You can find here tables of mode frequencies, line-widths, asymmetries and
amplitudes, resulting from fitting MDI 2010 Dynamics data (full-disk), for l=100 to
l=1000 (ridge fitting, corrected to produce mode estimates.
Dynamics 2010 started on 2010.05.07 and was 67 day long.
- multiplets-mdi-2010.dat: Table of multiplets (l, n), after fitting CG
coefs to the singlets.
- multiplets-mdi-2010.pdf: resulting plot.
Note that the dots in this plot
"disappear" at some zoom level(s) when viewing it with acroread - zoom in or out to see them.
- cg-coefs-mdi-2010.dat: Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
- cg-coefs-mdi-2010.pdf: resulting plot.
Note that the dots in this plot
"disappear" at some zoom level(s) when viewing it with acroread - zoom in or out to see them.
- singlets-mdi-2010.dat.gz: Table of singlets (l,n,m), some 5.1 million
modes, for all azimuthal orders and all degrees from l=100 to l=1000 (gzip compressed file).