Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Computation Facility Network Support Services

Why was my connection to CfA rejected?

Q. When I make an ftp or ssh connection to a computer at CfA, I am immediately disconnected. Why?

A. A common cause for rejected connections is that CF-managed machines reject connections from machines which are not properly registered with a nameserver. Both the name-to-number and number-to-name lookups must work (consistently), and it is not uncommon for ISP's to get this wrong. It may even be right for some dial-ins from an ISP and wrong for others from the same ISP. Unix machines may also need to have the correct hostname configured, but for PC's, the locally assigned name doesn't seem to matter.

Q. How can I tell if my IP address is properly registered?

A. You can find out what IP address your ISP has given you with the commands

The above commands will not give the right answer if you are behind a NAT router (Linksys, Netgear, etc.), in which case you can visit one the the following web sites: