Abraham (Avi) Loeb is the Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science at Harvard University and a bestselling author (in lists of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, L'Express and more).
He received a PhD in Physics from
the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem in Israel at age 24 (1980-1986),
led the first international project supported by
the Strategic
Defense Initiative (1983-1988), and was subsequently a
long-term member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton
(1988-1993). Loeb has written 8 books, including most recently, Extraterrestrial (HarperCollins, 2022) and Interstellar (HarperCollins, 2023) and nearly a thousand papers (with
of 131 and i10-index of 614 ) on a wide range of topics, including
black holes, the first stars, the search for extraterrestrial life and
the future of the Universe.
Loeb is the Director of
the Institute for Theory and Computation (2007-present)
within the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
, and also serves as the Head of
the Galileo Project (2021-present) .
He had been the
longest serving Chair of Harvard's
Department of Astronomy (2011-2020) and the Founding Director of
Harvard's Black
Hole Initiative (2016-2021).
He is
an elected fellow of
the American
Academy of Arts & Sciences ,
the American
Physical Society , and
the International Academy of
Astronautics . Loeb is a former member of the
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) at the White House, a former chair of
the Board
on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies (2018-2021) and
a current member of the Advisory Board for "Einstein: Visualize
the Impossible" of the Hebrew University.
He chaired the Advisory Committee for
the Breakthrough
Starshot Initiative (2015-2024) and served as the Science Theory Director
all Initiatives
of the Breakthrough Prize
Foundation . In
2012, TIME
magazine selected Loeb as one of the 25 most influential people in
space and in 2020
Loeb was
selected among the 14 most inspiring Israelis of the last
In 2024, Loeb was ranked number 3 in publication record and impact of research among all astronomers worldwide over the past 5 years by ScholarGPS .
Loeb's latest TED talk was among the top five most popular TED talks in 2024 .
Click here
for Loeb's commentaries.
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*Extraterrestrial: 28 editions in 25 languages worldwide (2021).
*Extraterrestrial summary , HMH (2021).
*"Q and A about Alien Intelligence" (March 25, 2025).
*"What Are Aliens Having for Lunch?" (March 24, 2025).
*"What Is Dark Energy?" (March 23, 2025).
*"Technological Signatures on Free-Floating or Non-Habitable Planets" (March 22, 2025).
*"The Galileo Project Agrees with Elon Musk About the Need to Search for Remnants of Alien Civilizations!" (March 19, 2025).
*"Could Scientists be Anti-Science?" (March 18, 2025).
*"Is Time Continuous?" (March 17, 2025).
*"Down to Earth Benefits of Looking Up at the Sky" (March 16, 2025).
*"Commemorating Past Galactic Civilizations in the Milky-Way" (March 15, 2025).
*"Are the Lost Soviet Spacecraft Venera 2 and the Dark Comet 2005 VL1 Different Objects?" (March 13, 2025).
*"Betrayal of Scientific Objectivity by the News Media" (March 12, 2025).
*"Will Artificial Intelligence Win Over Natural Stupidity?" (March 10, 2025).
*"The Dark Age of Science" (March 9, 2025).
*"Death by a Primordial Black Hole" (March 7, 2025).
*"Is the `Dark Comet' 2005-VL1 the Venera-2 Spacecraft?" (March 5, 2025).
*"Are We Living in a Simulation? An Experimental Test" (March 4, 2025).
*"Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Jews" (March 1, 2025).
*"Ignoring Reality is a Bad Idea" (February 28, 2025).
*"First Life in the Cosmos" (February 26, 2025).
*"Traveling Through the Earth, the Sun and the Universe" (February 25, 2025).
*"For Now, Humans Remain at the Top of the Food Chain on Earth" (February 23, 2025).
*"Watercolor Reflections of the Cosmos" (February 22, 2025).
*"Why Did Galileo Need a Telescope to Discover the Moons of Jupiter?" (February 21, 2025).
*"Are Astronomers About to Gain the Highest Status in Society?" (February 19, 2025).
*"Will Future Einsteins be AI Agents?" (February 18, 2025).
*"Intergalactic Objects in the Solar System" (February 17, 2025).
*"Did the Solar System Pass Through a Giant Molecular Cloud 10-Million Years Ago?" (February 16, 2025).
*"Lessons Learned from the Dinosaurs" (February 15, 2025).
*"Sharing My Office with Galileo" (February 12, 2025).
*"Harvesting Numerous Interstellar Objects with a Dedicated
Space Telescope" (February 11, 2025).
*"The Oldest Relics Must be Younger than the Universe" (February 8, 2025).
*"The Existential Risk from Polyamory of Artificial General Intelligence" (February 6, 2025).
*"Cosmic Birth of Supermassive Twins" (February 5, 2025).
*"Happiness in a Hostile Cosmos" (February 4, 2025).
*"Physics is Our Scholar's Lion" (February 2, 2025).
*"A New Message from the Asteroid Bennu" (January 31, 2025).
*"Interstellar Empty-Trash-Bag Objects" (January 29, 2025).
*"Fast Radio Signature as a Technological Signature" (January 27, 2025).
*"It's an Asteroid...It's a Come...No, It's a Car!" (January 26, 2025).
*"Schumer's UAP Disclosure Request to Trump" (January 24, 2025).
*"The Thrill of Seeking the Unknown" (January 23, 2025).
*"The Mass Spectrum of Technological Space Trash" (January 21, 2025).
*"Getting Closer to God" (January 20, 2025).
*"Supermassive Stars" (January 19, 2025).
*"The Giant Looming in Our Sky" (January 18, 2025).
*"Is Terrestrial Life a Manifestation of von-Neumann's Self-Replicating Machines of Extraterrestrial Origin?" (January 15, 2025).
*"Alien Hunting" (January 14, 2025).
*"The National Security Risk from a Dynamic ChatGPT" (January 14, 2025).
*"Morphology of Fragments Recovered from the Crash Site of the Interstellar Meteor IM1" (January 13, 2025).
*"Do Faster-Than-Light Particles Exist?" (January 12, 2025).
*"Celebrating the 415th Anniversary of Galileo's Insight!" (January 12, 2025).
*"Which Information Can Be Trusted in the Age of AI?" (January 10, 2025).
*"The Tension Between Anomalies in the Sky and National Security" (January 8, 2025).
*"History of the Duration of a Day on Earth" (January 6, 2025).
*"Where Should We Search for Extraterrestrial Life?" (January 4, 2025).
*"Going Fishing on Titan" (January 3, 2025).
*"Saving Earth With Starships in the Next 5-Billion Years" (January 1, 2025).
*"Surveillence of Earth by Dark Comets" (December 30, 2024).
*"Innovation in 2025, on Earth and Beyond" (December 28, 2024).
*"My New Bet for 2025-2035 Against Elon Musk" (December 26, 2024).
*"Where Was Everybody?" (December 22, 2024).
*"We Owe Our Existence to Dark Matter" (December 19, 2024).
*"Distinguishing Albino Zebras from Elephants" (December 16, 2024).
*"Fueling Our Economy with Hydrogen" (December 16, 2024).
*"New-Jersey Drones and Dark Comets" (December 14, 2024).
*"The Existential Risk from Extraterrestrial Mirror Life" (December 13, 2024).
*"The Best Real Estate in the Cosmos" (December 12, 2024).
*"Our Next Decade with AI" (December 10, 2024).
*"A New Method to Derive an Empirical Lower Limit on the Mass Density of a UFO" (December 8, 2024).
*"Now is the Time to Search for Extraterrestrial Visitors: Announcing the New Galileo Project Foundation" (December 7, 2024).
*"Traveling Through the Cosmic Landscape of Thoughts" (December 6, 2024).
*"The Graveyard of `Oumuamua's Family on the Moon" (December 4, 2024).
*"A Pulsating White Dwarf" (December 2, 2024).
*"Island Mentality" (December 2, 2024).
*"Casting Galileo in Bronze" (November 30, 2024).
*"Experimental Quantum Gravity" (November 28, 2024).
*"Living in a Big Crunch" (November 27, 2024).
*"Yes, It's Possible to Be Scientific and American" (November 25, 2024).
*"Exotic or Mundane?" (November 21, 2024).
*"Earth and Mars Acquire Saturn-Like Rings Over Hundreds of Millions of Years" (November 19, 2024).
*"Neutrinos Cannot Move Faster Than Light, or Else Black Holes Would not Be Stable" (November 17, 2024).
*"Could Academia Catch Up with AI?" (November 15, 2024).
*"The Virtues and Risks of Slow Aging by Gravitational Time Dilation" (November 14, 2024).
*"The Inefficiency of Life" (November 12, 2024).
*"Commissioning Data on Half a Million Objects in the Sky from the Galileo Project Observatory: Are Any of Them UAP?" (November 12, 2024).
*"Everything Everywhere All at Once About the Universe" (November 11, 2024).
*"Avi Loeb's Statement on UAP to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee" (November 10, 2024).
*"The Nature of Dark Energy" (November 9, 2024).
*"The Mass of Light" (November 8, 2024).
*"Could UAP Save Us from Ourselves?" (November 6, 2024).
*"Down-To-Earth Benefits of Astrophysics" (November 5, 2024).
*"The Particle Accelerator at the Center of the Milky-Way" (November 4, 2024).
*"Tightening the Upper Limit on the Graviton Mass" (November 2, 2024).
*"Elon Musk: Should Phobos Serve as the Entry Port of SpaceX to Mars?" (October 30, 2024).
*"On Science and Religion" (October 28, 2024).
*"Appreciating the Diversity of Cosmic Messengers" (October 26, 2024).
*"Brian Cox Takes Our Cosmic Status Too Seriously" (October 25, 2024).
*"Are Wormholes Real?" (October 24, 2024).
*"Postcard from Interstellar Space: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff" (October 22, 2024).
*"Why Are Early Black Holes Over-Massive?" (October 20, 2024).
*"Celebrating Galileo's Blend of Art and Science" (October 19, 2024).
*"Does the Sun Host a Black Hole at Its Center?" (October 18, 2024).
*"Tiny Astronauts in Interstellar Rocks" (October 16, 2024).
*"Advice to Gen Z" (October 15, 2024).
*"Observing `Oumuamua's-Cousin With Eyes Wide Open" (October 13, 2024).
*"Practicing Science is a Low-Risk, High-Reward Job" (October 11, 2024).
*"The Future of the Nobel Prize Given the Use of AI in Science" (October 9, 2024).
*"Alien Hunting" (October 9, 2024).
*"What Will the Earth Look Like in a Million Years?" (October 9, 2024).
*"Could the Tiniest Black Holes Be Dark Matter?" (October 7, 2024).
*"Employing AI for Space Exploration" (October 5, 2024).
*"Why is Innovation Rare in Academia?" (October 3, 2024).
*"Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge" (October 2, 2024).
*"The Gravity of Being Charged or Neutral" (October 1, 2024).
*"The Alien Whisperer" (September 30, 2024).
*"Interstellar Partnership on a Planck Collider" (September 29, 2024).
*"Fermi's Paradox Suggests that We Are Not Attractive on the
Interstellar Dating Scene" (September 28, 2024).
*"The Agony of Playing Einstein in Today's Academia" (September 26, 2024).
*"Searching for Extraterrestrial Life in the Sphere" (September 24, 2024).
*"Wishing to Know More About Alien Intelligence" (September 23, 2024).
*"An Off-World Mindset on Science and Politics" (September 21, 2024).
*"Encounters of the Biological-Technological Kind" (September 18, 2024).
*"What If Aliens Are Not Vegeterians?" (September 16, 2024).
*"Simulation Creators Live in a Reality Bigger Than Their Imagination" (September 15, 2024).
*"I Think, Therefore I Understand Why I Exist" (September 14, 2024).
*"Baking Spherules from a Meoteor" (September 13, 2024).
*"What is the Largest Acceleration in the Universe?" (September 11, 2024).
*"The Limits of What We Can See" (September 10, 2024).
*"A Black Hole Atom" (September 8, 2024).
*"Discovery of an Earth-Mass Planet Near a White Dwarf" (September 6, 2024).
*"From `Star-Wars' to Coexistence Under the Stars" (September 6, 2024).
*"There Are No Illegal Aliens in Interstellar Space" (September 3, 2024).
*"The Bigger, the Better" (September 2, 2024).
*"On Fruit Flies, Whales, Extraterrestrials and Religion" (September 1, 2024).
*"Is Scientific Information Welcome?" (August 30, 2024).
*"How Do Mini Black Holes Accrete?" (August 29, 2024).
*"Discovery of a Faint Red Source Speeding at a Million Miles Per Hour Towards the Galactic Center" (August 27, 2024).
*"Residents of the Outer Solar System" (August 26, 2024).
*"Residents of the Outer Solar System" (August 26, 2024).
*"A 25-Year Old Insight About the First Billion Years of the Cosmos" (August 25, 2024).
*"Are Both Lue Elizondo and AARO Sincere in Their Reports About UAPs?" (August 23, 2024).
*"Our IQ Will Be Higher in the Future" (August 22, 2024).
*"An Ideal Engine for Clean Energy" (August 21, 2024).
*"Is Dark Matter Made of Primordial Black Holes?" (August 20, 2024).
*"Interstellar Sun-divers" (August 18, 2024).
*"Where Are the Grabby Aliens?" (August 16, 2024).
*"A Tale of Three Accelerations for `Oumuamua" (August 15, 2024).
*"Fishing with LSST in the Ocean of Interstellar Space" (August 14, 2024).
*"A Recipe for Making a Black Hole Out of Light" (August 12, 2024).
*"Dandelion Spacecraft" (August 11, 2024).
*"A Breath of Fresh Air on the Moon" (August 10, 2024).
*"No Relativistic UAPs More Massive than 50 Megatons Passed Near Earth Over the Past Decade!" (August 7, 2024).
*"Illumination of a Planet by a Mini-Black-Hole Moon as a Technological Signature" (August 5, 2024).
*"Who Will Represent Humanity in Interstellar Space?" (August 4, 2024).
*"My AI Avatar" (August 2, 2024).
*"Oumuamua Was Young!" (July 31, 2024).
*"Surviving as a Scientist Among Believers and Skeptics" (July 30, 2024).
*"The Pleasure of Collaborating with Young Minds" (July 29, 2024).
*"How Rare Are We?" (July 27, 2024).
*"Is Intelligence the Same on Exoplanets?" (July 25, 2024).
*"Death by a Gamma-Ray Burst from a Milky-Way BOAT" (July 24, 2024).
*"Harmony of the Heavens Brough Down to Earth" (July 22, 2024).
*"Healing a Broken World by an Out-Of-This-World Encounter" (July 20, 2024).
*"What is the Highest Spacetime Curvature Near Us?" (July 19, 2024).
*"We Are Going Back to Interstellar Meteor 1" (July 18, 2024).
*"Interstellar Broken Arrows" (July 17, 2024).
*"Was LUCA the First Solar-System Astronaut 4.2-Billion Years Ago?" (July 14, 2024).
*"Is the End Near?" (July 13, 2024).
*"Make science, Not War!" (July 11, 2024).
*"AI Avatars as a Substitute for Tombstones" (July 9, 2024).
*"The Most Romantic Question in Science" (July 7, 2024).
*"A New Source of Drift for Geostationary Satellites" (July 6, 2024).
*"Viewing AI as Artificial Intelligence" (July 3, 2024).
*"Tiny Red Rubies in the Sky" (July 2, 2024).
*"Is the Smartest Person Ever Born Alive Today?" (June 30, 2024).
*"Forbidden Thoughts" (June 28, 2024).
*"The Inevitable Death of the Earth Inside the Sun" (June 26, 2024).
*"Artificial Intelligence in Space" (June 25, 2024).
*"Cosmic Graitude" (June 23, 2024).
*"Dark Matter is Not Electrically Charged!" (June 21, 2024).
*"Separating Science from Fiction" (June 20, 2024).
*"The Nature of Time" (June 18, 2024).
*"The Anatomy of Black Swans" (June 17, 2024).
*"Aspiring to be God is Not an Arrogant Proposition" (June 16, 2024).
*"Discussing Extraterrestrials on Capitol Hill in Washington DC" (June 14, 2024).
*"Searching for City Lights on Exoplanets with NASA's Habitable World Observatory" (June 12, 2024).
*"The Role of Intelligence in the Cosmos" (June 10, 2024).
*"Seeking Superhuman Intelligence on Earth and Beyond" (June 9, 2024).
*"Transitions in Gaining New Knowledge" (June 8, 2024).
*"A Blind Date With Materials from Space" (June 6, 2024).
*"Speaking at the Central Library of Aristotle University" (June 4, 2024).
*"What is the Job Definition of God?" (June 2, 2024).
*"Where Will Voyager Be in a Billion Years?" (June 1, 2024).
