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Abraham (Avi) Loeb is the Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science at Harvard University and a bestselling author (in lists of the New York Times,Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, L'Express and more).
He received a PhD in Physics from
the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem in Israel at age 24 (1980-1986),
led the first international project supported by
the Strategic
Defense Initiative (1983-1988), and was subsequently a
long-term member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton
(1988-1993). Loeb has written 8 books, including most recently, Extraterrestrial (HarperCollins, 2022) and Interstellar (HarperCollins, 2023) and nearly a thousand papers (with
of 130 and i10-index of 615) on a wide range of topics, including
black holes, the first stars, the search for extraterrestrial life and
the future of the Universe.
Loeb is the Director of
the Institute for Theory and Computation (2007-present)
within the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
, and also serves as the Head of
the Galileo Project (2021-present).
He had been the
longest serving Chair of Harvard's
Department of Astronomy (2011-2020) and the Founding Director of
Harvard's Black
Hole Initiative (2016-2021).
He is
an elected fellow of
the American
Academy of Arts & Sciences,
the American
Physical Society, and
the International Academy of
Astronautics. Loeb is a former member of the
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) at the White House, a former chair of
the Board
on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies (2018-2021) and
a current member of the Advisory Board for "Einstein: Visualize
the Impossible" of the Hebrew University.
He chaired the Advisory Committee for
the Breakthrough
Starshot Initiative (2015-2024) and served as the Science Theory Director
all Initiatives
of the Breakthrough Prize
Foundation. In
2012, TIME
magazine selected Loeb as one of the 25 most influential people in
space and in 2020
Loeb was
selected among the 14 most inspiring Israelis of the last
In 2024, Loeb was ranked number 3 in publication record and impact of research among all astronomers worldwide over the past 5 years by ScholarGPS.
LoebâÂÂs latest TED talk was among the top ten most popular TED talks in 2024.
Click here
for Loeb's commentaries.
Staff Assistant:
ITC Administrator:
BHI Administrator:
Theory Div. Admin.:
*Extraterrestrial: 28 editions in 25 languages worldwide (2021).
*Extraterrestrial summary, HMH (2021).
*"Intergalactic Objects in the Solar System" (February 17, 2025).
*"Did the Solar System Pass Through a Giant Molecular Cloud 10-Million Years Ago?" (February 16, 2025).
*"Lessons Learned from the Dinosaurs" (February 15, 2025).
*"Sharing My Office with Galileo" (February 12, 2025).
*"Harvesting Numerous Interstellar Objects with a Dedicated
Space Telescope" (February 11, 2025).
*"The Oldest Relics Must be Younger than the Universe" (February 8, 2025).
*"The Existential Risk from Polyamory of Artificial General Intelligence" (February 6, 2025).
*"Cosmic Birth of Supermassive Twins" (February 5, 2025).
*"Happiness in a Hostile Cosmos" (February 4, 2025).
*"Physics is Our Scholar's Lion" (February 2, 2025).
*"A New Message from the Asteroid Bennu" (January 31, 2025).
*"Interstellar Empty-Trash-Bag Objects" (January 29, 2025).
*"Fast Radio Signature as a Technological Signature" (January 27, 2025).
*"It's an Asteroid...It's a Come...No, It's a Car!" (January 26, 2025).
*"Schumer's UAP Disclosure Request to Trump" (January 24, 2025).
*"The Thrill of Seeking the Unknown" (January 23, 2025).
*"The Mass Spectrum of Technological Space Trash" (January 21, 2025).
*"Getting Closer to God" (January 20, 2025).
*"Supermassive Stars" (January 19, 2025).
*"The Giant Looming in Our Sky" (January 18, 2025).
*"Is Terrestrial Life a Manifestation of von-Neumann's Self-Replicating Machines of Extraterrestrial Origin?" (January 15, 2025).
*"Alien Hunting" (January 14, 2025).
*"The National Security Risk from a Dynamic ChatGPT" (January 14, 2025).
*"Morphology of Fragments Recovered from the Crash Site of the Interstellar Meteor IM1" (January 13, 2025).
*"Do Faster-Than-Light Particles Exist?" (January 12, 2025).
*"Celebrating the 415th Anniversary of Galileo's Insight!" (January 12, 2025).
*"Which Information Can Be Trusted in the Age of AI?" (January 10, 2025).
*"The Tension Between Anomalies in the Sky and National Security" (January 8, 2025).
*"History of the Duration of a Day on Earth" (January 6, 2025).
*"Where Should We Search for Extraterrestrial Life?" (January 4, 2025).
*"Going Fishing on Titan" (January 3, 2025).
*"Saving Earth With Starships in the Next 5-Billion Years" (January 1, 2025).
*"Surveillence of Earth by Dark Comets" (December 30, 2024).
*"Innovation in 2025, on Earth and Beyond" (December 28, 2024).
*"My New Bet for 2025-2035 Against Elon Musk" (December 26, 2024).
*"Where Was Everybody?" (December 22, 2024).
*"We Owe Our Existence to Dark Matter" (December 19, 2024).
*"Distinguishing Albino Zebras from Elephants" (December 16, 2024).
*"Fueling Our Economy with Hydrogen" (December 16, 2024).
*"New-Jersey Drones and Dark Comets" (December 14, 2024).
*"The Existential Risk from Extraterrestrial Mirror Life" (December 13, 2024).
*"The Best Real Estate in the Cosmos" (December 12, 2024).
*"Our Next Decade with AI" (December 10, 2024).
*"A New Method to Derive an Empirical Lower Limit on the Mass Density of a UFO" (December 8, 2024).
*"Now is the Time to Search for Extraterrestrial Visitors: Announcing the New Galileo Project Foundation" (December 7, 2024).
