simultaneously
;           default: 20
;   littleEndian: flag, write FITS file in the byte-order native to the
;                 machine, otherwise the FITS file is written in IEEE
;                 big-endian format 
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Wed Oct  1 17:14:01 2003 -> SGK

;   data = fread(fn, iRow)
; or
;   id = fopen(fn)
;   data = fread(id, iRow)
;   fclose, id
; Read a row of a FITS file 
; Input Keywords
;  iColRange: column range,                   def: [0, nCol-1]
;  nRows: specify the number of rows to read, def: 1
;         used only if read all the columns
; useComplex: flag, if set will return a complex array instead of
;             a float array (mapping float(0,1) -> real,imag)
; littleEndian: see fopen()
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Thu May 31 22:30:56 2007 -> SGK

;   id = fopenw(fn, hdr)
;   fwrite, id, data, native = native
; Write (portion of) a FITS file opened with fOpenW, closing with
;   fcloseW, id
; is done automatically when all the elements are written.
; ** The elements must be written sequentially **
; ** fWrite does not support/implement bzero and bscale **
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; <- Last updated: Thu Oct  2 15:53:01 2003 -> SGK

;	Make a minimal primary (or IMAGE extension) FITS header
;	If an array is supplied,  then the created FITS header will be 
;	appropriate to the supplied array.  Otherwise, the user can specify 
;	the dimensions and datatype.
;	MKHDR, header			;Prompt for image size and type
;		or
;	MKHDR, header, im, [ /IMAGE, /EXTEND ]
;		or
;	MKHDR, header, type, naxisx, [/IMAGE, /EXTEND ]    	
;	IM - If IM is a vector or array then the header will be made
;		appropriate to the size and type of IM.  IM does not have
;		to be the actual data; it can be a dummy array of the same
;		type and size as the data.    Set IM = '' to create a dummy
;		header with NAXIS = 0. 
;	TYPE - If more than 2 parameters are supplied, then the second parameter
;		is intepreted as an integer giving the IDL datatype e.g. 
;		1 - LOGICAL*1, 2 - INTEGER*2, 4 - REAL*4, 3 - INTEGER*4
;	NAXISX - Vector giving the size of each dimension (NAXIS1, NAXIS2, 
;		etc.).  
;	HDR - image header, (string array) with required keywords
;		BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXIS1, ... Further keywords can be added
;		to the header with SXADDPAR. 
;	IMAGE   = If set, then a minimal header for a FITS IMAGE extension
;		is created.    An IMAGE extension header is identical to
;		a primary FITS header except the first keyword is 
;		'XTENSION' = 'IMAGE' instead of 'SIMPLE  ' = 'T'
;	EXTEND	= If set, then the keyword EXTEND is inserted into the file,
;		with the value of "T" (true).
;	(1)  MKHDR should not be used to make an STSDAS header or a FITS
;		ASCII or Binary Table header.   Instead use
;		SXHMAKE - to create a minimal STSDAS header
;		FXHMAKE - to create a minimal FITS binary table header
;		FTCREATE - to create a minimal FITS ASCII table header
;	(2)  Any data already in the header before calling MKHDR
;		will be destroyed.
;	Create a minimal FITS header, HDR, for a 30 x 40 x 50 INTEGER*2 array
;	      IDL> MKHDR, HDR, 2, [30,40,50]
;	Alternatively, if the array already exists as an IDL variable, ARRAY,
;	Written November, 1988               W. Landsman
;	May, 1990, Adapted for IDL Version 2.0, J. Isensee
;	Aug, 1997, Use SYSTIME(), new DATE format  W. Landsman
;	Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

; printhdr, hdr
;   print the content of the FITS header HDR

; hdr = RDFHDR(filename [, error = error])
;   read a FITS header. The keyword error must be reset to 0 before calling
;   the routine.
; See Also: READFITS
; <- Last updated: Wed Sep  9 12:10:33 1998 -> SGK 
; (code taken from READFITS)

