Photo by Ladylockoff Photography

Jennifer C. Yee


Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

I use gravitational microlensing to discover planets in orbits analogous to Jupiter’s. This technique is uniquely sensitive to planets at these distances from their stars, making it essential for characterizing the exoplanet population at these separations. I am also interested in characterizing the isolated stellar-mass black hole population.

I am the SAO Deputy Science-PI for KMTNet, the largest ground-based microlensing survey currently in operation. With this network, we are making unprecedented discoveries of small planets far from their stars and using the sample to characterize the planet population into and beyond the super-Earth regime. 

I am also part of a Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Project Implementation Team, specifically working on developing software tools for analyzing microlensing events from the upcoming Roman Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey.

The Ohio State University (Ph.D. in Astronomy, 2013), Swarthmore College (B.A. in Astrophysics, 2007)