from:	Jun-Hui Zhao 
to:	Geoffrey Bower 
cc:	Thomas Cooper ,
Thomas Mac Cooper ,
Holly Sarah 
bcc:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Aug 8, 2018, 12:45 PM
subject:	Re: swarm2casa conversion software

Jun-Hui Zhao 
Wed, Aug 8, 12:45 PM
to Thomas, Thomas, Holly, Geoffrey, bcc: Jim
Hi Geoff,
      The default assumes that the online flagging is good and the pipeline applies the flagging states to the data
while converting to CASA measurementSet. I heard that there were some online flagging issues lately.
What  we can do is to add an option to pipeline all the visibility data without applying online flagging.
Then, SMA users can use the CASA GUI plotms and CASA module flagdata to edit SMA data in the offline process.
I will let you know when this new option is available with the new pipeline.
      The issue of your June data 180613_03:41:04 seems to be related to something that has been
changed in the online storage code of the header tables. I will look into it.
