Recombination in the Early Universe

Refined treatment of H, HeI, and HeII recombination in the Early Universe. We use multi-level atoms (n=300 for H) and evolve the population of each level with redshift by including all transitions. The result affects the predicted power spectrum of microwave anisotropies at the few percent level.



This code is meant to reproduce the calculations described in the paper "A new calculation of the recombination epoch", Seager, S., Sasselov, D. & Scott, D., 1999, ApJ, 523, L1, which is a fast approximation to the detailed calculations described in "How exactly did the Universe become neutral?", Seager, S., Sasselov, D. & Scott, D., 2000, ApJS, 128, 407-430.

You can get RECFAST.C here; a Fortran version (by D. Scott) is available here.
Please consult the postscript README file for RECFAST.C.
*** You can use RECFAST with CMBFAST (version 4.5).


1. "How exactly did the Universe become neutral?", Seager, S., Sasselov, D. & Scott, D., 2000, ApJS, 128, 407.

2. "A new calculation of the recombination epoch", Seager, S., Sasselov, D. & Scott, D., 1999, ApJ, 523, L1.

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