Under construction, testing, debugging ...
Location: for pre-test code
Usage for executing the pipeline swarm2uvfits: Coded in as screen prompt -
usage: swarm2uvfits pathname input-filename output-file-prefix sideband
e.g., /sci166B/sci1/SMA2017/ 170923_11:03:17 170923 0
for LSB
e.g., /sci166B/sci1/SMA2017/ 170923_11:03:17 170923 1
for USB
e.g., /sci166B/sci1/SMA2017/ 170923_11:03:17 170923 2
for both LSB & USB
Also can be found from an example C-shell script (used for programming test) -
swarm2uvfits.csh, located under script of the software structure tree SMA2CASA.
Test Logs for a few captured test logs.
Usage for executing the pipeline swarm2fitsidi: Has not existed yet.