*"The Milky-Way Adds an Hour to Our Life" (May 30, 2024).
*"Interstellar Curiosity" (May 29, 2024).
*"Antimatter Engines" (May 28, 2024).
*"Is Extraterrestrial Intervention Neede for Peace and Prosperity on Earth?" (May 26, 2024).
*"Will ET or AI Represent Our First Encounter with Superhuman
Intelligence?" (May 25, 2024).
*"Fast Meteors Are Not Always Interstellar" (May 23, 2024).
*"A Musical Piece About `Oumuamua" (May 21, 2024).
*"Surviving as an Extremophile in the Acidic Life of Academia" (May 21, 2024).
*"Are Dyson Spheres Real?" (May 20, 2024).
*"An Argument Against Speeding Tickets" (May 19, 2024).
*"For the Love of the Unfamiliar" (May 18, 2024).
*"What Does It Mean to Be Intelligent?" (May 16, 2024).
*"The Colorful Mass Loss of the Sun" (May 15, 2024).
*"Elon Musk's Uncertainty About Aliens Can Be Resolved by the Scientific Method" (May 13, 2024).
*"Going Against the Wind" (May 11, 2024).
*"Is the Observed Jitter of the Sun Induced by Asteroids and Not Gravitational Waves?" (May 9, 2024).
*"Three Paradigm Shifts About Rocks: Ridicules Which Turned Into Cherished Scientific Truths" (May 6, 2024).
*"A Free Ride Away from Earth" (May 5, 2024).
*"The Nearest Black Hole to Earth" (May 4, 2024).
*"Did an Interstellar Gardener Seed Earth with erobic Bacteria?" (May 2, 2024).
*"Smoke and Mirrors Versus Signatures of Extraterrestrial Life" (April 30, 2024).
*"Do Magnetic Monopoles Exist?" (April 30, 2024).
*"Fact-Based AI as a Tool for Education" (April 28, 2024).
*"On Negative Mass, Time Travel and Aliens" (April 27, 2024).
*"Our Biggest Existential Risk is Superficiality" (April 26, 2024).
*"Complexity Nurtures Intelligence" (April 24, 2024).
*"Shining Light on Cosmic Hydrogen" (April 22, 2024).
*"Our Cosmic Exodus" (April 21, 2024).
*"The Art of Being Right in Finding a Message in a Bottle" (April 19, 2024).
*"My Unreheased TED Talk" (April 17, 2024).
*"When Did Life Start in the Universe?" (April 15, 2024).
*"Our Interstellar Cradle Allows Us To Become Interstellar Gardeners" (April 13, 2024).
*"The Shadow of an Alien Civilization" (April 11, 2024).
*"There is No Eclipse of Solar Neutrinos" (April 9, 2024).
*"Our Rare Moment Under the Sun" (April 8, 2024).
*"Is Dark Energy Evolving?" (April 7, 2024).
*"Good News: The Recent Taiwan and New-Jersey Earthquakes Were Not Trigerred by Humans" (April 6, 2024).
*"Can Starship-like Rockets Escape Habitable Exoplanets?" (April 5, 2024).
*"A New Expedition in Search for the Wreckage of IM1" (April 4, 2024).
*"Many-Body Systems of Heavenly Objects or People" (April 3, 2024).
*"Is the Grass Greener on Exoplanets?" (April 2, 2024).
*"Identifying the Unidentified with the Rubin and Galileo Observatories" (March 31, 2024).
*"In Praise of Advances Away from the Mean" (March 29, 2024).
*"Collision of Suns Moving Close to the Speed of Light Around a Black Hole" (March 29, 2024).
*"Thank God for Fact Checking!" (March 28, 2024).
*"Reality Must Be Imagined, For It To Be Understood" (March 25, 2024).
*"Being Curious and Humble is Key For Learning" (March 24, 2024).
*"What Caps the Mass of the Most Massive Black Holes in the Universe?" (March 22, 2024).
*"Techno-Signatures Might Be the Most Accessible Bio-Signatures" (March 22, 2024).
*Why is Childlike Bullying More Prevalent Than Childlike Curiosity?" (March 20, 2024).
*Would You Like To Be Immortal?" (March 19, 2024).
*The Promise of the Spring Equinox" (March 18, 2024).
*Exceeding the Escape Speed is a Sign of Intelligence" (March 17, 2024).
*Exceeding the Escape Speed is a Sign of Intelligence" (March 17, 2024).
*For the Love of the Printed Word" (March 15, 2024).
*A Packed Session on Exciting Science" (March 14, 2024).
*A Meteor is a Truck According to The New York Times" (March 13, 2024).
*The Thrill is All About the Search" (March 10, 2024).
*Having a Chip on Your Shoulder" (March 9, 2024).
*Chemical Composition of Unfamiliar Origin from the Pacific Ocean Site of the IM1 Meteor" (March 8, 2024).
*Clearing Rilke's Mystic Fog Over Nature (March 6, 2024).
*Would Albert Einstein End Up in Academia in 2024? (March 5, 2024).
*Food For Thought For Gen Z, Fast and Processed (March 5, 2024).
*Politically-Incorrect Astronomy (March 4, 2024).
*What a Wonderful World! (March 3, 2024).
*Fireballs in the Desert, Brighter Thank Oppenheimer's Trinity (March 2, 2024).
*Looking at the Stars, but Living in the Gutter (February 29, 2024).
*Milky-Way Tourism (February 27, 2024).
*Staying Young at 62 Out of 13.8-Billion Years (February 26, 2024).
*The Moon Will Die on Earth in 7.6-Billion Years (February 24, 2024).
*Seeking the Second Interstellar Meteor (February 22, 2024).
*What Does Extraterrestrial Intelligence Look Like? (February 21, 2024).
*What Have We Done to Deserve a Cosmic Partner? (February 20, 2024).
*Embracing Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun (February 18, 2024).
*Lessons from the Munich Security Conference (February 16, 2024).
*Science and Politics (February 15, 2024).
*Science Without Borders (February 14, 2024).
*Searching for Space Trash (February 12, 2024).
*Can Technological Civilizations Move Stars? (February 11, 2024).
*We Are Not Alone (February 10, 2024).
*A Gift from the Sky (February 8, 2024).
*Let Us Focus on Being Intelligent (February 7, 2024).
*Losing Weight by Relocating (February 5, 2024).
*A Sunshade to Protect the Earth's Climate Would be Perforated by Micr\
ometeoroids (February 4, 2024).
*Will Brain Chip Implants Enable "Thought Police"? (February 2, 2024).
*Are We "Sentinelese" on Island Earth in the Ocean of
Interstellar Space? (February 1, 2024).
*It Does Not Depend on Context (January 31, 2024).
*Our Birth in the Local Bubble (January 29, 2024).
*Space Trash on Our Way to the Stars (January 27, 2024).
*Are Humans Fundamentally Different from AI? (January 26, 2024).
*The Ethics of Astrobiology (January 24, 2024).
*The Faculties of Arts and Sciences (January 23, 2024).
*Limited Supplies in Our Cosmic Future (January 22, 2024).
*Coincidences of Our Sun and Moon: Are We Exceptionally Lucky? (January 20, 2024).
*Doing Science for Its Own Sake (January 19, 2024).
*A Spacecraft to Probe the Universe (January 17, 2024).
*New Knowledge Does Not Usually Fall into Our Lap (January 15, 2024).
*Who Should Be Held Legally Viable to Unpredictable AI? (January 14, 2024).
*Political Agendas Are Dangerous to Academia (January 13, 2024).
*The World is Seriously Broken: Can We Still Fix It? (January 11, 2024).
*The Interstellar Real Estate Industry (January 10, 2024).
*The BeLaU Spherules from IM1's Site Are Not Coal Ash (January 9, 2024).
*Are Galaxies "Going Bananas" at Early Cosmic Times? (January 8, 2024).
*The Cosmic Race Between Stars and Black Holes (January 6, 2024).
*Are Aliens Made Mostly of Oxygen? (January 4, 2024).
*A New Vision for Harvard (January 2, 2024).
*The Benefits of Aging on Earth Versus Space (January 1, 2024).
*Celebrating the Ten-Year Anniversary of the First Identified Interstellar Meteor (December 31, 2023).
*Academic Bubbles Are More Dangeroud Tha Black Holes (December 29, 2023).
*From Farm to High Table (December 26, 2023).
*A Retreat from Harvard in the Holy Land (December 24, 2023).
*The Universal Benefits of Communication (December 21, 2023).
*Our Nearest Neighbors (December 19, 2023).
*Detecting the Undetectable (December 17, 2023).
*Intelligence Means Exponential Growth (December 16, 2023).
*A Menorah of Stars Over Our Head (December 14, 2023).
*All Habitable Worlds Come to an End (December 12, 2023).
*A Heartfelt Letter to Harvard's President, Claudine Gay (December 10, 2023).
*It Takes Two Black Holes to Tango (December 10, 2023).
*The Biggest Mouth in the Universe (December 8, 2023).
*New Physics or Misinformation? (December 5, 2023).
*We Are Probably Not The Top Gun Civilization (December 3, 2023).
*Look Up for Anomalies (December 1, 2023).
*On the Stage at CERN's Globe of Science and Innovation (November 28, 2023).
*Ashes to Ashes: Superficial Toxicity is the Enemy of Curiosity-Driven Innovation in Science (November 25, 2023).
*Even the Tiniest Frog Can Become an Astronaut by Jumping Out of the Surface of a Mile-Size Asteroid (November 22, 2023).
*Are UAPs Relics from an Earlier Technological Civilization on Earth? (November 20, 2023).
*The Rocket Effect on Earth (November 18, 2023).
*New Knowledge Must Be Learned, Not Preached (November 15, 2023).
*The Invisible Sky in Neutrinos (November 13, 2023).
*Keep Your Inspiration from the Stars! (November 12, 2023).
*Mystery of an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (November 10, 2023).
*Love the Aliens! (November 8, 2023).
*The Sun is Charged! (November 5, 2023).
*Is a More Advanced Civilization an Oxymoron? (November 4, 2023).
*Interstellar Affairs Are Not the Pentagon's Day Job (November 1, 2023).
*Would You Favor Truth Over Beauty? (October 30, 2023).
*Extraterrestrial Ethics (October 27, 2023).
*Facts Are Irrelevant to Pro-Truth Pretenders (October 25, 2023).
*Aliens as Role Models (October 23, 2023).
*Did the Infant Universe Resemble a Needle or a Sphere? (October 22, 2023).
*Is God an Advanced Scientist? (October 19, 2023).
*A Dialogue of Rolf Dobelli with Avi Loeb (October 16, 2023).
*Can Birds Fly Faster Without Air? (October 13, 2023).
*Interstellar Meteors from Disruption of Rocky Planets by Dwarf Stars (October 11, 2023).
*Where is Everybody? (October 10, 2023).
*Can Our Civilization Rise-Up to Win the Cosmos Award? (October 6, 2023).
*The Lavish Rainbow of Human Expressions (October 1, 2023).
*Break a Leg (September 27, 2023).
*Touching a Piece of Sky (September 24, 2023).
*Engaging the Public in the Practice of Science (September 23, 2023).
*A Tale of Two Nobel Laureates (September 21, 2023).
*Loneliness is Pointless (September 16, 2023).
*Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars (September 13, 2023).
*A Piece of Sky (September 9, 2023).
*Escaping Earth as a Sign of Intelligence (September 4, 2023).
*Practice What You Preach (September 3, 2023).
*Reconstructing the First Interstellar Meteor, IM1 (September 2, 2023).
*The IM1 Spherules from the Pacific Ocean Have Extrasolar Composition (August 29, 2023).
*Sporting Science (August 26, 2023).
*A Salute to Nature (August 24, 2023).
*Letters from Earthlings and Beyond (August 14, 2023).
*Opening Interstellar Packages In Our Mailbox (August 12, 2023).
*Seeking a Higher Intelligence (August 8, 2023).
*Recruiting Panelists from the the Bar at Harvard Square (August 4, 2023).
*An Extraterrestrial Messiah? (July 29, 2023).
*An Unprecedented Hearing on Extraterrestrials at the US House of Representatives (Diary report 43) (July 26, 2023).
*Celebration of Life-As-We-Know-It! (Diary report 42) (July 23, 2023).
*The Count is Up to 360 Spherules! (Diary report 41) (July 21, 2023).
*The One Thing that Senators, Scientists and Artists Agree On! (Diary report 40) (July 17, 2023).
* We Are All in the Same Boat (Diary report 39) (July 16, 2023).
* A Harvest of 92 New Spherules in One Day (Diary report 38) (July 14, 2023).
* A Billion Years Delivery by FedEx (Diary report 37) (July 11, 2023).
* Starting the Analysis of Spherules from the Interstellar Expedition (Diary report 36) (July 7, 2023).
* Summary of the Successful Interstellar Expedition (Diary report 35) (July 3, 2023).
* On the Way Back from IM1's Site (Diary report 34) (June 28, 2023).
* A Toast of Champagne for Fifty IM1 Spherules and Beyond (Diary report 33) (June 27, 2023).
* From Ocean to Table (Diary report 32) (June 27, 2023).
* Might an Iron Peanut or Bean Be Worth Ten Thousand Spherules
or Nothing at All? (Diary report 31) (June 27, 2023).
* Running Along IM1's Likely Path (Diary report 30) (June 26, 2023).
* The Spatial and Size Distribution of Spherules Are Correlated With IM1's Likely Path (Diary report 29) (June 26, 2023).
* The Flowers Above the Grass Level (Diary report 28) (June 25, 2023).
* We Have 25 Spherules from IM1's Site (Diary report 27) (June 25, 2023).
* Two Are Better Than One (Diary report 26) (June 24, 2023).
* Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Diary report 25) (June 24, 2023).
* Our Largest Spherule Looks Like an Alien Emoji (Diary report 24) (June 23, 2023).
* What a Wonderful World (Diary report 23) (June 23, 2023).
* Finding a Needle in an Ocean (Diary report 22) (June 23, 2023).
* Hunting for More IM1 Spherules (Diary report 21) (June 22, 2023).
* We Have Discovered Spherules from the Path of the First Recognized Interstellar Meteor, IM1 (Diary report 20) (June 21, 2023).
* Inspiration from a Visit to a Terrestrial Marketplace (Diary report 19) (June 21, 2023).
* Background Wires at the DoD Coordinates of IM1 (Diary report 18) (June 21, 2023).
* Where Are the Spherules of IM1? (Diary report 17) (June 20, 2023).
* Black Powder in the Debris Field of IM1 (Diary report 16) (June 20, 2023).
* We Recovered Shock-Resisting Steel in the Debris Field of IM1 (Diary report 15) (June 19, 2023).
* Corroded Iron and Volcanic Debris in IM1's Path (Diary report 14) (June 18, 2023).
* Analysis of the Materials Retrieved from Runs 4 and 5 in IM1's Path (Diary report 12) (June 18, 2023).
* A Rich Harvest of Wires and Fragments from IM1's Path (Diary report 12) (June 18, 2023).
* Finally, Too Much Food on the Table! (Diary report 11) (June 18, 2023).
* Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (Diary report 10) (June 17, 2023).
* You Cannot Make a Lemonade Without Lemons (Diary report 9) (June 17, 2023).
* An Anomalous Wire Made of Manganese and Platinum in the Pacific Ocean Site of the First Interstellar Meteor (Diary report 8) (June 16, 2023).
*Strange Wires and Diverse Fragments in the Pacific Ocean Site of the First Interstellar Meteor (Diary report 7) (June 16, 2023).
*Do Aliens Have Hair? (Diary report 6) (June 16, 2023).
*First Sample of Fragments from the Pacific Ocean Floor (Diary report 5) (June 15, 2023).
*Scooping the Ocean Floor (Diary report 4) (June 15, 2023).
*Arriving at Silver Star (Diary report 3) (June 14, 2023).
*Seeking Extraterrestrial Artifacts in the Pacific Ocean (Diary report 2) (June 13, 2023).
*It's Easier to Seek Extraterrestrial Facts From the Ocean Floor Than to Get Them From Government (June 11, 2023).
*The Multiple Groups of UAP Studies Within Government (June 9, 2023).
*Interstellar Space Trash is Our Treasure (June 7, 2023).
*Terrestrial Relics from Non-Human Spacecraft (June 5, 2023).
*An Interstellar Twist to Human History (June 4, 2023).
*Breaking News: We Are Not the Smartest! (June 2, 2023).
*NASA, AARO and the Galileo Project Agree on the Need for a Scientific Study of UAP (May 31, 2023).
*Self-Replicating Machines (May 29, 2023).
*The Search for Extraterrestrials May inspire an Uplifting Future for Humanity (May 27, 2023).
*Nature Made It Difficult to Weaponize Black Holes (May 26, 2023).
*Ideas Are Not Good Enough Without Good Data (May 24, 2023).