;       READFITS
;       Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. 
;       Under Unix, READFITS() can also read gzip or Unix compressed FITS files.
;       Result = READFITS( Filename,[ Header, heap, /NOSCALE, EXTEN_NO=,
;       FILENAME = Scalar string containing the name of the FITS file  
;                 (including extension) to be read.   If the filename has
;                  a *.gz extension, it will be treated as a gzip compressed
;                  file.   If it has a .Z extension, it will be treated as a
;                  Unix compressed file.
;       Result = FITS data array constructed from designated record.
;                If the specified file was not found, then Result = -1
;       Header = String array containing the header from the FITS file.
;       heap = For extensions, the optional heap area following the main
;              data array (e.g. for variable length binary extensions).
;       EXTEN_NO - scalar integer specify the FITS extension to read.  For
;               example, specify EXTEN = 1 or /EXTEN to read the first 
;               FITS extension.    Extensions are read using recursive
;               calls to READFITS.
;       NaNVALUE - This scalar is only needed on architectures (such as VMS
;               prior to IDL V5.1) that do not recognize the IEEE "not a number"
;               (NaN) convention.   It specifies the value to translate any IEEE
;               NAN values in the FITS data array.  In addition, if the data is
;               stored as integer (BITPIX = 16 or 32), and BSCALE is present,
;               then NaNValue gives the values to pixels assigned with the
;               BLANK keyword.
;       NOSCALE - If present and non-zero, then the ouput data will not be
;                scaled using the optional BSCALE and BZERO keywords in the 
;                FITS header.   Default is to scale.
;       NSLICE - An integer scalar specifying which N-1 dimensional slice of a 
;                N-dimensional array to read.   For example, if the primary 
;                image of a file 'wfpc.fits' contains a 800 x 800 x 4 array, 
;                then 
;                 IDL> im = readfits('wfpc.fits',h, nslice=2)
;                           is equivalent to 
;                 IDL> im = readfits('wfpc.fits',h)
;                 IDL> im = im(*,*,2)
;                 but the use of the NSLICE keyword is much more efficient.
;       NUMROW -  This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension. 
;                If specifies the number of rows (scalar integer) of the 
;                extension table to read.   Useful when one does not want to
;                read the entire table.
;       POINT_LUN  -  Position (in bytes) in the FITS file at which to start
;                 reading.   Useful if READFITS is called by another procedure
;                 which needs to directly read a FITS extension.    Should 
;                 always be a multiple of 2880.
;       /VERBOSE - if set, READFITS will display the size the array at the
;                 terminal.
;        STARTROW - This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension
;               It specifies the row (scalar integer) of the extension table at
;               which to begin reading. Useful when one does not want to read 
;               the entire table.
;       Read a FITS file TEST.FITS into an IDL image array, IM and FITS 
;       header array, H.   Do not scale the data with BSCALE and BZERO.
;              IDL> im = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', h, /NOSCALE)
;       If the file contain a FITS extension, it could be read with
;              IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN )
;       The function TBGET() can be used for further processing of a binary 