*"Traveling Through the Cosmic Landscape of Thoughts" (December 6, 2024).
*"The Graveyard of `Oumuamua's Family on the Moon" (December 4, 2024).
*"A Pulsating White Dwarf" (December 2, 2024).
*"Island Mentality" (December 2, 2024).
*"Casting Galileo in Bronze" (November 30, 2024).
*"Experimental Quantum Gravity" (November 28, 2024).
*"Living in a Big Crunch" (November 27, 2024).
*"Yes, It's Possible to Be Scientific and American" (November 25, 2024).
*"Exotic or Mundane?" (November 21, 2024).
*"Earth and Mars Acquire Saturn-Like Rings Over Hundreds of Millions of Years" (November 19, 2024).
*"Neutrinos Cannot Move Faster Than Light, or Else Black Holes Would not Be Stable" (November 17, 2024).
*"Could Academia Catch Up with AI?" (November 15, 2024).
*"The Virtues and Risks of Slow Aging by Gravitational Time Dilation" (November 14, 2024).
*"The Inefficiency of Life" (November 12, 2024).
*"Commissioning Data on Half a Million Objects in the Sky from the Galileo Project Observatory: Are Any of Them UAP?" (November 12, 2024).
*"Everything Everywhere All at Once About the Universe" (November 11, 2024).
*"Avi Loeb's Statement on UAP to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee" (November 10, 2024).
*"The Nature of Dark Energy" (November 9, 2024).
*"The Mass of Light" (November 8, 2024).
*"Could UAP Save Us from Ourselves?" (November 6, 2024).
*"Down-To-Earth Benefits of Astrophysics" (November 5, 2024).
*"The Particle Accelerator at the Center of the Milky-Way" (November 4, 2024).
*"Tightening the Upper Limit on the Graviton Mass" (November 2, 2024).
*"Elon Musk: Should Phobos Serve as the Entry Port of SpaceX to Mars?" (October 30, 2024).
*"On Science and Religion" (October 28, 2024).
*"Appreciating the Diversity of Cosmic Messengers" (October 26, 2024).
*"Brian Cox Takes Our Cosmic Status Too Seriously" (October 25, 2024).
*"Are Wormholes Real?" (October 24, 2024).
*"Postcard from Interstellar Space: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff" (October 22, 2024).
*"Why Are Early Black Holes Over-Massive?" (October 20, 2024).
*"Celebrating Galileo's Blend of Art and Science" (October 19, 2024).
*"Does the Sun Host a Black Hole at Its Center?" (October 18, 2024).
*"Tiny Astronauts in Interstellar Rocks" (October 16, 2024).
*"Advice to Gen Z" (October 15, 2024).
*"Observing `Oumuamua's-Cousin With Eyes Wide Open" (October 13, 2024).
*"Practicing Science is a Low-Risk, High-Reward Job" (October 11, 2024).
*"The Future of the Nobel Prize Given the Use of AI in Science" (October 9, 2024).
*"Alien Hunting" (October 9, 2024).
*"What Will the Earth Look Like in a Million Years?" (October 9, 2024).
*"Could the Tiniest Black Holes Be Dark Matter?" (October 7, 2024).
*"Employing AI for Space Exploration" (October 5, 2024).
*"Why is Innovation Rare in Academia?" (October 3, 2024).
*"Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge" (October 2, 2024).
*"The Gravity of Being Charged or Neutral" (October 1, 2024).
*"The Alien Whisperer" (September 30, 2024).
*"Interstellar Partnership on a Planck Collider" (September 29, 2024).
*"Fermi's Paradox Suggests that We Are Not Attractive on the
Interstellar Dating Scene" (September 28, 2024).
*"The Agony of Playing Einstein in Today's Academia" (September 26, 2024).
*"Searching for Extraterrestrial Life in the Sphere" (September 24, 2024).
*"Wishing to Know More About Alien Intelligence" (September 23, 2024).
*"An Off-World Mindset on Science and Politics" (September 21, 2024).
*"Encounters of the Biological-Technological Kind" (September 18, 2024).
*"What If Aliens Are Not Vegeterians?" (September 16, 2024).
*"Simulation Creators Live in a Reality Bigger Than Their Imagination" (September 15, 2024).
*"I Think, Therefore I Understand Why I Exist" (September 14, 2024).
*"Baking Spherules from a Meoteor" (September 13, 2024).
*"What is the Largest Acceleration in the Universe?" (September 11, 2024).
*"The Limits of What We Can See" (September 10, 2024).
*"A Black Hole Atom" (September 8, 2024).
*"Discovery of an Earth-Mass Planet Near a White Dwarf" (September 6, 2024).
*"From `Star-Wars' to Coexistence Under the Stars" (September 6, 2024).
*"There Are No Illegal Aliens in Interstellar Space" (September 3, 2024).
*"The Bigger, the Better" (September 2, 2024).
*"On Fruit Flies, Whales, Extraterrestrials and Religion" (September 1, 2024).
*"Is Scientific Information Welcome?" (August 30, 2024).
*"How Do Mini Black Holes Accrete?" (August 29, 2024).
*"Discovery of a Faint Red Source Speeding at a Million Miles Per Hour Towards the Galactic Center" (August 27, 2024).
*"Residents of the Outer Solar System" (August 26, 2024).
*"Residents of the Outer Solar System" (August 26, 2024).
*"A 25-Year Old Insight About the First Billion Years of the Cosmos" (August 25, 2024).
*"Are Both Lue Elizondo and AARO Sincere in Their Reports About UAPs?" (August 23, 2024).
*"Our IQ Will Be Higher in the Future" (August 22, 2024).
*"An Ideal Engine for Clean Energy" (August 21, 2024).
*"Is Dark Matter Made of Primordial Black Holes?" (August 20, 2024).