from:	Jun-Hui Zhao 
to:	Geoffrey Bower 
cc:	Thomas Mac Cooper ,
Holly Sarah 
bcc:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Aug 7, 2018, 2:50 PM
subject:	Re: swarm2casa conversion software

Hi Geoff:
     Thanks for your .cshrc. The library issue that you found yesterday is due to my end. I develop the new software with my desktop
that was used for the SMA Miriad development and the new CASA pipeline was confused by the old environment setting while runs in
a new environment. I re-configured the compiler to clear out the confusion. Also, I added a few lines into the C-shell script (swarm2casa.csh)
to check/define/add the environment variable for the library path LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The  library path should ensure the program
using the designated library. I exported the new trial version (1.0.1) to HILO /sma/local/opt/sma/SWARM2CASA
     Please give a try again. Here is what I tried:
1) using your .cshrc in login
2) cd reduction
3) cp /sma/local/opt/sma/SWARM2CASA/script/HILO/swarm2casa.csh180205 ./swarm2casa.csh
4) ./swarm2casa.csh
The beginning of the screen prompt messages are attached below. I also noticed that that
the hiccup issue occurs on my desktop as well while involving C/Fortran or C++/Fortran program structure.
This issue appears more likely due to "system bus", internal architecture of computers. Both Hilo's servers and
my desktop (2008) are older than the rtdc server rtdc9 (I guess). The computing architecture of the old machines
might have not optimized for the software structure that we used. In any case, the Hilo servers now should be
able to pipeline the wide-band data into CASA in a time period acceptable to users.

     If you can go through this step successfully, then we will go to the next step for calibration and imaging on CASA.


------------ Messages captured from computer screen for testing out SWARM2CASA software ------------
[jzhao@hilodr2]$ ./swarm2casa.csh
Tue Aug  7 08:00:52 HST 2018
Start swarm2casa.csh script -

SWARM2CASA pipeline version:  SMA-SWARM2CASA 1.0.1 (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 2018-8-7)
loaded from PATH=/sma/local/opt/sma/SWARM2CASA

# Welcome to the Smithonian Astrophysical Observatory using swarm2casa -   #
# A Pipeline: Converting SMA SWARM Data to CASA MeasurementSet:            #
# swarm2read .......................... DRX version 1.0.7-beta: 2018-08-07 #

Get pathname, input- and output-filenames, sbidx, optidx ......

Handling LSB data -

wideband patch................swarmDrxP version 1.4.0-beta: 2018-05-23

*  Observing Date: 2018 Feb 05  *

principal investigator...........Jan Forbrich

Geocentrical coordinates (meter):
SMA-ANTID x y z = 1      1.9562     -7.4636     -5.5009
SMA-ANTID x y z = 2      2.7353    -23.7434     -7.7546
SMA-ANTID x y z = 3      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
SMA-ANTID x y z = 4     -0.5093    -25.1507      1.2802
SMA-ANTID x y z = 5     -5.7034    -18.9832     15.6101
SMA-ANTID x y z = 6     -4.4427    -10.0929     12.2366
SMA-ANTID x y z = 7      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
SMA-ANTID x y z = 8    -16.5638    -27.0235     30.7693
handling header variables........
number of integrations...........0476
number of c1 + SWARM Spectra.....5
number of polarizations..........1:  XX--non polarization
number of receivers..............2:  rx1->230, rx2->240
number of sidebands..............2:  lsb & usb
number of baselines..............21
number of antennas...............7
number of channels...............65537
solving for antenna-based Tsys...
0013+408         id=  1 RA=00:13:31.1300 DEC= 40:51:37.1420
M31-A            id=  2 RA=00:41:05.0200 DEC= 40:38:01.6956
0136+478         id=  3 RA=01:36:58.5950 DEC= 47:51:29.0945
Uranus           id=  4 RA=01:33:40.0347 DEC=  9:11:01.7889
3c84             id=  5 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051
3C84             id=  6 RA=03:19:48.1602 DEC= 41:30:42.1051
A total of 6 source(s) found in this data set.
reading visibilities.............inhid  time(UTC) int(s) percent Gbyt W-status
inhset=..........................00002 0d04:07:36  29.7  000 (%) 0.00  NO