Joseph L. Hora Publications

ORCID: 0000-0002-5599-4650

Articles in refereed journals

Preprints, in press


First Mid-infrared Detection and Modeling of a Flare from Sgr A*", von Fellenberg, S. D., Roychowdhury, T., Michail, J. M., Sumners, Z., Sanger-Johnson, G., Fazio, G. G., Haggard, D., Hora, J. L., Philippov, A., Ripperda, B., Smith, H. A., Willner, S. P., Witzel, G., Zhang, S., Becklin, E. E., Bower, G. C., Chandra, S., Do, T., Garcia Marin, M., Gurwell, M. A., Ford, N. M., Hada, K., Markoff, S., Morris, M. R., Neilsen, J., Sabha, N. B., and Seefeldt-Gail, B., 2025, ApJL, 979, L20

"EWOCS-III: JWST observations of the supermassive star cluster Westerlund 1", Guarcello, M. G., Almendros-Abad, V., Lovell, J. B., Monsch, K., Mužić, K., Martínez-Galarza, J. R., Drake, J. J., Anastasopoulou, K., Andersen, M., Argiroffi, C., Bayo, A., Bonito, R., Capela, D., Damiani, F., Gennaro, M., Ginsburg, A., Grebel, E. K., Hora, J. L., Moraux, E., Najarro, F., Negueruela, I., Prisinzano, L., Richardson, N. D., Ritchie, B., Robberto, M., Rom, T., Sabbi, E., Sciortino, S., Umana, G., Winter, A., Wright, N. J., and Zeidler, P., 2025, A&A, 693, A120

"Design and Performance of the Upgraded Mid-infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MIRSI) on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility", Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., López-Oquendo, A. J., Smith, H. A., Mommert, M., Moskovitz, N., Foster, C., Connelley, M. S., Lockhart, C., Rayner, J. T., Bus, S. J., Watanabe, D., Bergknut, L., Bonnet, M., and Tokunaga, A., 2024, PASP, 136, 105003

"General Relativistic effects and the NIR variability of Sgr A* II: A systematic approach to temporal asymmetry", von Fellenberg, S. D., Witzel, G., Bauboeck, M., Chung, H.-H., Marchili, N., Martinez, G., Sadun-Bordoni, M., Bourdarot, G., Do, T., Drescher, A., Fazio, G., Eisenhauer, F., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Hora, J. L., Mang, F., Ott, T., Smith, H. A., Ros, E., Ribeiro, D. C., Widmann, F., Willner, S. P., and Zensus, J. A., 2024, A&A, 688, L12

"Multiwavelength Observations of Sgr A*. II. 2019 July 21 and 26", Michail, J. M., Yusef-Zadeh, F., Wardle, M., Kunneriath, D., Hora, J. L., Bushouse, H., Fazio, G. G., Markoff, S., and Smith, H. A., 2024, ApJ, 971, 52

"Spitzer Resurrector Mission: Advantages for Space Weather Research and Operations" Shawn M. Usman, Giovanni G. Fazio, Christopher A. Grasso, Ryan C. Hickox, Cameo Lance, William B. Rideout, Daveanand M. Singh, Howard A. Smith, Angelos Vourlidas, Joseph L. Hora, Gary J. Melnick, Matthew Ashby, Volker Tolls, Steven Willner and Salma Benitez, 2024, Aerospace, 11, 560.

"2023 DZ2 Planetary Defense Campaign", Reddy, V., Kelley, M. S., Benner, L., Dotson, J., Erasmus, N., Farnocchia, D., Linder, T., Masiero, J. R., Thomas, C., Bauer, J., Alarcon, M. R., Bacci, P., Bamberger, D., Battle, A., Benkhaldoun, Z., Betti, G., Birlan, M., Brozovic, M., Burt, B., Cantillo, D. C., Chandra, S., Chomette, G., Coates, A., DeMeo, F., Devogèle, M., Fatka, P., Ferrais, M., Fini, P., van Gend, C., Giorgini, J. D., Glamazda, D., Holmes, R., Hora, J. L., Horiuchi, S., Hornoch, K., Iozzi, M., Jacques, C., Jehin, E., Jiang, H., Kaiser, G., Kušnirák, P., Kuznetsov, E., de León, J., Liakos, A., Licandro, J., Lister, T., Liu, J., Lopez-Oquendo, A., Maestripieri, M., Mathias, D., Micheli, M., Naidu, S. P., Nastasi, A., Nedelcu, A., Petrescu, E., Popescu, M., Potter, S. B., Pravec, P., Sanchez, J., Santana-Ros, T., Serra-Ricart, M., Sioulas, N., Sonka, A., Squilloni, A., Tombelli, M., Trelia, M., Trilling, D. E., Warner, E., Wells, G., Wheeler, L., and Wiles, M., 2024, PSJ, 5, 141

"EWOCS-I: The catalog of X-ray sources in Westerlund 1 from the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey", Guarcello, M. G., Flaccomio, E., Albacete-Colombo, J. F., Almendros-Abad, V., Anastasopoulou, K., Andersen, M., Argiroffi, C., Bayo, A., Bartlett, E. S., Bastian, N., De Becker, M., Best, W., Bonito, R., Borghese, A., Calzetti, D., Castellanos, R., Cecchi-Pestellini, C., Clark, J. S., Clarke, C. J., Zelati, F. C., Damiani, F., Drake, J. J., Gennaro, M., Ginsburg, A., Grebel, E. K., Hora, J. L., Israel, G. L., Lawrence, G., Locci, D., Mapelli, M., Martinez-Galarza, J. R., Micela, G., Miceli, M., Moraux, E., Muzic, K., Najarro, F., Negueruela, I., Nota, A., Pallanca, C., Prisinzano, L., Ritchie, B., Robberto, M., Rom, T., Sabbi, E., Scholz, A., Sciortino, S., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Winter, A., Wright, N. J., and Zeidler, P., 2024, A&A, 682, A49

"Probabilistic Classification of Infrared-selected targets for SPHEREx mission: In search of YSOs", Lakshmipathaiah, K., Vig, S., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Kang, M., and Gorthi, R. K. S. S., 2023, MNRAS, 526, 1923-1939

"The SPHEREx Target List of Ice Sources (SPLICES)", Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Lakshmipathaiah, K., Vig, S., Sai Subrahmanyam Gorthi, R. K., Kang, M., Tolls, V., Melnick, G. J., Werner, M. W., Crill, B. P., Masters, D. C., Peña, C. C., Lee, J.-E., Kim, J., Lee, H.-G., Yoon, S.-Y., Yang, S.-C., Flagey, N., and Mennesson, B., 2023, ApJ, 949, 105

"A retrospective analysis of mid-infrared observations of the Comet D/Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Wesley impacts on Jupiter", Sinclair, J. A., Lisse, C. M., Orton, G. S., Krishnamoorthy, M., Fletcher, L. N., Hora, J., Palotai, C., and Hayward, T., 2023, Icar, 394, 115404

"Multiwavelength Variability of Sagittarius A* in 2019 July", Boyce, H., Haggard, D., Witzel, G., Fellenberg, S. von ., Willner, S. P., Becklin, E. E., Do, T., Eckart, A., Fazio, G. G., Gurwell, M. A., Hora, J. L., Markoff, S., Morris, M. R., Neilsen, J., Nowak, M., Smith, H. A., and Zhang, S., 2022, ApJ, 931, 7

"Testing Models of Triggered Star Formation with Young Stellar Objects in Cepheus OB4", Mintz, A., Hora, J. L., and Winston, E., 2021, AJ, 162, 236

"Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A* with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR, and Chandra observations", Gravity Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., Bauböck, M., Baganoff, F., Berger, J. P., Boyce, H., Bonnet, H., Brandner, W., Clénet, Y., Davies, R., de Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Dallilar, Y., Drescher, A., Eckart, A., Eisenhauer, F., Fazio, G. G., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Foster, K., Gammie, C., Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Ghisellini, G., Gillessen, S., Gurwell, M. A., Habibi, M., Haggard, D., Hailey, C., Harrison, F. A., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Hora, J. L., Horrobin, M., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Léna, P., Lowrance, P. J., Lutz, D., Markoff, S., Mori, K., Morris, M. R., Neilsen, J., Nowak, M., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Ponti, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Rodríguez-Coira, G., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Scheithauer, S., Smith, H. A., Stadler, J., Stern, D. K., Straub, O., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., von Fellenberg, S. D., Waisberg, I., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E., Willner, S. P., Witzel, G., Woillez, J., Yazici, S., Young, A., Zhang, S., and Zins, G., 2021, A&A, 654, A22

"Rapid Variability of Sgr A* across the Electromagnetic Spectrum", Witzel, G., Martinez, G., Willner, S. P., Becklin, E. E., Boyce, H., Do, T., Eckart, A., Fazio, G. G., Ghez, A., Gurwell, M. A., Haggard, D., Herrero-Illana, R., Hora, J. L., Li, Z., Liu, J., Marchili, N., Morris, M. R., Smith, H. A., Subroweit, M., and Zensus, J. A. 2021, ApJ, 917, 73

"The Single-cloud Star Formation Relation", Pokhrel, R., Gutermuth, R. A., Krumholz, M. R., Federrath, C., Heyer, M., Khullar, S., Thomas Megeath, S., Myers, P. C., Offner, S. S. R., Pipher, J. L., Fischer, W. J., Henning, T., and Hora, J. L., 2021, ApJL, 912, L19

Spitzer IRAC Photometry of JWST Calibration Stars", Krick, J. E., Lowrance, P., Carey, S., Laine, S., Grillmair, C., Van Dyk, S. D., Glaccum, W. J., Ingalls, J. G., Rieke, G., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Gordon, K. D., and Bohlin, R. C., 2021, AJ, 161, 177

"A Census of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy. II. The GLIMPSE360 Field", Winston, E., Hora, J. L., and Tolls, V. 2020, AJ, 160, 68

"Star-Gas Surface Density Correlations in 12 Nearby Molecular Clouds. I. Data Collection and Star-sampled Analysis", Pokhrel, R., Gutermuth, R. A., Betti, S. K., Offner, S. S. R., Myers, P. C., Megeath, S. T., Sokol, A. D., Ali, B., Allen, L., Allen, T. S., Dunham, M. M., Fischer, W. J., Henning, T., Heyer, M., Hora, J. L., Pipher, J. L., Tobin, J. J., and Wolk, S. J., 2020, ApJ, 896, 60

"ALMA Observations of NGC 6334S. I. Forming Massive Stars and Clusters in Subsonic and Transonic Filamentary Clouds", Li, S., Zhang, Q., Liu, H. B., Beuther, H., Palau, A., Girart, J. M., Smith, H., Hora, J. L., Lin, Y., Qiu, K., Strom, S., Wang, J., Li, F., and Yue, N., 2020, ApJ, 896, 110

"Recurrent Cometary Activity in Near-Earth Object (3552) Don Quixote", Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., Biver, N., Wierzchos, K., Harrington Pinto, O., Agarwal, J., Kim, Y., McNeill, A., Womack, M., Knight, M. M., Polishook, D., Moskovitz, N., Kelley, M. S. P., and Smith, H. A., 2020, PSJ, 1, 12

"Systematic Characterization of and Search for Activity in Potentially Active Asteroids", Mommert, M., Trilling, D. E., Hora, J. L., Lejoly, C., Gustafsson, A., Knight, M., Moskovitz, N., and Smith, H. A., 2020, PSJ, 1, 10

"A Semi-automated Computational Approach for Infrared Dark Cloud Localization: A Catalog of Infrared Dark Clouds", Pari, J. and Hora, J. L., 2020, PASP, 132, 054301

"A common origin for dynamically associated near-Earth asteroid pairs", Moskovitz, N. A., Fatka, P., Farnocchia, D., Devogèle, M., Polishook, D., Thomas, C. A., Mommert, M., Avner, L. D., Binzel, R. P., Burt, B., Christensen, E., DeMeo, F., Hinkle, M., Hora, J. L., Magnusson, M., Matson, R., Person, M., Skiff, B., Thirouin, A., Trilling, D., Wasserman, L. H., and Willman, M., 2019, Icar, 333, 165

"Spitzer Albedos of Near-Earth Objects", Gustafsson, A., Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., McNeill, A., Hora, J. L., Smith, H. A., Hellmich, S., Mottola, S., and Harris, A. W., 2019, AJ, 158, 67

"A Census of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy: The SMOG Field", Winston, E., Hora, J., Gutermuth, R., and Tolls, V., 2019, ApJ, 880, 9

"Massive Young Stellar Objects and Outflow in the Infrared Dark Cloud G79.3+0.3", Laws, A. S. E., Hora, J. L., and Zhang, Q., 2019, ApJ, 876, 70

"Constraining the Shape Distribution of Near-Earth Objects from Partial Light Curves", McNeill, A., Hora, J. L., Gustafsson, A., Trilling, D. E., and Mommert, M., 2019, AJ, 157, 164

"Simultaneous X-Ray and Infrared Observations of Sagittarius A*'s Variability", Boyce, H., Haggard, D., Witzel, G., Willner, S. P., Neilsen, J., Hora, J. L., Markoff, S., Ponti, G., Baganoff, F., Becklin, E. E., Fazio, G. G., Lowrance, P., Morris, M. R., and Smith, H. A., 2019, ApJ, 871, 161

"Spitzer Observations of Interstellar Object 1I/‘Oumuamua", Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Farnocchia, D., Chodas, P., Giorgini, J., Smith, H. A., Carey, S., Lisse, C. M., Werner, M., McNeill, A., Chesley, S. R., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Fernandez, Y. R., Harris, A., Marengo, M., Mueller, M., Roegge, A., Smith, N., Weaver, H. A., Meech, K., and Micheli, M., 2018, AJ, 156, 261

"Infrared Light Curves of Near-Earth Objects", Hora, J. L., Siraj, A., Mommert, M., McNeill, A., Trilling, D. E., Gustafsson, A., Smith, H. A., Fazio, G. G., Chesley, S., Emery, J. P., Harris, A., and Mueller, M., 2018, ApJS, 238, 22

"Multiwavelength Light Curves of Two Remarkable Sagittarius A* Flares", Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Witzel, G., Willner, S. P., Ashby, M. L. N., Baganoff, F., Becklin, E., Carey, S., Haggard, D., Gammie, C., Ghez, A., Gurwell, M. A., Ingalls, J., Marrone, D., Morris, M. R., and Smith, H. A., 2018, ApJ, 864, 58

"Variability Timescale and Spectral Index of Sgr A* in the Near Infrared: Approximate Bayesian Computation Analysis of the Variability of the Closest Supermassive Black Hole", Witzel, G., Martinez, G., Hora, J., Willner, S. P., Morris, M. R., Gammie, C., Becklin, E. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Baganoff, F., Carey, S., Do, T., Fazio, G. G., Ghez, A., Glaccum, W. J., Haggard, D., Herrero-Illana, R., Ingalls, J., Narayan, R., and Smith, H. A., 2018, ApJ, 863, 15

"Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Observations of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817", Villar, V. A., Cowperthwaite, P. S., Berger, E., Blanchard, P. K., Gomez, S., Alexander, K. D., Margutti, R., Chornock, R., Eftekhari, T., Fazio, G. G., Guillochon, J., Hora, J. L., Nicholl, M., and Williams, P. K. G., 2018, ApJL, 862, L11

"Characterization of Near-Earth Asteroids Using KMTNET-SAAO", Erasmus, N., Mommert, M., Trilling, D. E., Sickafoose, A. A., van Gend, C., and Hora, J. L., 2017, AJ, 154, 162

"Colour variations of Comet C/2013 UQ4 (Catalina)", Ivanova, O., Zubko, E., Videen, G., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Krišandová, Z. S., Svoreň, J., Novichonok, A., Borysenko, S., and Shubina, O., 2017, MNRAS, 469, 2695

"Young Stellar Objects in the Massive Star-forming Regions W51 and W43", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Audard, M., Koenig, X. P., Martínez-Galarza, J. R., Motte, F., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Saygac, A. T., and Smith, H. A., 2017, ApJ, 839, 108

"Hayabusa-2 mission target asteroid 162173 Ryugu (1999 JU3): Searching for the object's spin-axis orientation", Müller, T. G., Ďurech, J., Ishiguro, M., Mueller, M., Krühler, T., Yang, H., Kim, M.-J., O'Rourke, L., Usui, F., Kiss, C., Altieri, B., Carry, B., Choi, Y.-J., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Greiner, J., Hasegawa, S., Hora, J. L., Knust, F., Kuroda, D., Osip, D., Rau, A., Rivkin, A., Schady, P., Thomas-Osip, J., Trilling, D., Urakawa, S., Vilenius, E., Weissman, P., and Zeidler, P., 2017, A&A, 599, A103

