from:	Jun-Hui Zhao 
to:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Aug 1, 2018, 5:18 PM
subject:	Brief on the CASA4SMA meeting

Hi Jim,
The meeting went through smoothly. Quite a few SAO scientist/staff attended,
Mark G., Glen P. ,Tomek K., Luca M., Holly T. and  Geoff Bower called in from
Hilo. We went through all the items listed in the agenda page and successfully
ran through the real-time demo. In the end, CASA plotted the uv coverage
of the 3 hr observations of Rcas with 7 antennas (see attached jpg). The
participants intended to agree that CASA is the future for the reduction of
SMA wideband data. We need CASA/NRAO help for some SMA specific issues
as we discussed. One of them (Tomek?) suggested that SMA should
send a representative to CASA software meeting to present the specific
requirements from SMA.

 Geoff left early since we could not broadcast the real-time
demo to his end. We have set an appointment to have another meeting
for him at 10am HST on next Monday (Aug. 6) after install the new pipeline
on the Hilo system. We will go through the items  and check out
the issues on the servers while running the real-time demo there.

Att: uv-coverage plot