from:	Jun-Hui Zhao 
to:	"Todd R. Hunter" 
cc:	Raymond Blundell 
bcc:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Jul 31, 2018, 4:19 PM
subject:	Fwd: Trying out pipeline reduction of SMA SWARM data in CASA

Hi Todd,
       We are testing out a new software to pipeline SMA SWARM data to CASA. We have realized that
there are issues that  need NRAO CASA  to help us out. The immediate issue is the name and antenna
coordinates. There were several paths that  can get the SMA data into CASA, which caused
CASA programs confusion on the SMA antenna coordinates.
       Concerning SMA SWARM data, it would be good to name the telescope as "wSMA" with right-handed
geocentrical coordinates in order to clear out the confusion. Down to the road, we will have many issues need
NRAO help.
       Do you know who is the best person to contact with on the SMA specifications for the programs of data reduction
on CASA? Or it would be great if you can be our liaison.