rtdc9.cfa.harvard.edu swarm2casa.csh Mon Nov 5 13:47:46 EST 2018 Start swarm2casa.csh script - SWARM2CASA pipeline version: SMA-SWARM2CASA 1.0.4TST (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 2018-11-05 for test) loaded from PATH=/opt/sma/SWARM2CASA OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX= SMA181002 Reading LSB data - ############################################################################ # Welcome to the Smithonian Astrophysical Observatory using swarm2casa - # # A Pipeline: Converting SMA SWARM Data to CASA MeasurementSet: # # swarm2read .......................... DRX version 1.1.8-beta: 2018-11-05 # ############################################################################ Get pathname, input- and output-filenames, sbidx, optidx ...... Handling LSB data - Warning: Applying online flagging but not applying Tsys ... wideband patch................swarmDrxP version 1.4.8-beta: 2018-11-05 ********************************* * Observing Date: 2018 Oct 02 * ********************************* principal investigator...........SMA Geocentrical coordinates (meter): SMA-ANTID x y z = 1 -5.7024 -18.9838 15.6098 SMA-ANTID x y z = 2 -0.5089 -25.1506 1.2805 SMA-ANTID x y z = 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SMA-ANTID x y z = 4 2.7356 -23.7429 -7.7552 SMA-ANTID x y z = 5 1.9559 -7.4637 -5.5016 SMA-ANTID x y z = 6 -17.9164 -59.5564 30.0692 SMA-ANTID x y z = 7 -4.4426 -10.0932 12.2381 SMA-ANTID x y z = 8 4.4421 -63.8724 -21.8370 handling header variables........ number of integrations...........0935 number of c1 + SWARM Spectra.....5 number of polarizations..........1: XX--non polarization number of receivers..............2: rx1->340, rx2->400 number of sidebands..............2: lsb & usb number of baselines..............28 number of antennas...............8 number of channels...............65537 solving for antenna-based Tsys... 1635+381 id= 1 RA=20:15:28.7292 DEC= 37:10:59.5093 2015+371 id= 2 RA=20:15:28.7292 DEC= 37:10:59.5093 CKVul id= 3 RA=19:47:38.0727 DEC= 27:18:45.1648 mwc349a id= 4 RA=20:32:45.5434 DEC= 40:39:36.6174 Neptune id= 5 RA=23:04:10.6256 DEC= -7:03:08.7142 3c84 id= 6 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051 0319+415 id= 7 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051 Warning: the entry in source table is inconsistent with vis data, dropped source id=1! Warning: skipped last 11 corrupted entries in the headers! Warning: examine the data carefully! A total of 7 source(s) found in this data set. reading visibilities.............inhid time(UTC) int(s) percent Gbyt W-status inhset=..........................00001 0d03:57:03 29.7 000 (%) 0.00 NO inhset=..........................00100 0d04:29:35 29.7 010 (%) 2.94 OK inhset=..........................00200 0d05:11:39 05.2 021 (%) 5.87 OK inhset=..........................00300 0d05:55:10 29.7 032 (%) 8.81 OK inhset=..........................00400 0d06:48:36 29.7 043 (%) 11.74 OK inhset=..........................00500 0d07:42:02 29.7 054 (%) 14.68 OK inhset=..........................00600 0d08:25:31 29.7 065 (%) 17.62 OK inhset=..........................00700 0d09:18:57 29.7 075 (%) 20.55 OK inhset=..........................00800 0d10:04:52 05.2 086 (%) 23.49 OK inhset=..........................00900 0d10:53:24 29.7 097 (%) 26.43 OK inhset=...... inhset=..........................00923 0d11:04:47 29.7 100 (%) 27.10 OK rx1 ID: 1->340, rx2 ID: 2->400 Real time used = 843 sec. for reading in LSB data. processing rx1 LSB data .................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.lsb SWARM chunk 1................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000002.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.lsb SWARM chunk 2................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000003.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.lsb SWARM chunk 3................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000004.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.lsb SWARM chunk 4................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000005.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... Done with lsb and rx1 fits-data streaming out! processing rx2 LSB data .................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.lsb SWARM chunk 1................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000002.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.lsb SWARM chunk 2................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000003.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.lsb SWARM chunk 3................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000004.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.lsb SWARM chunk 4................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000005.