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Institute for Theory and Computation
 Professor Avi Loeb        
(617) 496-6808 (office)
(617) 913-5598 (cellular)
(617) 495-7093 (office)
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, MS-51
Cambridge, MA, 02138
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OLD NEWS REPORTS (prior to 2012):

*"The 25 Most Influential People in Space", by TIME Magazine. (12/12)

*"Could Primordial Black Holes be the Dark Matter?", TIME magazine (9/13)

*"On the Importance of Conceptual Thinking Outside the Simulation Box", Nature Physics (7/13)

*The latest on the Sandage-Loeb Test (4/14)

*TIME Magazine's report on Einstein's planet (6/13) -- confirming Loeb & Gaudi's (2003) new method for detecting planets

*Giant Magellan Telescope, Harvard magazine (5/13)

*Parallel Universes (in Hebrew), Yediot America (4/13)

*Q&A: Tweaking the Universe, Harvard Gazette (3/13)

*Harvard Astronomy Reunion; Gazette article (4/5/2013)

*Tidal disruption of the gas cloud G2 by the black hole SgrA* (3/13)

*Q&A: Scientist of the Week (3/13)

*TIME Magazine article; Habitable Planets Around White Dwarfs (Harvard Gazette); Smithsonian coverage ; ArXiv paper (2/13)

*A Learner's Guide to the Universe (2/13)

*Q&A on the Harvard Astronomy Department (2/13)

*Interdisciplinary discussion (2/13)

*Video of book launch event (2/13)

*Trip to Las Campanas Observatories, Chile (1/13)

*Chambliss Award (1/13)

*HST discovers seven primitive galaxies (12/12)

*Microlensing of the SMC stars by the LMC (10/12)

*21cm Cosmology, cover story in New Scientist (10/12)

*"Top Ten Thinkers", Popular Mechanics magazine (in russian) (10/12)

*"Disruption of a Proto-Planetary Disk by the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way" ; arXiv paper (9/12)

*"How to Nurture Scientific Discoveries Despite Their Unpredictable Nature", arXiv paper ; PBS version (7/12)

*"Astronomers Seek Biggest Stars" (6/12) ; ArXiv paper (3/12)

*"The Optimal Cosmic Epoch for Precision Cosmology" (5/12) ; ArXiv paper (3/12)

*"Runaway Black Hole in CID-42" (6/12) ; ArXiv version (5/12)

*Galileo Chair awarded to Prof. Loeb by Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy ; flyer announcing lecture series (6/12)

*"Rating Risk from Theory Bubbles", Nature magazine (4/12) ; extended ArXiv version (8/11)

*Hypervelocity planets: press release, MSNBC, TIME magazine, and original paper (3/12)

*Q&A essay about "Searching for the First Stars" by the Kavli Foundation (2/12)

*Precessing Jet from Tidal Disruption of a Star Physical Review Letters article; and synopsis by the American Physical Society (2/12)

*Artificial Lights Could Reveal Alien Civilizations scientific paper; news reports in the Boston Globe, Harvard Gazette, and TIME magazine (11/11)

*The Dark Ages of the Universe (10/11)

*Plan to measure the cosmic acceleration in real time (based on Loeb 1998)

*Review of Loeb's book in the American Journal of Physics (5/11)

*Review of Loeb's book in Science Magazine (11/10)

*Cosmology in a trilion years: New Scientist article; and summary; and related correspondence with Freeman Dyson; and the actual paper (1/11)

*"Getting Paid to Think About the Sky", Israel21C Profile article (12/10)

*"Found: A Quasar From the Dawn of Time", TIME Magazine (6/11)

*"Hydrogen Was Not Ionized Abruptly", Nature Magazine (12/10)

*"Supernova Shines Light on Black Hole Formation" on NPR ; the NASA press conference (11/10); and a related interview on Israeli TV and Israeli radio (12/10)

*Q&A Interview by the Air & Space Magazine (9/10)

*"Black Hole Silhouettes", cover story of Science News (9/10).

*Write-up of banquet lecture on "Taking The Road Not Taken" (8/10). A shortened version of it appeared in Nature magazine (9/10) and a related lecture at Santa Barbara (5/11)

*Scientific American article on "Portrait of a Black Hole" (12/9) , French translation (3/12)

*Astronomy magazine Q&A article (1/10)

*Physics Today article on "Gamma-Ray Burst Has Highest Redshift yet Seen" (8/09)

*"Imaging Black Holes" (9/08)

*Science magazine "perspective" on instrument development to measure the Sandage-Loeb Effect (8/08)

*ASTRONOMY magazine cover story on "The State of the Universe" (8/08)

*Smithsonian magazine cover story on "Illuminating Black Holes" (4/08)

*ASTRONOMY magazine cover story on "Milkomeda" (6/08)

*The Future of our Universe, Physica Plus (1/08)

*Top 10 Space Stories of 2007" (1/08)

*"Extraterrestrial Life"- YouTube video of Panel Discussion, Philoctetes Center, NYC (4/07)|

*Scientific American article on "The Dark Ages of the Universe" (11/06)

*TIME Magazine cover story, entitled: "Let There Be Light" (9/06)

*"Eavesdropping on the Universe" (QuickTime movie; 1/07)| |(article; 5/07)

*Personal note about John N. Bahcall (12/06)


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Comments or Questions? Contact umirani@cfa.harvard.edu