from:	Zhao, Jun-Hui 
bcc:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Nov 2, 2018, 3:56 PM
subject:	Re: Meeting for SMA data issues

Zhao, Jun-Hui 
Nov 2, 2018, 3:56 PM (3 days ago)
to attila.kovacs, bcc: Jim
Thanks, Attila. Good idea. We will have all possible RTDC and SMA data crew in this meeting including Hilo computing and data staff.
Have you had such a meeting series that is going on now? If so, I would like to join in.
For this specific meeting, how about next Thursday (11/8) from 15:00-16:00?
Tentative agenda: I would like to go through the latest SMA online data format.
What I have are from Taco:           that was updated by Taco January 2018 for SWARM                  that was updated by Taco April 2012 for ASIC doubleband (4GHz)
There are several items in the SWARM format that appears to be inconsistent with those in actual data that are currently taken.
Do you have an updated web link for the SWARM data format?
