from:	Hewett, Rob 
to:	cfa-wide 
date:	May 23, 2022, 4:16 PM
subject:	CF virtual office hour, Tuesdays 3PM

Hi all,
The CF has been running a weekly virtual office hour on a limited distribution, and are now announcing it to the cfa-wide list.  
Feel free to stop by at any time during the hour with a question or just for a break to interact with whomever shows up!  We've 
had some good discussion over the previous meetings, and have found that it is not crowded at all; only a handful of people stop 
by at any one time.  If we do get a crowd, we'll figure it out, and you can ask your question in front of everybody.  Or better yet, 
you might know the answer and can share that.

Emphasis/theme is Google Workspace, but other topics are fine too.  Shaun is hosting, other CF staff show up (random), and maybe 
you'll be there too.


the next CFHelp Virtual Office Hour:
Tuesday, May 24 · 15:00 – 16:00 EDT
Google Meet joining info, Video call link: Google meeting link

(note: we're not going to announce this every week, probably just a monthly reminder, so if this is of interest to you, 
consider adding it to your own calendar.  The Google Meet link will be the same as above)