;       table, and FTGET() for an ASCII table.
;       To read only rows 100-149 of the FITS extension,
;              IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN, 
;                                   STARTR=100, NUMR = 50 )
;       To read in a file that has been compressed:
;              IDL> tab = READFITS('test.fits.gz',h)
;       If an error is encountered reading the FITS file, then 
;               (1) the system variable !ERROR is set (via the MESSAGE facility)
;               (2) the error message is displayed (if /VERBOSE is set),
;                   and the message is also stored in !ERR_STRING
;               (3) READFITS returns with a value of -1
;       (1) Cannot handle random group FITS
;       (1) If data is stored as integer (BITPIX = 16 or 32), and BSCALE
;       and/or BZERO keywords are present, then the output array is scaled to 
;       floating point (unless /NOSCALE is present) using the values of BSCALE
;       and BZERO.   In the header, the values of BSCALE and BZERO are then 
;       reset to 1. and 0., while the original values are written into the 
;       new keywords O_BSCALE and O_BZERO.     If the BLANK keyword was
;       present, then any input integer values equal to BLANK in the input
;       integer image are scaled to NaN (or the value of the NaNValue
;       keyword) after the scaling to floating point.
;       (2) The procedure FXREAD can be used as an alternative to READFITS.
;       FXREAD has the option of reading an arbitary subsection of the 
;       primary FITS data.
;       (3) The use of the NSLICE keyword is incompatible with the NUMROW
;       or STARTROW keywords.
;       Functions:   SXPAR(), WHERENAN()
;       MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman  October, 1991
;       Added call to TEMPORARY function to speed processing     Feb-92
;       Added STARTROW and NUMROW keywords for FITS tables       Jul-92
;       Work under "windows"   R. Isaacman                       Jan-93
;       Check for SIMPLE keyword in first 8 characters           Feb-93
;       Removed EOF function for DECNET access                   Aug-93
;       Work under "alpha"                                       Sep-93
;       Null array processing fixed:  quotes in a message 
;       properly nested, return added.  Affected case when
;       readfits called from another procedure.   R.S.Hill    Jul-94
;       Correct size of variable length binary tables W.Landsman Dec-94
;       To read in compressed files on Unix systems. J. Bloch    Jan-95
;       Check that file is a multiple of 2880 bytes              Aug-95
;       Added FINDFILE check for file existence K.Feggans        Oct-95
;       Consistent Error Handling W. Landsman                    Nov-95
;       Handle gzip image extensions  W. Landsman                Apr-96
;       Fixed bug reading 1-d data introduced Apr-96 W. Landsman Jun-96
;       Don't use FINDFILE (too slow), & check for Blank values WBL Oct-96
;       !VALUES wasn't compatible with IDL V3.6                 WBL Jan-97
;       Added ability to read Unix compressed (.Z) files        WBL Jan-97
;       Changed a FIX to LONG to handle very large tables       WBL Apr-97
;       Force use of /bin/sh shell with gzip                    WBL Apr-97
;       Recognize BSCALE, BZERO in IMAGE extensions             WBL Jun-97
;       Added NSLICE keyword                                    WBL Jul-97
;       Added ability to read heap area after extensions        WBL Aug-97	
;       Suppress *all* nonfatal messages with /VERBOSE           WBL Dec-97
;       Converted to IDL V5.0                                   WBL Dec-1997
;       Fix NaN assignment for int data       C. Gehman/JPL     Mar-98
;       Fix bug with NaNvalue = 0.0           C. Gehman/JPL     Mar-98