"NEOSurvey 1: Initial Results from the Warm Spitzer Exploration Science Survey of Near-Earth Object Properties", Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., Hora, J., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H., 2016, AJ, 152, 172

"The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. II. The Spatial Distribution and Demographics of Dusty Young Stellar Objects", Megeath, S. T., Gutermuth, R., Muzerolle, J., Kryukova, E., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Flaherty, K., Hartmann, L., Myers, P. C., Pipher, J. L., Stauffer, J., Young, E. T., and Fazio, G. G., 2016, AJ, 151, 5

"YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability in NGC 1333", Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Cody, A. M., Günther, H. M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Poppenhaeger, K., Wolk, S. J., Hora, J., Hernandez, J., Bayo, A., Covey, K., Forbrich, J., Gutermuth, R., Morales-Calderón, M., Plavchan, P., Song, I., Bouy, H., Terebey, S., Cuillandre, J. C., and Allen, L. E., 2015, AJ, 150, 175

"SOFIA/FORCAST Observations of Warm Dust in S106: A Fragmented Environment", Adams, J. D., Herter, T. L., Hora, J. L., Schneider, N., Lau, R. M., Staguhn, J. G., Simon, R., Smith, N., Gehrz, R. D., Allen, L. E., Bontemps, S., Carey, S. J., Fazio, G. G., Gutermuth, R. A., Guzman Fernandez, A., Hankins, M., Hill, T., Keto, E., Koenig, X. P., Kraemer, K. E., Megeath, S. T., Mizuno, D. R., Motte, F., Myers, P. C., and Smith, H. A., 2015, ApJ, 814, 54

"Young Stellar Objects in the Massive Star-forming Region W49", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Willis, S. E., Koenig, X. P., Gutermuth, R. A., and Saygac, A. T., 2015, ApJ, 813, 25

"YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability of Young Stellar Objects and Their Disks in the Cluster IRAS 20050+2720", Poppenhaeger, K., Cody, A. M., Covey, K. R., Günther, H. M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Plavchan, P., Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Wolk, S. J., Espaillat, C., Forbrich, J., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Morales-Calderón, M., and Song, I., 2015, AJ, 150, 118

"ExploreNEOs. VIII. Dormant Short-period Comets in the Near-Earth Asteroid Population", Mommert, M., Harris, A. W., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., Bottke, W. F., Thomas, C. A., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., and Smith, H. A., 2015, AJ, 150, 106

"S-CANDELS: The Spitzer-Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts", Ashby, M. L. N., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Dunlop, J. S., Egami, E., Faber, S. M., Ferguson, H. C., Grogin, N. A., Hora, J. L., Huang, J.-S., Koekemoer, A. M., Labbé, I., and Wang, Z., 2015, ApJS, 218, 33

"A Spitzer/IRAC characterization of Galactic AGB and RSG stars", Reiter, M., Marengo, M., Hora, J. L., and Fazio, G. G., 2015, MNRAS, 447, 3909

"Planck intermediate results. XVIII. The millimetre and sub-millimetre emission from planetary nebulae", Planck Collaboration, Arnaud, M., Atrio-Barandela, F., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Banday, A. J., Barreiro, R. B., Battaner, E., Benabed, K., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bielewicz, P., Bonaldi, A., Bond, J. R., Borrill, J., Bouchet, F. R., Buemi, C. S., Burigana, C., Cardoso, J.-F., Casassus, S., Catalano, A., Cerrigone, L., Chamballu, A., Chiang, H. C., Colombi, S., Colombo, L. P. L., Couchot, F., Crill, B. P., Curto, A., Cuttaia, F., Davies, R. D., Davis, R. J., de Bernardis, P., de Rosa, A., de Zotti, G., Delabrouille, J., Dickinson, C., Diego, J. M., Donzelli, S., Doré, O., Dupac, X., Enßlin, T. A., Eriksen, H. K., Finelli, F., Frailis, M., Franceschi, E., Galeotta, S., Ganga, K., Giard, M., González-Nuevo, J., Górski, K. M., Gregorio, A., Gruppuso, A., Hansen, F. K., Harrison, D. L., Hildebrandt, S. R., Hivon, E., Holmes, W. A., Hora, J. L., Hornstrup, A., Hovest, W., Huffenberger, K. M., Jaffe, T. R., Jones, W. C., Juvela, M., Keihänen, E., Keskitalo, R., Kisner, T. S., Knoche, J., Kunz, M., Kurki-Suonio, H., Lähteenmäki, A., Lamarre, J.-M., Lasenby, A., Lawrence, C. R., Leonardi, R., Leto, P., Lilje, P. B., Linden-Vørnle, M., López-Caniego, M., Macías-Pérez, J. F., Maffei, B., Maino, D., Mandolesi, N., Martin, P. G., Masi, S., Massardi, M., Matarrese, S., Mazzotta, P., Mendes, L., Mennella, A., Migliaccio, M., Miville-Deschênes, M.-A., Moneti, A., Montier, L., Morgante, G., Mortlock, D., Munshi, D., Murphy, J. A., Naselsky, P., Nati, F., Natoli, P., Noviello, F., Novikov, D., Novikov, I., Pagano, L., Pajot, F., Paladini, R., Paoletti, D., Peel, M., Perdereau, O., Perrotta, F., Piacentini, F., Piat, M., Pietrobon, D., Plaszczynski, S., Pointecouteau, E., Polenta, G., Popa, L., Pratt, G. W., Procopio, P., Prunet, S., Puget, J.-L., Rachen, J. P., Reinecke, M., Remazeilles, M., Ricciardi, S., Riller, T., Ristorcelli, I., Rocha, G., Rosset, C., Roudier, G., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Rusholme, B., Sandri, M., Savini, G., Scott, D., Spencer, L. D., Stolyarov, V., Sutton, D., Suur-Uski, A.-S., Sygnet, J.-F., Tauber, J. A., Terenzi, L., Toffolatti, L., Tomasi, M., Trigilio, C., Tristram, M., Trombetti, T., Tucci, M., Umana, G., Valiviita, J., Van Tent, B., Vielva, P., Villa, F., Wade, L. A., Wandelt, B. D., Zacchei, A., Zijlstra, A., and Zonca, A., 2015, A&A, 573, A6

"YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability in the Star-forming Region Lynds 1688", Günther, H. M., Cody, A. M., Covey, K. R., Hillenbrand, L. A., Plavchan, P., Poppenhaeger, K., Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Wolk, S. J., Allen, L., Bayo, A., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Meng, H. Y. A., Morales-Calderón, M., Parks, J. R., and Song, I., 2014, AJ, 148, 122

"Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR): Long Timescale Variations in the Mid-infrared", Rebull, L. M., Cody, A. M., Covey, K. R., Günther, H. M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Plavchan, P., Poppenhaeger, K., Stauffer, J. R., Wolk, S. J., Gutermuth, R., Morales-Calderón, M., Song, I., Barrado, D., Bayo, A., James, D., Hora, J. L., Vrba, F. J., Alves de Oliveira, C., Bouvier, J., Carey, S. J., Carpenter, J. M., Favata, F., Flaherty, K., Forbrich, J., Hernandez, J., McCaughrean, M. J., Megeath, S. T., Micela, G., Smith, H. A., Terebey, S., Turner, N., Allen, L., Ardila, D., Bouy, H., and Guieu, S., 2014, AJ, 148, 92

"Spitzer/IRAC Observations of the Variability of Sgr A* and the Object G2 at 4.5 μm", Hora, J. L., Witzel, G., Ashby, M. L. N., Becklin, E. E., Carey, S., Fazio, G. G., Ghez, A., Ingalls, J., Meyer, L., Morris, M. R., Smith, H. A., and Willner, S. P., 2014, ApJ, 793, 120

"Physical Properties of Near-Earth Asteroid 2011 MD", Mommert, M., Farnocchia, D., Hora, J. L., Chesley, S. R., Trilling, D. E., Chodas, P. W., Mueller, M., Harris, A. W., Smith, H. A., and Fazio, G. G., 2014, ApJL, 789, L22

"The Dependence of Protostellar Luminosity on Environment in the Cygnus-X Star-forming Complex", Kryukova, E., Megeath, S. T., Hora, J. L., Gutermuth, R. A., Bontemps, S., Kraemer, K., Hennemann, M., Schneider, N., Smith, H. A., and Motte, F., 2014, AJ, 148, 11

"Constraining the Physical Properties of Near-Earth Object 2009 BD", Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Farnocchia, D., Chesley, S. R., Vokrouhlický, D., Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Harris, A. W., Smith, H. A., and Fazio, G. G., 2014, ApJ, 786, 148

"The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). I. Data overview and analysis demonstration with NGC 6781", Ueta, T., Ladjal, D., Exter, K. M., Otsuka, M., Szczerba, R., Siódmiak, N., Aleman, I., van Hoof, P. A. M., Kastner, J. H., Montez, R., McDonald, I., Wittkowski, M., Sandin, C., Ramstedt, S., De Marco, O., Villaver, E., Chu, Y.-H., Vlemmings, W., Izumiura, H., Sahai, R., Lopez, J. A., Balick, B., Zijlstra, A., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Rattray, R. E., Behar, E., Blackman, E. G., Hebden, K., Hora, J. L., Murakawa, K., Nordhaus, J., Nordon, R., and Yamamura, I., 2014, A&A, 565, A36

"A multiwavelength study of embedded clusters in W5-east, NGC 7538, S235, S252 and S254-S258", Chavarría, L., Allen, L., Brunt, C., Hora, J. L., Muench, A., and Fazio, G., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 3719

"Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of post-AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at low metallicities", Matsuura, M., Bernard-Salas, J., Lloyd Evans, T., Volk, K. M., Hrivnak, B. J., Sloan, G. C., Chu, Y.-H., Gruendl, R., Kraemer, K. E., Peeters, E., Szczerba, R., Wood, P. R., Zijlstra, A. A., Hony, S., Ita, Y., Kamath, D., Lagadec, E., Parker, Q. A., Reid, W. A., Shimonishi, T., Van Winckel, H., Woods, P. M., Kemper, F., Meixner, M., Otsuka, M., Sahai, R., Sargent, B. A., Hora, J. L., and McDonald, I., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 1472

"CSI 2264: Simultaneous Optical and Infrared Light Curves of Young Disk-bearing Stars in NGC 2264 with CoRoT and Spitzer—Evidence for Multiple Origins of Variability", Cody, A. M., Stauffer, J., Baglin, A., Micela, G., Rebull, L. M., Flaccomio, E., Morales-Calderón, M., Aigrain, S., Bouvier, J., Hillenbrand, L. A., Gutermuth, R., Song, I., Turner, N., Alencar, S. H. P., Zwintz, K., Plavchan, P., Carpenter, J., Findeisen, K., Carey, S., Terebey, S., Hartmann, L., Calvet, N., Teixeira, P., Vrba, F. J., Wolk, S., Covey, K., Poppenhaeger, K., Günther, H. M., Forbrich, J., Whitney, B., Affer, L., Herbst, W., Hora, J., Barrado, D., Holtzman, J., Marchis, F., Wood, K., Medeiros Guimarães, M., Lillo Box, J., Gillen, E., McQuillan, A., Espaillat, C., Allen, L., D'Alessio, P., and Favata, F., 2014, AJ, 147, 82

"Spitzer observations of a circumstellar nebula around the candidate luminous blue variable MWC 930", Cerrigone, L., Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Hora, J. L., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., and Hart, A., 2014, A&A, 562, A93

"Physical characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed near-Earth objects", Thomas, C. A., Emery, J. P., Trilling, D. E., Delbó, M., Hora, J. L., and Mueller, M., 2014, Icar, 228, 217

"The Discovery of Cometary Activity in Near-Earth Asteroid (3552) Don Quixote", Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Harris, A. W., Reach, W. T., Emery, J. P., Thomas, C. A., Mueller, M., Cruikshank, D. P., Trilling, D. E., Delbo, M., and Smith, H. A., 2014, ApJ, 781, 25

"Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). III. Young Stellar Objects", Sewiło, M., Carlson, L. R., Seale, J. P., Indebetouw, R., Meixner, M., Whitney, B. A., Robitaille, T. P., Oliveira, J. M., Gordon, K., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Hora, J. L., Block, M., Misselt, K., van Loon, J. T., Chen, C.-H. R., Churchwell, E., and Shiao, B., 2013, ApJ, 778, 15

"The Parsec-scale Environment and the Evolutionary Status of MWC 349A", Strelnitski, V., Bieging, J. H., Hora, J., Smith, H. A., Armstrong, P., Lagergren, K., and Walker, G., 2013, ApJ, 777, 89

"The HERSCHEL Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel Open Time Key Program", Meixner, M., Panuzzo, P., Roman-Duval, J., Engelbracht, C., Babler, B., Seale, J., Hony, S., Montiel, E., Sauvage, M., Gordon, K., Misselt, K., Okumura, K., Chanial, P., Beck, T., Bernard, J.-P., Bolatto, A., Bot, C., Boyer, M. L., Carlson, L. R., Clayton, G. C., Chen, C.-H. R., Cormier, D., Fukui, Y., Galametz, M., Galliano, F., Hora, J. L., Hughes, A., Indebetouw, R., Israel, F. P., Kawamura, A., Kemper, F., Kim, S., Kwon, E., Lebouteiller, V., Li, A., Long, K. S., Madden, S. C., Matsuura, M., Muller, E., Oliveira, J. M., Onishi, T., Otsuka, M., Paradis, D., Poglitsch, A., Reach, W. T., Robitaille, T. P., Rubio, M., Sargent, B., Sewiło, M., Skibba, R., Smith, L. J., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Loon, J. T., and Whitney, B., 2013, AJ, 146, 62

"The Protoplanetary Disks in the Nearby Massive Star-forming Region Cygnus OB2", Guarcello, M. G., Drake, J. J., Wright, N. J., Drew, J. E., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Naylor, T., Aldcroft, T., Fruscione, A., García-Alvarez, D., Kashyap, V. L., and King, R., 2013, ApJ, 773, 135

"SEDS: The Spitzer Extended Deep Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts", Ashby, M. L. N., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Huang, J.-S., Arendt, R., Barmby, P., Barro, G., Bell, E. F., Bouwens, R., Cattaneo, A., Croton, D., Davé, R., Dunlop, J. S., Egami, E., Faber, S., Finlator, K., Grogin, N. A., Guhathakurta, P., Hernquist, L., Hora, J. L., Illingworth, G., Kashlinsky, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Koo, D. C., Labbé, I., Li, Y., Lin, L., Moseley, H., Nandra, K., Newman, J., Noeske, K., Ouchi, M., Peth, M., Rigopoulou, D., Robertson, B., Sarajedini, V., Simard, L., Smith, H. A., Wang, Z., Wechsler, R., Weiner, B., Wilson, G., Wuyts, S., Yamada, T., and Yan, H., 2013, ApJ, 769, 80

"Early-stage young stellar objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Oliveira, J. M., van Loon, J. T., Sloan, G. C., Sewiło, M., Kraemer, K. E., Wood, P. R., Indebetouw, R., Filipović, M. D., Crawford, E. J., Wong, G. F., Hora, J. L., Meixner, M., Robitaille, T. P., Shiao, B., and Simon, J. D., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 3001

"The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. I. A Census of Dusty Young Stellar Objects and a Study of Their Mid-infrared Variability", Megeath, S. T., Gutermuth, R., Muzerolle, J., Kryukova, E., Flaherty, K., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Hartmann, L., Myers, P. C., Pipher, J. L., Stauffer, J., Young, E. T., and Fazio, G. G., 2012, AJ, 144, 192

"SOFIA/FORCAST and Spitzer/IRAC Imaging of the Ultracompact H II Region W3(OH) and Associated Protostars in W3", Hirsch, L., Adams, J. D., Herter, T. L., Hora, J. L., De Buizer, J. M., Megeath, S. T., Gull, G. E., Henderson, C. P., Keller, L. D., Schoenwald, J., and Vacca, W., 2012, ApJ, 757, 113

"A Spitzer/IRAC Measure of the Zodiacal Light", Krick, J. E., Glaccum, W. J., Carey, S. J., Lowrance, P. J., Surace, J. A., Ingalls, J. G., Hora, J. L., and Reach, W. T., 2012, ApJ, 754, 53

"Thermal Phase Variations of WASP-12b: Defying Predictions", Cowan, N. B., Machalek, P., Croll, B., Shekhtman, L. M., Burrows, A., Deming, D., Greene, T., and Hora, J. L., 2012, ApJ, 747, 82

