download the fits images, then run !ds9 -minmax -histequ groundbig2.fits hstmatch.fits grounddiffbig.fits grounddiffbig2.fits & then you can blink and see for yourself the astronmetry
remember to adjust the ZEROPOINTS... istars = f814w stars +10-0.536 bstars = f475w stars +10 vstars = f606w stars +10+0.421
VEGAmag : SYNPHOT standard magnitude system, for which Vega by definition has magnitude 0 at all wavelengths. The vega magnitude of a star with flux F is -2.5 log10 (F/F_vega) where F_vega is the calibra ted spectrum of Vega in Synphot. F475W 4744.356 1.808802E-19 420.11 25.757 26.068 26.168 g F606W 5917.678 7.906457E-20 672.31 26.655 26.486 26.398 Broad V F814W 8059.761 7.072360E-20 654.64 26.776 25.937 25.501 Johnson-Cousins I Zero points are set to an aperture of 5".5 radius (infintie apeture) Table 5 has aperture corrections from 0.5" to infinity They recommend 4 pixel aperture to obtain highest S/n ratio name pivot width photflam filter title (erg sec-1 cm-2 A-1) F435W 4317 293 3.14e-19 Johnson B F475W 4744 420 1.80e-19 SDSS g' F606W 5917 672 7.90e-20 Broad V F814W 8060 654 7.07e-20 Broad I Aperture correction from 0.5" pixels (10 pixels @ 0.05/pixel) to infinite F475W 0.095 +/- 0.002 MAGS F606W 0.088 +/- 0.001 MAGS F814W 0.087 +/- 0.001 MAGS Aperture correction from 4 - 10 pixels F475W 0.0950 0.006052 MAGS F606W 0.1050 0.012350 MAGS F814W 0.1339 0.01763 MAGS FINAL ZERO POINTS photpars params.... = 26.068+0.095+0.095 = 26.258 26.486+0.088+0.105 = 26.679 25.501+0.087+0.134 = 25.722 2003-LMC-157 05:31:30.656 -70:47:26.03 sm75 3 xy2rd ct> xy2rd >Input data file name (sn1987a_astrometric_image_rotated.fits): sm75.031201_0617.100_3.diff.f its >X pixel coordinate (785.68): 3220.08 >Y pixel coordinate (389.074): 318.68 RA = 5:31:30.7064, Dec = -70:47:25.843 ct> imexam 3220.08 318.68 5:31:30.711 -70:47:25.812 xy2rd in my best centroid. >Input data file name (sm75.031201_0617.100_3.diff.fits): >X pixel coordinate (3220.08): 3220.244 >Y pixel coordinate (318.68): 318.597 RA = 5:31:30.6974, Dec = -70:47:25.865 !ds9 -minmax -histequ groundbig2.fits hstmatch.fits grounddiffbig.fits grounddiffbig2.fits & final catalog of stars remember to adjust the ZEROPOINTS... istars = f814w stars +10-0.536 bstars = f475w stars +10 vstars = f606w stars +10+0.421 star 4500 F814W 490.417 465.170 15.107+10-0.536=24.571 ~+/- 0.08 F606W 490.097 466.100 14.918+10+0.421=25.339 F475W 490.530 466.506 15.888+10 =25.888 F475W-F606W = 0.55 F606W-F814W = 0.77 star 1 F814W 491.080 471.354 15.871+10-0.536=25.34 +/- 0.12 F606W 490.557 472.356 15.736+10+0.421=26.16 F475W 491.134 472.871 16.705+10 =26.71 F475W-F606W = 0.55 F606W-F814W = 0.82