from:	Thomas, Holly Sarah 
to:	Jun-Hui Zhao 
cc:	Thomas Cooper 
date:	Jun 22, 2018, 1:23 PM
subject:	Re: smamiriad account home directory in Hilo exceeds 10G limit

Hi Jun-Hui,

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM, Jun-Hui Zhao  wrote:

    Hi Mac,
    Oops, I have been using this account to test the new pipeline software package swarm2casa
    for debugging and preparing for release to general SMA users. I will remove the test data from
    the home directory.

    The first version of this pipeline is being developed with serial code (using one CPU unit)
    and is being tested on SMA Hilo system as well as RTDC/RG system to understand the performance
    of this software on the computing systems at CfA.

    For the Hilo system, the test has been taken on the three data-reduction severs (hilodr1, hilodr2 and hilodr3)
    while on the RTDC system, the server rtdc9 has been used as suggested by Holly.

Aren't all the Hilo DR machines essentially the same one?

/sma/local is in Hilo only. On the RTDC machines you can use /opt/sma. This is where Tacos sma2casa lives. Or if it is a directory
you need to install you can just put it in /opt.

    4) the CASA on the RTDC/RG has been updated to the latest version 5.3.0 but has issues to convert SMA coordinates
    to CASA (according to Holly's email notification last week). I also noticed similar issues and am preparing to send
    NRAO helpdesk a ticket concerning CASA. The CASA versions on the Hilo servers appear way too old with more issues.

As I understand it, CASA can convert coordinates fine. The problem is that is has the SMA coordinates hard wired into the code somewhere (not sure what for), and those are wrong. But if you are converting coordinates read from our dataset to CASA it should be OK.