"Photoevaporating Proplyd-like Objects in Cygnus OB2", Wright, N. J., Drake, J. J., Drew, J. E., Guarcello, M. G., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., and Kraemer, K. E., 2012, ApJL, 746, L21

"Constraining Gamma-Ray Burst Emission Physics with Extensive Early-time, Multiband Follow-up", Cucchiara, A., Cenko, S. B., Bloom, J. S., Melandri, A., Morgan, A., Kobayashi, S., Smith, R. J., Perley, D. A., Li, W., Hora, J. L., da Silva, R. L., Prochaska, J. X., Milne, P. A., Butler, N. R., Cobb, B., Worseck, G., Mundell, C. G., Steele, I. A., Filippenko, A. V., Fumagalli, M., Klein, C. R., Stephens, A., Bluck, A., and Mason, R., 2011, ApJ, 743, 154

"A Spitzer IRAC Imaging Survey for T Dwarf Companions around M, L, and T Dwarfs: Observations, Results, and Monte Carlo Population Analyses", Carson, J. C., Marengo, M., Patten, B. M., Luhman, K. L., Sonnett, S. M., Hora, J. L., Schuster, M. T., Allen, P. R., Fazio, G. G., Stauffer, J. R., and Schnupp, C., 2011, ApJ, 743, 141

"Infrared Studies of Epsilon Aurigae in Eclipse", Stencel, R. E., Kloppenborg, B. K., Wall, R. E., Hopkins, J. L., Howell, S. B., Hoard, D. W., Rayner, J., Bus, S., Tokunaga, A., Sitko, M. L., Bradford, S., Russell, R. W., Lynch, D. K., Hammel, H., Whitney, B., Orton, G., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Hora, J. L., Hinz, P., Hoffmann, W., and Skemer, A., 2011, AJ, 142, 174

"Convergent Flows and Low-velocity Shocks in DR21(OH)", Csengeri, T., Bontemps, S., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Gueth, F., and Hora, J. L., 2011, ApJL, 740, L5

"Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). II. Cool Evolved Stars", Boyer, M. L., Srinivasan, S., van Loon, J. T., McDonald, I., Meixner, M., Zaritsky, D., Gordon, K. D., Kemper, F., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C. W., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Robitaille, T., Sewiło, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2011, AJ, 142, 103

"Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally Stripped, Low Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud (SAGE-SMC). I. Overview", Gordon, K. D., Meixner, M., Meade, M. R., Whitney, B., Engelbracht, C., Bot, C., Boyer, M. L., Lawton, B., Sewiło, M., Babler, B., Bernard, J.-P., Bracker, S., Block, M., Blum, R., Bolatto, A., Bonanos, A., Harris, J., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Misselt, K., Reach, W., Shiao, B., Tielens, X., Carlson, L., Churchwell, E., Clayton, G. C., Chen, C.-H. R., Cohen, M., Fukui, Y., Gorjian, V., Hony, S., Israel, F. P., Kawamura, A., Kemper, F., Leroy, A., Li, A., Madden, S., Marble, A. R., McDonald, I., Mizuno, A., Mizuno, N., Muller, E., Oliveira, J. M., Olsen, K., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Points, S., Robitaille, T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Sato, S., Shibai, H., Simon, J. D., Smith, L. J., Srinivasan, S., Vijh, U., Van Dyk, S., van Loon, J. T., and Zaritsky, D., 2011, AJ, 142, 102

"Expanded Very Large Array Observations of the Nebula Around G79.29+0.46", Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., Agliozzo, C., Ingallinera, A., Noriega-Crespo, A., and Hora, J. L., 2011, ApJL, 739, L11

"Identification of Three New Protoplanetary Nebulae Exhibiting the Unidentified Feature at 21 μm", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Hart, A., and Fazio, G., 2011, ApJ, 738, 121

"ExploreNEOs. V. Average Albedo by Taxonomic Complex in the Near-Earth Asteroid Population", Thomas, C. A., Trilling, D. E., Emery, J. P., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Benner, L. A. M., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbó, M., Fazio, G., Harris, A. W., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Morbidelli, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., and Stansberry, J. A., 2011, AJ, 142, 85

"Ysovar: The First Sensitive, Wide-area, Mid-infrared Photometric Monitoring of the Orion Nebula Cluster", Morales-Calderón, M., Stauffer, J. R., Hillenbrand, L. A., Gutermuth, R., Song, I., Rebull, L. M., Plavchan, P., Carpenter, J. M., Whitney, B. A., Covey, K., Alves de Oliveira, C., Winston, E., McCaughrean, M. J., Bouvier, J., Guieu, S., Vrba, F. J., Holtzman, J., Marchis, F., Hora, J. L., Wasserman, L. H., Terebey, S., Megeath, T., Guinan, E., Forbrich, J., Huélamo, N., Riviere-Marichalar, P., Barrado, D., Stapelfeldt, K., Hernández, J., Allen, L. E., Ardila, D. R., Bayo, A., Favata, F., James, D., Werner, M., and Wood, K., 2011, ApJ, 733, 50

"Fundamental Parameters, Integrated Red Giant Branch Mass Loss, and Dust Production in the Galactic Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae", McDonald, I., Boyer, M. L., van Loon, J. T., Zijlstra, A. A., Hora, J. L., Babler, B., Block, M., Gordon, K., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Robitaille, T., Sewiło, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2011, ApJS, 193, 23

"A Panchromatic View of NGC 602: Time-resolved Star Formation with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes", Carlson, L. R., Sewiło, M., Meixner, M., Romita, K. A., Whitney, B., Hora, J. L., Cignoni, M., Sabbi, E., Nota, A., Sirianni, M., Smith, L. J., Gordon, K., Babler, B., Bracker, S., Gallagher, J. S., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Pasquali, A., and Shiao, B., 2011, ApJ, 730, 78

"ExploreNEOs. III. Physical Characterization of 65 Potential Spacecraft Target Asteroids", Mueller, M., Delbo', M., Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Harris, A. W., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A., 2011, AJ, 141, 109

"The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy programme: the life-cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Point source classification I", Woods, P. M., Oliveira, J. M., Kemper, F., van Loon, J. T., Sargent, B. A., Matsuura, M., Szczerba, R., Volk, K., Zijlstra, A. A., Sloan, G. C., Lagadec, E., McDonald, I., Jones, O., Gorjian, V., Kraemer, K. E., Gielen, C., Meixner, M., Blum, R. D., Sewiło, M., Riebel, D., Shiao, B., Chen, C.-H. R., Boyer, M. L., Indebetouw, R., Antoniou, V., Bernard, J.-P., Cohen, M., Dijkstra, C., Galametz, M., Galliano, F., Gordon, K. D., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J. L., Kawamura, A., Lawton, B., Leisenring, J. M., Madden, S., Marengo, M., McGuire, C., Mulia, A. J., O'Halloran, B., Olsen, K., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Soszyński, I., Speck, A. K., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Aarle, E., van Dyk, S. D., van Winckel, H., Vijh, U. P., Whitney, B., and Wilkins, A. N., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 1597

"ExploreNEOs. II. The Accuracy of the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey", Harris, A. W., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Mueller, M., Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Mainzer, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A., 2011, AJ, 141, 75

"VISIR/VLT and VLA Joint Imaging Analysis of the Circumstellar Nebula Around IRAS 18576+0341", Buemi, C. S., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., and Hora, J. L., 2010, ApJ, 721, 1404

"Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud Star-forming Region N206", Romita, K. A., Carlson, L. R., Meixner, M., Sewiło, M., Whitney, B., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J. L., Meade, M., and Shiao, B., 2010, ApJ, 721, 357

"A Spitzer View of Star Formation in the Cygnus X North Complex", Beerer, I. M., Koenig, X. P., Hora, J. L., Gutermuth, R. A., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S. T., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Carey, S., Simon, R., Keto, E., Smith, H. A., Allen, L. E., Fazio, G. G., Kraemer, K. E., Price, S., Mizuno, D., Adams, J. D., Hernández, J., and Lucas, P. W., 2010, ApJ, 720, 679

"ExploreNEOs. I. Description and First Results from the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey", Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Harris, A. W., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Mainzer, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A., 2010, AJ, 140, 770

"Spitzer, Very Large Telescope, and Very Large Array Observations of the Galactic Luminous Blue Variable Candidate HD 168625", Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., and Hora, J. L., 2010, ApJ, 718, 1036

"Spitzer SAGE-SMC Infrared Photometry of Massive Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Bonanos, A. Z., Lennon, D. J., Köhlinger, F., van Loon, J. T., Massa, D. L., Sewilo, M., Evans, C. J., Panagia, N., Babler, B. L., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C. W., Gordon, K. D., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M. R., Meixner, M., Misselt, K. A., Robitaille, T. P., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B. A., 2010, AJ, 140, 416

"The Properties of X-ray Luminous Young Stellar Objects in the NGC 1333 and Serpens Embedded Clusters", Winston, E., Megeath, S. T., Wolk, S. J., Spitzbart, B., Gutermuth, R., Allen, L. E., Hernandez, J., Covey, K., Muzerolle, J., Hora, J. L., Myers, P. C., and Fazio, G. G., 2010, AJ, 140, 266

"The youngest massive protostars in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Sewiło, M., Indebetouw, R., Carlson, L. R., Whitney, B. A., Chen, C.-H. R., Meixner, M., Robitaille, T., van Loon, J. T., Oliveira, J. M., Churchwell, E., Simon, J. D., Hony, S., Panuzzo, P., Sauvage, M., Roman-Duval, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., Misselt, K., Okumura, K., Beck, T., Hora, J., and Woods, P. M., 2010, A&A, 518, L73

"HERschel Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE): The Large Magellanic Cloud dust", Meixner, M., Galliano, F., Hony, S., Roman-Duval, J., Robitaille, T., Panuzzo, P., Sauvage, M., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., Misselt, K., Okumura, K., Beck, T., Bernard, J.-P., Bolatto, A., Bot, C., Boyer, M., Bracker, S., Carlson, L. R., Clayton, G. C., Chen, C.-H. R., Churchwell, E., Fukui, Y., Galametz, M., Hora, J. L., Hughes, A., Indebetouw, R., Israel, F. P., Kawamura, A., Kemper, F., Kim, S., Kwon, E., Lawton, B., Li, A., Long, K. S., Marengo, M., Madden, S. C., Matsuura, M., Oliveira, J. M., Onishi, T., Otsuka, M., Paradis, D., Poglitsch, A., Riebel, D., Reach, W. T., Rubio, M., Sargent, B., Sewiło, M., Simon, J. D., Skibba, R., Smith, L. J., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Loon, J. T., Whitney, B., and Woods, P. M., 2010, A&A, 518, L71

"The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy Program: The Life Cycle of Dust and Gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Kemper, F., Woods, P. M., Antoniou, V., Bernard, J.-P., Blum, R. D., Boyer, M. L., Chan, J., Chen, C.-H. R., Cohen, M., Dijkstra, C., Engelbracht, C., Galametz, M., Galliano, F., Gielen, C., Gordon, K. D., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Jones, O., Kawamura, A., Lagadec, E., Lawton, B., Leisenring, J. M., Madden, S. C., Marengo, M., Matsuura, M., McDonald, I., McGuire, C., Meixner, M., Mulia, A. J., O'Halloran, B., Oliveira, J. M., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Sargent, B. A., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., Sloan, G. C., Speck, A. K., Srinivasan, S., Szczerba, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Aarle, E., Van Dyk, S. D., van Loon, J. T., Van Winckel, H., Vijh, U. P., Volk, K., Whitney, B. A., Wilkins, A. N., and Zijlstra, A. A., 2010, PASP, 122, 683

"Mid-infrared spectral variability for compositionally similar asteroids: Implications for asteroid particle size distributions", Vernazza, P., Carry, B., Emery, J., Hora, J. L., Cruikshank, D., Binzel, R. P., Jackson, J., Helbert, J., and Maturilli, A., 2010, Icar, 207, 800

"Spitzer Analysis of H II Region Complexes in the Magellanic Clouds: Determining a Suitable Monochromatic Obscured Star Formation Indicator", Lawton, B., Gordon, K. D., Babler, B., Block, M., Bolatto, A. D., Bracker, S., Carlson, L. R., Engelbracht, C. W., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Madden, S. C., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Oey, M. S., Oliveira, J. M., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., Vijh, U. P., and Whitney, B., 2010, ApJ, 716, 453

"Circumstellar Structure Around Evolved Stars in the Cygnus-X Star Formation Region", Kraemer, K. E., Hora, J. L., Egan, M. P., Adams, J., Allen, L. E., Bontemps, S., Carey, S. J., Fazio, G. G., Gutermuth, R., Keto, E., Koenig, X. P., Megeath, S. T., Mizuno, D. R., Motte, F., Price, S. D., Schneider, N., Simon, R., and Smith, H. A., 2010, AJ, 139, 2319

"Is Dust Forming on the Red Giant Branch in 47 Tuc?", Boyer, M. L., van Loon, J. T., McDonald, I., Gordon, K. D., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2010, ApJL, 711, L99

"Thermal Emission and Tidal Heating of the Heavy and Eccentric Planet XO-3b", Machalek, P., Greene, T., McCullough, P. R., Burrows, A., Burke, C. J., Hora, J. L., Johns-Krull, C. M., and Deming, D. L., 2010, ApJ, 711, 111

"The Mass Distribution of Starless and Protostellar Cores in Gould Belt Clouds", Sadavoy, S. I., Di Francesco, J., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S. T., Rebull, L. M., Allgaier, E., Carey, S., Gutermuth, R., Hora, J., Huard, T., McCabe, C.-E., Muzerolle, J., Noriega-Crespo, A., Padgett, D., and Terebey, S., 2010, ApJ, 710, 1247

"The Infrared Array Camera Dark Field: Far-Infrared to X-ray Data", Krick, J. E., Surace, J. A., Thompson, D., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J., Gorjian, V., Yan, L., Frayer, D. T., Egami, E., and Lacy, M., 2009, ApJS, 185, 85

"Dust Production and Mass Loss in the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 362", Boyer, M. L., McDonald, I., van Loon, J. T., Gordon, K. D., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Oliveira, J. M., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2009, ApJ, 705, 746

"Spitzer SAGE Infrared Photometry of Massive Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Bonanos, A. Z., Massa, D. L., Sewilo, M., Lennon, D. J., Panagia, N., Smith, L. J., Meixner, M., Babler, B. L., Bracker, S., Meade, M. R., Gordon, K. D., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., and Whitney, B. A., 2009, AJ, 138, 1003

"Spitzer Detection of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Silicate Features in Post-AGB Stars and Young Planetary Nebulae", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., and Trigilio, C., 2009, ApJ, 703, 585

"Detection of Thermal Emission of XO-2b: Evidence for a Weak Temperature Inversion", Machalek, P., McCullough, P. R., Burrows, A., Burke, C. J., Hora, J. L., and Johns-Krull, C. M., 2009, ApJ, 701, 514

"Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera Limits to Planetary Companions of Fomalhaut and epsilon Eridani", Marengo, M., Stapelfeldt, K., Werner, M. W., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Schuster, M. T., Carson, J. C., and Megeath, S. T., 2009, ApJ, 700, 1647

"Spitzer 24 μm Images of Planetary Nebulae", Chu, Y.-H., Gruendl, R. A., Guerrero, M. A., Su, K. Y. L., Bilikova, J., Cohen, M., Parker, Q. A., Volk, K., Caulet, A., Chen, W.-P., Hora, J. L., and Rauch, T., 2009, AJ, 138, 691

"Galaxy Clusters in the IRAC Dark Field. II. Mid-Infrared Sources", Krick, J. E., Surace, J. A., Thompson, D., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Gorjian, V., and Yan, L., 2009, ApJ, 700, 123

"Imaging the Cool Hypergiant NML Cygni's Dusty Circumstellar Envelope with Adaptive Optics", Schuster, M. T., Marengo, M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Humphreys, R. M., Gehrz, R. D., Hinz, P. M., Kenworthy, M. A., and Hoffmann, W. F., 2009, ApJ, 699, 1423

"Diverse Protostellar Evolutionary States in the Young Cluster AFGL961", Williams, J. P., Mann, R. K., Beaumont, C. N., Swift, J. J., Adams, J. D., Hora, J., Kassis, M., Lada, E. A., and Román-Zúñiga, C. G., 2009, ApJ, 699, 1300

"Spatial Variations of Dust Abundances Across the Large Magellanic Cloud", Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Bernard, J.-P., Block, M., Engelbracht, C. W., Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Kawamura, A., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Sewilo, M., Vijh, U. P., and Volk, K., 2009, AJ, 138, 196