;       Replaced !ERR by !ERROR_STATE.CODE for IDL 5.1         Jan 13 1999 SGK
;       Replaced /SILENT by /VERBOSE                           Jan 13 1999 SGK
;       added support for complex*4 (bitpix=64)                Jan 17 2003 SGK

; hdr = sorthdr(hdr)
;  produce a sorted header:
;    keyword
;    comment
;    history
;    the rest

;	Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.
;	sxaddpar, Header, Name, Value, [ Comment,  Location,
;				BEFORE =, AFTER = , FORMAT= , /PDU]
;	Header = String array containing FITS or STSDAS header.    The
;		length of each element must be 80 characters.    If not 
;		defined, then SXADDPAR will create an empty FITS header array.
;	Name = Name of parameter. If Name is already in the header the value 
;		and possibly comment fields are modified.  Otherwise a new 
;		record is added to the header.  If name = 'HISTORY' then the 
;		value will be added to the record without replacement.  In 
;		this case the comment parameter is ignored.
;	Value = Value for parameter.  The value expression must be of the 
;		correct type, e.g. integer, floating or string.  String values
;		 of 'T' or 'F' are considered logical values.
;	Comment = String field.  The '/' is added by this routine.  Added 
;		starting in position 31.    If not supplied, or set equal to 
;		'', then the previous comment field is retained (when found) 
;	Location = Keyword string name.  The parameter will be placed before the
;		location of this keyword.    This parameter is identical to
;		the BEFORE keyword and is kept only for consistency with
;		earlier versions of SXADDPAR.
;	BEFORE	= Keyword string name.  The parameter will be placed before the
;		location of this keyword.  For example, if BEFORE='HISTORY'
;		then the parameter will be placed before the first history
;		location.  This applies only when adding a new keyword;
;		keywords already in the header are kept in the same position.
;	AFTER	= Same as BEFORE, but the parameter will be placed after the
;		location of this keyword.  This keyword takes precedence over
;	FORMAT	= Specifies FORTRAN-like format for parameter, e.g. "F7.3".  A
;		scalar string should be used.  For complex numbers the format
;		should be defined so that it can be applied separately to the
;		real and imaginary parts.
;	/PDU    = specifies keyword is to be added to the primary data unit
;		header. If it already exists, it's current value is updated in
;		the current position and it is not moved.
;	Header = updated FITS header array.
;	Warning -- Parameters and names are not checked
;		against valid FITS parameter names, values and types.
;	DMS, RSI, July, 1983.
;	D. Lindler Oct. 86  Added longer string value capability
;	Converted to NEWIDL  D. Lindler April 90
;	Added Format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990
;	Added keywords BEFORE and AFTER. K. Venkatakrishna, May '92
;	Pad string values to at least 8 characters   W. Landsman  April 94
;	Aug 95: added /PDU option and changed routine to update last occurence
;		of an existing keyword (the one SXPAR reads) instead of the
;		first occurence.
;	Comment for string data can start after column 32 W. Landsman June 97
;	Make sure closing quote supplied with string value  W. Landsman  June 98
;	Converted to IDL V5.0    W. Landsman   June 98

;	Procedure to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS header
;	sxdelpar, h, parname
;	h - FITS or STSDAS header, string array
;	parname - string or string array of keyword name(s) to delete
;	h - updated FITS header, If all lines are deleted from 
;		the header, then h is returned with a value of 0
;	Delete the astrometry keywords CDn_n from a FITS header, h
;	IDL> sxdelpar, h, ['CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2']
;	(1)  No message is returned if the keyword to be deleted is not found
;	(2)  All appearances of a keyword in the header will be deleted
;	version 1  D. Lindler Feb. 1987
;	Converted to new IDL  April 1990 by D. Lindler
;	Test for case where all keywords are deleted    W. Landsman Aug 1995 
;	Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