*Nothing Lasts Forever (May 22, 2023).
*The Horizon for Intergalactic Travel (May 20, 2023).
*2023 Cosmos Award (May 20, 2023).
*A Log of Our Exponential History (May 18, 2023).
*Is Spacetime Continuous or Discrete? (May 16, 2023).
*Will Your Home Be Hit by a Meteorite? (May 15, 2023).
*On the Benefits of Systematic Versus Anecdotal Evidence (May 12, 2023).
*Would you Press a Button on an Extraterrestrial Gadget? (May 11, 2023).
*Interstellar Diary (May 10, 2023).
*Chasing `Oumuamua (May 8, 2023).
*Space Trash in Our Cosmic Neighborhood (May 7, 2023).
*A Play About Life Beyond Earth (May 5, 2023).
*Follow the Extraterrestrial Water (May 4, 2023).
*Training AI on Desired Content (May 2, 2023).
*The Cosmic Distribution of Love (May 1, 2023).
*Our Survival in the Milky Way (April 29, 2023).
*A Blind Date with Interstellar Matter (April 27, 2023).
*The Density of What Matters in the Universe (April 26, 2023).
*AI Alignment Resembles Helicopter Parenting (April 24, 2023).
*Water as Rocket Fuel on the Moon or Mars (April 24, 2023).
*The State of the Universe (April 23, 2023).
*Elon Musk is Wrong About Aliens! (April 21, 2023).
*Fellows of the Galileo Project (April 21, 2023).
*Afterthoughts on the Second UAP Senate Hearing (April 19, 2023).
*The Shots Heard Round the World (April 18, 2023).
*Tracking Extraterrestrial Packages with AI (April 16, 2023).
*Alien Mothership, Politico (April 14, 2023).
*Reflections of a Farm Boy: "From Farm to Table" Science (April 14, 2023).
*Philanthropy by Inspiration (April 12, 2023).
*Extraterrestrials Offer Benefits, Not An Existential Risk (April 10, 2023).
*On the Virtue of Real Action in Place of `Virtue Signaling' (April 9, 2023).
*Planetary Defense Warning Stations (April 8, 2023).
*The New Society of AI (April 6, 2023).
*The Cosmos is Different from Our Backyard (April 4, 2023).
*Overcoming Our Auriga Moments (April 2, 2023).
*Will Future AI Systems be Legally Liable? (March 31, 2023).
*Dating Interstellar Objects with the Webb Space Telescope (March 30, 2023).
*Extraordinary Evidence Requires Extraordinary Funding (March 29, 2023).
*What is the Proper Pronoun for GPT-4? (March 27, 2023).
*The Simplicity of Telling the Truth (March 25, 2023).
*`Oumuamua Was Not a Hydrogen-Water Iceberg (March 23, 2023).
*Is `Oumuamua a Hydrogen-Water Iceberg? (March 22, 2023).
*Exotic Propulsion (March 21, 2023).
*2084 (March 19, 2023).
*Open-Minded AI (March 17, 2023).
*Science is an Infinite Box of Chocolates (March 15, 2023).
*Interstellar Interpretation of Plato's Cave Allegory (March 13, 2023).
*How to Navigate Academia (March 11, 2023).
*A Gift from a Silver Star (March 9, 2023).
*Keep the Branch We Are Sitting On! (March 8, 2023).
*Physics of the Phenomenon, Podcast with Micah Hanks (March 6, 2023).
*Separating Science from Fiction (March 5, 2023).
*Distinguishing Ourselves from Nature (March 4, 2023).
*Do Technological Civilizations Self-Destruct or Self-Replicate? (March 2, 2023).
*Herlinde Koelbl's Fascination With Scientists (February 28, 2023).
*Wishing All of Us a Better Future (February 26, 2023).
*Q&A About Black Holes, Harvard Gazette (February 25, 2023).
*Loving Reality Without Makeup (February 25, 2023).
*Can A.I. Reproduce Human Creativity? (February 22, 2023).
*City Lights in Our Sky and Plastic in Our Oceans (February 21, 2023).
*Wishing to Be a Museum Item on An Exoplanet (February 19, 2023).
*Interstellar Romance (February 18, 2023).
*Balloons or Extraterrestrial Devices? (February 15, 2023).
*Could the Biggest Blunder of Fundamental Physics Be Resolved? (February 11, 2023).
*Past and Future Life in Martian Lava Tubes (February 9, 2023).
*Science Is Better Than Politics (February 7, 2023).
*The Existential risk from Fast Bullets During Interstellar Travel (February 5, 2023).
*What Would Have Happened to the Dinosaurs if the Chicxulub Impactor Was a Black Hole? (February 4, 2023).
*Thermonuclear Explosions on Proxima b Are Detectable by JWST (February 3, 2023).
*Searching Around the Milky Way for Partners (February 2, 2023).
*Observing Earth With Love (January 31, 2023).
*Interstellar Objects from Broken Dyson Spheres (January 29, 2023).
*We Are Going to Visit the First Interstellar Meteor (January 27, 2023).
*What Constitutes a Miracle? (January 24, 2023).
*Imagine Interstellar (January 22, 2023).
*Trading Disruptive Science for Imagined Realities (January 20, 2023).
*Thirty Years at Harvard University (January 18, 2023).
*Finding Meaning in a Multi Star Family (January 17, 2023).
*Planck Energy Accelerators (January 16, 2023).
*Intergalactic Travel At No Cost (January 14, 2023).
*Thoughts on the 2022 ODNI UAP Report (January 12, 2023).
*The Most Fantastic Spacecraft Ever Imagined (January 11, 2023).
*The Pleasure of Figuring Out the Location of the First Interstellar Meteor (January 9, 2023).
*The Most Interesting Signals Starts in the Noise (January 8, 2023).
*Should We develop an ET Encounter Manual? (January 6, 2023).
*The Claustrophobia of a Closed Universe (January 4, 2023).
*The Unexplored Dimension of the Universe (January 3, 2023).
*The Siraj & Loeb discovery of first interstellar meteor
was named to CNN's list of 2022's extraordinary cosmic revelations and moments in space exploration
(December 27, 2022).
*The Writing on Our Tombstone (December 31, 2022).
*Was Earth's Surface Ever Completely Frozen? (December 29, 2022).
*Beliefs Versus Evidence in Science and Beyond (December 28, 2022).
*Was Earth Terraformed by Martians? (December 26, 2022).
*No High-Rise Left Standing on Early Mars or Earth (December 25, 2022).
*Seeking Immortality in Space (December 23, 2022).
*Extraterrestrial Heaven: Innovation With No Bureaucracy (December 21, 2022).
*The Next Copernican Revolution (December 20, 2022).
*Our Interstellar Blessing: Live Long and Prosper! (December 19, 2022).
*Interplanetary Soccer on Mars (December 18, 2022).
*Allowing for the Unexpected in an Interstellar Date (December 16, 2022).
*Imaging Hell at High Resolution (December 15, 2022).
*Creating a Transient Star in the Laboratory (December 13, 2022).
*Is Ceres Our Third Hub After the Moon and Mars? (December 12, 2022).
*Why Is Science Important? (December 11, 2022).
*A Million CubeSats in Our Backyard (December 10, 2022).
*The Sky's the Limit on the Speed of Light (December 8, 2022).
*Questions of Life and Death (December 7, 2022).
*Is it Possible to Communicate with Gravitational Waves? (December 6, 2022).
*Cast Your Craft Upon Interstellar Waters (December 5, 2022).
*What Makes the Life of a Physicist Meaningful (December 3, 2022).
*Was Terrestrial Life Seeded by a Gardener (December 2, 2022).
*Life on Titan May Signal Early Life in the Universe (November 30, 2022).
*Collecting Fragments from the First Interstellar Meteor (November 28, 2022).
*Confluence of Natural and Artificial Intelligences (November 28, 2022).
*The Side Academy (November 26, 2022).
*Life as We Know or Do Not Know It (November 25, 2022).
*Cosmic Seeds of the Biggest Black Holes (November 21, 2022).
*A Hint from the Webb Telescope that the First Stars Were Massive (November 19, 2022).
*Are City Lights Still On Around White Dwarfs? (November 18, 2022).
*Earthlings, Unite! (November 16, 2022).
*What Makes Us Human? (November 14, 2022).
*The Proper Way to Swipe Left and Right (November 12, 2022).
*Three Revolutions that Will Change Humanity (November 10, 2022).
*A Black Hole in the Solar System? (November 9, 2022).
*Let It Be ... An Intelligent Signal (November 7, 2022).
*Nerds May Save Humanity (November 6, 2022).
*Aliens, black holes and the end of the universe, h3 podcast (November 4, 2022).
*What Happens in Vegas Does Not Stay in Vegas (November 3, 2022).
*Interview for Numero, Zac Baily (November 2, 2022).
*Old Newspapers in Extraterrestrial Restaurants (November 2, 2022).
*For the Love of Evidence (October 30, 2022).
*Searching for Bread Crumbs Around an Invisible Baby (October 28, 2022).
*From Simplicity to Complexity and Back (October 27, 2022).
*A New Calculation on the Fly to the NASA UAP Study (October 24, 2022).
*Hazards and Benefits of Interstellar Travel (October 23, 2022).
*Gravitational Propulsion (October 20, 2022).
*Near Earth Probes (NEPs) (October 18, 2022).
*Seeds from an Interstellar Dandelion (October 17, 2022).
*Life and Death by Nuclear Energy (October 16, 2022).
*Life is Hard Work, But Luck Helps (October 14, 2022).
*Lost Civilizations from Our Cosmic Past (October 13, 2022).
*A Word of Torah About Extraterrestrials (October 11, 2022).
*Expecting the Unexpected, D'var Torah for Yom Kippur by Rabbi Elyssa Joy Austerklein (October 9, 2022).
*When Visiting the Jungle, We Are Likely to See Animals (October 9, 2022).
*Panel discussion on consciousness, Wisconsin (October 6, 2022).
*Lecture on "Cosmic Conciousness", Wisconsin (October 6, 2022).
*Down to Earth Limits on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in Ukraine (October 4, 2022).
*Rogue Planets (October 3, 2022).
*Permanent Climate Change on Habitable Planets (October 2, 2022).
*Do Astronomers Exist on Habitable Exo-Planets? (September 30, 2022).
*An Extraterrestrial Resolution to the Absurdity of Life (September 28, 2022).
*Understanding Ourselves Thanks to Sentient AI Systems , Medium (September 27, 2022).
*Bright Spot in Orbit Around a Black Hole , Medium (September 25, 2022).
*The Unfamiliar Nature of Interstellar Objects , Medium (September 22, 2022).
*Discovery of a Second Interstellar Meteor: Meter-Size Interstellar Objects Are Much Tougher than Solar System Rocks! , Medium (September 20, 2022).
*Message in an Interstellar Bottle , Medium (September 16, 2022).
*The Universe is Too Big for Us to Ignore It , Medium (September 12, 2022).
*Low-Hanging Fruits of Extraterrestrial Intelligence , Medium (September 11, 2022).
*Post-Pandemic Aspirations , Medium (September 9, 2022).
*Rebooting Earth from a Lunar Backup System , Medium (September 7, 2022).
*Let Many Flowers Bloom , Medium (September 5, 2022).
*Humans Are Not Scientific Detectors , Medium (September 4, 2022).
*A Meeting with `Oumuamua at the Venice Film Festival , Medium (September 3, 2022).
*Advice to Young People , Medium (August 31, 2022).
*You and It , Medium (August 29, 2022).
*Exploring the Unknown , Medium (August 28, 2022).
*Interstellar Dating , Medium (August 26, 2022).
*The Genius in Our Interstellar Class , Medium (August 25, 2022).
*The Last Year in the Life of a Star , Medium (August 24, 2022).
*What is Real? , Medium (August 22, 2022).
*The Scissors of Academic Review , Medium (August 21, 2022).
*Messages Carried by Ripples of Space and Time , Medium (August 20, 2022).
*Gifts of Active Galactic Nuclei , Medium (August 18, 2022).
*PNG Expedition , "All Things Considered", National Public Radio (NPR) (August 16, 2022).
*Wish Upon a Star , Medium (August 16, 2022).
*What Came First: the Astro-Chicken or the Egg? , Medium (August 14, 2022).
*Rising Above the Noise , Medium (August 11, 2022).
*The Enigmatic Universe , Medium (August 10, 2022).
*What is Our Rating in the Cosmic Dating Scene? , Medium (August 7, 2022).
*Thank you for Your Service to Blue Skies Science , Medium (August 5, 2022).
*Fixing Our Worldview With Scientific Knowledge , Medium (August 4, 2022).
*Interstellar Archaeology , Medium (August 4, 2022).
*Our Cosmic Roots Suggest Humility , Medium (July 31, 2022).
*What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger , Medium (July 28, 2022).
*A Test of Cosmic Inflation and Quantum Gravity , Medium (July 26, 2022).
*What Lies Beyond the Horizon? , Medium (July 24, 2022).
*What's in a Name? , Medium (July 22, 2022).
*Nature Could Be Simple , Medium (July 20, 2022).
*First Year of the Galileo Project , Medium (July 20, 2022).
*The Bright Side of the Moon , Medium (July 17, 2022).
*Life As We Do Not Know It , Medium (July 15, 2022).
*Time is of the Essence , Medium (July 13, 2022).
*First Cosmic Bits Caught in Webb's Web , Medium (July 12, 2022).
*The New Eyes and Brain of the Galileo Project , Medium (July 7, 2022).
*The Sunrise Ritual , Medium (July 5, 2022).
*Extinction of Gamma-Rays by Sunlight , Medium (July 1, 2022).
*Quantum Gravity Engineers , Medium (June 29, 2022).
*Will Humanity Be Saved by Deus Ex Machina? , Medium (June 27, 2022).
*Galileo Would Have Been Proud of Our Project , Medium (June 25, 2022).
*Recalculating Academia , Medium (June 22, 2022).
*Three Unsung Heroes from Our Cosmic Past , Medium (June 20, 2022).
*Survival of the Optimist , Medium (June 15, 2022).
*Could UAP Have Kinship to Our AI Systems , Medium (June 14, 2022).
*Music gift from Amir Siraj , Medium (June 14, 2022).
*Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery , Medium (June 11, 2022).
*The Bliss of an Academic Family , Medium (June 9, 2022).
*The Beginner's Mind of Machine Learning , Medium (June 4, 2022).
*Technological Selection in the Race to Interstellar Space , Medium (June 2, 2022).
*Quantum Tunneling of Dark Matter , Medium (May 31, 2022).
*With Age Comes Wisdom , Medium (May 29, 2022).
*The Trading Card of Human Civilization , Medium (May 25, 2022).
*Galactic Kites , Medium (May 21, 2022).
*Thoughts About the First Congressional Hearing on Unidentified Objects in Half a Century , Medium (May 18, 2022).
*Alleviating the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation , Medium (May 15, 2022).
*Intergalactic Travel With MOND Rockets , RNAAS (May 14, 2022).
*Congressional Hearing: Pushing the Frontiers of Science With Government Data , The Hill (May 13, 2022).
*Pushing the Frontiers of Science With Government Data , Medium (May 11, 2022).
*Sound of CNEOS 2014-01-08 Seismometer on Manus Island
(May 11, 2022).
*Fishing In Extraterrestrial Seas , Medium (May 6, 2022).
*Cherish Those Junior Moments , Medium (May 3, 2022).
*How to guide our life? , Medium (May 1, 2022).
*The Memory Effect , Medium (April 25, 2022).
*The New Horizons Meteor , Medium (April 22, 2022).
*The First Interstellar Meteor Had a Larger Material Strength Than Iron Meteorites , Medium (April 18, 2022).
*Interstellar Meteor Debate , New York Times (April 15, 2022).
*Scooping Interstellar Fragments from the Ocean Floor , Medium (April 13, 2022).
*Fix the Money to Leave the World , Bitcoin 2022 (April 8, 2022).
*Annoncing the Closest and Farthest Objects from Outside Our Cosmic Neighborhood on the Same Week , Medium (April 7, 2022).
*The Most Distant Galaxy Yet , New York Times (April 7, 2022).
*The First Interstellar Meteor , DoD (April 6, 2022).
*How Bright Can a Source in the Sky Be? , Medium (April 2, 2022).
*The Scientific Method , Medium (March 31, 2022).
*What is Missing In Academia? , Medium (March 28, 2022).
*What is Dark Matter? , Medium (March 23, 2022).
*The Galileo Project , BBC Science Focus (March 21, 2022).
*The Silence of Snow , Medium (March 20, 2022).
*The Substitute for the drake Equation in Extraterrestrial Space Archaeology , Medium (March 16, 2022).
*Spurious Radial Migration in Milky
Way , RNAAS (March 16, 2022).
*The Future of Science , The Marginalia Review of Books (March 11, 2022).
*The First Interstellar Meteor , Medium (March 10, 2022).
*Oh, if I could talk to the aliens , Harvard Gazette (March 8, 2022).
*Intelligent Communication , Medium (March 8, 2022).
*Communicating with Extraterrestrials , Medium (March 6, 2022).
*Life Under the Ice , Medium (February 26, 2022).
*What Do the Best Scientists in the Milky Way Know? , Medium (February 23, 2022).
*Milky-Way Gifts to Life Expectancy , Medium (February 20, 2022).
*Fun Facts About Neptune , Newsweek (February 20, 2022).
*Mind the Gap: Cosmic Stoicism , Medium (February 16, 2022).
*The Unidentified , 60 Minutes Australia (February 15, 2022).
*Our Biggest Global Challenge , The Hill (February 14, 2022).
*Stellar Engines , The DeBrief (February 9, 2022).
*Mysterious 18-Minute Radio Pulses Are Not from "Little Green Men" , Medium (February 8, 2022).
*Galileo Project , The Guardian (February 5, 2022).
*Why NASA Should Build An Even Bigger Telescope , The Hill (February 3, 2022).
*Galaxies Expand As They Emit Light , Medium (February 3, 2022).
*Q&A on Galileo Project , Jesse Michels, American Alchemy (January 29, 2022).
*Two Choices in Space Exploration , The Hill (January 27, 2022).
*Paranormal Activity , Science (January 27, 2022).
*Can We Find UAP from Above? , The Hill (January 24, 2022).
*Life Lessons After Sixty Years , Medium (January 24, 2022).
*Chasing Oumuamua , Newsweek (January 21, 2022).
*An Interview in the Metaverse , The Hill (January 18, 2022).
*Can Intelligence be Digitized? , Medium (January 17, 2022).
*Interview with an NFT , Marc Fernandez, Club Metaverse (January 13, 2022).
*The Hunt for Extraterrestrial Technology , Vimeo (January 12, 2022).
*Extraordinary Evidence Requires Extraordinary Funding , The DeBrief (January 11, 2022).
*Are We Investing Trillions on What Matters? , The Hill (January 8, 2022).
*Virtual Realities May Solve Fermi's Paradox About Extraterrestrials , The Hill (January 5, 2022).
*Looking Through the Windows , Medium (January 2, 2022).
*Reinvigorating the UAP Legacy of Senator Harry Reid , The Hill (January 1, 2022).
*Top 50 SpaceTech Leaders , SpaceTech Analytics (2021).
*News Which Went Over Our Heads , Boston Globe Magazine (December 29, 2021).
*Science Teaches Us Modesty , Instagram (December 29, 2021).
*JWST , The Daily Galaxy (December 28, 2021).
*Sec. 1683 of NDAA 2022 , US Congress (December 28, 2021).
*The Launch of JWST , TV News (December 28, 2021).
*The Science of JWST , Al Jazeera English (December 27, 2021).
*We Need Scientific Analysis of Satellite Data on UAP , Medium (December 27, 2021).
*Fishing in Interstellar Space , The DeBrief (December 26, 2021).
*Against the Wind , Medium (December 22, 2021).
*Virtual Reality Makes Us Egotistical and Science Demands Humility , The DeBrief (December 22, 2021).
*Will We Soon Rewrite Textbooks on Our Place in the Universe? , The Hill (December 19, 2021).
*The Tricky Reality of Reality , Medium (December 17, 2021).
*Superhumanize , Podcast (December 15, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial selected to longlist of PEN/E.O WILSON LITERARY SCIENCE AWARD" , BookRiot (December 15, 2021).
*Oumuamua is among "Best of the Year" Phys.org articles of 2021" , Phys.org (December 14, 2021).
*Dating the Next `Oumuamua , The DeBrief (December 14, 2021).
*Choosing Risks and Looking for ET , Medium (December 10, 2021).
*Risk Assessment in Mainstream Science , The Hill (December 8, 2021).
*The Fly on the Porch of My Home , The DeBrief (December 2, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial" is number one among recommended space books for the holidays , Interesting Engineering (November 28, 2021).
*"Health Risks of Space Tourism: Is It Responsible to Send Humans to Mars?" , The Hill (November 27, 2021).
*"AI-Scientists May Usher In a Bright Future in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" , The Debrief (November 24, 2021).
*"When Did Life Start in the Universe?" , Scientific American (November 24, 2021).
*"Space Exploration and Spirituality" , Medium (November 21, 2021).
*"Why Science and Religion Come Together When Discussing Extraterrestrial Life" , The Hill (November 18, 2021).
*"Should We Trust Our Future AI Scientists?" , Medium (November 16, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial" is an Best Science Book of the Year and Best Nonfiction Book of the Year , Amazon (November 16, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrials and Religion" , Medium (November 14, 2021).
*"Attention to Anomalies" , Inference (November 12, 2021).
*"Our Future In Space" , National Cathedral, Washington DC (November 10, 2021).
*"Everthing You Need to Know About the Galileo Project" , Medium (November 7, 2021).
*"Mention of Galileo Project by the US Senate" , Congressional Record (November 5, 2021).
*"Our Universe Inspires Modesty, Curiosity and Calm" , Medium (November 5, 2021).
*"Book Review: Life In The Cosmos" , The Inquisitive Biologist (November 5, 2021).
*"The Messenger" , Boston Magazine (November 2, 2021).
*"Could Our Universe Be Someones Chemistry Project?" , Universe Today (November 2, 2021).
*"Our Future In Space" , Medium (November 2, 2021).
*"Peace BAR Festival 2021,
In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the UN International Day of Peace" , Kyung Hee University, Global Academy for Future Civilizations (October 29, 2021).
*"Let Many Flowers Bloom In Space" , Medium (October 27, 2021).
*"Our Avatars in Space" , Medium (October 25, 2021).
*"On the Possibility of an Artificial Origin for `Oumuamua" , Astrobiology (October 19, 2021).
*"Protocol for Contact with Extraterrestrial Equipment" , Medium (October 17, 2021).
*"Was Our Universe Created in a Laboratory?" , Scientific American (October 15, 2021).
*"In Search for Anomalies" , Medium (October 14, 2021).
*"Our Future In Space" , Ignatius Forum, National Cathedral, Washington DC (November 10, 2021).
*"A.I. Astronauts from Advanced Civilizations" , Medium (October 11, 2021).
*Podcast on Black Holes , Surprisingly Brilliant (October 11, 2021).
*"Be Kind to Extraterrestrial Guests" , Medium (October 5, 2021).
*"Microbes, Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence" , Scientific American (October 2, 2021).
*"Our Ego Trip In The Cosmos" , Medium (September 29, 2021).
*"The Play Is Not About Us" , Medium (September 27, 2021).
*"How To Search for Life as We Don't Know It" , Medium (September 26, 2021).
*"Rising Above the Rubble" , Medium (September 24, 2021).
*Profile , Smithsonian Magazine (October, 2021).
*Q&A with Sarah Scoles , National Book Festival, Library of Congress (Sep 22, 2021).
*Audio interview by Kobi Barkay (in hebrew) , Israel Radio Kan (September 23, 2021).
*"Imagination Is Not a Consequence of Formal Education" , Medium (September 21, 2021).
*"The Next Sunrise Will Look Different" , Medium (September 20, 2021).
*"Astronomers Should Be Willing to Look Closer at Weird Objects on the Sky" , Scientific American (September 19, 2021).
*"Superconductivity and Faraday's Law" , Professor Lewin (September 18, 2021).
*"A conversation with Avi Loeb (in hebrew)" , Kan, Israel (September 18, 2021).
*"Will Autonomous AI Systems Replace Astronauts?" , Medium (September 17, 2021).
*"Note to Branson and Bezos: Extraterrestrials Will Not Be Impressed" , Scientific American (September 15, 2021).
*"Galileo Project: Religion, Science and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life" , The Hill (September 15, 2021).
*"The Wonder of Avi Loeb" , Smithsonian Magazine (October, 2021).
*"The `Adults in the Room' Could Be Scientists" , Medium (September 14, 2021).
*"A Sermon About Extraterrestrials" , Medium (September 14, 2021).
*"Looking for Interstellar Monuments" , Scientific American (September 11, 2021).
*"National Book Festival Appearance" , Library of Congress (September 22, 2021).
*"Lecture, Book Signing and Film" , Coolidge Corner (October 18, 2021).
*"High Holidays Sermon about `Extraterrestrial'" , Rabbi Rob Dobrusin, Ann Arbor, MI (September 12, 2021).
*"To Look or Not To Look, That Is The Question!" , Scientific American (September 6, 2021).
*"Galileo Project" , The Hill (August 28, 2021).
*"Some `Defenders' of Science Might Actually Be Hurting It" , Medium (August 24, 2021).
*"ET Search" , BILD, Germany (August 23, 2021).
*"Interstellar Objects Outnumber Oort Cloud Objects" , Daily Mail, UK (August 23, 2021).
*"When Will We Hear From Extraterrestrials?" , Scientific American (August 15, 2021).
*"The Galileo Project" , Israeli TV (August 4, 2021).
*"The Galileo Project" , All Things Considered, NPR/WGBH (August 3, 2021).
*"To Understand UAP We Need Megapixel Imagery" , Scientific American (August 2, 2021).
*"The Galileo Project" , The Guardian, UK (July 27, 2021).
*"Review of `Life In The Cosmos' textbook" , pressreader (July 27, 2021).
*"Announcing A New Plan for Solving the Mystery of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" , Scientific American (July 26, 2021).
*"Harvard Astronomer Revolutionizes Search for Alien Life with New Project" , Jerusalem Post (July 26, 2021).
*"Q&A at Goldman Sachs" , YouTube (July 13, 2021).
* King Princess Learns About Extreaterrestrials , V Wanna Know Podcast with Mathias Rosenzweig (July 13, 2021).
*"How to Tell if Extraterrestrial Visitors Are Friend or Foe" , Scientific American (July 12, 2021).
*Podcast on "Extraterrestrials" , The Metaphysical Circus, Israeli Broadcast Corporation (in hebrew) (July 8, 2021).
*"How Humanity Can Earn the Respect of Extraterrestrials" , Scientific American (July 3, 2021).
*Q&A , Humo-Magazine, Belgium (June 28, 2021).
*Pentagon Report , Jersualem Post (June 27, 2021).
*Conversation with Jamarl Thomas , Radio (Washington DC) (June 26, 2021).
*Interview in "Good Morning Israel" , Israel (June 26, 2021).
*Are We Alone? , Der Spiegel cover story (in German) (June 26, 2021).
*Scientists Should Identify the Unidentified in the Pentagon Report , The Hill (June 25, 2021).
*"Pentagon Report" , Newsweek (June 24, 2021).
*"What We Can Learn From Studying UFOs" , Scientific American (June 24, 2021).
*"World Minds Forum" , Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Germany (June 23, 2021).
*"A Possible Link Between `Oumuamua and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" , Scientific American (June 22, 2021).
*"The Willingness to Question" , Thrive Global (June 22, 2021).
*"ET, Israel and Dark Matter" , Jake Newfield Podcast, Spotify (June 22, 2021).
*"Identifying the Unidentified" , Event Horizon, YouTube (June 21, 2021).
*"Knowledge" , FOCUS Magazine, Germany (June 25, 2021).
*"Intelligent Life Beyond Earth" , York Festival of Ideas (June 20, 2021).
*"How to Detect Heat from Extraterrestrial Probes in Our Solar System" , Scientific American (June 17, 2021).
*"Alien Civilizations" , Masha Glozman, Ha'aretz Online (June 16, 2021).
*Creativity , Becky Arbiv and Rohin Maganti, "After Office Hours" Podcast (June 15, 2021).
*Searching for City Lights on Other Planets , Scientific American (June 13, 2021).
*In the Stars , Worlds Apart (June 13, 2021).
*Cool Science , Radio interview (June 11, 2021).
*What We Know About UFOs , MPR News, Minnesota (June 10, 2021).
*UAP Reports , Thomas Reintjes, Germany's National Public Radio (June 9, 2021).
*ET (in hebrew) , Ha'aretz (June 9, 2021).
*Great Powers of the Galaxy , Ken Silber, Splice Today (June 9, 2021).
*Pentagon UAP Report , Podcast with Andrew Crystal (June 8, 2021).
*Future of Humanity , Podcast with Lucas Perry (June 8, 2021).
*Death by a Primordial Black Hole , Scientific American
(June 6, 2021).
*Artificial Lights on Proxima b , Universe Today (June 6, 2021).
*Creative Thinking Is Not For The Faint of Heart , Scientific American (June 3, 2021).
*Search for Life , Chris Lydon, WBUR Radio (June 3, 2021).
*Rethinking Civil Society , University of Goettingen, Germany
(June 3, 2021).
*Message in a Bottle , Boston Globe
(June 3, 2021).
*More Funding for SETI , Fox News
(June 1, 2021).
*Q&A Lecture in hebrew , Israeli Space Agency
(June 1, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , Chris Lintott, London Review of Books
(June 1, 2021).
*Maybe Dark Matter Is More Than One Thing , Scientific American
(May 30, 2021).
*Q&A , Scienze (in Italian)
(May 28, 2021).
*Importance of Inquiry , Ben Domenech Podcast, Fox News Radio
(May 24, 2021).
*Space Exploration Gives Meaning to Our Lives , The Federalist
(May 24, 2021).
*How to Avoid a Cosmic Catastrophe , Scientific American
(May 23, 2021).
*Proxima Centauri b: Artificial Illimination as a Technosignature , Centauri Dreams
(May 21, 2021).
*Q&A (in Dutch) , Para Vizie, Netherlands
(May 20, 2021).
*When Scientific Orthodoxy Resembles Religious Dogma , Scientific American
(May 17, 2021).
*UFOs , CBS Sunday Morning
(May 16, 2021).
*Book excerpt , CBS Sunday Morning
(May 14, 2021).
*How Much Time Does Humanity Have Left? , Scientific American
(May 12, 2021).
*Q&A Interview , Publico, Protugal (in Portuguese)
(May 11, 2021).
*Podcast on ET Life , Not Seen On TV
(May 10, 2021).
*Funding Research is Better than Eyewitness Reports , Op-Ed, The Hill, Washington DC
(May 9, 2021).
*UChicago News , Big Brains Podcast
(May 6, 2021).
*It Would be Arrogant to Believe That We Are Alone , Yedioth Aharonot, Israel (in hebrew) (May 6, 2021).
*Watching the Universe Expand in Real Time , Scientific American
(May 6, 2021).
*Interstellar Voyagers , BBC Future
(May 6, 2021).
*Q&A , Podcast with Erich von Daniken
(May 6, 2021).
*Q&A , Big Brains, University of Chicago
(May 4, 2021).
*Stars that Race Through Space at Nearly the Speed of Light , Scientific American (May 1, 2021).
*Are We Alone? , Brooke Gladstone, NPR/WNYC Studios (April 24, 2021).
*Scientists Should Never Stop Being Students , Scientific American (April 23, 2021).
*Cover Story , Ami Magazine (April 21, 2021).
*Debate With Brian Greene , Collective[i] (April 15, 2021).
*What Should We Do If Extraterrestrials Show Up? , Scientific American (April 15, 2021).
*Q&A , Hoofdredacteur ParaVisie Magazine, Netherlands (April 13, 2021).
*Are We Alone? , Munk Debates (April 8, 2021).
*Q&A , All About Space (April 6, 2021).
*When Did Life First Emerge in the Universe? , Scientific American (April 4, 2021).
*Q&A on Astrophysics , Visao, Portugal (April 1, 2021).
*Are Extraterrestrials Socially Distancing from Us? , Keen On (March 31, 2021).
*Search for ET , NPR One/RadioWest (March 25, 2021).
*Mass Budget for Nitrogen Icebergs , arXiv (March 25, 2021).
*Photography of Interstellar Objects , Scientific American (March 22, 2021).
*Keen On , Andrew Keen video interview (March 22, 2021).
*Was the Interstellar Object `Oumuamua a Nitrogen Iceberg? , Scientific American (March 19, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial in French , Jean Scheneider (March 18, 2021).
*Hubble Space Telescope , Daily Galaxy (March 14, 2021).
*Alien Artifact , Luckbox (March 11, 2021).
*Aliens Are Real , VICE (March 9, 2021).
*Facing Open Questions , Wiley Online Library (March 9, 2021).
*Aliens , Independent, UK (March 9, 2021).
*Intertstellar Travel , Matthew Williams, Interesting Engineering (March 9, 2021).
*Review of "Extraterrestrial" , Jean-Pierre Luminet (March 8, 2021).
*Review of "Extraterrestrial" , Massimo Tedorani, Italy (March 7, 2021).
*The Next Frontier , Israel21c (March 4, 2021).
*Alien Technology , BBC Science Focus Magazine (March 2, 2021).
*To Qualify As `Scientific', Evidence Has to Be Reproducible , Scientific American (March 1, 2021).
*Looking for Life Beyond , Sierra Club (March 1, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , Matt Williams, Universe Today (February 28, 2021).
*"And yet it deviated!" , Rob La Frenais, Makery (February 26, 2021).
*Instant Die Zeit Bestseller status for Extraterrestrial, a week after publication , Die Zeit, Germany (February 25, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , Paul Gilster, Centauri Dreams (February 23, 2021).
*The Shrapnel that Killed the Dinosaurs , Scientific American (February 16, 2021).
*What Killed the Dinosaurs? , c|net (February 15, 2021).
*The Comet that Killed the Dinosaurs , CfA Press Release (February 15, 2021).
*Aliens Must Be Out There , New York Times (February 11, 2021).
*Alien Hunter , The Economist (February 11, 2021).
*Interview , New Scientist (February 10, 2021).
*The Most Important Question (in German) , Die Welt (February 8, 2021).
*ET Visit , Phys.Org (February 7, 2021).
*Instant New York Times Bestseller status for Extraterrestrial, a week after publication , New York Times (February 3, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , Science Magazine (February 1, 2021).
*Q&A about Extraterrestrial , Scientific American (February 1, 2021).
*The Black Hole that May Have Affected Life on Earth , Scientific American (January 31, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , The Guardian (January 31, 2021).
*Review of Extraterrestrial , Washington Post (January 29, 2021).
*ET-Arecibo , Pioneer Works (January 27, 2021).
*Experimental Tests of Theology , Scientific American (January 26, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial" , Telerama (in French) (January 27, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial" , Podcast with Deepak Chopra (January 26, 2021).
*Taking aliens seriously , Podcast with Sean Carroll (January 26, 2021).
*"Extraterrestrial" , Podcast with Brian Keating (January 26, 2021).
*Review of "Extraterrestrial" , Dennis Overbye, New York Times (January 26, 2021).
*ET , Observer (January 25, 2021).
*Aliens , New York Magazine (January 24, 2021).
*Are We the Smartest Kid on the Block? , Drot, Hungary (January 23, 2021).
*The Sherlock Holmes Method , Science Friday (January 22, 2021).
*Why Assume that ET Might Want to Visit Us? , Scientific American (January 21, 2021).
*`Oumuamua Q&A , Boston Globe (January 18, 2021).
*Review of "Extraterrestrial" , The New Yorker (January 18, 2021).
*Unlikelihood of Radio Signal from Alpha Centauri , Universe Today (January 17, 2021).
*Episode number 1596 , The Joe Rogan Experience (January 14, 2021).
*Aliens, Black Holes and the Mystery of Oumuamua , Podcast with Lex Fridman (January 14, 2021).
*Message from the Nearest Star? , Scientific American (January 12, 2021).
*Review of forthcoming book "Extraterrestrial" , Business Insider (January 3, 2021).
*Review of forthcoming book "Extraterrestrial" , New York Post (January 2, 2021).
*No Hydrogen Ice for `Oumuamua , Selection from 2020, AAS Nova (December 29, 2020).
*Searching for Probes , The Sun (December 29, 2020).
*The Cosmic Dawn of Technology , Scientific American (December 28, 2020).
*Sixth Among the Most Important Universe-Altering Stories of 2020 , Inverse (December 25, 2020).
*Multi-Messenger SETI (in Spanish) , Codigo
Oculto (December 24, 2020).
*Ten Space Discoveries 2020 , Live Science (December 23, 2020).
*Searching for Probes , Futurism (December 22, 2020).
*Multi-Messenger SETI , Scientific American (December 22, 2020).
*Black Holes Are Finally In Vogue , Compernicus Webinar (December 15, 2020).
*Video on Loeb's "Surfing a Supernova" , Scientific American (December 15, 2020).
*Endless Creation Out of Nothing , Scientific American (December 12, 2020).
*Message in the Cosmic Microwave Background , Live Science (December 8, 2020).
*"Big Thinkers Event" , New Scientist (February 11, 2021).
*Three of Loeb's students were selected to "Forbes 30 Under 30" over the past five years (Amir Siraj, Henry Lin and Tony Pan) , Forbes Magazine (December 1, 2020).
*"Noah's Spaceship" , Scientific American (November 30, 2020).
*"The Scientific Benefits of Social Distancing" , Scientific American (November 24, 2020).
*"The Space Object 2020 OS" , Universe Today (November 20, 2020).
*"The Empty Half of the Glass May Also Be Full" , Scientific American (November 14, 2020).
*"Search for Life" , Discover (November 9, 2020).
*"Rubin Observatory's Search for Interstellar Objects" , Universe Today (November 8, 2020).
*"Black Holes Are Finally Trending" , Scientific American (November 7, 2020).
*"Is the Space Race Good For Humanity?" , Intelligence Squared US, IBM Watson and Bloomberg TV (November 6, 2020).
*"Living Near a White Dwarf" , Scientific American (October 30, 2020).
*"Spin of Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way" , Harvard Crimson (October 23, 2020).
*"Searching for the Atoms of Life" , Scientific American (October 20, 2020).
*"The black hole at Milky Way Center Has a Low Spin" , CfA Press Release (October 20, 2020).
*"Earth Skimming Meteors Could Have Brought Life to Venus" , Harvard Crimson (October 1, 2020).
*"Life and Fate" , Inference (September 30, 2020).
*"Nature's Splendor Exceeds Our Imagination" , Scientific American (September 29, 2020).
*"Fermi's Paradox" , Universe Today (September 28, 2020).
*"Earth Life May Have Traveled to Venus Aboard Sky-Skimming Asteroid" , Space.com (September 24, 2020).
*"Social Distancing on a Cosmic Scale" , Scientific American (September 23, 2020).
*"Could Life Exist Deep Underground in Mars?" , CfA Press Release (September 23, 2020).
*"Implications of Alien Life to Humans" , Jolley Swagman (September 23, 2020).
*"The Hawking Limit" , Scientific American (September 14, 2020).
*"Is there a black hole in our backyard?" , New York Times (September 11, 2020).
*"Physics Needs Another Einstein" , Salon (September 6, 2020).
*"Far-Out Findings from the Cosmos" , Harvard Gazette (September 4, 2020).
*"What if Our Age Was a Million Years?" , Die Weltwoche (in Swiss) (September 2, 2020).
*"The Dangers of Intellectual Territorialism" , Scientific American (August 31, 2020).
*"Survival of Bacteria in Space" , Wired (August 26, 2020).
*"The Sun May Have Started Its Life With a Binary Companion" , CfA Press Release (August 18, 2020).
*"`Oumuamua Was Not a Molecular Hydrogen Iceberg" , CfA Press Release (August 17, 2020).
*"What if We Could Live for a Million Years?" , Scientific American (August 16, 2020).
*"Uncovering Our Solar System's Shape" , NASA (August 5, 2020).
*"A Movie of the Evolving Universe" , Scientific American (August 3, 2020).
*"New Physics in Cosmology" , Sky and Telescope (July 31, 2020).
*"The Power of Scientific Brainstorming" , Scientific American (July 24, 2020).
*"Lunar Observatory for Gravitational Waves" , Universe Today (July 24, 2020).
*"Mitigating Future Risks (in Spanish)" , El Mundo, Spain (July 19, 2020).
*"Living With Scientific Uncertainty" , Scientific American (July 15, 2020).
*"Odd Radio Circles" , Salon (July 13, 2020).
*"Is Planet Nine a Primordial Black Hole?" , CfA Press Release (July 9, 2020).
*"Flare Coincident with a Gravitational Wave Source" , Scientific American (July 1, 2020).
*"Risk for Life from Asteroids" , Forbes (June 30, 2020).
*"Top ArXiv Papers for two weeks in a row" , Sunny Vangozzi (June 24, 2020).
*"An Audacious Explanation for Fast Radio Bursts" , Scientific American (June 24, 2020).
*"Search for Technosignatures" , CfA Press Release (June 19, 2020).
*"Was `Oumuamua Made of Solid Hydrogen Ice?" , ApJL (June 14, 2020).
*"Primordial Black Holes" , Daily Galaxy (June 14, 2020).
*"Einstein: Visualize the Impossible" , PR Newswire (June 10, 2020).
*Theories of Everything , Scientific American (June 9, 2020).
*Enigmatic 157 Day Period of a Fast Radio Burst , Gizmodo (June 8, 2020).
*Is `Planet Nine' a Black Hole? , Forbes magazine (June 3, 2020).
*Growth History of Black Holes , CfA Press Release (June 1, 2020).
*Visionary Science Takes More than Just Technical Skills , Scientific American (May 25, 2020).
*"Cuvee Oumuamua" , Bonny Doon Vineyard (May 25, 2020).
*Betelgeuse Is Bright Again , Salon (May 15, 2020).
*Are We Alone? , New Scientist Live, London, October 2019 (Posted May 15, 2020).
*Hubris of the Anthropocene , Daily Galaxy (May 13, 2020).
*Using Starshot to Search for Planet Nine , Live Science (May 7, 2020).
*Can Planet Nine Be Detected Gravitationally by a Sub-Relativistic Spacecraft? , arXiv (May 4, 2020).
*In Search of Naked Singularities , Scientific American (May 3, 2020).
*Board for Global Catastrophes , Scientific American (April 30, 2020).
*Impact of Fast Supernova Dust on the Moon , Popular Science (April 30, 2020).
*What Might Be Speeding Up the Expansion of the Universe? , Quanta Magazine (April 27, 2020).
*PCAST , OSTP, White House (April 23, 2020).
*We Don't Have Planet B , Jefferson Society (April 22, 2020).
*Q&A , Jefferson Society (April 22, 2020).
*COVID-19: a Moon Landing Moment for Science , with Dario Gil, IBM (April 22, 2020).
*PCAST , American Astronomical Society (April 22, 2020).
*PCAST , Harvard Gazette (April 22, 2020).
*PCAST , Harvard Crimson (April 21, 2020).
*PCAST Intended Nomination , White House (April 20, 2020).
*A Sobering Astronomical Reminder from COVID-19 , Scientific American (April 18, 2020).
*Initial Temperature of the Universe , "Top arXiv
Papers of the week", by Sunny Vagnozzi (April 10, 2020).
*Why the Pursuit of Scientific Knowledge Will Never End , Scientific American (April 6, 2020).
*Noise from the Big Bang , "Surprisingly Brilliant" podcast; iHeart Radio (April 2, 2020).
*Radioactivity Could Make Otherwise Frozen Planets Habitable , Science Magazine (April 1, 2020).
*We All Live In A Croissant-Shaped Giant Bubble , Forbes (March 22, 2020).
*Looking for the Helpers: Turn to the Scientists , Erie Reader (March 20, 2020).
*Flattening the COVID-19 Curves , Scientific American (March 17, 2020).
*Reimagining the Heliosphere , Phys.Org (March 17, 2020).
*Be a Generalist , Scientific American (March 16, 2020).
*Mission to the Nearest Star , San Francisco Chronicle (March 14, 2020).
*Life Beyond the Habitable Zone , NOVA (March 2, 2020).
*Riding the Wave of a Supernova , Universe Today (February 28, 2020).
*Why Have Students? , Scientific American (February 25, 2020).
*Panspermia , Astronomy magazine (February 21, 2020).
*What Makes Fast Radio Bursts? , Fox News (February 21, 2020).
*Life in Alien Oceans , LOOK (February 21, 2020).
*Meteors Near the Speed of Light , Universe Today (February 18, 2020).
*Intergalactic Space Travel , Popular Science (February 17, 2020).
*Fast Radio Bursts , Down to Earth (February 17, 2020).
*Search for Life Outside the Solar System , Science Illustrated, Denamrk (in Danish) (February 17, 2020).
*Extraterrestrial Life , San Francisco Chronicle (February 17, 2020).
*Could a Habitable Planet Orbit a Black
Hole? , Science Magazine (February 4, 2020).
*Surfing a Supernova , Scientific American
(February 3, 2020).
*Supernovae , Centauri Dreams
(February 4, 2020).
*Science and Philosophy , Joe Walker Podcast .
*Stellar Budget for Black Holes Collisions , Harvard Crimson (February 3, 2020).
*Life on Other Planets , Medium (January 28, 2020).
*Exporting Terrestrial Life , Eos (January 22, 2020).
*Can the Universe Provide Us with the Meaning of Life? , Scientific American (January 21, 2020).
*The Simple Truth About Physics , Scientific American (January 2, 2020).
*A Tale of Three Nobels , Scientific American (December 18, 2019).
*Dark Matter and Search for Life , Nautilus (December 12, 2019).
*Travel Through Interstellar Space , Collision Course Radio Interview (December 8, 2019).
*Harvard's Black Hole Initiative Received New Funding , Harvard Gazette (December 3, 2019).
*14 Most Inspiring Israelis Of the 2010-2020 Decade , From the Grapevine (December 3, 2019).
*Essential Advice For Fledgling Scientists , Scientific American (December 2, 2019).
*Searching for Life in Deep Space , Long Now Foundation (December 2, 2019).
*What Is Inside a Black Hole? , Freethink (November 27, 2019).
*Our Future in Space , Newsweek (November 26, 2019).
*What To Do When the Sun Will Brighten? , Scientific American (November 25, 2019).
*Extraterrestrial Life , Boston Museum of Science (November 21, 2019).
*Astronomical Insights , Erie Reader (November 20, 2019).
*The Electric Sail and Its Uses , Centauri Dreams (November 18, 2019).
*Electric or Solar Sails? , Universe Today (November 15, 2019).
*Space-X Satellites As a Risk to Astronomy , Salon magazine (November 12, 2019).
*Did Life from Earth Escape the Solar System Eons Ago? , Scientific American (November 4, 2019).
*Are We Alone? , Public Lecture at the Jefferson Society (page 4 in linked brochure) (November 1, 2019).
*Reading Amos Oz Through Many Eyes , Panel Discussion, Harvard University (October 30, 2019).
*Discovery of a New Dwarf Planet , Salon.com (October 29, 2019).
*Comets and Interstellar Objects Could Be Exporting Life , Daily Galaxy (October 19, 2019).
*Habitable Planets Around Black Holes , Daily Galaxy (October 11, 2019).
*The Next Big Media Pitch Should Be About Science , Inside Sources (October 10, 2019).
*Science Is Not About Getting More "Likes" , Scientific American (October 8, 2019).
*The Atlantic Festival: "Beyond Science: Exploring the Unknown" , Panel discussion (September 26, 2019).
*The Atlantic Festival: "Beyond Science: Exploring the Unknown" , Q&A (September 26, 2019).
*The Atlantic Festival: "Beyond Science" , Video segment from panel discussion (clip 1) (September 26, 2019).
*The Atlantic Festival: "Beyond Science" , Video segment from panel discussion (clip 2) (September 26, 2019).
*The Atlantic Festival: "Beyond Science" , Video segment from panel discussion (clip 3) (September 26, 2019).
*The Moon as a Fishing Net for Extraterrestrial Life , Scientific American (September 25, 2019).
*Interstellar Comet Borisov , Space.com (September 20, 2019).
*Questions for Smart People , Podcast (September 16, 2019).
*Interstellar Comet , accepted for publication in RNAAS (September 16, 2019).
*Einstein and Black Holes , Public Lecture (September 11, 2019).
*Fermi's Paradox , Grapevine (September 10, 2019).
*The Moon as a Fishing Net for Extraterrestrial Life , Scientific American (September 8, 2019).
*Nothing Persists , Scientific American (September 6, 2019).
*Interstellar Meteors , Space.Com (August 30, 2019).
*Monitoring the Moon for Interstellar Impacts , Universe Today (August 28, 2019).
*TMT Update , Associated Press (August 25, 2019).
*Airless Alien Planet , Scientific American (August 19, 2019).
*Stardust in Antarctic Snow , Inside Science (August 16, 2019).
*Lecture on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life , Jefferson Educational Society (November 1, 2019).
*Nothing Persists Except Change Itself , Scientific American (August 16, 2019).
*The Quest to Unlock the Secrets of the Baby Universe , Nature Magazine (August 14, 2019).
*Science as a Way of Life , Scientific American (August 14, 2019).
*Einstein and Black Holes , Lecture at Harvard (September 11, 2019).
*Worldwide ranking of the Harvard Astronomy department , CWUR (August 7, 2019).
*Extraterrestrial Life , Boston Museum of Science (October 16, 2019).
*Search for Life , New Scientist Live, London (October 12, 2019).
*Space Exploration , Coolidge Corner Theater, Brookline (September 9, 2019).
*Answers to Five Questions , American Enterprise Institute (July 31, 2019).
*Alien Intelligence , Robert Kuhn, Closer to Truth (July 29, 2019).
*Life on Planets in Extreme Environments , James Pethokoukis, The National Interest (July 27, 2019).
*Why America Shouldn't Stop and the Moon or Mars , James Pethokoukis, The National Interest (July 22, 2019).
*Scientific Significance of the Moon , Public lecture in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, Yellow Barn, Vermont (July 20, 2019).
*Next Space Frontier , Profile interview in Times of Israel (July 19, 2019).
*Reaching the Stars , Beobachter magazine (in German) (July 19, 2019).
*Direct Collapse Black Holes , Wired Magazine (July 18, 2019).
*Search for Life , Podcast with Jim Pethokoukis (July 18, 2019).
*Federal Funding of Future Moonshots , Scientific American (July 16, 2019).
*Black Holes and Search for Life , "Matty in the Morning", Kiss 108FM Radio (July 16, 2019).
*"Spreading Seeds of Life" , Harvard Gazette (July 8, 2019).
*"It Takes a Village to Declassify an Error Bar" , Scientific American (July 3, 2019).
*"Fast Radio Bursts and SETI" , Wired (July 3, 2019).
*"Big Ideas in Federal Funding" , Universe Today (July 2, 2019).
*"Searching for Life" , Undark (July 1, 2019).
*"One Thing to Change in the World?" , Harvard Gazette (June 28, 2019).
*"Q&A Video" , Mission2Mars Academy (June 24, 2019).
*"Meeting with Nieman Fellows" , Harvard University (June 20, 2019).
*"Extraterrestrial Artifacts" , Metro, UK (June 12, 2019).
*"In Search of Green Dwarfs" , Scientific American (June 3, 2019).
*Decadal Plans (in hebrew) , Ha'aretz
(May 30, 2019).
*The World (TV Interview, Starting at time tag 14:00) , with Jesse Ventura
(May 29, 2019).
*GZero World (TV Interview): Part I , with Ian Bremmer, PBS
(May 25, 2019).
*GZero World (TV Interview): Part II , with Ian Bremmer, PBS
(May 25, 2019).
*Black Holes , News Radio with David Gornoski, Orlando
(May 22, 2019).
*"Further Realms: Are We Alone?" , Harvard Crimson (May 20, 2019).
*"Black Holes and Insterstellar Visitors" , Podcast, The Bob Murphy Show (May 17, 2019).
*Extraterrestrial Life , Q&A with Tonya Hall, ZDNet (May 15, 2019).
*"Should Scientists Keep Their Debates Private?" , Scientific American (May 14, 2019).
*`Oumuamua's Cousin? , Scientific American
(May 6, 2019).
*`Oumuamua gifts , Scientific American
(May 6, 2019).
*"Interstellar Meteor" , Harvard Crimson
(April 29, 2019).
*"Announcement of Keynote Lecture at New Scientist Live, London" , Scientific American
(April 25, 2019).
*"Did a Meteor from Another Star Srike the Earth in 2014?" , Scientific American
(April 23, 2019).
*"When Laboratory Experiments Carry Theological Implications" , Scientific American
(April 22, 2019).
*Before the Big Bang , Harvard Gazette
(April 18, 2019).
*Meteor from Another System , CNN
(April 17, 2019).
*Interstellar Meteor , National Geographic
(April 16, 2019).
*First Interstellar Meteor , Newsweek
(April 16, 2019).
*Busy Week , Grapevine
(April 16, 2019).
*Discovery of a Meteor of Interstellar Origin , arXiv
(April 15, 2019).
*Implications of the M87 Image , Inverse
(April 12, 2019).
*Looking Into Nothing , der Spiegel Cover Story
(April 12, 2019).
*First Theoretical Prediction of the Black Hole Image in M87 , The Astrophysical Journal
(April 11, 2019).
*Harvard Scientists Help Capture the First Ever Black Hole Image , Harvard Crimson
(April 10, 2019).
*What is a Black Hole Event Horizon? , Space.com
(April 9, 2019).
*Gravitational Wave Astronomy , Discover
(April 8, 2019).
*How to Keep Scientific Innovation Alive , Scientific American
(April 8, 2019).
*Nanocrafts to Alpha-Centauri , SciTech Europa
(April 4, 2019).
*Science or Science Fiction , Boston Globe
(April 3, 2019).
*Q&A , Salom magazine, Turkey
(April 3, 2019).
*"Alien Civilizations" , Lasse Biornstad, Oslo (in Norwegien)
(March 31, 2019).
*"Asteroid Explosion Over Russia" , The CATS Roundtable
(March 31, 2019).
*"What Happened Before the Big Bang?" , Press Release
(March 25, 2019).
*"The Humanities and the Future" , Scientific American
(March 22, 2019).
*"Extraterrestrial Life" , Svein Rosseland Prize Lecture, University of Oslo
(March 21, 2019).
*More on `Oumuamua , Lee Billings, Scientific American
(March 21, 2019).
*Oumuamua , Salom, Turkey
(March 21, 2019).
*Protecting Scientific Innovation from Social Pressure , accepted for publication
(March 18, 2019).
*A Word of Torah About Extraterrestrials , Edge Science
(July, 2023).
*Are We Alone? , Paradise
(January 11, 2024).
*Reaching for the Stars , SciTech Europa Quarterly
(March 15, 2019).
*Profile in French , Le Ze'Phir Magazine
(March 15, 2019).
*Profile , Hebrew University Newsletter
(March 15, 2019).
*Living Near a Supermassive Black Hole , Scientific American
(March 11, 2019).
*Future of the Universe , Spark Dialogue
(March 5, 2019).
*Future of Liberal Arts , accepted for publication
(March 4, 2019).
*"Are We Really the Smartest Kid on the Block?" , Scientific American (March 4, 2019).
*Anomalies on the Sky , CBS Chronicle
(March 4, 2019).
*Profile , La Nacion, Argentina
(March 3, 2019).
*Religious Implications of Oumuamua , First Source (in Hebrew; March 3, 2019)
*Radio interview , Mary-Jane Pop, Sacramento
(February 25, 2019).
*"Buzz Aldrin's footprint on the Moon" , The Grapevine (February 22, 2019).
*"Save the World: Avi Loeb" , Republik (in German) (February 22, 2019).
*"Exciting Frontiers in Space Research" , Stephen Ibaraki, Association for Computer Machinery (February 19, 2019).
*"Life Around Black Holes" , accepted for publication (February 18, 2019).
*"Be Kind to Extraterrestrials" , Scientific American (February 15, 2019).
*"What is a Black Hole?" , Science Daily (February 14, 2019).
*"Evening News on PBS" , Jim Braude, WGBH (February 13, 2019).
*"CBS Report" , Marissa Bodnar, CBS (February 15, 2019).
*"The Ultimate Questions" , Closer to Truth (February 11, 2019).
*"Conversation" , Technikart (in French) (February 11, 2019).
*"Alien Probe?" , Wall Street Journal (February 8, 2019).
*"Are we alone in the universe?" , Michael Smerconish, CNN (February 9, 2019).
*"Testing Cosmic Inflation" , Harvard Crimson (February 8, 2019).
*"Poll Results" , Michael Smerconish, Twitter (February 8, 2019).
*"Ideas" , Boston Globe (February 7, 2019).
*"We Might Not Be Alone" , NBC Boston (February 6, 2019).
*"Oumuamua" , The View, ABC (February 6, 2019).
*"Cloud of Dust?" , video by Fox News (February 5, 2019).
*"Getting Personal" , by Professor Steven Tingay in Newsweek (February 5, 2019).
*"Imaging Black Holes" , Salon (February 4, 2019).
*"Aliens Among Us" , Washington Post (February 4, 2019).
*"Ask Me Anything" , Reddit (February 1, 2019).
*"Cover Story" , XLSemanal (February 1, 2019).
*"Fermi's Paradox" , Event Horizon (January 31, 2019).
*"Science and Fiction" , NPR Interview (January 30, 2019).
*"Advanced Extraterrestrials as an Approximation to God" , Scientific American (January 26, 2019).
*"The `Oumuamua Legacy" , Scientific American (January 25, 2019).
*"Mainstreaming SETI" , Filling Space (January 25, 2019).
*Greetings from Outer Space (in French)" , Ulyces (January 25, 2019).
*Between the Rock and Deep Space" , NPR (January 25, 2019).
*"The Strangeness of Black Holes" , Nautilus (January 23, 2019).
*"Science" , The Atlantic (January 23, 2019).
*"Q&A Interview about Space News" , CATS Roundtable Podcast (January 20, 2019).
*"Geometry of `Oumuamua Could be More Extreme than Previously Inferred" , Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society (January 18, 2019).
*"Have Aliens Found Us?" , The New Yorker (January 16, 2019).
*"Astronomers Discover Most Distant Lensed Quasar" , Sky & Telescope (January 16, 2019).
*"Future Study of Interstellar Objects" , Centauri Dreams (January 15, 2019).
*"Embracing Nature from Walden Pond to Extraterretrial Ponds" , (January 14, 2019).
*"Interstellar Object" , Israeli TV, Channel 10 (January 13, 2019).
*"Interstellar Objects Crash into the Sun" , Universe Today (January 11, 2019).
*"Strange `Oumuamua" , "Stars and Space" Journal, Finland (January 11, 2019).
*"Our Future in Space" , Scientific American (January 10, 2019).
*"If True, a Great Discovery" , Ha'aretz Online (January 10, 2019).
*"Advanced ETs as an Approximation to God" , accepted for publication (January 9, 2019).
*"Oumuamua: Our Interstellar Visitor" , Podcast on TSID (January 7, 2019).
*"Thinking About Distant Civilizations Isn't Speculative" , Der Spiegel Online in English (January 7, 2019).
*"If Extraterrestrials are Peacful, We Could Learn from Them" , Der Spiegel (January 4, 2019).
*"What Might Become Our Most Important Discovery" , Ha'aretz (January 4, 2019).
*"Personal Meeting" , An hour long radio interview in hebrew with Tali Lipkin-Shahak, Galei Zahal (January 4, 2019).
*"Is Life Universal?" , Podcast by Event Horizon (December 31, 2018).
*"Predictions for 2019" , NBC News (December 27, 2018).
*"`Oumuamua is the 12th Most Read News Story for 2018" , NBC News (December 28, 2018).
*"Top Space Stories of 2018" , NBC News (December 26, 2018).
*"SETI" , NBC News (December 25, 2018).
*"How to Approach the Problem of `Oumuamua" , Scientific American (December 19, 2018).
*"Our Future in Space Will Echo Our Future on Earth" , accepted for publication (December 17, 2018).
*"Inflation and the Multiverse" , "Closer to Truth" (December 10, 2018).
*"Radio Interview on `Oumuamua" , The Space Show (December 11, 2018).
*"Starshot Initiative" , Big Think (December 11, 2018).
*"Harvard's Paper on `Oumuamua was the Top Space Story of 2018 on CNN" , CNN (December 7, 2018).
*"ETs in 2018" , Grapevine (December 6, 2018).
*"Message in a Bottle" , Radio Interview (December 5, 2018).
*"Four Potential Interstellar Objects in the Solar System" , Forbes magazine (November 30, 2018).
*"Trapped Interstellar Asteroids in the Solar System" , Universe Today (November 29, 2018).
*"Is `Oumuamua a Comet?" , Transcript of interview with Rob Reid, Ars Technica (November 29, 2018).
*"Our Interstellar Visitor" , Podcast with Rob Reid (November 28, 2018).
*"Is `Oumuamua Artificial in Origin?" , "Tech Insider (December 2, 2018).
*"Breaking the Walls of the Solar System" , "Falling Walls" conferenc, Berlin, Germany (November 9, 2018).
*"InSight Lander on Mars" , Boston Globe (November 26, 2018).
*"Hot Spots Around the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way" , Scientific American (November 25, 2018).
*"Six Strange Facts About the Interstellar Visitor, `Oumuamua
" , Scientific American (November 20, 2018).
*"Podcast About the Unexpected Guest to the Solar System, `Oumuamua" , Q&A with Rob Reid (November 14, 2018).
*"Something Weird This Way Comes" , Harvard Gazette (November 19, 2018).
*"Finding the Truth" , Die Zeit, Germany (November 14, 2018).
*"Seeking the Turth When the Consensus is Against You" , Scientific American (November 9, 2018).
*"Video Interview on `Oumuamua" , Clixoom Science (November 9, 2018).
*"NPR Interview on `Oumuamua" , WGBH (November 9, 2018).
*"`Oumuamua" , Event Horizon (November 9, 2018).
*"`Oumuamua" , CBS This Morning (November 9, 2018).
*"Interstellar Object" , CBS NYC TV (November 9, 2018).
*"Interstellar Object" , Boston Globe (November 5, 2018).
*"Visiting an Interstellar Object in the Search for Life" , Gizmodo (October 31, 2018).
*"Could `Oumuamua be an Extraterrestrial Solar Sail?" , Phys.Org (October 31, 2018).
*"Edge of Black Hole" , Quanta Magazine (October 30, 2018).
*"`Oumuamua, Thin Films and Lightsails" , Centauri Dreams (October 29, 2018).
*"Panspermia Theory" , Harvard Crimson (October 26, 2018).
*"What Happens in Black Holes" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Long Term Evolution of the Universe" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Future of Cosmology" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Ultimate Questions" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Anthropic Principle" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Multiverse" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Alien Intelligence" , Closer to Truth (October 25, 2018).
*"Speakers List for Falling Walls" , Berlin (October 19, 2018).
*"100 Alumni We Love" , "American Friends of the Hebrew University" (October 25, 2018).
*"Making the Church Taller" , Scientific American (October 18, 2018).
*"Life in the Cosmos" , Closer to Truth (October 16, 2018).
*"Comet-like Objects Could be Spreading Life" , Science magazine (October 15, 2018).
*"Galactic Panspermia" , Universe Today (October 13, 2018).
*"Was the Universe Finely Tuned?" , Closer to Truth (October 8, 2018).
*"Potential Trouble for Life on Icy Moons" , Sky & Telescope (October 4, 2018).
*"Risks for Life Near Quasars" , Forbes Magazine (September 28, 2018).
*"Search for Aliens" , Grapevine (September 28, 2018).
*"How to Search for Dead Cosmic Civilizations" , Scientific American (September 27, 2018).
*"Extended Interview on Alien Civilizations" , Event Horizon (September 24, 2018).
*"Starshot in Search for Extrasolar Life" , The Harvard Crimson (September 24, 2018).
*"More Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts" , NBC News (September 24, 2018).
*"Tweet about Public Lecture" , Yuri Milner (September 22, 2018).
*"Public Lecture on the "Search for Primitive and Intelligent Life on Other Planets" , Harvard-Smithsonian CfA (September 20, 2018).
*"Big-Bang or Bounce" , Universe Today (September 20, 2018).
*"A New Test for the Leading Big Bang Theory" , Quanta Magazine (September 11, 2018).
*"FRB 121102: New Bursts From Older Data" , Centauri Dreams (September 11, 2018).
*"Philosophy and Science" , Scientific American (September 10, 2018).
*"Testing Free Will With AI" , Q&A Podcast with John Farrell, FQXi (August 30, 2018).
*"The Power of Anomalies" , Scientific American (August 28, 2018).
*"Why Alien Civilizations May Be Moving To Galaxy
Clusters" , Event Horizon, YouTube (August 26, 2018).
*"Life Goes On: How Cosmic Doomsday Might Not be the End" , Nature, Scientific Reports
(August 23, 2018).
*"Are We Alone?" , CNET
(August 22, 2018).
*"Starshot" , Paul Gilster, Centauri Dreams
(August 17, 2018).
*"No Risk from Interstellar War" , Forbes magazine
(August 16, 2018).
*"Exoplanet Revolution" , The Daily Galaxy
(August 15, 2018).
*"Q&A Interview on Dwarf Stars and Ice Shells" , by John Michael Godier, Event Horizon
(August 13, 2018).
*"Q&A Interview on Exciting Frontiers in Astrophysics" , by Fraser Cain, Universe Today
(August 13, 2018).
*"Our Dialogue with Nature" , Scientific American
(August 10, 2018).
*"Science is an Infinite-Sum Game" , Scientific American
(July 31, 2018).
*"Where do ideas come from?" , Scientific American
(July 23, 2018).
*"Did the Dark Matter Have a Chilling Effect on the Early Universe?" , Physics World
(July 10, 2018).
*"Future of gravitational wave astrophysics" , Banquet lecture of Nobel Laureate Rai Weiss, Harvard
(posted on July 9, 2018).
*"Future of travel to interstellar space" , Keynote Address to the Techniche 2018 Conference, India
(July 3, 2018).
*"The first stars may shed light on dark matter" , Physics
(July 2, 2018).
*"The tools humanity will need for living in the year 1 trillion" , Physics.org
(June 26, 2018).
*"Finding fuel for our frigid cosmic future" , Scientific American
(June 26, 2018).
*"Journey to Proxima Centauri b" , Grapevine
(June 25, 2018).
*"On Galactic Migration" , Centauri Dreams
(June 22, 2018).
*"Cosmic Engineering and the Movement of Stars" , Centauri Dreams
(June 21, 2018).
*"New videos of Q&A interviews" , Closer To Truth
(June 10, 2018).
*"Testing Philosophy Through Experiments" , Scientific American
(June 7, 2018).
*"Breakthrough Starshot Update" , Universe Today
(June 7, 2018).
*"Are There Enough Chemicals on Icy Worlds to Support Life?" , Universe Today
(June 6, 2018).
*"New Light on Dark Matter" , Harvard Gazette
(May 30, 2018).
*"Middlewight Black Holes" , Science Magazine
(May 30, 2018).
*Keck Observatory Distinguished Public
Lecture on "Habitability of the Universe" ,
Hawaii (July 6, 2017).
*"Podcast on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life", Grapevine (May 22, 2018).
*"Discovery of an Interstellar Rock Near Jupiter", Salon (May 22, 2018).
*"Maybe We Could See a Singularity After All", Scientific American (May 22, 2018).
*"Sizes of Black Holes Throughout the Universe", AAS Nova (May 9, 2018).
*"Breakthrough Listen", Grapevine (May 9, 2018).
*"Love Poem for My Wife's Birthday (in hebrew)" (May 6, 2018).
*"Hawking's Last Paper", Newsweek (May 2, 2018).
*"Exoplanets: Optimizing the Target List", Centauri Dreams (May 1, 2018).
*"Where Should We Look for Life?", AAS Nova (April
25, 2018).
*"Escape from Proxima b", Scientific American (April
16, 2018).
*"Making Academia Matter Again", Project Syndicate (April
16, 2018).
*"To Infinity and Beyond: Avi Loeb on Finding Aliens and A New Earth",
Podcast of an interview with Benyamin Cohen, From the Grapevine (April
10, 2018).
*"Is Humanity Unusual in the Cosmos?", NPR (April 2, 2018).
*"The First Suns", der Spiegel, Germany (March 2018).
*"My Academic DNA" (March 30, 2018).
*"Celebration of 600th paper", ITC (March 30, 2018).
*"The Star of the Seder", cover story in La'Isha, Israel (March 26, 2018).
*"Bloxham to Step Down as Dean of Science", Harvard Crimson (March 22, 2018).
*"Remembrance of Stephen Hawking at the Black Hole Initiative", Harvard Crimson (March 21, 2018).
*"Comments About Hawking", Newsweek (March 17, 2018).
*"Would Alien Civilizations be Rich?", Newsweek (March 15, 2018).
*"He Cast Light Into Darkest Recesses of the Cosmos", Boston Globe (March 15, 2018).
*"Astronomers and Physicists Remember Stephen Hawking", Popular
Mechanics (March 14, 2018).
*"Stephen Hawking and the Nobel Prize", Associated Press (March 14, 2018).
*"TV interview about Stephen Hawking", Associated Press (March 14, 2018).
*"For E.T. Civilizations, Location Could be Everything", Scientific American (March 13, 2018).
*"Discovery of the First Stars", CNN (March 6, 2018).
*"Do Aliens Exist?", Newsweek - cover story (March 1, 2018).
*"First Stars", Science News (Feb 28, 2018).
*Twitter card, Associated Press (Feb 28, 2018).
*"Black Hole Bursts Turn Mini-Neptunes to Super-Earths", Space.com (Feb 27, 2018).
*"Conversation with Nobel Laureate, Rai Weiss", (Feb 15, 2018).
*"Renewing the Contract of Academia with Society" (Feb 14, 2018).
*"Origins of Life and `Oumuamua", Gizmodo (Feb 8, 2018).
*"Interstellar asteroids", Newsweek (Feb 2, 2018).
*"ITC Luncheon", The Harvard Crimson (Feb 1, 2018).
*"Starshot", Forbes (Jan 31, 2018).
*"Solar Flares May Seed Life", New Scientist (Jan 19, 2018).
*"Are Alien Civilizations Technologically Advanced?", Scientific American (Jan 8, 2018).
*"Search for Alien Life", Grapevine (Jan 3, 2018).
*"Are we Alone in the Universe?- Part II", Radio interview (Jan 1, 2018).
*"Are we Alone in the Universe?- Part I", Radio interview (Dec 29, 2017).
*"Panspermia", Newsweek (Dec 21, 2017).
*"The Search for Life", DailyPlanet, Discovery Channel, Canada (Dec 14, 2017).
*"Asteroid or alien?", CNN interview (Dec 12, 2017).
*'Oumuamua, Radio interview (Dec 12, 2017).
*"Mysterious Interstellar Object", The Atlantic (Dec 11, 2017).
*"The Case for Cosmic Modesty", TEDx Harvard College (Dec 5, 2017).
*"Subsurface Life on Icy Worlds", Universe Today (Dec 3, 2017).
*"Breakthrough Prize Ceremony", Palo Alto (Dec 3, 2017).
*"The first Black Holes Mergers in the Infant Universe",
Physics.Org (Nov 30, 2017).
*"Breakthrough Starshot", Harvard Crimson (Nov 2, 2017).
*"Future Solar Storms Could Cause Devastating Damage", Scientific American
(Oct 18, 2017).
*Our volnurability to solar flares will increase in the future",
Radio interview (Oct 17, 2017).
*"Collision of neutron stars produces gold", Mashable
(Oct 14, 2017).
*"Stargazing", TEDx Harvard College (Oct 14, 2017).
*"Mass of the Milky Way from Hypervelocity Stars", Universe Today
(Oct 4, 2017).
*"Fast Radio Bursts Every Second" (Sep 21, 2017).
*"The Hunt for Alien Life", Australian Broadcasting Corporation (August 29, 2017).
*Q&A Podcast with Astronomy Magazine
(August 14, 2017).
*"Breakthrough Starshot successfully launches world's smallest spacecraft", The Guardian
(July 28, 2017).
*"To Infinity and Beyond", From the Grapevine
(August 2, 2017).
*"Starshot Updates", Q & A ExoLife interview for the PLANETS Foundation
(July 26, 2017).
*"Tides Boost the Prospects for Life", Gizmodo
(July 20, 2017).
*"The Resilience of Life to Astrophysical Catastrophes", Science magazine;
Washington Post;
BBC Interview (at the 26 minute mark);
The Atlantic (July 14, 2017).
*"More to Life than the Habitable Zone", Scientific American
(July 19, 2017).
*The Starshot Initiative, Popular Moechanics
(July 11, 2017).
*Hawaii newspaper reports on Keck Observatory public lecture
(July 9, 2017).
*KBIG Radio interview about "Habitability of Our Universe", Hawaii
(July 7, 2017).
*"Cosmic Modesty in a Fecund Universe", Centauri Dreams (June 30, 2017).
*"The Case for Cosmic Modesty", Scientific American (June 28, 2017).
*"All Eyes on Proximan Centauri b", PNAS (June 27, 2017).
*"Transfer of Life Among the TRAPPIST-1 Planets", Astronomy magazine (June 14, 2017).
*"Is the life around the nearest stars?", Red Dots (June 13, 2017).
*"Supermassive Black Holes May Sterilize Nearby Planets", Scientific American (May 30, 2017).
*News article from 1989 at the start of Loeb's career (quoted in a new book, just published in 2017).
*"Podcast on the search for life", interview by Duncan Russell starts at 13.30 minutes (May 26, 2017).
*"Is Inflation a Predictive Scientific Theory?", Scientific American (May 9, 2017).
*"Search for Alien Signals", New Scientist (April 26, 2017).
*Breakthrough Starshot, interview for the weekly science podcast of the Guardian, UK
(April 20, 2017).
*"A Trip to Proxima b" (a profile article in hebrew), Yekum Tarbut magazine (April 13, 2017).
*Fast Radio Bursts, TV interview for Discovery/Canada science program
(April 7, 2017).
*Optimal design of light sails; News report
(March 21, 2017).
*Spread of Life Between the TRAPPIST-1 Planets; News report
(March 10, 2017).
*"Fast Radio Bursts from Extragalactic Light Sails"; NPR interview; BBC interview; The Economist; The Huffington Post ;
(March 15, 2017).
*Black Hole Initiative featured on the JTF website
(March 1, 2017).
*Latest study of the "Sandage-Loeb Test"
(March 15, 2017).
*Podcast interview about "Life in the Universe"
(February 22, 2017).
*"A Cell Phone Search for FRBs" (February 14, 2017).
*"A Black Hole in the Glubular Cluster 47 Tucanae", Nature (February 9, 2017).
*"My Mother"
(September 15, 2019).
*"Back to Basics"
(February 4, 2017).
*"Farthest Stars in Milky Way Might Be Ripped from Another Galaxy"
(January 11, 2017).
*"Astrophysical Russian Dolls", a commentary in Nature Astronomy (January 4, 2017).
*News report about Starshot lecture at the Calcalist conference
"Forecasts 2017" (in hebrew; January 1, 2017).
*Podcast for the John Batchelor Show, "From the First Star to Milkomeda", (December 17, 2016).
*"Pop Goes the Universe", Scientific American (2017).
*Project Starshot: Visiting the Nearest Star Within Our Lifetime"
CfA colloquium (December 1, 2016).
*Podcast of radio interview in the John Batchelor Show (November 30, 2016).
*Podcast for Nature magazine entitled: "Keep an Open Mind", starts at
15:10 minutes (November 3, 2016).
*"Good Data Are Not Enough",
Nature (November 3, 2016).
*"Imaging of Proxima b",
Gizmodo (October 14, 2016).
*"How to See Proxima b",
Scientific American (September 29, 2016).
travel", radio interview with John Catsimatidis (September 9, 2016).
*"The `Earth next door' may have a cozy atmosphere"
Business Insider (September 9, 2016).
*Podcast of interview with Tamara LePine-Williams on Classic FM Radio, South Africa
(September 8, 2016).
*"How we will get our first clue about life in Proxima b", Gizmodo
(August 30, 2016).
*TV interview on the discovery of Proxima b, i24news (August 25, 2016).
*Audio interview by Howard Hughes, UK National Radio Station (August 14, 2016).
*Podcast on "The Future Universe - Teeming with Life?", in SparkDialog
by Elizabeth Fernandez (August 15, 2016).
*Video of keynote lecture entitled "Innovation and Risk", given at the Breakthrough Discuss conference in stanford on April 15, 2016.
*Likelihood of Life as a Function of Cosmic Time
(August 1, 2016).
*Press release on Direct Collapse Black Holes (July 6, 2016).
*TV interview on the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative, newTV (June 22, 2016).
*Universe's first life might have been born on carbon planets (June 9, 2016).
*Article about Breakthrough Starshot (in hebrew), Calcalist (May 5, 2016).
*Stephen Hawking's speech at Passover dinner in Loeb's home, Scientific American (April 22, 2016).
*"The Black Hole Initiative", Smithsonian magazine (April 18, 2016).
*"Destination: Nearest Star", Q & A at the Harvard Gazette (April 15, 2016).
*Video of announcement of Breakthrough Starshot with Yuri Milner and
Stephen Hawking (April 12, 2016).
*"Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light Years", New York Times (April 12, 2016).
*"Revealing the Universe's Mysterious Dark Age", NOVA NEXT (April 6, 2016).
*Podcast by Scientific American about the LIGO event (March 30, 2016).
*Q & A with Avi Loeb and Meg Urry, moderated by Claudia Dreifus, during the
"Seven Days of Genius" Festival at 92Y in New York City (March 7, 2016).
*LIGO's black holes may have lived and died inside a huge star (2/2016).
*LIGO discovery, ITC luncheon (2/2016).
*Search for aliens, Boston Globe (2/2016).
*Physics in 1 Trillion Years, NOVA, PBS (2/2016).
*LIGO discovery, Boston.com (2/2016).
*"The Hunt for Dwarf Galaxies Ancestors", AAS Nova (1/2016).
*Launch of new book in hebrew, entitled "From the First Star to the End of Time", Tel Aviv University (12/2015).
*"Fast Radio Bursts Mystery", Scientific American (12/2015).
*"The Archaeology of Stars", cover story of Discover magazine (12/2015).
*"Black Holes", video of lecture at GR@100, IAS, Princeton (11/2015).
*"Promoting Diversity in Faculty Searches", see minute 47 and later in the video (10/15).
*Celebration of 500th paper with my research group (10/15).
*"Cosmic Dawn" Horizon episode broadcasted by BBC TWO
(9/15) ; inspired by
Loeb's Scientific American article from 2006
*Observational test for the spread of life between stars (panspermia),
Discover magazine
original paper
*SETI of Leakage from Light Sails in Exoplanetary Systems, Popular
original paper
*"Superstars of Astronomy", Astronomy Magazine (5/15)
*"Cosmic Dawn", BBC (8/15)
*Breakthrough Initiatives in the Search for Life, TIME (7/15)
*"How Avi Loeb did not become a philosopher. Or did he?", a tweet by John
Preskill (7/15)
*"Are we alone?", Scientific American (8/15)
*"Astronomers Glimpse Very First Stars in the Universe", National Geographic (6/15)
*"Abundant Water in the First Billion Years", Press Release (4/15)
*"Fostering Talent", Physics World (4/15)
*"Is Avi Right?", George Efstathiou, click on 17:00 (4/15)
*"SKA Headquarters", Physics World (4/15) ; Nature (3/15)
*"The Dark Lab", Science Magazine (3/15)
*"Gigantic Black Hole Discovered from the Dawn of Time", National Geographic (2/15)
*Detecting Gravitational Waves with Atomic Clocks", Smithsonian magazine (2/15)
*Essay on "How to collect matches that will catch fire"; News report in Italian (2/15)
*BBC filming for Horizon program on the first stars (1/15)
*"Black hole binary", NY Times (1/15)
*Two of Loeb's students, Henry Lin and Tony Pan, are featured in Forbes magazine list of "30 under 30 in Science" (1/15)
*"Relativistic stars", TIME magazine (12/14)
*"Much-Discussed Views that Go Way Back", New York Times (12/14)
*Q\&A for FAS Dean's Report (2014).
*Biographical sketch (2014).
*Milky Way's Black Hole, Space.com (11/14)
*Trip through wormholes, Smithsonian Magzine (11/14)
*TV interview by Douglas Kennedy (10/14)
*Q&A interview on pages 22 and 23 of the 2014 Harvard's FAS Dean's Report (10/14)
*"The Lost Donkeys of Science", Project Syndicate (10/14)
Lecture on "New Search Methods for Primitive and Intelligent Life Far
from Earth"
Harvard Crimson report ;
Harvard Gazette report ; Astronomy magazine report (10/14)
*"Pollution on Other Worlds May Show Advanced Alien Life", ApJL ;
TIME Magazine article (7/14) ;
NPR interview (8/14)
*"Interplanetary World Cup", Sports Illustrated (6/14)
*"Galactic Collision Gave Andromeda Its Arms", Nature (6/14)
*"On the Benefits of Promoting Diversity of Ideas", Nature Physics (9/14) ; INAF article (in Italian)
*Collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda, National Geographic (3/14)
*Cosmic Dawn, Scientific American (4/14)
*Theory of everything, Space.com (3/14)
*Interviews on cosmology, "Closer to Truth" (3/14)
*Hunt for Rogue black holes, Space.com (3/14)
*TV interview about the Big Bang (in hebrew), Channel 2, Israel (3/14)
*Big Bang Theory, Smithsonian Magazine (3/14) , in New Scientist , in Harvard Gazette, and public lecture (2/14)
*Review of book on First Galaxies, Physics Today (2/14)
*The latest snack of SgrA*, NY Times (2/14) ; and PBS Newshour (3/14)
*Creativity in science, NPR (2/14)
*"Closing the Window on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter" ; see report in Nature (1/14) , or in New Scientist (2/14)
*"Insights on Supermassive Black Holes", Nature (1/14)
*"Fast Radio Bursts Might Come from Nearby Stars" ; see press release (12/13)
*"The Habitable Epoch of the Early Universe" ; see report in Nature (12/13) , radio interview (3/14) , in Space.com (1/14) , in Slate magazine (2/14) and in Ciel \& Espace (French, 2/14)
*"Chasing Avi Through Outer Space Media", by Charlie Petit (12/13)
*"The 25 Most Influential People in Space", by TIME Magazine. (12/12)
Click here
for Loeb's commentaries .
Click here
for NPR TED Hour Radio (March 21, 2025) .
Long interview with Natasha Zouves, NewsNation (February 22, 2025)
Primordial Black Holes, Black Hole Initiative (January 27, 2025)
Overview of the Galileo Project, Sol Foundation (January 27, 2025)
UAP, News Nation (January 26, 2025)
Galileo Project Observatory at Harvard University, NOVA/PBS documentary (January 22, 2025)
Boston Museum of Science (January 9, 2025)
Boston Museum of Science (December 21, 2024)
New-Jersey Drones (Sky TV, December 15, 2024)
How The Light Gets In (London, September 2024)
Boston Museum of Science (December 6, 2024)
NewsNation (November 17, 2024)
GB News (September 16, 2024)
TED talk (Vancouver, Canada, July 15, 2024)
Aliens on Earth (NBC/Universal, June 18, 2024)
Anatomy of Paradigm Shifts (ITC Conference, June 14, 2024)
We Will Find Aliens in the Next Decade (Washington DC, June 13, 2024)
Reality Check, NewsNation (May 15, 2024)
Harvard Magazine (April 17, 2024)
BIG ARTS, Sanibel, Florida (March 14, 2024)
AARO UAP Report (March 8, 2024)
The Next Copernican Revolution (Torun, Poland, February 18, 2024)
Conversation on Space (Munich Security Conference, February 16, 2024)
Interstellar Objects (Stanford University, November 17, 2023)
Avi Loeb on Interstellar Life, NPR (February 6, 2024)
"Pandora", Israel (January 4, 2024)
"Hatsinor", Channel 13, Israel (December 28, 2023)
Business Insider (November 22, 2023)
Introduction at the FAENA Club, Miami (November 13, 2023)
Modus Operandi, Manila Chen (October 2, 2023)
CBC News Network, Canada (September 24, 2023)
Scripps TV (August 31, 2023)
Photos from the IM1 Expedition (July 14, 2023)
NBC (August 29, 2023)
Interstellar Expedition, Times Square (August 29, 2023)
AARO, NewsNation (September 1, 2023)
Channel 12, Israel (August 12, 2023)
Michael Smerconish, CNN (July 29, 2023)
Markie Martin, Morning in America, NewsNation (July 25, 2023)
Leland Vittert, NewsNation (July 12, 2023)
Scripps News (July 12, 2023)
CBS News (July 10, 2023)
Back from the IM1 Expedition (Cuomo, July 5, 2023)
IM1 Expedition (Banfield, July 5, 2023)
From Silver Star (The Hill's Rising , June 23, 2023)
Galileo Project in Times Square (June 14, 2023)
Galileo Project, Times Square, Manhattan (June 12, 2023)
Alien Craft, NewsNation (June 7, 2023)
NASA UAP Study, The Hill's Rising (June 2, 2023)
NASA UAP Study (May 31, 2023)
Cosmos Prize Acceptance (May 18, 2023)
Senate Hearing, NewsNation (April 19, 2023)
High-Level Report, NBC Nightly News (March 8, 2023)
Balloons or Aliens, WGBH (February 13, 2023)
Brief excerpt from a podcast (January 26, 2023)
The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TV Ontario (January 17, 2023)
Exploring the Frontiers (January 17, 2023)
TMZ (January 13, 2023)
Chronicle, ABC (January 11, 2023)
Responding to ET Encounter (January 6, 2022)
International Women Forum, Las Vegas (November 22, 2022)
Sunrise on 7, Australia TV (November 21, 2022)
Breakfast 1 News, New Zealand TV (November 25, 2022)
NewsNation, NASA Study (October 24, 2022)
Fireside chat with Alex Klokus, SALT NYC (September 28, 2022)
Harvard College Observatory (September 18, 2022)
NPR (August 16, 2022)
Galileo Project Conference at Harvard (August 1-3, 2022)
NewsNation (August 25, 2022)
NBC (August 12, 2022)
Space Channel (September 12, 2022)
Hill TV, Washington DC (July 13, 2022)
Newsy (June 24, 2022)
C-Span/Washington Journal (May 18, 2022)
MSNBC-Shepard Smith (May 17, 2022)
News Hub, New Zealand (May 17, 2022)
The Galileo Project (founded in 2021)
Fix the Money, to Leave the World (Bitcoin 2022 Conference)
Ignatius Forum: "Our Future In Space", with Jeff Bezos, Avril Haines, Avi Loeb, Bill Nelson and David Wilkinson (National Cathedral, Washington DC, November 10, 2021)
60th Birthday Banquet, Martha's Vineyard (June 7, 2022)
"When you are not ready to find exceptional things, you will never discover them." - Avi Loeb (Scientific American 2020) .
"Fascination of Science" : an exhibition by Herlinde Koelbl featuring portraits of sixty of the world's most important natural scientists, at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities (2020).
Books authored by Loeb:
|<-------------------Instant New York Times Bestseller ------------->|
|<-------------Click on book jacket for more information ---------->|
60 Minutes Australia (February 16, 2022)
American Alchemy (January 28, 2022)
Motherhood Unstressed (January 26, 2022)
Metaverse Interview (January 13, 2022)
William Shatner, "Star Trek" Interview (January 13, 2022)
Q&A about Space (January 13, 2022)
Ada Lovelace Festival (December 10, 2021)
TODAY Show, CBS (December 21, 2021)
NEWSY Interview about the Galileo Project (November 24, 2021)
JWST Launch (December 28, 2021)
National Book Festival, Library of Congress (September 22, 2021)
The Hill TV (August 28, 2021)
Ellie in Space (August 6, 2021)
ILTV (August 4, 2021)
MSNBC, Rahel Solomon (July 2, 2021)
ABC, Washington DC (June 4, 2021)
Jeopardy! (June 1, 2021)
CBS Saturday Morning (Feb 27, 2021)
CNN Interview (Michael Smerconish, 2021)
Fox News, Ben Domenech (June 1, 2021)
CBS Sunday Morning (May 16, 2021)
Al Jazeera, The Stream (Femi Oke, 2021)
Fox News (Tucker Carlson, 2021)
Channel 4, UK (Sunday Brunch, 2021)
Extraterrestrial (New Scientist, February, 2021)
Are We Alone? (New Scientist Live, May 15, 2020)
Dinosaur Extinction (Harvard, February, 2021)
`Oumuamua (Spanish, December 22, 2020)
What Is Inside a Black Hole? (Freethink, 2019)
Black Holes (Spanish, December 22, 2020)
Biography (Smithsonian Science Education Center, 2015)
The Case for Cosmic Modesty (TEDx Harvard College, 2017)
Alien Life (Discovery Channel, Canada, 2017)
Q&A (New York City, 2017)
CNN Interview (Michael Smerconish, 2019)
Click Here for Fox News Video
Fox News Interview (Douglas Kennedy, 2014)
Click Here for PBS Video on `Oumuamua
GZero World Interview (Ian Bremmer, 2019): Part I
Click Here for PBS Video on Space Goals and Black Holes
GZero World Interview (Ian Bremmer, 2019): Part II
KTLA TV Interview (Frank Buckley, 2021)
WGN TV, Chicago (2021)
"Galileo Project", Harvard Physics Colloquium (Sep 13, 2021)
Opinion Essays
Essays by Loeb on the promotion of innovation, diversity and excellence.
Current biographical information
as well as a listing of
all publications.
Confirmed predictions
Top twenty of Loeb's confirmed predictions.
Publications on `Oumuamua
Links to Loeb's publications on `Oumuamua.
Publication Search
Search of the online preprint server for Prof.
Loeb's scientific publications.
Publication Search
Search of the ADS abstract database for
Prof. Loeb's scientific publications.
"Life in the Cosmos: from Biosignatures to TechnoSignatures (an 800 page textbook)", M. Lingam and A. Loeb (Harvard University Press, 2021).
"Fine-Tuning in the Physical Universe", A. Loeb, (Eds. D. Sloan, R.A. Batista, M. T. Hicks & R. Davies, Cambridge University Press, 2020)).
"From the First Star to Milkomeda", A. Loeb (Kindle, 2015).
"From the First Star to the End of Time" (in hebrew), A. Loeb (Carmel Publishing House, Israel 2015).
"The First Galaxies in the Universe",
A. Loeb & S. Furlanetto (Princeton University Press, 2012).
"How Did The First Stars
and Galaxies Form?", A. Loeb (Princeton University Press, 2010).
"First Light in the Universe",
A. Loeb, A. Ferrara, & R. S. Ellis (Springer-Verlag, 2008).
Scientific American
Loeb's articles in Scientific American. Listed separately under Avi and Abraham.
Search for Technosignatures
Technological exo-signatures studied by Loeb, Discover Magazine (November 2020).
Reaching for the Stars
Q&A for SciTech Europa Quarterly Magazine (March 2019).
Searching for Life
Review article for Pan Equropean Networks (July 2017).
Is Anybody Out There?
Review for Atmos (November 2019).
Career Path
Autobiographical sketch of Loeb's career path (November 2015).
Fast Company Profile
Loeb's profile in Fast Company (October 2024).
Business Insider Profile
Loeb's profile in Business Insider (April 2024).
Boston Globe Profile
Loeb's profile in Boston Globe (February 2024).
Investor's Business Daily Profile
Loeb's profile in Investor's Business Daily (February 2024).
The Chicago Tribune Profile
Loeb's profile in The Chicago Tribune (January 2024).
The Guardian Profile
Loeb's profile in The Guardian, UK (November 2023).
The Telegraph Profile
Loeb's profile in The Telegraph, UK (September 2023).
New-York Times Magazine Profile
Loeb's profile in the New-York Times Magazine (August 2023).
Smithsonian Magazine Profile
Loeb's profile in Smithsonian Magazine (October 2021).
Science Magazine Profile
Loeb's profile in Science Magazine (January 2022).
WSJ Profile
Loeb's profile in the Wall Street Journal (February 2019).
Ha'aretz Profile
Loeb's views on innovation in science in Ha'aretz Magazine (January 2019).
ToI Profile
Loeb's views on innovation in science in Times of Israel (July 2019).
Science Profile
Overview of Loeb's career path in Science Magazine (April 2013).
Discover Profile
Overview of Loeb's contributions to studies of the first galaxies in
Discover Magazine (April 2014).
TIME Profile
Articles about Loeb's research in TIME Magazine.
New York Times Profile
A conversation with Claudia Dreifus (December 2014).
List of current and former graduate students.
Academic Family Tree.
Video segments of Loeb's students (2014).
Webcasted Lectures and Interviews
*"Interstellar" , Keynote lecture at BIG ARTS, Sanibel Island, Florida (March 14, 2024).
*"Searching for Interstellar Objects" , Keynote lecture at the Sol Conference, Stanford University (November 17, 2023).
*"Peace BAR Festival 2021;
In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the UN International Day of Peace" , Kyung Hee University, Global Academy for Future Civilizations (October 29, 2021).
*"The Search for Extraterretrial Objects of Technological Origin" , Annual Yip Lecture. Department of Mathematics, Harvard University (April 4, 2024).
*"Peace BAR Festival 2021;
In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the UN International Day of Peace" , Kyung Hee University, Global Academy for Future Civilizations (October 29, 2021).
*"The Galileo Project: In Search for Technological Interstellar Objects" , Harvard Physics Colloquium, Zoom (September 13, 2021).
*"Black Holes Are Finally in Vogue" , Stockholm, Zoom (January 21, 2021).
*"When Will We Hear From Aliens?" , New Scientist Live, London (October, 2019).
*"What Is Inside a Black Hole?" , Freethink (November 27, 2019).
*"Extraterrestrial Life" , Boston Museum of Science (November 21, 2019).
*"Beyond Science" , The Atlantic Festival, Panel Discussion (September 26, 2019).
*"The Mystery of Black Holes" , Black Hole Initiative (September 12, 2019).
*"Einstein and Black Holes" , Public Lecture (September 11, 2019).
*"Space Travel" , Humans To Mars, Washington DC (June 2, 2019).
*"Extraterrestrial Life" , Svein Rosseland Prize Lecture, University of Oslo (March 21, 2019).
*"Exciting Frontiers in Space Research" , interview by Stephen Ibaraki, Association for Computer Machinery (February 19, 2019).
*"Breaking the Walls of the Solar System" "Falling Walls" conference, Berlin, Germany (November 9, 2018).
*Alien Intelligences , interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (March 11, 2019).
*The Ultimate Questions , interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (February 11, 2019).
*Inflation and the Multiverse , interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (December 10, 2018).
*"What Happens in Black Holes" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Long Term Evolution of the Universe" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Future of Cosmology" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Ultimate Questions" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Anthropic Principle" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Alien Intelligence" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 25, 2018).
*"Life in the Cosmos" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 16, 2018).
*"Was the Universe Finely Tuned?" interview by Robert Kuhn in "Closer to Truth" (October 8, 2018).
*"Observatory Night" Public Lecture on "The Search for Primitive and Intelligent Life on Other Planets", Harvard University (September 20, 2018).
for Extraterrestrial Civilizations" extended interview by Jean
Michael Godier, "Event Horizon" (September 20, 2018).
*Keynote Address to the Techniche 2018 Conference, India on "Future of travel to interstellar space", India (July 3, 2018).
Observatory Distinguished Public Lecture on "Habitability of the
Universe", Hawaii (July 8, 2017).
*Q&A public forum entitled: "Cosmic Modesty", New York City (June 16, 2017).
*"The Case for
Cosmic Modesty", TEDx talk at Harvard College (Oct 14, 2017).
of CfA Colloquium on "Project Starshot: Visiting the Nearest Star
Within Our Lifetime", December 1, 2016.
*Colloquium entitled "Habitability of our Universe", Institute for Astronomy, Honolulu, Hawaii (July 5, 2017).
*Lecture about Starshot at "Beyond the Cradle" conference, MIT (March 12, 2017).
*Video of talk
in hebrew at the Calcalist conference on "Forecasts 2017", Tel Aviv,
December 28, 2016.
*Video of public lecture
in hebrew at Tel Aviv University, December 28, 2016.
*Video of keynote lecture entitled "Innovation and Risk", given at the Breakthrough Discuss conference in Stanford on April 15, 2016.
*TV interview on the Brakthrough Starshot Initiative, newTV (June 22, 2016).
*"Black Holes", video of lecture at GR@100, IAS, Princeton (November 6, 2015).
*"From the First Star to the End of Time", video of public lecture about Loeb's new book (in hebrew) at Tel Aviv University (December 30, 2015).
"Advanced Topics in Black Hole Research", colloquium at Harvard's
Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (February 18, 2015).
"New Search Methods for Primitive and Intelligent Life Far From Earth", Public lecture at Harvard's Science Center (September 23, 2014).
"Are We Alone? The Search for Extraterrestrial Life", Public lecture in hebrew at Tel Aviv University (December, 2014).
"Interview on The Search for Extraterrestrial Life", Serious-Science, Moscow, Russia (June 17, 2014).
"Interview on The First Stars and Galaxies", Serious-Science, Moscow, Russia (June 17, 2014).
"Advances in
Probing the Spacetime Near Astrophysical Black Holes", Sommerfeld
Theory Colloquium, LMU, Munich, Germany (June 18, 2014).
"Are Fast Radio
Bursts Galactic or Cosmological?", Phillips auditorium (May 7, 2014).
"Interview on The Habitability of the Early Universe", Stuart Davis Media (March 28, 2014).
"The Scientific Story of Genesis", Harvard College Observatory Night
(Feb. 20, 2014).
*Interviews on cosmology, "Closer to Truth" (March 2014)
Harvard conferences organized by Loeb
May, 2000: "The First Generation of Cosmic Structures"
May, 2002: "Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Brightest Explosions in the Universe"
May, 2004: "Astrophysics
of Planetary Systems"
May, 2006: "The History of
Nuclear Black Holes in Galaxies"
May, 2008: "21cm
May, 2010: "Dynamics from the Galactic Center to the Milky Way Halo"
May, 2011: "Hydrogen Cosmology"
May 14-17,
2012: "Testing General Relativity with Astrophysical
May 19-22,
2014: "Debates on the Nature of Dark Matter"
May 16-19,
2016: "The Transient Sky"
May 8-9,
2017: "Black Hole Initiative 2017 Conference"
May 7-9,
2018: "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"
May 9-11,
2018: "Black Hole Initiative 2018 Conference"
Press Releases
Links to old press releases and science news articles.
Scientific Images
Simulation of the
collision between the Milky-Way and Andromeda , and
a brief summary of the future of the Universe
and the appearance of
the black hole at the center of our galaxy
A collection of personal photos.
*"21-cm Cosmology",
invited review for Reports on Progress in Physics (9/11)
There be Light", invited review for UNESCO EOLSS encyclopedia (4/08)
*"The Physics and Early History of the Intergalactic Medium", Reports on Progress in Physics (11/06)
*"First Light" (book), SAAS-Fee Winter
School (4/06)
*"The Reionization of the Universe by the First Stars and Quasars", Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics (10/00)
*"In the Beginning: The First Sources of Light and the Reionization of the Universe", Physics Reports (10/00)