"The Mass Loss Return from Evolved Stars to the Large Magellanic Cloud: Empirical Relations for Excess Emission at 8 and 24 μm", Srinivasan, S., Meixner, M., Leitherer, C., Vijh, U., Volk, K., Blum, R. D., Babler, B. L., Block, M., Bracker, S., Cohen, M., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Gordon, K. D., Harris, J., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Markwick-Kemper, F., Meade, M., Misselt, K. A., Sewilo, M., and Whitney, B., 2009, AJ, 137, 4810

"A Spectroscopic Study of Young Stellar Objects in the Serpens Cloud Core and NGC 1333", Winston, E., Megeath, S. T., Wolk, S. J., Hernandez, J., Gutermuth, R., Muzerolle, J., Hora, J. L., Covey, K., Allen, L. E., Spitzbart, B., Peterson, D., Myers, P., and Fazio, G. G., 2009, AJ, 137, 4777

"Spectral emissivity measurements of Mercury's surface indicate Mg- and Ca-rich mineralogy, K-spar, Na-rich plagioclase, rutile, with possible perovskite, and garnet", Sprague, A. L., Donaldson Hanna, K. L., Kozlowski, R. W. H., Helbert, J., Maturilli, A., Warell, J. B., and Hora, J. L., 2009, P&SS, 57, 364

"The Dusty Nebula Surrounding HR Car: A Spitzer View", Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., and Leto, P., 2009, ApJ, 694, 697

"Physical Conditions in the Ionized Gas of 30 Doradus", Indebetouw, R., de Messières, G. E., Madden, S., Engelbracht, C., Smith, J. D., Meixner, M., Brandl, B., Smith, L. J., Boulanger, F., Galliano, F., Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Sewilo, M., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Werner, M., and Wolfire, M. G., 2009, ApJ, 694, 84

"Variable Evolved Stars and Young Stellar Objects Discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud Using the SAGE Survey", Vijh, U. P., Meixner, M., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Sewilo, M., Srinivasan, S., and Whitney, B., 2009, AJ, 137, 3139

"A spatially resolved study of photoelectric heating and [C II] cooling in the LMC. Comparison with dust emission as seen by SAGE", Rubin, D., Hony, S., Madden, S. C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Meixner, M., Indebetouw, R., Reach, W., Ginsburg, A., Kim, S., Mochizuki, K., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S. B., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Sewilo, M., Vijh, U., and Whitney, B., 2009, A&A, 494, 647

"The Dust-to-Gas Ratio in the Small Magellanic Cloud Tail", Gordon, K. D., Bot, C., Muller, E., Misselt, K. A., Bolatto, A., Bernard, J.-P., Reach, W., Engelbracht, C. W., Babler, B., Bracker, S., Block, M., Clayton, G. C., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Israel, F. P., Li, A., Madden, S., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., Smith, L. J., van Loon, J. T., and Whitney, B. A., 2009, ApJL, 690, L76

"MIRSI, A Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager: Performance Results from the IRTF", Kassis, M., Adams, J. D., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., and Tollestrup, E. V., 2008, PASP, 120, 1271

"Clustered and Triggered Star Formation in W5: Observations with Spitzer", Koenig, X. P., Allen, L. E., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Brunt, C. M., and Muzerolle, J., 2008, ApJ, 688, 1142

"Photometry using the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope", Hora, J. L., Carey, S., Surace, J., Marengo, M., Lowrance, P., Glaccum, W. J., Lacy, M., Reach, W. T., Hoffmann, W. F., Barmby, P., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Megeath, S. T., Allen, L. E., Bhattacharya, B., and Quijada, M., 2008, PASP, 120, 1233

"Radio continuum properties of young planetary nebulae", Cerrigone, L., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., Buemi, C. S., and Hora, J. L., 2008, MNRAS, 390, 363

"Galaxy Clusters in the IRAC Dark Field. I. Growth of the Red Sequence", Krick, J. E., Surace, J. A., Thompson, D., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Gorjian, V., and Yan, L., 2008, ApJ, 686, 918

"The Large Magellanic Cloud's Largest Molecular Cloud Complex: Spitzer Analysis of Embedded Star Formation", Indebetouw, R., Whitney, B. A., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Meixner, M., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Hora, J. L., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., Block, M., and Misselt, K., 2008, AJ, 136, 1442

"Thermal Emission of Exoplanet XO-1b", Machalek, P., McCullough, P. R., Burke, C. J., Valenti, J. A., Burrows, A., and Hora, J. L., 2008, ApJ, 684, 1427

"Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (sage). IV. Dust Properties in the Interstellar Medium", Bernard, J.-P., Reach, W. T., Paradis, D., Meixner, M., Paladini, R., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Vijh, U., Gordon, K., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J. L., Whitney, B., Blum, R., Meade, M., Babler, B., Churchwell, E. B., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Misselt, K., Leitherer, C., Cohen, M., Boulanger, F., Frogel, J. A., Fukui, Y., Gallagher, J., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Kelly, D., Latter, W. B., Madden, S., Markwick-Kemper, C., Mizuno, A., Mizuno, N., Mould, J., Nota, A., Oey, M. S., Olsen, K., Panagia, N., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Shibai, H., Sato, S., Smith, L., Staveley-Smith, L., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Ueta, T., Van Dyk, S., Volk, K., Werner, M., and Zaritsky, D., 2008, AJ, 136, 919

"Diameters and Albedos of Three Subkilometer Near-Earth Objects Derived from Spitzer Observations", Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Spahr, T., Stansberry, J. A., Smith, H. A., Chesley, S. R., and Mainzer, A. K., 2008, ApJL, 683, L199

"IC 4406: A Radio-Infrared View", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., and Trigilio, C., 2008, ApJ, 682, 1047

"Spitzer Observations of the Massive Star-forming Complex S254-S258: Structure and Evolution", Chavarría, L. A., Allen, L. E., Hora, J. L., Brunt, C. M., and Fazio, G. G., 2008, ApJ, 682, 445

"Spitzer Sage Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. III. Star Formation and ~1000 New Candidate Young Stellar Objects", Whitney, B. A., Sewilo, M., Indebetouw, R., Robitaille, T. P., Meixner, M., Gordon, K., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Harris, J., Hora, J. L., Bracker, S., Povich, M. S., Churchwell, E. B., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Block, M., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Kawamura, A., Blum, R. D., Cohen, M., Fukui, Y., Mizuno, A., Mizuno, N., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Volk, K., Bernard, J.-P., Boulanger, F., Frogel, J. A., Gallagher, J., Gorjian, V., Kelly, D., Latter, W. B., Madden, S., Kemper, F., Mould, J. R., Nota, A., Oey, M. S., Olsen, K. A., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Panagia, N., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Reach, W., Shibai, H., Sato, S., Smith, L. J., Staveley-Smith, L., Ueta, T., Van Dyk, S., Werner, M., Wolff, M., and Zaritsky, D., 2008, AJ, 136, 18

"Semi-annual oscillations in Saturn's low-latitude stratospheric temperatures", Orton, G. S., Yanamandra-Fisher, P. A., Fisher, B. M., Friedson, A. J., Parrish, P. D., Nelson, J. F., Bauermeister, A. S., Fletcher, L., Gezari, D. Y., Varosi, F., Tokunaga, A. T., Caldwell, J., Baines, K. H., Hora, J. L., Ressler, M. E., Fujiyoshi, T., Fuse, T., Hagopian, H., Martin, T. Z., Bergstralh, J. T., Howett, C., Hoffmann, W. F., Deutsch, L. K., van Cleve, J. E., Noe, E., Adams, J. D., Kassis, M., and Tollestrup, E., 2008, Natur, 453, 196

"Depth of a strong jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms", Sánchez-Lavega, A., Orton, G. S., Hueso, R., García-Melendo, E., Pérez-Hoyos, S., Simon-Miller, A., Rojas, J. F., Gómez, J. M., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Fletcher, L., Joels, J., Kemerer, J., Hora, J., Karkoschka, E., de Pater, I., Wong, M. H., Marcus, P. S., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Carvalho, F., Go, C., Parker, D., Salway, M., Valimberti, M., Wesley, A., and Pujic, Z., 2008, Natur, 451, 1022

"Mid-Infrared Photometry and Spectra of Three High-Mass Protostellar Candidates at IRAS 18151-1208 and IRAS 20343+4129", Campbell, M. F., K., T., Sridharan, Beuther, H., Lacy, J. H., Hora, J. L., Zhu, Q., Kassis, M., Saito, M., De Buizer, J. M., Fung, S. H., and Johnson, L. C., 2008, ApJ, 673, 954

"Spitzer Sage Observations of Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Cohen, M., Ellis, R. G., Meixner, M., Blum, R. D., Latter, W. B., Whitney, B. A., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Indebetouw, R., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Block, M., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., and Leitherer, C., 2008, AJ, 135, 726

"Depth of a strong jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms", Sánchez-Lavega, A., Orton, G. S., Hueso, R., García-Melendo, E., Pérez-Hoyos, S., Simon-Miller, A., Rojas, J. F., Gómez, J. M., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Fletcher, L., Joels, J., Kemerer, J., Hora, J., Karkoschka, E., de Pater, I., Wong, M. H., Marcus, P. S., Pinilla-Alonso, N., Carvalho, F., Go, C., Parker, D., Salway, M., Valimberti, M., Wesley, A., and Pujic, Z., 2008, Natur, 451, 437

"A Combined Spitzer and Chandra Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the Serpens Cloud Core", Winston, E., Megeath, S. T., Wolk, S. J., Muzerolle, J., Gutermuth, R., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Spitzbart, B., Myers, P., and Fazio, G. G., 2007, ApJ, 669, 493

"Polar Lightning and Decadal-Scale Cloud Variability on Jupiter", Baines, K. H., Simon-Miller, A. A., Orton, G. S., Weaver, H. A., Lunsford, A., Momary, T. W., Spencer, J., Cheng, A. F., Reuter, D. C., Jennings, D. E., Gladstone, G. R., Moore, J., Stern, S. A., Young, L. A., Throop, H., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Fisher, B. M., Hora, J., and Ressler, M. E., 2007, Sci, 318, 226

"Progressive Star Formation in the Young SMC Cluster NGC 602", Carlson, L. R., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., Hora, J. L., Nota, A., Meixner, M., Gallagher, J. S., Oey, M. S., Pasquali, A., Smith, L. J., Tosi, M., and Walterbos, R., 2007, ApJL, 665, L109

"Discovery of Two T Dwarf Companions with the Spitzer Space Telescope", Luhman, K. L., Patten, B. M., Marengo, M., Schuster, M. T., Hora, J. L., Ellis, R. G., Stauffer, J. R., Sonnett, S. M., Winston, E., Gutermuth, R. A., Megeath, S. T., Backman, D. E., Henry, T. J., Werner, M. W., and Fazio, G. G., 2007, ApJ, 654, 570

"Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE). I. Overview and Initial Results", Meixner, M., Gordon, K. D., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J. L., Whitney, B., Blum, R., Reach, W., Bernard, J.-P., Meade, M., Babler, B., Engelbracht, C. W., For, B.-Q., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Cohen, M., Churchwell, E. B., Boulanger, F., Frogel, J. A., Fukui, Y., Gallagher, J., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Kelly, D., Kawamura, A., Kim, S., Latter, W. B., Madden, S., Markwick-Kemper, C., Mizuno, A., Mizuno, N., Mould, J., Nota, A., Oey, M. S., Olsen, K., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Panagia, N., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Shibai, H., Sato, S., Smith, L., Staveley-Smith, L., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Ueta, T., van Dyk, S., Volk, K., Werner, M., and Zaritsky, D., 2006, AJ, 132, 2268

"Infrared Observations of the Helix Planetary Nebula", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., Smith, H. A., and Marengo, M., 2006, ApJ, 652, 426

"Spitzer IRAC Photometry of M, L, and T Dwarfs", Patten, B. M., Stauffer, J. R., Burrows, A., Marengo, M., Hora, J. L., Luhman, K. L., Sonnett, S. M., Henry, T. J., Raghavan, D., Megeath, S. T., Liebert, J., and Fazio, G. G., 2006, ApJ, 651, 502

"Spitzer SAGE Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Evolved Stars and Infrared Color-Magnitude Diagrams", Blum, R. D., Mould, J. R., Olsen, K. A., Frogel, J. A., Werner, M., Meixner, M., Markwick-Kemper, F., Indebetouw, R., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Churchwell, E. B., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B.-Q., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Volk, K., Points, S., Reach, W., Hora, J. L., Bernard, J.-P., Boulanger, F., Bracker, S., Cohen, M., Fukui, Y., Gallagher, J., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Kelly, D., Kawamura, A., Latter, W. B., Madden, S., Mizuno, A., Mizuno, N., Nota, A., Oey, M. S., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Panagia, N., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Shibai, H., Sato, S., Smith, L., Staveley-Smith, L., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Ueta, T., Van Dyk, S., and Zaritsky, D., 2006, AJ, 132, 2034

"Comet 162P/Siding Spring: A Surprisingly Large Nucleus", Fernández, Y. R., Campins, H., Kassis, M., Hergenrother, C. W., Binzel, R. P., Licandro, J., Hora, J. L., and Adams, J. D., 2006, AJ, 132, 1354

"A Correlation between Pre-Main-Sequence Stellar Rotation Rates and IRAC Excesses in Orion", Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Megeath, S. T., Hora, J. L., and Hartmann, L., 2006, ApJ, 646, 297

"Outflows from Massive Young Stellar Objects as Seen with the Infrared Array Camera", Smith, H. A., Hora, J. L., Marengo, M., and Pipher, J. L., 2006, ApJ, 645, 1264

"The size and albedo of Rosetta fly-by target 21 Lutetia from new IRTF measurements and thermal modeling", Mueller, M., Harris, A. W., Bus, S. J., Hora, J. L., Kassis, M., and Adams, J. D., 2006, A&A, 447, 1153

"Mid-Infrared Emission at Photodissociation Regions in the Orion Nebula", Kassis, M., Adams, J. D., Campbell, M. F., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Jackson, J. M., and Tollestrup, E. V., 2006, ApJ, 637, 823

"Absolute Calibration of the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope", Reach, W. T., Megeath, S. T., Cohen, M., Hora, J., Carey, S., Surace, J., Willner, S. P., Barmby, P., Wilson, G., Glaccum, W., Lowrance, P., Marengo, M., and Fazio, G. G., 2005, PASP, 117, 978

"Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Observations of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., Allen, L. E., Marengo, M., Deutsch, L. K., and Pipher, J. L., 2004, ApJS, 154, 296

"Deep Mid-Infrared Observations of Lyman Break Galaxies", Barmby, P., Huang, J.-S., Fazio, G. G., Surace, J. A., Arendt, R. G., Hora, J. L., Pahre, M. A., Adelberger, K. L., Eisenhardt, P., Erb, D. K., Pettini, M., Reach, W. T., Reddy, N. A., Shapley, A. E., Steidel, C. C., Stern, D., Wang, Z., and Willner, S. P., 2004, ApJS, 154, 97

"The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Shallow Survey", Eisenhardt, P. R., Stern, D., Brodwin, M., Fazio, G. G., Rieke, G. H., Rieke, M. J., Werner, M. W., Wright, E. L., Allen, L. E., Arendt, R. G., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Forrest, W. J., Hora, J. L., Huang, J.-S., Huchra, J., Pahre, M. A., Pipher, J. L., Reach, W. T., Smith, H. A., Stauffer, J. R., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Brown, M. J. I., Dey, A., Jannuzi, B. T., and Tiede, G. P., 2004, ApJS, 154, 48

"Number Counts at 3 μm < λ < 10 μm from the Spitzer Space Telescope", Fazio, G. G., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Hora, J. L., Huang, J.-S., Pahre, M. A., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Arendt, R. G., Moseley, S. H., Brodwin, M., Eisenhardt, P., Stern, D., Tollestrup, E. V., and Wright, E. L., 2004, ApJS, 154, 39

"The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope", Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Deutsch, L. K., Huang, J.-S., Kleiner, S., Marengo, M., Megeath, S. T., Melnick, G. J., Pahre, M. A., Patten, B. M., Polizotti, J., Smith, H. A., Taylor, R. S., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Hoffmann, W. F., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McMurty, C. W., McCreight, C. R., McKelvey, M. E., McMurray, R. E., Koch, D. G., Moseley, S. H., Arendt, R. G., Mentzell, J. E., Marx, C. T., Losch, P., Mayman, P., Eichhorn, W., Krebs, D., Jhabvala, M., Gezari, D. Y., Fixsen, D. J., Flores, J., Shakoorzadeh, K., Jungo, R., Hakun, C., Workman, L., Karpati, G., Kichak, R., Whitley, R., Mann, S., Tollestrup, E. V., Eisenhardt, P., Stern, D., Gorjian, V., Bhattacharya, B., Carey, S., Nelson, B. O., Glaccum, W. J., Lacy, M., Lowrance, P. J., Laine, S., Reach, W. T., Stauffer, J. A., Surace, J. A., Wilson, G., Wright, E. L., Hoffman, A., Domingo, G., and Cohen, M., 2004, ApJS, 154, 10

