Medium-ℓ Tables


This Google drive directory stores the tables resulting from my fitting to the GONG, MDI and HMI observations at low and medium degrees (0 ≤ ℓ ≤ 200|300) for all the data available to date (Korzennik, 2005, 2008a, 2008b, 2023; [ADS: 2005ApJ...626..585K, 2008AN.…329..453K, 2008JPhCS.118a2082K, 2023FrASS…931313K]).

The primary tables list the individual mode frequencies, line-widths, asymmetries and amplitudes. Derived tables list multiplets mode frequencies, line-widths, asymmetries and amplitudes as well as Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, after performing a fit to 6, 9, 18 or 36 coefficients.

All the tables are plain ASCII files, the file formats are described in the following documents:

These ASCII files are also consolidated in tar-compressed sets (up to 20 files in each .tgz set) for convenience (fewer & faster downloads).

Almost all the tables have been converted to the Stanford format and ingested into the password protected JSOC (aka JSOC2) using Schou's m10qr file format. These are su_sylvain data series, and are available here as well.

Temporal Coverage and Time-series Lengths

Time-series of various lengths have been fitted, namely 36, 72, 144, etc., up to 128x 72 day-long ones, as well as 5x 72 and 10x 72 day-long ones.

The 36, 72 and 360 day-long series are offset in time by a multiple of their respective lengths (no overlap), while all the other ones (144, 288, etc., up to 128x 72 day-long and the 720 day-long) are offset by a multiple of half their respective lengths (50% overlap).

All the time-series start at a time aligned with respect to MDI mission day #1216 (1996.05.01), hence the same epochs are always fitted for each instrument. Although for a few of the long time-series, there is an additional offset and alignment is different (aka 32x, that starts at #6400, not at #6976, i.e., an 8x 72d offset instead of the 16x 72d one).

Start Dates

Length First Last #
36 days 1996.05.01 #1216 2011.03.20 #6652 148
72 days 1996.05.01 #1216 2011.02.12 #6616 74
2x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2010.12.02 #6544 74
4x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2010.07.11 #6400 37
5x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2010.02.17 #6256 15
8x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2009.09.26 #6112 18
10x72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2009.02.22 #5896 14
16x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2007.05.16 #5248 8
32x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2002.08.22 #3520 3
64x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 1
Length First Last # First Last #
36 days 1995.05.07  #856 2024.01.11 #11332 292 2010.04.30 #6328 2024.03.23 #11404 142
72 days 1995.05.07  #856 2023.12.06 #11296 146 2010.04.30 #6328 2024.02.16 #11368 71
2x 72d 1995.05.07  #856 2023.09.25 #11224 145 2010.04.30 #6328 2023.12.06 #11296 70
4x 72d 1995.07.18  #928 2023.02.21 #11008 71 2010.07.11 #6400 2023.07.15 #11152 34
5x 72d 1995.05.07  #856 2022.12.11 #10936 29 2011.02.12 #6616 2022.12.11 #10936 13
8x 72d 1995.07.18  #928 2021.05.09 #10720 35 2010.07.11 #6400 2022.05.09 #10720 16
10x72d 1995.05.07  #856 2019.12.27  #9856 26 2011.02.12 #6616 2019.12.27  #9856 11
16x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2019.12.27  #9856 16 2010.07.11 #6400 2019.12.27  #9856 7
32x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2015.04.04  #8128 7 2010.07.11 #6400 2015.04.04  #8128 2
64x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 2008.12.12  #5824 3 n/a
128x 72d 1996.05.01 #1216 1 n/a


Files are organized as follows:

Instrument: GONG, MDI or HMI
    ↳ time-series length – [peak profile] – leakage matrix
        ↳ type of tables
            ↳ number of CG coefficients fitted

Time-series length – [peak profile] – leakage matrix

Name Time-series length Peak profile Leakage matrix
36d.jsBo=0 36 day-long asymmetric standard, aka JS’, Bo=0
01e.jsBo=0 72 day-long asymmetric standard
01e.sym.jsBo=0 symmetric standard
02e.jsBo=0 2x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
02e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
02e.skBo=a SGK's, Bo=<|B~o|>
04e.jsBo=0 4x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
04e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
05e.jsBo=0 5x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
05e.sym.jsBo=0 symmetric standard
08e.jsBo=0 8x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
08e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
10e.jsBo=0 10x72 day-long asymmetric standard
16e.jsBo=0 16x72 day-long asymmetric standard
16e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
32e.jsBo=0 32x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
32e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
32e.skBo=0+psf SGK's, Bo=0, w/ PSF
32e.skBo=a2+psf SGK's, Bo=<|Bo|2>, w/ PSF
32x.jsBo=0 32x 72d, offset asymmetric standard
32x.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
32x.skBo=0+psf SGK's, Bo=0, w/ PSF
32x.skBo=a2 SGK's, Bo=<|Bo|2>
32x.skBo=a2+psf SGK's, Bo=<|Bo|2>, w/ PSF
64e.jsBo=0 64x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
64e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
64e.sym.jsBo=0 symmetric standard
64e.sym.skBo=0 asymmetric SGK's, Bo=0
128e.jsBo=0 128x 72 day-long asymmetric standard
128e.skBo=0 SGK's, Bo=0
128e.skBo=0.psf SGK's, Bo=0, w/ PSF
128e.skBo=a2 SGK's, Bo=<|Bo|2>
128e.skBo=a2.psf SGK's, Bo=<|Bo|2>, w/ PSF
128e.sym.jsBo=0 symmetric standard

