from: Jun-Hui Zhao to: Holly Sarah cc: Thomas Cooper date: Jun 22, 2018, 2:47 PM subject: Re: smamiriad account home directory in Hilo exceeds 10G limit On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 1:23 PM Thomas, Holly Sarah wrote: Hi Jun-Hui, On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM, Jun-Hui Zhao wrote: Hi Mac, Oops, I have been using this account to test the new pipeline software package swarm2casa for debugging and preparing for release to general SMA users. I will remove the test data from the home directory. The first version of this pipeline is being developed with serial code (using one CPU unit) and is being tested on SMA Hilo system as well as RTDC/RG system to understand the performance of this software on the computing systems at CfA. For the Hilo system, the test has been taken on the three data-reduction severs (hilodr1, hilodr2 and hilodr3) while on the RTDC system, the server rtdc9 has been used as suggested by Holly. Aren't all the Hilo DR machines essentially the same one? Not sure; As I can tell from the CASA distributed on the three servers, the versions are different. hilodr2 seems to be 4.2.* while hilodr1 and hilodr3 are 4.7.*. Thanks, do I need be a pseudo superuser to access /opt/sma like the way to access /sma/local on Hilo ? 4) the CASA on the RTDC/RG has been updated to the latest version 5.3.0 but has issues to convert SMA coordinates to CASA (according to Holly's email notification last week). I also noticed similar issues and am preparing to send NRAO helpdesk a ticket concerning CASA. The CASA versions on the Hilo servers appear way too old with more issues. As I understand it, CASA can convert coordinates fine. The problem is that is has the SMA coordinates hard wired into the code somewhere (not sure what for), and those are wrong. But if you are converting coordinates read from our dataset to CASA it should be OK. The uv-coordinates seem to be OK from a view of the uv-distribution plotted for all the channels; but need to further test with imaging. The antenna coordinates (Geocentrical and right-handed) from swarmRead appears consistent with those stored in the antennas file of each dataset; I checked the antenna coordinates with AIPS via the FITS steam header, and the AIPS converting appears to be correct. I also checked the report from CASA task 'listobs', but I don't fully understand the antenna coordinates reported from CASA. The listobs report on the other header tables such as frequency configuration and source parameters appear correct. The antenna coordinates converted to CASA may be OK too. I may miss something in understanding CASA's report for the measurementSet of SMA swarm data converted from the swarm2casa pipeline. I will submit NRAO helpdesk a CASA ticket to consult the experts there for my puzzle when I finish the task on my hand. Thanks Holly for clarifying the coordinates issue mentioned in your message last week. Jun-Hui Zhao Jun 22, 2018, 2:47 PM to Holly, Thomas On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 1:23 PM Thomas, Holly Sarah wrote: Hi Jun-Hui, On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM, Jun-Hui Zhao wrote: Hi Mac, Oops, I have been using this account to test the new pipeline software package swarm2casa for debugging and preparing for release to general SMA users. I will remove the test data from the home directory. The first version of this pipeline is being developed with serial code (using one CPU unit) and is being tested on SMA Hilo system as well as RTDC/RG system to understand the performance of this software on the computing systems at CfA. For the Hilo system, the test has been taken on the three data-reduction severs (hilodr1, hilodr2 and hilodr3) while on the RTDC system, the server rtdc9 has been used as suggested by Holly. Aren't all the Hilo DR machines essentially the same one? Not sure; As I can tell from the CASA distributed on the three servers, the versions are different. hilodr2 seems to be 4.2.* while hilodr1 and hilodr3 are 4.7.*. Thanks, do I need be a pseudo superuser to access /opt/sma like the way to access /sma/local on Hilo ? 4) the CASA on the RTDC/RG has been updated to the latest version 5.3.0 but has issues to convert SMA coordinates to CASA (according to Holly's email notification last week). I also noticed similar issues and am preparing to send NRAO helpdesk a ticket concerning CASA. The CASA versions on the Hilo servers appear way too old with more issues. As I understand it, CASA can convert coordinates fine. The problem is that is has the SMA coordinates hard wired into the code somewhere (not sure what for), and those are wrong. But if you are converting coordinates read from our dataset to CASA it should be OK. The uv-coordinates seem to be OK from a view of the uv-distribution plotted for all the channels; but need to further test with imaging. The antenna coordinates (Geocentrical and right-handed) from swarmRead appears consistent with those stored in the antennas file of each dataset; I checked the antenna coordinates with AIPS via the FITS steam header, and the AIPS converting appears to be correct. I also checked the report from CASA task 'listobs', but I don't fully understand the antenna coordinates reported from CASA. The listobs report on the other header tables such as frequency configuration and source parameters appear correct. The antenna coordinates converted to CASA may be OK too. I may miss something in understanding CASA's report for the measurementSet of SMA swarm data converted from the swarm2casa pipeline. I will submit NRAO helpdesk a CASA ticket to consult the experts there for my puzzle when I finish the task on my hand. Thanks Holly for clarifying the coordinates issue mentioned in your message last week. Jun-Hui