from:	Zhao, Jun-Hui 
to:	Tomasz Kaminski 
date:	Nov 5, 2018, 3:07 PM
subject:	Re: Testing SMA to CASA conversion script
Hi Tomasz:
       There are several issues in your data. I have hard coded in the patches in the swarm2casa pipeline software.
       Please give a try again.
       Attached are few files:
1) screenReport.log ------------------ log of the message prompted on the screen that I captured while run test on rtdc9. Please check if you can get the same report.
2) casa-20181105-192311.log----- log output from the CASA while converting SMA data into measurementSet, header check and graphic inspection.
3) mwc349a.jpg------------------------ plot of the raw spectrum  MWC349a; in addition to the default graphic examination of all the 16 spectral chunks for field 0, I examined
                                                spw 12 of field 2 (mwc349a). The H26alpha line is present.
       Please let me know if you have any further questions and troubles to process the data in CASA.
