This animation sequence follows the evolution of 20,000 planets in orbit
around two stars. Our goal is to produce objects with highly elongated
orbits like Sedna's.
Click here to see the animation.
Starting Point
The bright yellow dots indicate the positions of two solar-type stars.
Each star is surrounded by a swarm of planets orbiting at distances of
30-80 AU from the star. All of the planets orbit their parent star in
the same orbital plane, as in the rings of Saturn. When Saturn's rings
are seen edge-on, they are almost invisible. Viewed edge-on, the ring
of planets orbiting each star in the simulation are also barely visible.
Interaction Begins
Initially, each swarm of planets feels only the gravity from its
parent star. The other star is too far away to feel
the pull from its gravity. But, as the two stars move closer together,
the pull of gravity from the other star increases. When the magenta
swarm passes over the cyan swarm, each swarm begins to feel the gravity
from the other star. The extra pull of gravity from the passing star
distorts the nice, circular pattern of the original orbits.
Distorted Orbits
As the animation continues, planets at the inner edge of the swarm
continue to move in roughly circular orbits around their parent star.
Farther out, the orbits become more and more distorted.
In some places, the gravity from the two stars compresses the orbits.
Bright rings form where planets are pushed into orbits that are closer
In other places, the gravity of the passing star overwhelms the gravity
of the parent star, pulling the planet away. The passing star captures
a few of these planets. Sometimes, though, the gravity of the parent star
is just strong enough to keep the planet. These planets end up on
highly elongated orbits.
Click here to see the animation.
After the encounter, a mixture of magenta and cyan planets orbits each
star. The magenta and cyan planets lie in distinct rings and bands.
Over time, gravity from other planets in the Solar System, like
Neptune, will smooth out the bands. However, the highly elongated orbits -
including orbits that resemble Sedna's - remain.