"The Spitzer Space Telescope Mission", Werner, M. W., Roellig, T. L., Low, F. J., Rieke, G. H., Rieke, M., Hoffmann, W. F., Young, E., Houck, J. R., Brandl, B., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Gehrz, R. D., Helou, G., Soifer, B. T., Stauffer, J., Keene, J., Eisenhardt, P., Gallagher, D., Gautier, T. N., Irace, W., Lawrence, C. R., Simmons, L., Van Cleve, J. E., Jura, M., Wright, E. L., and Cruikshank, D. P., 2004, ApJS, 154, 1

"Constraining the Lifetime of Circumstellar Disks in the Terrestrial Planet Zone: A Mid-Infrared Survey of the 30 Myr old Tucana-Horologium Association", Mamajek, E. E., Meyer, M. R., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Cohen, M., and Hora, J. L., 2004, ApJ, 612, 496

"The Gemini Near-Infrared Imager (NIRI)", Hodapp, K. W., Jensen, J. B., Irwin, E. M., Yamada, H., Chung, R., Fletcher, K., Robertson, L., Hora, J. L., Simons, D. A., Mays, W., Nolan, R., Bec, M., Merrill, M., and Fowler, A. M., 2003, PASP, 115, 1388

"A Resolved Circumstellar Disk around the Herbig Ae Star HD 100546 in the Thermal Infrared", Liu, W. M., Hinz, P. M., Meyer, M. R., Mamajek, E. E., Hoffmann, W. F., and Hora, J. L., 2003, ApJL, 598, L111

"Spatially Resolved Circumnuclear Dust in Centaurus A", Karovska, M., Marengo, M., Elvis, M., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Meyer, M., and Mamajek, E., 2003, ApJL, 598, L91

"Five Star-forming Cores in the Galactic Ring Survey: A Mid-Infrared Study", Kraemer, K. E., Jackson, J. M., Kassis, M., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Simon, R., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., Dayal, A., Bania, T. M., Clemens, D. P., and Heyer, M. H., 2003, ApJ, 588, 918

"Hubble Space Telescope/NICMOS Near-Infrared Imaging of the Proto-Planetary Nebula OH 231.8+4.2", Meakin, C. A., Bieging, J. H., Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., and Tielens, A. G. G. M., 2003, ApJ, 585, 482

"Mass and Kinetic Energy of the Homunculus Nebula around η Carinae", Smith, N., Gehrz, R. D., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Mamajek, E. E., and Meyer, M. R., 2003, AJ, 125, 1458

"Mid-Infrared Observations of M17", Kassis, M., Deutsch, L. K., Campbell, M. F., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., and Hoffmann, W. F., 2002, AJ, 124, 1636

"A Disrupted Circumstellar Torus inside η Carinae's Homunculus Nebula", Smith, N., Gehrz, R. D., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Mamajek, E. E., Meyer, M. R., and Hora, J. L., 2002, ApJL, 567, L77

"Constraints on Disk Sizes around Young Intermediate-Mass Stars: Nulling Interferometric Observations of Herbig Ae Objects", Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., and Hora, J. L., 2001, ApJL, 561, L131

"Dust Characteristics of Massive Star-forming Sites in the Mid-Infrared", Kraemer, K. E., Jackson, J. M., Deutsch, L. K., Kassis, M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A., 2001, ApJ, 561, 282

"Subarcsecond Mid-Infrared Structure of the Dust Shell around IRAS 22272+5435", Ueta, T., Meixner, M., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Brandner, W., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., and Hora, J. L., 2001, ApJ, 557, 831

"Mid-Infrared Observations of the Mira Circumstellar Environment", Marengo, M., Karovska, M., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., and Deutsch, L. K., 2001, ApJL, 556, L47

"Discovery of an Extended Dust Emission around IRAS 18576+0341 (AFGL 2298) At 10.3 and 18.0 Microns: A New Luminous Blue Variable Candidate?", Ueta, T., Meixner, M., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., and Hoffmann, W. F., 2001, ApJ, 548, 1020

"Mid-Infrared (8.1-12.5 μm) Imaging of Mercury", Sprague, A. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J., Fazio, G. G., Ludwig, B., Emery, J., and Hoffmann, W. F., 2000, Icar, 147, 421

"Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Massive Young Star AFGL 2591: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of an Outflow Source", Marengo, M., Jayawardhana, R., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Dayal, A., and Deutsch, L. K., 2000, ApJL, 541, L63

"Thermal Infrared Imaging of Ultracompact H II Regions in W49A", Smith, N., Jackson, J. M., Kraemer, K. E., Deutsch, L. K., Bolatto, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A., 2000, ApJ, 540, 316

"Revealing the Photodissociation Region: HST/NICMOS Imaging of NGC 7027", Latter, W. B., Dayal, A., Bieging, J. H., Meakin, C., Hora, J. L., Kelly, D. M., and Tielens, A. G. G. M., 2000, ApJ, 539, 783

"Narrowband Mid-Infrared Images and Models of the H II Complex G34.3+0.2", Campbell, M. F., Garland, C. A., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Dayal, A., and Hoffmann, W. F., 2000, ApJ, 536, 816

"Investigating the Near-Infrared Properties of Planetary Nebulae. II. Medium-Resolution Spectra", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., and Deutsch, L. K., 1999, ApJS, 124, 195

"The Nucleus of Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2)", Lisse, C. M., Fernández, Y. R., Kundu, A., A'Hearn, M. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., and Hoffmann, W. F., 1999, Icar, 140, 189

"A Super-Star Cluster in NGC 253: Mid-Infrared Properties", Keto, E., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W., and Deutsch, L., 1999, ApJ, 518, 183

"A Mid-infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates", Meixner, M., Ueta, T., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Hrivnak, B. J., Skinner, C. J., Hoffmann, W. F., and Deutsch, L. K., 1999, ApJS, 122, 221

"The Mid-Infrared Properties of Three Star-forming Sites in NGC 6334", Kraemer, K. E., Deutsch, L. K., Jackson, J. M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A., 1999, ApJ, 516, 817

"Imaging circumstellar environments with a nulling interferometer", Hinz, P. M., Angel, J. R. P., Hoffmann, W. F., McCarthy, D. W., McGuire, P. C., Cheselka, M., Hora, J. L., and Woolf, N. J., 1998, Natur, 395, 251

"Characteristics of the Galileo probe entry site from Earth-based remote sensing observations", Orton, G. S., Fisher, B. M., Baines, K. H., Stewart, S. T., Friedson, A. J., Ortiz, J. L., Marinova, M., Ressler, M., Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W., Hora, J., Hinkley, S., Krishnan, V., Masanovic, M., Tesic, J., Tziolas, A., and Parija, K. C., 1998, JGR, 103, 22791

"Mid-Infrared (8--21 Micron) Imaging of Proto--Planetary Nebulae", Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., and Fazio, G. G., 1998, ApJ, 492, 603

"Adaptive Optics Infrared Imaging Polarimetry and Optical HST Imaging of Hubble's Variable Nebula (R Monocerotis/NGC 2261): A Close Look at a Very Young Active Herbig Ae/Be Star", Close, L. M., Roddier, F., Hora, J. L., Graves, J. E., Northcott, M., Roddier, C., Hoffman, W. F., Dayal, A., Fazio, G. G., and Deutsch, L. K., 1997, ApJ, 489, 210

"The Infrared Bright Nuclei in the Mid-Infrared", Keto, E., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L., Hoffman, W., Fazio, G. G., Ball, R., Meixner, M., Skinner, C., Arens, J. F., and Jernigan, G., 1997, ApJ, 485, 598

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Filaments in the Reflection Nebula NGC 7023", Martini, P., Sellgren, K., and Hora, J. L., 1997, ApJ, 484, 296

"Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Bipolar Nebulae AFGL 618, AFGL 2688, and AFGL 915", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., and Fazio, G. G., 1996, AJ, 112, 2064

"The HAWAII Infrared Detector Arrays: testing and astronomical characterization of prototype and science-grade devices", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Hall, D. N. B., Cowie, L. L., Metzger, M., Irwin, E., Vural, K., Kozlowski, L. J., Cabelli, S. A., Chen, C. Y., Cooper, D. E., Bostrup, G. L., Bailey, R. B., and Kleinhans, W. E., 1996, NewA, 1, 177

"An Outburst of a Deeply Embedded Star in Serpens", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Rayner, J. T., Pickles, A. J., and Ladd, E. F., 1996, ApJ, 468, 861

"A Search for Seismic Waves from the Impact of the SL/9 R Fragment", Walter, C. M., Marley, M. S., Hunten, D. M., Sprague, A. L., Wells, W. K., Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Sykes, M. V., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., and Hora, J. L., 1996, Icar, 121, 341

"Earth-Based Observations of the Galileo Probe Entry Site", Orton, G., Ortiz, J. L., Baines, K., Bjoraker, G., Carsenty, U., Colas, F., Dayal, A., Deming, D., Drossart, P., Frappa, E., Friedson, J., Goguen, J., Golisch, W., Griep, D., Hernandez, C., Hoffmann, W., Jennings, D., Kaminski, C., Kuhn, J., Laques, P., Limaye, S., Lin, H., Lecacheux, J., Martin, T., McCabe, G., Momary, T., Parker, D., Puetter, R., Ressler, M., Reyes, G., Sada, P., Spencer, J., Spitale, J., Stewart, S., Varsik, J., Warell, J., Wild, W., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Fazio, G., Hora, J., and Deutsch, L., 1996, Sci, 272, 839

"A Butterfly in the Making: Revealing the Near-Infrared Structure of Hubble 12", Hora, J. L. and Latter, W. B., 1996, ApJ, 461, 288

"Investigating the Near-Infrared Properties of Planetary Nebulae. I. Narrowband Images", Latter, W. B., Kelly, D. M., Hora, J. L., and Deutsch, L. K., 1995, ApJS, 100, 159

"Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter Observed by the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility", Orton, G., A'Hearn, M., Baines, K., Deming, D., Dowling, T., Goguen, J., Griffith, C., Hammel, H., Hoffmann, W., Hunten, D., Jewitt, D., Kostiuk, T., Miller, S., Noll, K., Zahnle, K., Achilleos, N., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L., Espenak, F., Esterle, P., Friedson, J., Fast, K., Harrington, J., Hora, J., Joseph, R., Kelly, D., Knacke, R., Lacy, J., Lisse, C., Rayner, J., Sprague, A., Shure, M., Wells, K., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Zipoy, D., Bjoraker, G., Buhl, D., Golisch, W., Griep, D., Kaminski, C., Arden, C., Chaikin, A., Goldstein, J., Gilmore, D., Fazio, G., Kanamori, T., Lam, H., Livengood, T., MacLow, M.-M., Marley, M., Momary, T., Robertson, D., Romani, P., Spitale, J., Sykes, M., Tennyson, J., Wellnitz, D., and Ying, S. W., 1995, Sci, 267, 1277

"The mid-infrared structure of the bipolar nebulae AFGL 915, AFGL 618, and AFGL 2688", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., and Fazio, G. G., 1995, Ap&SS, 224, 361

"Extended Structures around YSO in Mid-Infrared Broad Emission Features", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Butner, H. M., Hoffmann, W. F., and Fazio, G. G., 1995, Ap&SS, 224, 89

"Thermal infrared lightcurves of the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragment R", Friedson, A. J., Hoffmann, W. F., Goguen, J. D., Deutsch, L. K., Orton, G. S., Hora, J. L., Dayal, A., Spitale, J. N., Wells, W. K., and Fazio, G. G., 1995, GeoRL, 22, 1569

"The Near-Infrared Structure and Spectra of the Bipolar Nebulae M2-9 and AFGL 2688: The Role of Ultraviolet Pumping and Shocks in Molecular Hydrogen Excitation", Hora, J. L. and Latter, W. B., 1994, ApJ, 437, 281

"Small Outburst on the Infrared Companion of T Tauri Finished", Kobayashi, N., Nagata, T., Hodapp, K.-W., and Hora, J. L., 1994, PASJ, 46, L183

"Astronomical observations with the Mid-Infrared Array Camera, MIRAC", Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., Shivanandan, K., Hora, J. L., and Deutsch, L. K., 1994, InPhT, 35, 175

"KSPEC -- A Near-Infrared Cross-Dispersed Spectrograph", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Irwin, E., and Young, T., 1994, PASP, 106, 87

"Near- and Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Planetary Nebulae BD +30 degrees 3639 and IC 418", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K., 1993, ApJ, 413, 304

"A New Near-Infrared Imaging Study of AFGL 2688", Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., Kelly, D. M., Deutsch, L. K., and Maloney, P. R., 1993, AJ, 106, 260

"High-Resolution 8--13 Micron Imaging of the Planetary Nebulae BD +30 degrees 3639 and NGC 6572", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., and Fazio, G. G., 1990, ApJ, 353, 549

Astronomical Conference Proceedings

Invited Talks and Reviews

"The Spitzer Cygnus X program", Hora, J. L. 2013, invited talk at Cygnus OB2 and Cygnus X: the workings of a massive star complex, meeting held at the Specola Vaticana, 15-17 May 2013.

"Spitzer's View of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L. 2009, invited review presented at Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae IV, Eds. R. L. M. Corradi, A. Manchado & N. Soker, Springer-Verlag, 27

"Infrared Imaging of Planetary Nebulae from the Ground Up", Hora, J. L. 2006, invited review presented at IAU Symp. #234, "Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyond", eds. M. J. Barlow & R. H. Méndez, 173

Contributed Talks and Posters


"CHARACTERIZATION OF NEAR-EARTH OBJECTS OBSERVED BY SPITZER. II. Pan-STARRS, Light Curves and Thermal Modeling" Alicia J. Allen , David E. Trilling, Joseph L. Hora, Howard A. Smith, and Andy López-Oquendo, 2023, ACM Conference, 2851

"Testing Models of Massive Star Formation in Cep OB4", Hora, J. L., Winston, E. M., Smith, H. A., & Tolls, V. 2020, poster presented at Celebrating the Legacy of the Spitzer Space Telescope, 11-13 February 2020, Pasadena, CA

"Clustering Properties of Young Stellar Objects in the Massive Star Forming Region W49", Saral, G., Joseph Hora, Xavier Koenig, Talat Saygaç, OSSF14, May, 2014, Greece

"Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS)", Ueta, T., Ladjal, D., Exter, K. M., Otsuka, M., Szczerba, R., Siódmiak, N., Aleman, I., van Hoof, P. A. M., Kastner, J. H., Montez, R., McDonald, I., Wittkowski, M., Ramstedt, S., De Marco, O., Villaver, E., Chu, Y.-H., Sandin, C., Vlemmings, W., Izumiura, H., Sahai, R., Lopez, J. A., Balick, B., Zijlstra, A., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Rattray, R. E., Behar, E., Blackman, E. G., Hebden, K., Hora, J. L., Murakawa, K., Nordhaus, J., Nordon, R., and Yamamura, I. 2014, apn6.conf, 106

"The Origin and Evolution of Rich Clusters", Saral, G. and Hora, J. L. 2013, prpl.conf, 41

"Identification of three new protoplanetary nebulae exhibiting the unidentified feature at 21 μm", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Hart, A., and Fazio, G. 2012, IAUS, 283, 328

"Dust Production in Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae", Otsuka, M., Meixner, M., Sargent, B., Hora, J. L., Cohen, M. 2011, in "Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants", Proceedings of a conference held at University Campus, Viena, Austria, 16-20 August 2010. Edited by F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, and R.F. Wing. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 535

"A SAGE Overview of AGB Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Boyer, M. L., Srinivasan, S., van Loon, J. Th., McDonald, I., Gordon, K. D., Meixner, M., Clayton, G., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C. W., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M., Missselt, K., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., Whitney, B., & the SAGE-Smc Team 2011, in "Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants", Proceedings of a conference held at University Campus, Viena, Austria, 16-20 August 2010. Edited by F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, and R.F. Wing. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 473

