Total number of queued jobs/tasks/slots: 30/4,860/5,616
65 users have/had running or queued jobs over the past 7 days, 74 over the past 15 days.
83 over the past 30 days.
Click on the tabs to view each section, on the plots to view larger versions.
You can view the current cluster snapshot sorted by name, no. cpu, usage, load
or memory, and
view the past load for 7, or 15, or 30 days as well as highlight a given user by
selecting the corresponding options in the drop down menus.
This page was last updated on Tuesday, 11-Feb-2025 00:41:42 EST
with ver. 7.2/1 (Aug 2024/SGK) in 0:38.
Oversubscribed Jobs
As of Tue Feb 11 00:37:02 EST 2025 (0 oversubscribed job)
Inefficient Jobs
As of Tue Feb 11 00:37:03 EST 2025 (15 inefficient jobs, showing no more than 3 per user)
Total running (PEs/jobs) = 1529/102, 30 queued (jobs), showing only inefficient jobs (cpu% < 33% & age > 1h) for all users.
jobID name user age nPEs cpu% queue node taskID
5979076 IQ_50p_iqtree morrisseyd +2:07 64 29.7% lThC.q 76-14
5979323 snpcalling_call mcfaddenc 11:15 48 16.1% mThC.q 65-06
4974319 masurca_2024121 chaks +61:05 40 2.8% uTxlM.rq 93-06
5979188 megahit_run_mg_ scottjj +1:05 30 7.6% mThC.q 65-24
5979317 SNaQ franzena 11:45 24 21.6% mThC.q 65-29
5974839 iqtree_65_acant nelsonjo +8:01 20 5.0% lThC.q 64-09
5979414 iqtree_75i.chro mcfaddenc 08:13 20 5.0% mThC.q 76-10
5968487 cladeIV_REV_SNa gallego-narbona +12:11 16 30.7% uThC.q 64-06
5968496 cladeV_REV2_SNa gallego-narbona +12:11 16 28.0% uThC.q 65-18
5962040 bpp_A10_0.job talaveraa +16:12 4 24.9% lThC.q 65-14
5962041 bpp_A10_0.job talaveraa +16:12 4 18.8% lThC.q 65-07
5962042 bpp_A10_0.job talaveraa +16:12 4 17.9% lThC.q 65-23
(more by talaveraa)
⇒ Equivalent to 250.3 underused CPUs: 302 CPUs used at 17.1% on average.
To see them all use:
'q+ -ineff -u talaveraa' (6)
Nodes with Excess Load
As of Tue Feb 11 00:37:04 EST 2025 (8 nodes have a high load, offset=1.5)
#slots excess
node #CPUs used load load
65-02 64 4 10.0 6.0 * 65-04 64 40 76.4 36.4 * 65-22 64 44 70.3 26.3 * 76-03 192 14 23.0 9.0 * 76-04 192 15 18.3 3.3 * 76-11 128 40 78.0 38.0 * 84-01 112 40 109.6 69.6 * 93-03 72 4 14.8 10.8 *Total excess load = 199.5
As of Tue Feb 11 00:37:04 EST 2025
3 jobs waiting for breusingc:
jobID jobName user age nPEs memReqd queue taskID
--------- --------------- ---------------- ------ ---- -------- ------ -------
5979228 GetFinalScaffol breusingc +1:01 1 50.0 sThM.q 918-1032:1
5979229 GetFinalScaffol breusingc +1:01 1 50.0 sThM.q 920-932:1
5979404 megahit breusingc 08:26 16 128.0 mThC.q 65-90:1
quota rule resource=value/limit %used
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
max_slots_per_user/1 slots=180/840 21.4% for breusingc
max_hC_slots_per_user/2 slots=160/840 19.0% for breusingc in queue mThC.q
max_mem_res_per_user/1 mem_res=1.250T/9.985T 12.5% for breusingc in queue uThC.q
max_mem_res_per_user/2 mem_res=1000.0G/8.944T 10.9% for breusingc in queue uThM.q
max_hM_slots_per_user/1 slots=20/840 2.4% for breusingc in queue sThM.q
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
1 job waiting for jbak:
jobID jobName user age nPEs memReqd queue taskID
--------- --------------- ---------------- ------ ---- -------- ------ -------
5913334 OMI-2011m0101t jbak +42:03 1 mThC.q 5320-9999:1
none running.