Types of Tables

Name Description
singlets Singlets (νn,ℓ,m) actual fitted modes
multiplets Multiplets (νn,ℓ) resulting from fitting CG coefficients
cg-coefs Clebsh Gordan coefficients – SGK’s normalization
js-coefs Jesper Schou coefficients - Clebsh Gordan using JS’ normalization
tgz tar compressed sets of above listed tables
m10qr JSOC compatible format of js-coefs, also available at JSOC2

Number of Coefficients

Name Description
06c 6 CG coefficients fitted
09c 9 CG coefficients fitted
18c 18 CG coefficients fitted
36c 36 CG coefficients fitted

Leakage Matrices


I have used several leakage matrices:

  1. The one provided by J. Schou, for GONG and for Bo=0 [jsBo=0].
  2. Two variants I computed, for GONG, and for Bo=0:
    1. without any PSF [skBo=0].
    2. with a PSF, based on the mean MTF derived by HGEOM [skBo=0+psf].
  3. Two variants I computed, for GONG, and for Bo=<|Bo|2>:
    1. without any PSF [skBo=a2].
    2. with a PSF (as above). [skBo=a2+psf].

In the case of my leakage matrices, the upgrade of the GONG detector from a medium-resolution CCD, with rectangular pixels, to a high-resolution one with square pixels is taken into account. Since not all instruments were upgraded simultaneously, some epochs were fitted with a weighted average of the leakage matrix corresponding to pre and post detector upgrade.


I have used three leakage matrices:

  1. The one provided by the MDI team (JS) for the Structure data, and for Bo=0 [jsBo=0].
  2. One I computed, for the Structure data, and Bo=0 [skBo=0].
  3. One I computed, for the Structure data, and the mean Bo for that epoch [skBo=a].

The skBo=a leakage matrix was used only for the 02e & 04e time-series, since for longer ones, the mean Bo is almost 0.


I have used three leakage matrices:

  1. The one provided by the HMI/MDI team for full disk data, and for Bo=0 [jsBo=0].
  2. Two I computed, for HMI:
    1. for Bo=0 [skBo=0].
    2. for Bo=<|Bo|2> [skBo=a2].

All HMI tables correspond to VERSION=1 of the spherical harmonic decomposition performed by Stanford (i.e., includes the Carrington elements correction).



The skBo=a cases are not equivalent to the skBo=a2 cases:

New executables


I've produced some plots, that illustrate the content of these tables:

I compiled a set of pages that allows you to jump directly to the tables:


Remember, Google Drive allows you to select which files you want to download, or you can use the tgz sets to speed up the download.

At JSOC (i.e., JSOC2)

Series Name Length Profile #
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][51840] 36d (36d) asymmetric 288
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][103680] 72d (01e) asymmetric 144
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][200][103680] 72d (01e) symmetric 144
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][207360] 144d (02e) asymmetric 143
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][414720] 288d (04e) asymmetric 70
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][518400] 360d (05e) asymmetric 28
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][200][518400] 360d (05e) symmetric 28
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][829440] 576d (08e) asymmetric 34
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200]1036800] 720d (10e) asymmetric 28
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][1658880] 1152d (16e) asymmetric 16
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][3317760] 2304d (32e) asymmetric 9
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][6635520] 4608d (64e) asymmetric 3
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][200][6635520] 4608d (64e) symmetric 3
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][200][13271040] 9216d (128e) asymmetric 1
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][200][13271040] 9216d (128e) symmetric 1
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][51840] 36d (36d) asymmetric 148
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][103680] 72d (01e) asymmetric 74
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][300][103680] 72d (01e) symmetric 74
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][207360] 144d (02e) asymmetric 74
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][414720] 288d (04e) asymmetric 37
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][518400] 360d (05e) asymmetric 15
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][300][518400] 360d (05e) symmetric 15
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][829440] 576d (08e) asymmetric 18
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300]1036800] 720d (10e) asymmetric 14
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][1658880] 1152d (16e) asymmetric 8
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][3317760] 2304d (32e) asymmetric 3
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][6635520] 4608d (64e) asymmetric 1
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][300][6635520] 4608d (64e) symmetric 1
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][69120] 36d (36d) asymmetric 134
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][138240] 72d (01e) asymmetric 67
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][300][138240] 72d (01e) symmetric 67
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][276480] 144d (02e) asymmetric 66
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][552960] 288d (04e) asymmetric 32
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][691200] 360d (05e) asymmetric 12
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_sym_v7[][0][300][691200] 360d (05e) symmetric 12
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][1105920] 576d (08e) asymmetric 15
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300]1382400] 720d (10e) asymmetric 11
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][2211840] 1152d (16e) asymmetric 7
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_v7[][0][300][4423680] 2304d (32e) asymmetric 5

Series Name Profile Leakage Matrix
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_skB0_v7 asymmetric Bo=0
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_skB0wPSF_v7 asymmetric Bo=<|Bo|>
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_skBa2_v7 asymmetric Bo=0, w/ PSF
su_sylvain.gong_gf_V_sht_modes_asym_skBa2wPSF_v7 asymmetric Bo=<|Bo|2>, w/ PSF
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_skB0_v7 asymmetric Bo=0
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_sym_skB0_v7 symmetric Bo=0
su_sylvain.mdi_vw_V_sht_modes_asym_skBa_v7 asymmetric Bo=<|Bo|>
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_skB0_v7 asymmetric Bo=0
su_sylvain.hmi_V_sht_modes_asym_skBa2_v7 asymmetric Bo=<|Bo|2>

Sylvain G. Korzennik (
<- Last updated: Wed Jun 19 10:07:02 2024 ->