"The nebulae around LBVs: a multiwavelength approach", G. Umana, C. S. Buemi, C. Trigilio, P. Leto, J. L. Hora, G. Fazio 2010, in Proceedings of the 39th Liège Astrophysical Colloquium, held in Liège 12-16 July 2010, edited by G. Rauw, M. De Becker, Y. Nazé, J.-M. Vreux, P. Williams, vol. 80, 335 (2011BSRSL..80..335U)

"Proto-Planetary Nebula with the Spitzer Space Telescope", Alexa Hart, Joe Hora, Luciano Cerrigone, Grazia Umana, Corrado Trigilio, Martin Cohen, Massimo Marengo 2011, in Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V, eds. A. Zijlstra, F. Lykou, & E. Lagadec, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Manchester, UK, p. 18

"ExploreNEOs: Average albedo by taxonomic complex in the near-Earth asteroid population", Thomas, C. A., Trilling, D. E., Emery, J. P., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Benner, L. A. M., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Fazio, G., Harris, A. W., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Morbidelli, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., and Stansberry, J. A. 2011, epsc.conf, 1531

"ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer Near Earth Object survey", Mueller, M., Trilling, D. E., Hora, J. L., Harris, A. W., Benner, L. A. M., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbó, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Hagen, A. R., Kistler, J. L., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Morbidelli, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2011, epsc.conf, 839

"Thermal Phase Variations of WASP-12b", Cowan, N. B., Machalek, P., Croll, B., Deming, D., Burrows, A., Hora, J., and Greene, T. 2011, epsc.conf, 275

"Thermal Phase Variations of WASP-12b", Cowan, N. B., Machalek, P., Croll, B., Deming, D., Burrows, A., Hora, J., and Greene, T. 2011, ESS, 2, 1402

"The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Cygnus-X Region", Hora, J. L., R. A. Gutermuth, S. Carey, D. Mizuno, K. E. Kraemer, X. P. Koenig, S. Bontemps, S. T. Megeath, N. Schneider, F. Motte, E. Keto, H. A. Smith, L. E. Allen, R. Simon, S. Price, J. D. Adams, G. G. Fazio 2010, in Reionization to Exoplanets, Conference held 26-28 October 2009, Pasadena, CA

"Multiwavelength Study of Pulsation and Dust Production in Mira Variables Using Optical Interferometry for Constraints", M. J. Creech-Eakman, J. Hora, Z. Ivezic, C. Jurgenson, D. Luttermoser, M. Marengo, A. Speck, R. Stencel, and R. R. Thompson 2009, in Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation, AIP Conf. Proc., eds. J. A. Guzik & P. A. Bradley, 1170, 137

"The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Cygnus-X Region'', J. L. Hora, S. Bontemps, S. T. Megeath, N. Schneider, F. Motte, S. Carey, R. Simon, E. Keto, H. Smith, L. Allen, R. Gutermuth, G. G. Fazio, K. Kraemer, D. Mizuno, S. Price, J. Adams, talk presented at New Light on Young Stars: Spitzer's View of Circumstellar Disks, 2008 October 26-30, Pasadena, CA

"The Cygnus X main filament: an exceptional star formation site", N. Schneider, S. Bontemps, T. Csengeri, F.Motte, R. Simon, J. Hora & the Cygnus X Spitzer legacy team, in The molecular universe 2008 May 5 - May 9, Arcachon, France

"Planetary Nebulae: Exposing the Top Polluters of the ISM", J. L. Hora, M. Marengo, H. A. Smith, L. Cerrigone, W. B. Latter 2008, in the proceedings of the 4th Spitzer Science Center Conference "The Evolving ISM in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies", Pasadena, Dec. 2007

"The Spitzer Warm Mission Science Prospects", J. R. Stauffer, V. Mannings, D. Levine, R. R. Chary, G. Wilson, M. Lacy, C. Grillmair, S. Carey, S. Stolovy, D. Ciardi, & J. Hora, 2007, in The Science Opportunities for the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop, eds. L. Storrie-Lombardi & N. Silbermann, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 943, 43.

"The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Cygnus-X Region", J. L. Hora, S. Bontemps, S. T. Megeath, N. Schneider, F. Motte, S. Carey, R. Simon, E. Keto, H. Smith, L. Allen, R. Gutermuth, G. G. Fazio, K. Kraemer, D. Mizuno, S. Price, J. Adams, poster presented at "Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory", Heidelberg, September 10-14, 2007

"Spitzer/IRAC, NIR, and CO study of the massive star formation complex S254-S258", Chavarria, L., Allen, L. E., Brunt, C., Hora, J. L., & Fazio, G. G., poster presented at "Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory", Heidelberg, September 10-14, 2007

"Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE)", Meixner, M., Gordon, K., Indebetouw, R., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Hora, J., Vijh, U., Srinivasan, S., Leitherer, C., Sewilo, M., Engelbracht, C., Block, M., For, B., Blum, R., Reach, W., Bernard, J.-P., The SAGE Team, 2007, in Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies, Proc. IAU Symp. #241. eds. A. Vazdekis and R. F. Peletier. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp.363-364

"A SAGE View of the Mass Losing Sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Blum, Robert D., Points, S., Srinivasan, S., Volk, K., Meixner, M., Markwick-Kemper, F., Indebetouw, R., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Churchwell, E. B., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B.-Q., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Reach, W., Hora, J. L., The SAGE Team 2007, in Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies, Proc. IAU Symp. #241. eds. A. Vazdekis and R. F. Peletier. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.319-320

"Radio and Infrared observations of Transition Objects", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., & Trigilio, C., to appear in the proceedings of the conference Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae IV, held 18-22 June 2007 in La Palma, Spain. Eds. R. L. M. Corradi, A. Manchado & N. Soker, Springer-Verlag

"Spitzer/IRAC Characterization of Galactic AGB Stars", M. Marengo, J.L. Hora, P. Barmby, S.P. Willner, L.E. Allen, M.T. Schuster, G.G. Fazio, 2007, to appear in proceedings of "Why Galaxy care about AGB Stars", Vienna August 7-11, 2006

"Investigating the formation of planetary nebulae", Cerrigone, L., Hora, J. L., Umana, G., & Trigilio, C. 2006, IAU Symp. #234, "Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyond", eds. M. J. Barlow & R. H. Méndez, 377

"Near-Infrared Observations of IRAC M, L, and T Dwarfs with PAIRITEL", Hora, J. L., Patten, B. M., Marengo, M., Bloom, J. S., & Blake, C. 2006, in "Cool Stars 14", ed. G. van Belle, in press.

"IRAC Observations of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., Marengo, M., Fazio, G. G., Allen, L. E., & Pipher, J. L. 2006, The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos, eds. L. Armus & W. T. Reach, ASP Conf. Series vol. 357, 144

"Temperature Structure of Saturn from Spectral Mapping by Cassini CIRS and Joint High-Resolution Subaru COMICS and IRTF MIRSI Mid-Infrared Imaging", Orton, G., Parrish, P., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Fletcher, L., Irwin, P., Fuse, T., Fujiyoshi, T., Hagopian, H., Laakso, T., Vogt, M., Lotoszinski, J., and Hora, J. 2005, AGUFM, 129

"The Nature and Origin of Molecular Knots in Planetary Nebulae", Eyermann, S. E., Speck, A. K., Meixner, M., McCullough, P. R., and Hora, J. 2005, AIPC, 804, 145

"A search for widely separated sub-stellar mass companions to nearby stars with SPITZER/IRAC", B. M. Patten, K. L. Luhman, J. L. Hora, M. Marengo, M. T. Schuster, S. M. Sonnett, R. G. Ellis, J. R. Stauffer, & G. G. Fazio, 2005, in Protostars and Planets V, [#8042]

"Star Formation in the SMC: NGC602", Nota A., Carlson L., Sirianni M., Hora J., Sabbi E., Meixner M., Clampin M., Gallagher J., Oey M. S., Pasquali A., Smith L. J., Tosi M., Walterbos R., 2005, in Protostars and Planets V, [#8634]

"Rotation and Spitzer/IRAC Fluxes in Orion", Rebull L. M. Stauffer J. R. Megeath T. Hora J. Hartmann L. D., in Protostars and Planets V, [#8264]

"A Spitzer/IRAC Survey of Massive Star-Forming Regions", Allen, L. E., Hora, J. L., Megeath, S. T., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Chavarria, L., & Dell, R. W. 2005, Proc. IAU Symp. #227, eds. R. Cesaroni, M. Felli, E. Churchwell, & M. Walmsley, 352

"A Spitzer/IRAC Survey of the Orion Molecular Clouds", Megeath, S. T., Flaherty, K., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Fazio, G. G., Hartmann, L., Myers, P. C., Muzerolle, J., Pipher, J. L., Siegler, N., Stauffer, J. R., & Young, E. 2005, Proc. IAU Symp. #227, eds. R. Cesaroni, M. Felli, E. Churchwell, & M. Walmsley, 383

"Investigating the Properties of the Interstellar Medium Near Massive Star Forming Regions", Hora, J. L., L. E. Allen, L. A. Chavarria, G. G. Fazio 2005, IAU Symp. #227

"Multi-wavelength Study of Massive Star Forming Region AFGL 4029", L. A. Chavarria, L. E. Allen, J. L. Hora, S. T. Megeath 2005, IAU Symp. #227

"Rotation and Spitzer/IRAC fluxes in Orion", Rebull, L., Stauffer, J. R., Megeath, T., Hora, J., and Hartmann, L. 2005, sfet.conf, 25

"Spitzer measurements of mid-infrared extinction in infrared-dark clouds", Carey, S., Redman, R. O., Allen, L. E., and Hora, J. L. 2005, sfet.conf, 6

"Saturn's Atmosphere and rings: A Recent Assessment Using Infrared Imaging", Orton, G. S., Fisher, B. M., Yanamandra-Fisher, P. A., Ressler, M., Campbell, R., Kassis, M., Hora, J., and Deutsch, L. 2004, AGUSM, A5

"The Ground Based Identification and Characterization of IRAC Celestial Calibrators", Megeath, S. T., Cohen, M., Stauffer, J., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Berlind, P., and Calkins, M. 2003, ESASP, 481, 165

"Calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for SIRTF", Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Megeath, S. T., Willner, S. P., Ashby, M. L. N., Huang, J., Wang, Z., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McCreight, C. R., McKelvey, M., McMurray, R., Hoffmann, W. F., Eisenhardt, P., Stauffer, J. R., Reach, W., Surace, J. A., Glaccum, W., Moseley, S. H., Arendt, R. G., Stewart, K. P., and Robinson, F. D. 2003, ESASP, 481, 73

"Calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for SIRTF" Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Megeath, S. T., Willner, S. P., Ashby, M. L. N., Huang, J., Wang, Z., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McCreight, C. R., McKelvey, M., McMurray, R., Hoffmann, W. F., Eisenhardt, P., Stauffer, J. R., Reach, W., Surace, J. A., Glaccum, W., Moseley, S. H., Arendt, R. G., Stewart, K. P., & Robinson, F. D., 2003, in "The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission", VILSPA, Spain, February 2001, (ESA SP-481), 73-76.

"The Ground-based identification and characterization of IRAC celestial calibrators", Megeath, S. T., Cohen, M., Stauffer, J., Hora, J., Fazio, G., Berlind, P., & Calkins, M. 2003, in "The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission", VILSPA, Spain, February 2001, (ESA SP-481), 165-168.

"Spatial Distributions of Multiple Dust Components in the PPN/PN Dust Shells", Ueta, T., Speck, A. K., Meixner, M., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., 2001, in "Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution", eds. R. Szczerba and S. K. Górny, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London), 339

"HST/NICMOS Imaging of the Planetary Nebula BD+30 3639", Latter, W. B., Dayal, A., Bieging, J. H., Kelly, D. M., Hora, J. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. 2000, in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, eds. J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, & S. Rappaport, 263-266

"HST/NICMOS Near-IR Imaging of the Proto-PN OH231.8+4.2", Bieging, J. H., Kelly, D. M., Dayal, A., Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. 2000, in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, eds. J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, & S. Rappaport, 183-186

"HST/NICMOS Imaging of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027", Dayal, A., Latter, W. B., Bieging, J. H., Kelly, D. M., Hora, J. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. 2000, in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, eds. J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, & S. Rappaport, 221-224

"HST/NICMOS Imaging of the Planetary Nebula Hubble 12", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., Dayal, A., Bieging, J. H., Kelly, D. M., Tielens, A. G. G. M., & Trammell, S. R. 1999, in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, eds. J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, & S. Rappaport, 267-270

"Mid-IR Imaging of AGB Circumstellar Envelopes", Marengo, M., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., & Deutsch, L. K. 1999, in Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, eds. J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, & S. Rappaport, 91-94

" Surveys with SIRTF and IRAC", Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Stauffer, J. R., & Eisenhardt, P. 1999, in Astrophysics With Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF, eds. M. D. Bicay, C. A. Beichman, R. M. Cutri, & B. F. Madore, ASP Conf. Series, 177, 462-472

"A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates", Meixner, M., Ueta, T., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Hrivnak, B. J., Skinner, C. J., Hoffmann, W. F., & Deutsch, L. K. 1999, in Astrophysics With Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF, eds. M. D. Bicay, C. A. Beichman, R. M. Cutri, & B. F. Madore, ASP Conf. Series, 177, 366-368

"The Spatial Distribution of Cool Dust in Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., & Deutsch, L. K. 1999, in The Universe as seen by ISO, eds. P. Cox, V. Demuyt, & M. Kessler, (ESA Publications Division, ESTEC: Noordwijk), 337-340

"Wide-Field Thermal Imaging of the Orion Nebula at High Spatial Resolution", Deutsch, L.K., Kassis, M., Smith, N., Hora, J.L., Butner, H.M., Hoffmann, W.F., Fazio, G.G., and Dayal, A., 1999, To appear in The Orion Complex Revisited, eds. M. J. McCaughrean and A. Burkert, ASP Conference Series

"The Morphology of Proto Planetary Nebulae Dustshells", Meixner, M., Ueta, Dayal, A., Bobrowsky, M., Hrivnak, B., Skinner, C., Hora, J., Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, W., & Fazio, G. 1998, in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars, IAU Symp. 191, 515

"NIR imaging of Gamma-Ray Burst error boxes", Klose, S., Stecklum, B., Eisloeffel, J., Hora, J. L., & Tuffs, R., 1998, in CP428, Gamma-Ray Bursts: 4th Huntsville Symposium, eds. C. A. Meegan et al., AIP Conf. Proc, 635-639

"Survey of the Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei: Progress Report", Y. R. Fernandez, M. F. A'Hearn, C.M. Lisse, W.F. Hoffmann, A. Dayal, M. S. Hanner, M. E. Ressler, L.K. Deutsch, G.G. Fazio, J.L. Hora, K.J. Meech, J.M. Bauer, 1998, in Cometary Nuclei in Space and Time: IAU Colloquium 168, ed. M.F. A'Hearn, ASP Conf. Series (submitted July 1998)

"A Near-Infrared Spectral Survey of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., & Deutsch, L. K. 1997, in I.A.U. Symposium #180, Planetary Nebulae, eds. H. J. Habing & H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 238

"H_2 Kinematics in Planetary Nebulae", Kelly, D. M., Latter, W. B., & Hora, J. L. 1997, in I.A.U. Symposium #180, Planetary Nebulae, eds. H. J. Habing & H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 245

"Mid-Infrared Imaging of Dust Shells around Young Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae", Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Meixner, M., & Skinner, C. J. 1997, in I.A.U. Symposium #180, Planetary Nebulae, eds. H. J. Habing & H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 347

"Investigating the Near-IR Properties of PN: Deep Imaging of Molecular Hydrogen Emission", Latter, W. B, & Hora, J. L. 1997, in I.A.U. Symposium 180, Planetary Nebulae, eds. H. J. Habing & H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 254

"Infrared imaging of the starburst galaxy NGC 7469" Jayawardhana, R., Fazio, G., Eikenberry, E., Hughes, D., Hora, J., Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W., Deutsch, L. 1997, in Star Formation Near and Far: Seventh Astrophysics Conference. eds: S. S. Holt & L. G. Mundy. AIP Conf. Proc., 393, 303-6

"Using molecules to study the evolution of photodissociation regions in the early and late stages of stellar evolution", Latter, W. B., Hollenbach, D., Hora, J. L., & Tielens, A. G. G. M. 1996, I.A.U. Symp. #178, Molecules in Astrophysics Probes & Processes, Abstract book, eds. D. J. Jansen, M. R. Hogerheijde, & E. F. van Dishoek (Sterrewacht Leiden), 294

"The Mid-IR Structure of the Bipolar Nebulae AFGL 915, AFGL 618, and AFGL 2688", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., & Fazio, G. G. 1995, Astrophys. & Space Science, 224, 361; also in Circumstellar Matter 1994, eds. G. D. Watt & P. M. Williams, (Dordrecht: Reidel), 361