6 jobs waiting for sossajef (top 5):
jobID jobName user age nPEs memReqd queue taskID
--------- --------------- ---------------- ------ ---- -------- ------ -------
5979514 spadescript sossajef 01:21 12 600.0 lThM.q
5979515 spadescript sossajef 01:21 12 600.0 lThM.q
5979516 spadescript sossajef 01:21 12 600.0 lThM.q
5979517 spadescript sossajef 00:06 12 600.0 lThM.q
5979518 spadescript sossajef 00:06 12 600.0 lThM.q
quota rule resource=value/limit %used
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
max_mem_res_per_user/2 mem_res=4.258T/8.944T 47.6% for sossajef in queue uThM.q
max_hM_slots_per_user/3 slots=92/390 23.6% for sossajef in queue lThM.q
max_slots_per_user/1 slots=92/840 11.0% for sossajef
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
20 jobs waiting for sylvain (top 5):
jobID jobName user age nPEs memReqd queue taskID
--------- --------------- ---------------- ------ ---- -------- ------ -------
5979353 rotinv-i2b-nomi sylvain 09:59 16 144.0 mThM.q
5979358 rotinv-i2b-w200 sylvain 09:58 16 144.0 mThM.q
5979473 rotinv-i2b-nomi sylvain 04:10 16 mThC.q
5979474 rotinv-i2b-nomi sylvain 04:10 16 mThC.q
5979475 rotinv-i2b-nomi sylvain 04:10 16 mThC.q
quota rule resource=value/limit %used
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
max_slots_per_user/1 slots=132/840 15.7% for sylvain
max_hC_slots_per_user/2 slots=132/840 15.7% for sylvain in queue mThC.q
max_mem_res_per_user/1 mem_res=16.00G/9.985T 0.2% for sylvain in queue uThC.q
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
Overall Quota Usage
quota rule resource=value/limit %used
------------------- ------------------------------- ------
total_mem_res/3 mem_res=3.828T/7.874T 48.6% for * in queue uTxlM.rq
blast2GO/1 slots=40/110 36.4% for *
total_mem_res/2 mem_res=10.57T/35.78T 29.5% for * in queue uThM.q
total_slots/1 slots=1540/5960 25.8% for *
total_mem_res/1 mem_res=3.648T/39.94T 9.1% for * in queue uThC.q
Memory Usage
Reserved Memory, All High-Memory Queues
Select length:
Current Memory Quota Usage
As of Tue Feb 11 00:37:04 EST 2025
quota rule resource=value/limit %used filter
total_mem_res/1 mem_res=3.648T/39.94T 9.1% for * in queue uThC.q
total_mem_res/2 mem_res=10.57T/35.78T 29.5% for * in queue uThM.q
total_mem_res/3 mem_res=3.828T/7.874T 48.6% for * in queue uTxlM.rq
Current Memory Usage by Compute Node, High Memory Nodes Only
Limit slots for all users together
users * to slots=5960
users * queues sThC.q,lThC.q,mThC.q,uThC.q to slots=5176
users * queues sThM.q,mThM.q,lThM.q,uThM.q to slots=4680
users * queues uTxlM.rq to slots=536
Limit slots/user for all queues
users {*} to slots=840
Limit slots/user in hiCPU queues
users {*} queues {sThC.q} to slots=840
users {*} queues {mThC.q} to slots=840
users {*} queues {lThC.q} to slots=431
users {*} queues {uThC.q} to slots=143
Limit slots/user for hiMem queues
users {*} queues {sThM.q} to slots=840
users {*} queues {mThM.q} to slots=585
users {*} queues {lThM.q} to slots=390
users {*} queues {uThM.q} to slots=73
Limit slots/user for xlMem restricted queue
users {*} queues {uTxlM.rq} to slots=536
Limit total reserved memory for all users per queue type
users * queues sThC.q,mThC.q,lThC.q,uThC.q to mem_res=40902G
users * queues sThM.q,mThM.q,lThM.q,uThM.q to mem_res=36637G
users * queues uTxlM.rq to mem_res=8063G
Limit reserved memory per user for specific queues
users {*} queues sThC.q,mThC.q,lThC.q,uThC.q to mem_res=10225G
users {*} queues sThM.q,mThM.q,lThM.q,uThM.q to mem_res=9159G
users {*} queues uTxlM.rq to mem_res=8063G
Limit slots/user for interactive (qrsh) queues
users {*} queues {} to slots=16
Limit GPUs for all users in GPU queues to the avail no of GPUs
users * queues {sTgpu.q,mTgpu.q,lTgpu.q,} to num_gpu=8
Limit GPUs per user in all the GPU queues
users {*} queues sTgpu.q,mTgpu.q,lTgpu.q, to num_gpu=4
Limit GPUs per user in each GPU queues
users {*} queues {sTgpu.q} to num_gpu=4
users {*} queues {mTgpu.q} to num_gpu=3
users {*} queues {lTgpu.q} to num_gpu=2
users {*} queues {} to num_gpu=1
Limit to set aside a slot for blast2GO
users * queues !lTb2g.q hosts {@b2g-hosts} to slots=110
users * queues lTb2g.q hosts {@b2g-hosts} to slots=1
users {*} queues lTb2g.q hosts {@b2g-hosts} to slots=1
Limit total bigtmp concurrent request per user
users {*} to big_tmp=25
Limit total number of idl licenses per user
users {*} to idlrt_license=102
Limit slots for io queue per user
users {*} queues {lTIO.sq} to slots=8
Limit slots for io queue per user
users {*} queues {lTWFM.sq} to slots=2
Limit the number of concurrent jobs per user for some queues
users {*} queues {uTxlM.rq} to no_concurrent_jobs=3
users {*} queues {lTIO.sq} to no_concurrent_jobs=2
users {*} queues {lWFM.sq} to no_concurrent_jobs=1
users {*} queues {} to no_concurrent_jobs=1
users {*} queues {} to no_concurrent_jobs=1
You can view plots of disk use vs time, for the past 7, 30, or 120 days;
as well as
plots of disk usage by user, or
by device (for the past 90 or 240 days respectively).
Capacity shows % disk space full and % of inodes used.
When too many small files are written on a disk, the file system can become full because it is
unable to keep track of new files.
The % of inodes should be lower or comparable to the % of disk space used.
If it is much larger, the disk can become unusable before it gets full.
You can view the plots of the GPFS IB traffic for the past
, 7
or 30
days, and throughput info.