from:	Zhao, Jun-Hui 
to:	"Thomas, Holly Sarah" 
cc:	Thomas Mac Cooper 
bcc:	"Moran, Jim" 
date:	Jun 1, 2018, 4:10 PM
subject:	Re: CASA
Hi Holly and Mac,
       The casa paths are encoded in.
       I did pre-users's test with the preliminary code to pipeline SMA SWARM data to CASA measurementSet based on 180506_03:52:53.
CASA 5.1.1 on rtdc9 appears to process the data smoothly while CASA 4.7.0 on hilodr1 showed repeated warnings:

"WARN MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable Array SMA is not a candidate to have its antenna positions rotated. No rotation of antenna positions will be performed".
In addition, the process was terminated by the system before it was gracefully ended. The test on hilodr1 was done on Tuesday (5/29).

       After done with the test on rtdc9 yesterday (5/31), I was trying to go back to hilodr1 but had a login issue today.
       The tests on both hilodr1 and rtdc9 were carried out via my own user's accounts.
       We can discuss more about the relevant issues after when I return from a trip next week.