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... Done with lsb and rx2 fits-data streaming out! Reading USB data - ############################################################################ # Welcome to the Smithonian Astrophysical Observatory using swarm2casa - # # A Pipeline: Converting SMA SWARM Data to CASA MeasurementSet: # # swarm2read .......................... DRX version 1.1.8-beta: 2018-11-05 # ############################################################################ Get pathname, input- and output-filenames, sbidx, optidx ...... Handling USB data - Warning: Applying online flagging but not applying Tsys ... wideband patch................swarmDrxP version 1.4.8-beta: 2018-11-05 ********************************* * Observing Date: 2018 Oct 02 * ********************************* principal investigator...........SMA Geocentrical coordinates (meter): SMA-ANTID x y z = 1 -5.7024 -18.9838 15.6098 SMA-ANTID x y z = 2 -0.5089 -25.1506 1.2805 SMA-ANTID x y z = 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SMA-ANTID x y z = 4 2.7356 -23.7429 -7.7552 SMA-ANTID x y z = 5 1.9559 -7.4637 -5.5016 SMA-ANTID x y z = 6 -17.9164 -59.5564 30.0692 SMA-ANTID x y z = 7 -4.4426 -10.0932 12.2381 SMA-ANTID x y z = 8 4.4421 -63.8724 -21.8370 handling header variables........ number of integrations...........0935 number of c1 + SWARM Spectra.....5 number of polarizations..........1: XX--non polarization number of receivers..............2: rx1->340, rx2->400 number of sidebands..............2: lsb & usb number of baselines..............28 number of antennas...............8 number of channels...............65537 solving for antenna-based Tsys... 1635+381 id= 1 RA=20:15:28.7292 DEC= 37:10:59.5093 2015+371 id= 2 RA=20:15:28.7292 DEC= 37:10:59.5093 CKVul id= 3 RA=19:47:38.0727 DEC= 27:18:45.1648 mwc349a id= 4 RA=20:32:45.5434 DEC= 40:39:36.6174 Neptune id= 5 RA=23:04:10.6256 DEC= -7:03:08.7142 3c84 id= 6 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051 0319+415 id= 7 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051 Warning: the entry in source table is inconsistent with vis data, dropped source id=1! Warning: skipped last 11 corrupted entries in the headers! Warning: examine the data carefully! A total of 7 source(s) found in this data set. reading visibilities.............inhid time(UTC) int(s) percent Gbyt W-status inhset=..........................00001 0d03:57:03 29.7 000 (%) 0.00 NO inhset=..........................00100 0d04:29:35 29.7 010 (%) 2.94 OK inhset=..........................00200 0d05:11:39 05.2 021 (%) 5.87 OK inhset=..........................00300 0d05:55:10 29.7 032 (%) 8.81 OK inhset=..........................00400 0d06:48:36 29.7 043 (%) 11.74 OK inhset=..........................00500 0d07:42:02 29.7 054 (%) 14.68 OK inhset=..........................00600 0d08:25:31 29.7 065 (%) 17.62 OK inhset=..........................00700 0d09:18:57 29.7 075 (%) 20.55 OK inhset=..........................00800 0d10:04:52 05.2 086 (%) 23.49 OK inhset=..........................00900 0d10:53:24 29.7 097 (%) 26.43 OK inhset=...... inhset=..........................00923 0d11:04:47 29.7 100 (%) 27.10 OK rx1 ID: 1->340, rx2 ID: 2->400 Real time used = 848 sec. for reading in USB data. processing rx1 USB data .................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.usb SWARM chunk 1................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000002.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.usb SWARM chunk 2................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000003.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.usb SWARM chunk 3................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000004.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx1.usb SWARM chunk 4................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000005.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... Done with usb and rx1 fits-data streaming out! processing rx2 USB data .................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.usb SWARM chunk 1................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000002.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.usb SWARM chunk 2................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000003.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.usb SWARM chunk 3................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000004.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... FOR_UVFITSOUT: Ver 3.2.1 2018-10-30 streaming out data rx2.usb SWARM chunk 4................................... FOR_SWARMUVDT: Ver 1.0.2 2018-11-02 Select parameters: 1.00000000.00000007.00000003.00000005.0000000 ........... Processing data streaming of 16384 channels ............................. Polarization-data streaming: XX ......................................... 25508 visibilities copied to 25508 output records ....................... Writing header tables ................................................... Done with usb and rx2 fits-data streaming out! ========================================= The start-up time of CASA may vary depending on whether the shared libraries are cached or not. ========================================= IPython 5.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. CASA 5.3.0-143 -- Common Astronomy Software Applications --> CrashReporter initialized. ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% hit return-key to listobs&plotms check the dual rx data: SMA181002.ms hit return-key to quit the script A single CASA measurementSet data output is produced: SMA181002.ms Done, congratulation! exit from the script! Mon Nov 5 14:33:31 EST 2018