"Extended Structures around YSO in Mid-IR Broad Emission Features", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Butner, H. M., Hoffmann, W. F., & Fazio, G. G. 1995, Astrophys. & Space Science, 224, 89; also in Circumstellar Matter 1994, eds. G. D. Watt & P. M. Williams, (Dordrecht: Reidel), 89

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Planetary Nebulae M 2-9 and AFGL 2688", Hora, J. L. and Hodapp, K.-W. 1994, ASSL, 190, 517

"Solar System Observations With MIRAC", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1994, ASSL, 190, 317

"Near- and Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Planetary Nebula IC 418", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., & Shivanandan, K. 1993, I. A. U. Symposium #155, Planetary Nebulae, eds. R. Weinberger and A. Acker, 210

"The Morphology of Mid-Infrared UIR Feature Emission in the Proto-Planetary Nebulae M 2-9 and IRAS 21282+5050", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., & Shivanandan, K. 1993, in I. A. U. Symposium #155, Planetary Nebulae, eds. R. Weinberger and A. Acker, 344

AAS/DPS/IAU Meeting Abstracts

"SPHEREx Absolute Flux Calibration", McCallum, E., Ashby, M., Hora, J., McDonald, E., Melnick, G., Crill, B., and Werner, M., 2024, AAS, 56, 332.06

"Mid-Infrared Observations of Near-Earth Objects from the newly refurbished mid-infrared instrument at the NASA-IRTF", López-Oquendo, A., Trilling, D., Hora, J., Smith, H., Connelley, M., and Lockhart, C., 2022, DPS, 54, 514.05

"Determining the Physical Properties of Young Stellar Objects", Harkess, M., Hora, J., and Broekgaarden, F., 2022, AAS, 54, 406.07

"Testing Models of Triggered Star Formation with Young Stellar Objects in Cepheus OB4", Mintz, A., Hora, J., and Winston, E., 2021, AAS, 53, 143.05

"Infrared Studies of the Variability and Mass Loss of Some of the Dustiest Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the Magellanic Clouds", Sargent, B., Srinivasan, S., Boyer, M., Feast, M., Whitelock, P., Marengo, M., Groenewegen, M. A. T., Meixner, M., Hora, J. L., and Otsuka, M., 2019, IAUS, 343, 498

"A WISE GLIMPSE of Star Formation in the Outer Milky Way", Omoruyi, O., Winston, E., and Hora, J., 2019, AAS, 233, 154.03

"Near Earth Object studies from the Spitzer Space Telescope", McNeill, A., Hora, J., Gustafsson, A., Mommert, M., and Trilling, D., 2018, DPS, 50, 401.05

"SHERMAN-Based Thermophysical Model of (101955) Bennu", Crowell, J., Howell, E., Emery, J., Trilling, D., Hergenrother, C., Hora, J., Lim, L. F., Mueller, M., Delbo, M., Harris, A., Barucci, A., and Lauretta, D. S., 2018, DPS, 50, 312.12

"Spitzer observations of `Oumuamua and `Oumuamua's density and shape", Trilling, D., McNeill, A., Mommert, M., Hora, J., Farnocchia, D., Chodas, P., Giorgini, J., Smith, H., Carey, S., Lisse, C. M., Werner, M., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Fernandez, Y., Harris, A., Marengo, M., Mueller, M., Roegge, A., Smith, N., Weaver, H. A., Meech, K., and Micheli, M., 2018, DPS, 50, 301.04

"The Relationship Between Infrared Dark Cloud and Stellar Properties", Calahan, J. and Hora, J. L., 2018, AAS, 231, #136.01

"A GLIMPSE of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy", Winston, E., Hora, J. L., and Tolls, V., 2018, AAS, 231, #114.01

"Rapid-Response Characterization of Near-Earth Asteroids Using KMTNet-SAAO", Erasmus, N., Mommert, M., Trilling, D. E., Sickafoose, A. A., van Gend, C., Hora, J. L., and Worters, H. L., 2017, DPS, 49, 204.05

"Albedo Corrections for High Albedo Near Earth Objects Observed With Spitzer", Gustafsson, A., Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., and Hora, J. L., 2017, DPS, 49, 110.07

"Spitzer observations of Near Earth Objects", Trilling, D. E., Hora, J. L., Mommert, M., Chesley, S. R., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. A., 2017, DPS, 49, 110.06

"Spitzer/JWST Cross Calibration: IRAC Observations of Potential Calibrators for JWST", Carey, S. J., Gordon, K. D., Lowrance, P., Ingalls, J. G., Glaccum, W. J., Grillmair, C. J., E Krick, J., Laine, S. J., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., and Bohlin, R. 2017, AAS, 230, #117.19

"Massive Star Formation in the Cygnus-X DR15 Complex", Laws, A., Hora, J. L., and Zhang, Q. 2017, AAS, 229, 241.14

"Diagnosing the Black Hole Accretion Physics of Sgr A*: Spitzer/Chandra Observations", Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Willner, S. P., Gurwell, M. A., Smith, H. A., Ashby, M., Baganoff, F. K., Witzel, G., Morris, M., Ghez, A. M., Meyer, L., Becklin, E. E., Ingalls, J. G., Glaccum, W. J., Carey, S. J., Haggard, D., Marrone, D. P., and Gammie, C. F. 2017, AAS, 229, 107.03

"Observations of Near Earth Objects with Spitzer", Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Chesley, S. R., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. A. 2016, DPS, 48, #410.01

"Narrow-band Imaging of Massive Star-Forming Regions: Tracing Outflows and the Rate of Star-Formation", Hall, K., Willis, S., and Hora, J. L. 2016, AAS, 227, 346.07

"The (new) Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MIRSI) for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility", Hora, J. L., Trilling, D., Mommert, M., Smith, H. A., Moskovitz, N., Marscher, A. P., Tokunaga, A., Bergknut, L., Bonnet, M., Bus, S. J., Connelly, M., Rayner, J., and Watanabe, D. 2015, DPS, 47, 312.21

"Dormant Comets in the Near-Earth Asteroid Population", Mommert, M., Harris, A. W., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., Knight, M., Bottke, W. F., Thomas, C., Delbo', M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., and Smith, H. A. 2015, DPS, 47, 308.04

"NEOSurvey: An Spitzer Exploration Science Survey of Near Earth Object Properties", Trilling, D. E., Mommert, M., Hora, J., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2015, DPS, 47, 301.02

"Thermal-Infrared Surveys of Near-Earth Object Diameters and Albedos with Spitzer and IRTF/MIRSI", Mommert, M., Trilling, D., Hora, J. L., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A. W., Moskovitz, N., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2015, IAUGA, 22, 53974

"A Spitzer Survey for Outflows in Infrared Dark Clouds", Hora, J. L., Cyganowski, C., Smith, H., Foster, J., Povich, M., Finn, S., and Jackson, J. 2015, IAUGA, 22, 52992

"The Star Formation Rate and History in Massive Star Forming Regions", Willis, S., Hora, J. L., Saral, G., Marengo, M., Smith, H., Allen, L., Guzman, A., and Martinez, R. 2015, IAUGA, 22, 40641

"Star Formation in the Massive Star Formation Regions W49 and W43", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Willis, S., Koenig, X. P., and Talat Saygac, A. 2015, IAUGA, 22, 21277

"Searching for Distant Galaxies with HST and Spitzer", Senchyna, P., Ashby, M., Hora, J. L., and Candels, S.-C. 2015, AAS, 225, #336.24

"The Warm Dust Component in the S106 Region", Adams, J. D., Herter, T., Lau, R. M., Hora, J. L., Schneider, N., Smith, H. A., Guzman, A., Simon, R., Staguhn, J., Hankins, M., and Spitzer Cygnus-X Legacy Team, H. C.-X. 2015, AAS, 225, #141.15

"Searching for Proper-Motion Brown Dwarfs in the Mid-IR", Li, Z., Ashby, M., and Hora, J. L. 2015, AAS, 225, #138.36

"Identification of Young Stars and Sub-Clusters in Rich Cluster Environments", Willis, S., Hora, J. L., and Saral, G. 2015, AAS, 225, #128.03

"Clustering Properties of Young Stellar Objects in the Massive Star Forming Region W49", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Koenig, X., and Saygaç, T. 2014, AAS, 224, #223.07

"Characterizing the Protostars in the Herschel Survey of Cygnus-X", Kirk, J., Hora, J. L., Smith, H. A., and Herschel Cygnus-X Group 2014, AAS, 223, #152.14

"Spitzer observations of Sgr A* and cloud G2", Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Willner, S. P., Carey, S. J., Ingalls, J., Ashby, M., Becklin, E. E., Ghez, A. M., Meyer, L., Morris, M., Smith, H. A., Witzel, G., Huang, J., and Wang, Z. 2014, AAS, 224, #213.03

"Trajectory and physical properties of near-Earth asteroid 2009 BD", Chesley, S. R., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Farnocchia, D., Trilling, D. E., Vokrouhlický, D., Mueller, M., Harris, A. W, Smith, H. A., and Fazio, G. G. 2014, DDA, 45, #103.02

"The Size Distribution of Very Small Near Earth Objects As Measured by Warm Spitzer", Trilling, D. E., Hora, J., Burt, B., Delbo, M., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Fuentes, C., Harris, A., Mueller, M., Mommert, M., and Smith, H. 2013, DPS, 45, #304.02

"Thermal Lightcurves of 1999 JU3, Target of Hayabusa 2, Using Warm Spitzer", Mueller, M., Emery, J., Rivkin, A., Trilling, D., Hora, J., Delbo', M., Sugita, S., Hasegawa, S., Ishiguro, M., Choi, Y., and Mommert, M. 2013, DPS, 45, #304.01

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Warm Spitzer-observed Near-Earth Objects", Thomas, C. A., Emery, J. P., Trilling, D. E., Delbo, M., Hora, J. L., and Mueller, M. 2013, DPS, 45, #205.07

"A Sampling from the Spitzer Mapping of the Outer Galaxy", Carey, S. J., Hora, J. L., Mizuno, D. R., Shenoy, S. S., Kraemer, K. E., Heyer, M. H., Noriega-Crespo, A., and SMOG Collaboration 2013, AAS, 222, #313.06

"The Properties of Dense, Star-forming Clusters from Multi-wavelength SED Fitting: the Case of W43", Martinez-Galarza, J. R., Smith, H. A., Hora, J. L., Robitaille, T., Tolls, V., Muench, A. A., and Myers, P. C. 2013, AAS, 221, #410.04

"WISH, the Wide-field Imaging Surveyor for High-redshifts", Fazio, G. G., Yamada, T., Melnick, G. J., Smith, H. A., Iwata, I., Ashby, M. N., Hora, J. L., Huang, J., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., and WISH Team 2013, AAS, 221, #341.02

"Multiband IR Study of the Earliest Stages of Star Formation Within Infrared Dark Filaments", Guzman, A., Smith, H. A., Hora, J. L., Zhang, Q., Jackson, J. M., Myers, P. C., Tolls, V., Martinez-Galarza, J., and Jimenez-Serra, I. 2013, AAS, 221, #312.03

"Variability of Massive Young Stellar Objects in Cygnus-X", Thomas, N. H., Hora, J. L., and Smith, H. A. 2013, AAS, 221, #256.26

"YSOVAR: The Ceph C Joint Spitzer/Chandra Monitoring Campaign", Covey, K. R., Wolk, S. J., Rebull, L. M., Hora, J. L., Plavchan, P., Forbrich, J., and YSOVAR Team 2013, AAS, 221, #256.07

"The Disk-bearing Population in the Massive Stars Forming Region Cygnus OB2", Guarcello, M. G., Drake, J. J., Wright, N. J., Drew, J., Garcia-Alvarez, D., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Kashyap, V., King, R., and Naylor, T. 2013, AAS, 221, #251.20

"The Origin and Evolution of Rich Clusters", Hora, J. L. 2013, AAS, 221, #251.05

"ExploreNEOs: A Search for Near-Earth Objects of Cometary Origin", Mommert, M., Harris, A. W., Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Delbo, M., Bottke, W. F., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Hagen, A. R., Morbidelli, A., Smith, H. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2012, DPS, 44, #302.03

"SOFIA/FORCAST Mid-Infrared Observations of the Ultra Compact H II Region W3(OH) and Three Nearby Protostars in W3", Adams, J. D., Hirsch, L., Herter, T. L., Megeath, S. T., Hora, J. L., De Buizer, J. M., Gull, G. E., Henderson, C. P., Keller, L. D., Schoenwald, J., and Vacca, W. 2012, AAS, 220, #431.13

"Infrared Dark Clouds in the Cygnus-X Region", Hora, J. L., Armstrong, T., Kraemer, K., Megeath, T., Carey, S., Gutermuth, R., Smith, H. A., Keto, E., Fazio, G. G., Simon, R., Allen, L. E., Motte, F., Schneider, N., Bontemps, S., Adams, J. D., Mizuno, D., Price, S., and Koenig, X. P. 2012, AAS, 219, #341.16

"Modeling Dust Around Late-Stage Post-AGB Stars", Hart, A. H., Hora, J. L., and Cerrigone, L. 2012, AAS, 219, #240.07

"Evolving Dust Chemistry in Post-AGB Stars", Hart, A. H., Hora, J., and Cerrigone, L. 2011, AAS, #407.04

"Improvements to Warm IRAC/Spitzer Space Telescope Operations", Carey, S. J., Ingalls, J., Glaccum, W., Krick, J., Stauffer, J., Willner, S., Hora, J., and Storrie-Lombardi, L. 2011, AAS, #331.11

"Simultaneous Spitzer/Chandra Observation Of Young Stellar Objects In GGD 12-15 - Do X-ray Flares Produce Disk Afterglows?", Forbrich, J., Covey, K. R., Wolk, S. J., Stauffer, J. R., Gutermuth, R. R. A., Morales Calderon, M., Whitney, B. A., Hora, J. L., and Posselt, B. 2011, AAS, #226.09

"Near-infrared Variability Of Young Stellar Objects In The YSOVAR Program", Hora, J. L., Stauffer, J., Morales-Calderon, M., Carpenter, J., Bloom, J., Starr, D., and YSOVAR Team 2011, AAS, #226.04

"The nebulae around LBVs: a multiwavelength approach", Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Leto, P., Hora, J. L., and Fazio, G. 2011, BSRSL, 80, 335

"Massive Star Formation in the Cygnus-X Region", Segura-Cox, D., Hora, J. L., Smith, H. A., Fazio, G. G., Keto, E., Kraemer, K. E., Price, S., Mizuno, D., Adams, J. D., Allen, L. E., Gutermuth, R. A., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S. T., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Carey, S., and Simon, R. 2011, AAS, 43, #340.13

"Intermediate Mass Star Disks in Cygnus X with WISE and Spitzer Photometry", Koenig, X., Leisawitz, D., Hora, J., and Benford, D. 2011, AAS, 43, #333.04

"Mid-Infrared Imaging of Massive Star Formation in Cygnus-X", Hora, J. L., Smith, H. A., Doering, R. L., and Spitzer Cygnus-X Survey Team 2011, AAS, 43, #258.07

"Infrared Studies of Epsilon Aurigae in Eclipse 2010", Stencel, R. E., Kloppenborg, B., Wall, R., Howell, S., Hoard, D., Rayner, J., Bus, S., Tokunaga, A., Sitko, M., Russell, R., Lynch, D., Brafford, S., Hammel, H., Whitney, B., Orton, G., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Hora, J., Hoffman, W., and Skemer, A. 2011, AAS, 43, #257.09

"Infrared Spectroscopy of Late Stage Post-AGB Stars", Hart, A. H., Hora, J., Cerrigone, L., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Cohen, M., and Marengo, M. 2011, AAS, 43, #130.01

"Bulk Densities of Binary Asteroids from the Warm Spitzer NEO Survey", Kistler, J., Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Harris, A. W., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Emery, J. P., Fazo, G., Mainzer, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2010, DPS, 42, 1082

"ExploreNEOs III: Size, Albedo, And Thermal History Of 58+ Low-deltaV NEOs", Mueller, M., Delbo', M., Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Harris, A. W., Hora, J. L., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2010, DPS, 42, 1081

"The Accuracy of the Warm Spitzer Near-Earth Object Survey", Harris, A. W., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Mueller, M., Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbo', M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Mainzer, A., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2010, DPS, 42, 1081

"ExploreNEOs: Status and Results from the Warm Spitzer NEO Survey", Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Harris, A. W., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G., Mainzer, A., Mommert, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2010, DPS, 42, 1081