;	Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header
;	result = SXPAR( Hdr, Name, [ Abort, COUNT=, COMMENT =  ])   
;	Hdr =  FITS header array, (e.g. as returned by READFITS) 
;		string array, each element should have a length of 80
;		characters	
;	Name = String name of the parameter to return.   If Name is of 
;		the form 'keyword*' then an array is returned containing 
;		values of keywordN where N is an integer.  The value
;		of keywordN will be placed in RESULT(N-1).  The data type 
;		of RESULT will be the type of the first valid match of keywordN 
;		found.
;	ABORT - string specifying that SXPAR should do a RETALL
;		if a parameter is not found.  ABORT should contain
;		a string to be printed if the keyword parameter is not found.
;		If not supplied SXPAR will return with a negative
;		!err if a keyword is not found.
;	COUNT - Optional keyword to return a value equal to the number of 
;		parameters found by sxpar, integer scalar
;	COMMENT - Array of comments associated with the returned values
;	Function value = value of parameter in header.
;		If parameter is double precision, floating, long or string,
;		the result is of that type.  Apostrophes are stripped
;		from strings.  If the parameter is logical, 1b is
;		returned for T, and 0b is returned for F.
;		If Name was of form 'keyword*' then a vector of values
;		are returned.
;	!ERROR_STATE.CODE is set to -1 if parameter not found, 0 for a scalar
;	value returned.  If a vector is returned it is set to the
;	number of keyword matches found.
;	If a keyword occurs more than once in a header, a warning is given,
;	and the first occurence is used.
;	Given a FITS header, h, return the values of all the NAXISi values
;	into a vector.    Then place the history records into a string vector.
;	IDL> naxisi = sxpar( h ,'NAXIS*')         ; Extract NAXISi value
;	IDL> history = sxpar( h, 'HISTORY' )      ; Extract HISTORY records
;	The first 8 chacters of each element of Hdr are searched for a 
;	match to Name.  The value from the last 20 characters is returned.  
;	An error occurs if there is no parameter with the given name.
;	If a numeric value has no decimal point it is returned as type
;	LONG.   If it contains more than 8 numerals, or contains the 
;	character 'D', then it is returned as type DOUBLE.  Otherwise
;	it is returned as type FLOAT.    Very large integer values, outside
;	the range of valid LONG, are returned as DOUBLE.
;	The functions SXPAR() and FXPAR() are nearly identical, although
;	FXPAR() has slightly more sophisticated parsing.   There is no
;	particular reason for having two nearly identical procedures, but
;	both are too widely used to drop either one.
;	DMS, May, 1983, STPAR Written.
;	D. Lindler Jan 90 added ABORT input parameter
;	J. Isensee Jul,90 added COUNT keyword
;	W. Thompson, Feb. 1992, added support for FITS complex values.
;	W. Thompson, May 1992, corrected problem with HISTORY/COMMENT/blank
;		keywords, and complex value error correction.
;	W. Landsman, November 1994, fix case where NAME is an empty string 
;	W. Landsman, March 1995,  Added COMMENT keyword, ability to read
;		values longer than 20 character
;	W. Landsman, July 1995, Removed /NOZERO from MAKE_ARRAY call
;	T. Beck May 1998, Return logical as type BYTE
;	W. Landsman May 1998, Make sure integer values are within range of LONG
;	Converted to IDL V5.0, May 1998

;	Write IDL array and header variables to a disk FITS file.    
;	A minimal FITS header is created if not supplied.
;	WRITEFITS works for all types of FITS files except random groups
;	WRITEFITS, filename, data [, header, NaNvalue = , /APPEND] 
;	FILENAME = String containing the name of the file to be written.
;	DATA = Image array to be written to FITS file.    If DATA is 
;              undefined or a scalar, then only the FITS header (which
;              must have NAXIS = 0) will be written to disk
;	HEADER = String array containing the header for the FITS file.
;		 If variable HEADER is not given, the program will generate
;		 a minimal FITS header.
;       NaNvalue - Value in the data array to be set to the IEEE NaN
;                 condition.   This is the FITS representation of undefined
;                 values 
;       APPEND - If this keyword is set then the supplied header and data
;                array are assumed to be an extension and are appended onto
;                the end of an existing FITS file.    Note that the primary
;                header in the existing file must already have an EXTEND
;                keyword to indicate the presence of an FITS extension.
;	None
;       (1) It recommended that BSCALE and BZERO not be used (or set equal
;           to 1. and 0) with REAL*4 or REAL*8 data.
;       (2) WRITEFITS will remove any group parameters from the FITS header
;       Write a randomn 50 x 50 array as a FITS file creating a minimal header.
;       IDL> im = randomn(seed, 50, 50)        ;Create array
;       IDL> writefits, 'test', im             ;Write to a FITS file "test"
;	WRITTEN, Jim Wofford, January, 29 1989
;       MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman, added BITPIX = -32,-64 support for UNIX
;       Use new BYTEODER keywords 22-Feb-92
;       Modify OPENW for V3.0.0   W. Landsman       Dec 92
;       Work for "windows"   R. Isaacman            Jan 93
;	More checks for null data                   Mar 94
;	Work for Linux  W. Landsman                 Sep 95
;	Added call to IS_IEEE_BIG()  W. Landsman  Apr 96
;	Make sure SIMPLE is written in first line of header  W. Landsman Jun 97
;	Use SYSTIME() instead of !STIME    W. Landsman  July 97
;	Create a default image extension header if needed W. Landsman June 98
;	Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman         June 98
;       Sep 22 2005 SGKL: FINDFILE() -> FILE_SEARCH()