from:	Zhao, Jun-Hui 
to:	Holly Sarah 
cc:	"" ,
"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Oct 11, 2018, 1:50 PM
subject:	Re: Testing SMA to CASA conversion script
Oct 11, 2018, 1:50 PM
to Holly,, Jim
Hi Holly,
     Thanks for this message. The version 1.0.3 should be ready to process SMA data from converting RTDC archived SWARM data to imaging in CASA.
     Please let me know if any users have any questions and issues on the pipeline as well as further calibrating and imaging with CASA's tasks and modules.
     During the course of trying out this new software, we will create more examples of python scripts for handling SMA data taken on various observing modes.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:47 PM Thomas, Holly Sarah  wrote:

    The new SMA to CASA conversion pipeline (SWARM2CASA) under development needs to be tested.

    A robust conversion script would open the door for full calibration in CASA. So if you are converting SMA data to CASA MS format, or just want to experiment, I urge you to give this routine a try.

    You can find details on Jun-Hui's pages below.

    Please contact me if you have an troubles running it on the RTDC.