"Mid-IR Spectroscopy Of Main-belt Asteroids From MIRSI At The IRTF", Lim, L. F., Emery, J. P., Rivkin, A. S., Hora, J. L., and Kassis, M. 2010, DPS, 42, 1036

"Properties of Warm IRAC Data", Carey, S. J., Surace, J. A., Glaccum, W. J., Ingalls, J., Krick, J., Lacy, M., Lowrance, P., Laine, S., O'Linger, J., Stauffer, J. R., Willner, S. P., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Ashby, M. L. N., Huang, J., Marengo, M., Pahre, M. A., Wang, Z., and Fazio, G. G. 2010, AAS, 42, #481.07

"HERschel Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE) in the Magellanic Clouds", Meixner, M., Hony, S., Madden, S., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Bolatto, A., Duval, J., Babler, B., Misselt, K., Galliano, F., Fukui, Y., Indebetouw, R., Israel, F., Sewilo, M., Kawamura, A., Kim, S., Long, K., Kemper, C., Bernard, J., Okumura, K., Panuzzo, P., Poglitsch, A., Sauvage, M., Srinivasan, S., Robitaille, T., van Loon, J., Whitney, B., Oliveira, J., Hora, J., Bot, C., Skibba, R., and HERITAGE Team 2010, AAS, 42, #459.22

"Two Magellanic Cloud Star-Forming Clusters from Optical to Infrared", Romita, K., Carlson, L. R., Sewilo, M., Meixner, M., Sabbi, E., Gordon, K., Nota, A., Sirianni, M., Smith, L. J., Leither, C., Hora, J. L., Robitaille, T., Whitney, B., Block, M., Engelbracht, C., Misselt, K., Indebetouw, R., Kato, D., Gallagher, J. S., Babler, B., Meade, M., Oey, M. S., Cignoni, M., Tosi, M., Vijh, U., and Walterbos, R. 2010, AAS, 42, #459.17

"Dust in Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae", Otsuka, M., Meixner, M., Sargent, B., Hora, J., Cohen, M., and SAGE LMC PNe Team 2010, AAS, 42, #459.08

"Infrared Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud Using the Spitzer SAGE-SMC Survey", Terrazas, M., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C., Gordon, K., Block, M., Misselt, K., Meixner, M., Sewilo, M., and Shiao, B. 2010, AAS, 42, #459.03

"Spitzer/IRAC Limits on the Mass of Fomalhaut and Epsilon Eridani Planetary Companions", Marengo, M., Stapelfeldt, K., Werner, M. W., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Carson, J. C., and Megeath, T. 2010, AAS, 42, #423.20

"NIR And MIR Emission From The Central High-mass Protostar In IRAS19410", Campbell, M. F., Sridharan, T. K., De Buizer, J. M., Kassis, M., Whitney, B., Hora, J. L., Beuther, H., Eshelman, E., Moriarty, J. C., Towner, A. P., and Saito, M. 2010, AAS, 42, #414.36

"The Cluster Environment of High Mass Protostars", Moriarty, J. C., Smith, H. A., Campbell, M. F., Hora, J. L., Marengo, M., Sridharan, T. K., Pillai, T., Robitaille, T. P., Fazio, G. G., and Molinari, S. 2010, AAS, 42, #414.12

"A Spitzer View of Star Formation in Cygnus-X North", Beerer, I. M., Hora, J., and Koenig, X. 2010, AAS, 42, #414.02

"The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Cygnus-X Region: First Data Delivery", Kraemer, K. E., Hora, J. L., Adams, J., Allen, L. E., Bontemps, S., Carey, S. J., Fazio, G. G., Gutermuth, R., Keto, E., Koenig, X., Megeath, S. T., Mizuno, D. R., Motte, F., Price, S. D., Schneider, N., Simon, R., and Smith, H. A. 2010, AAS, 42, #414.01

"Interesting Things We Can Learn About Galaxies from the Deepest IRAC Image Ever Taken", Gifford, D., Ashby, M., and Hora, J. 2010, AAS, 42, #410.15

"A Ground-Based Observing Program in Support of the Warm Spitzer NEO Project", Bhattacharya, B., Trilling, D. E., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S. R., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Hagen, A. R., Harris, A. W., Hora, J., Mainzer, A. K., Mueller, M., Penprase, B. E., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2010, AAS, 42, #334.04

"The Warm Spitzer NEO Survey: Exploring The History of the Inner Solar System and Near Earth Space", Hora, J. L., Trilling, D. E., Thomas, C. A., Stansberry, J. A., Spahr, T. B., Smith, H. A., Penprase, B. E., Mueller, M., Mainzer, A. K., Harris, A. W., Fazio, G. G., Emery, J. P., Delbo, M., Chesley, S. R., Bottke, W. F., and Bhattacharya, B. 2010, AAS, 42, #334.03

"Mid-infrared Spectral Variability For Compositionally Similar Asteroids", Vernazza, P., Carry, B., Emery, J., Hora, J. L., Cruikshank, D., Binzel, R. P., Jackson, J., Helbert, J., and Maturilli, A. 2009, DPS, 41, #53.09

"A Comprehensive Ground-based Observing Campaign for Spitzer-observed NEOs", Thomas, C. A., Trilling, D., Penprase, B., Emery, J., Hora, J., Mueller, M., Delbo, M., Fitzgerald, C., Hagen, A., Hickey, D., Reddy, V., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W., Chesley, S., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mainzer, A., Smith, H., Spahr, T., and Stansberry, J. 2009, DPS, 41, #43.03

"ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey", Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W. F., Chesley, S. R., Delbo, M., Emery, J. P., Fazio, G. G., Harris, A. W., Hora, J. L., Mainzer, A. K., Mueller, M., Penprase, B. E., Smith, H. A., Spahr, T. B., Stansberry, J. A., and Thomas, C. A. 2009, DPS, 41, #43.02

"Local Group Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies as Seen by Spitzer", Barmby, P., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Gordon, K. D., Jarrett, T. H., and Shiu, H. 2009, AAS, 214, #419.03

"Spatial Distribution and Variations of Dust Abundances in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Bernard, J., Block, M., Engelbracht, C. W., Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Kawamura, A., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Sewilo, M., Vijh, U. P., and Volk, K. 2009, AAS, 214, #314.07

"Selection of Infrared-variable Objects in the IRAC Calibration Field", Fouesneau, M., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., Surace, J. A., and Krick, J. 2009, AAS, 214, #303.07

"The Warm Spitzer NEO Survey: Exploring the History of the Inner Solar System and Near Earth Space", Trilling, D. E., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Hora, J., Mainzer, A., Mueller, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H., Spahr, T., and Stansberry, J. 2009, AAS, 214, #210.05

"Variability And Mass-loss From Agb Stars In The Lmc", Riebel, D., Meixner, M., Srinivasan, S., Fraser, O., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, S., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Whitney, B., Sewilo, M., and Vijh, U. 2009, AAS, 41, #491.18

"Circumstellar Structure Around Evolved Stars in the Cygnus-X Spitzer Legacy Survey Region", Kraemer, K. E., Price, S., Hora, J., Adams, J., Allen, L., Bontemps, S., Carey, S., Fazio, G., Gutermuth, R., Keto, E., Megeath, S. T., Mizuno, D., Motte, F., Schneider, N., Simon, R., and Smith, H. 2009, AAS, 41, #491.05

"The Effect of Environment on Star Formation in High Redshift Galaxy Clusters", Krick, J., Surace, J., Thompson, D., Ashby, M., Hora, J., Gorjian, V., and Yan, L. 2009, AAS, 41, #448.26

"A Panchromatic View of Clustered Star Formation in the Magellanic Clouds: Spatial and Temporal Resolution as Revealed through Optical and Infrared Imaging", Carlson, L. R., Romita, K. A., Sabbi, E., Meixner, M., Babler, B., Block, M., Engelbracht, C., Gallagher, J. S., III, Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Kato, D., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Nota, A., Oey, M. S., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Sirianni, M., Smith, L. J., Tosi, M., Vijh, U., Walterbos, R., and Whitney, B. 2009, AAS, 41, #413.12

"Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud Star-Forming Region N206", Romita, K., Carlson, L. R., Meixner, M., Sewilo, M., Kato, D., Robitaille, T. Q., Whitney, B., Babler, B., Block, M., Engelbracht, C., Gordon, K., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J. L., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., and Vijh, U. 2009, AAS, 41, #413.11

"The Spitzer Survey of Cygnus-X and Infrared Dark Clouds", Hora, J. L., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S. T., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Carey, S., Simon, R., Keto, E., Smith, H. A., Allen, L. E., Gutermuth, R., Fazio, G. G., Adams, J. D., and Cygnus-X 24 Micron Data Processing Team 2009, AAS, 41, #356.01

"Diameters And Albedos Of Three Subkilometer Near Earth Objects Derived From Spitzer Observations", Trilling, D. E., Mueller, M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Spahr, T., Stansberry, J. A., Smith, H. A., Chesley, S. R., and Mainzer, A. K. 2008, DPS, 40, 433

"The 2007 Jupiter's North Temperate Belt Disturbance: I. Overview and jet stream changes", Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin, Orton, G. S., Hueso, R., Garcia-Melendo, E., Perez-Hoyos, S., Simon-Miller, A., Rojas, J. F., Gomez, J. M., Yanamandra-Fisher, P. A., Fletcher, L., Joels, J., Kemerer, J., Hora, J., Karkoschka, E., de Pater, I., Wong, M. H., Marcus, P. S., Pinilla, N. 2007, AAS-DPS, 39, #1.04

"Multiwavelength Study Of The Irac Dark Field", Krick, Jessica, Surace, J. A., Ashby, M. L., Egami, E., Frayer, D., Gorjian, V., Hora, J., Lacy, M., Moustakas, L., Thompson, D., Yan, L. 2007, AAS, 210, 12.04

"Early Results from the IRAC Dark Field Mid-IR Variability Search", Surace, J. A., Krick, J., Ashby, M., Egami, E., Frayer, D., Gorjian, V., Hora, J., Hund, L., Lacy, M., Moustakas, L., Thompson, D., Yan, L., 2007, AAS, 210, 02.05

"Mass Loss from Evolved Stars in the LMC: A Spitzer SAGE View", Blum, R. D., Volk, K., Srinivasan, S., Markwick-Kemper, F., Meixner, M., Points, S., Olsen, K., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Mould, J., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #192.05

"The Spitzer/SAGE View of Star Formation in the LMC", Indebetouw, R., Whitney, B., Sewilo, M., Robitaille, T., Meade, M., Babler, B., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, K., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #192.03

"Spitzer SAGE Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Project Overview", Meixner, M., Babler, B., Bernard, J., Block, M., Blum, R., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Reach, W., Tielens, A. G., Vijh, U., Whitney, B., and S. Team 2006, AAS, 38, #192.02

"The Large Magellanic Cloud as a Galaxy", Gallagher, J. J., Meixner, M., Bernard, J., Blum, R., Gordon, K., Indebetouw, R., Reach, W., Whitney, B., Babler, B., Block, M., Churchwell, E., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Hora, J., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Tielens, A., Vijh, U., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #192.01

"Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Magellanic System by NANTEN", Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Minamidani, T., Mizuno, Y., Mizuno, N., Mizuno, A., Fukui, Y., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Madden, S., Bernard, J., Paladini, R., Reach, W., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #160.15

"The Spitzer SAGE Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Characteristics of the Epoch 1 IRAC and MIPS-24 Source Lists", Meixner, M., Whitney, B., Gordon, K., Babler, B., Block, M., Cohen, M., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., and Misselt, K. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.14

"Viewing SAGE selected LMC Star Formation with Hubble Vision", Carlson, L. R., Meixner, M., Gill, C. A., Harris, J., Vijh, U., Sewilo, M., Whitney, B., Babler, B., Block, M., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Gordon, K., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #160.13

"Spitzer Spectroscopy of Stellar Feedback on Circumstellar Gas and Dust in 30 Doradus, the Nearest Super-Star Cluster", de Messieres, G. E., Indebetouw, R., Babler, B., Boulanger, F., Engelbracht, C., Galliano, F., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Madden, S., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Smith, J. D., Smith, L., Tielens, X., Vijh, U., Werner, M., and Wolfire, M. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.12

"Star Formation Activity in Giant Molecular Clouds in the LMC", Onishi, T., Kawamura, A., Fukui, Y., Minamidani, T., Mizuno, Y., Mizuno, N., Mizuno, A., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Madden, S., Bernard, J., Paladini, R., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #160.11

"Spitzer SAGE Observations of Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Whitney, B., Sewilo, M., Indebetouw, R., Robitaille, T., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Srinivasan, S., Meade, M., Babler, B., Churchwell, E., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Leitherer, C., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T., Mizuno, A., and Fukui, Y. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.10

"Star Formation Tracers and Dust Emission in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Gordon, K. D., Engelbracht, C., Meixner, M., Whitney, B., Block, M., Meade, M., Babler, B., For, B., Indebetouw, R., Vijh, U., Hora, J., Misselt, K., Leitherer, C., and SAGE Legacy Team 2006, AAS, 38, #160.09

"Spitzer/SAGE Observations of Planetary Nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Hora, J. L., Cohen, M., Meixner, M., Blum, R. D., Whitney, B., Ellis, R. G., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., and Leitherer, C. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.08

"Modelling Evolved Stars Detected by the Spitzer LMC Survey (SAGE)", Volk, K., Meixner, M., Srinivasan, S., Markwick-Kemper, F., Whitney, B., Blum, R. D., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., and SAGE Team 2006, AAS, 38, #160.07

"Variable Sources in Large Magellanic Cloud using the SAGE Survey", Vijh, U. P., Meixner, M., Srinivasan, S., Babler, B., Block, M., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., and Whitney, B. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.06

"The Mass Loss Return From Evolved Stars to the LMC: Empirical Relations For Excess Emission at 8 and 24 μm", Srinivasan, S., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Volk, K., Markwick-Kemper, F., Blum, R. D., Mould, J. R., Olsen, K. A., Points, S., Whitney, B. A., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J. L., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., and Misselt, K. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.05

"Mass Loss from Evolved Stars in LMC Clusters", Points, S., Olsen, K., Blum, R., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., and Srinivasan, S. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.03

"SST/SAGE and HST Study of Stellar Populations and Star Formation around NGC 1850 in the LMC", Panagia, N., Romaniello, M., Gilmozzi, R., De Marchi, G., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Leitherer, C., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., and SAGE Group 2006, AAS, 38, #160.02

"Dust Processing Near Sites of High-Mass Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Hony, S., Madden, S., Rubin, D., Oey, M. S., Galliano, F., Whitney, B., Meade, M., Babler, B., Indebetouw, R., Hora, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Block, M., Misselt, K., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., and Leitherer, C. 2006, AAS, 38, #160.01

"Searching for Mid-Infrared AGN Variability in Spitzer's IRAC Calibration Field", Hund, L. B., Ashby, M. L., Hora, J. L., and Surace, J. 2006, AAS, 38, #149.07

"SAGE: Hot Dust and Aromatic Emission Feature Distribution in the N79/N83 region of the Large Magellanic Cloud", Vijh, U. P., Babler, B., Bernard, J., Churchwell, E., Engelbracht, C., For, B., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Madden, S., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Reach, W., and Whitney, B. 2006, AAS, 38, 126

"Star Formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud: the young star cluster NGC 602", Nota, A., Carlson, L. R., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., Hora, J. L., Meixner, M., Clampin, M., Gallagher, J., III, Oey, S., Pasquali, A., Smith, L. J., Tosi, M., and Walterbos, R. 2006, AAS, 38, #105.07

"The Photo-Dissociation Region Surrounding HR 5171AB", Schuster, M. T., Marengo, M., Hora, J. L., Gehrz, R. D., Humphreys, R. M., and Fazio, G. 2006, AAS, 38, 1013

"Mid-IR Spectral Survey of High Mass Protostellar Objects", Campbell, M. F., Sridharan, T. K., Hora, J. L., Kassis, M., Beuther, H., Brooks, R. T., Fung, S., Johnson, L. C., and De Buizer, J. M. 2006, AAS, 38, 971

"The Spitzer Interacting Galaxies Survey: IRAC Evaluations of Star Formation", Klein, C. R., Ashby, M. L., Smith, H. A., Zezas, A., Hora, J. L., Pahre, M. A., and Fazio, G. G. 2006, AAS, 38, 925

"Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of the Galactic Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs) G11.11-0.1, G28.34+0.06 and G79.27+0.38", Pannuti, T. G., Carey, S. J., Redman, R. O., Allen, L. E., and Hora, J. L. 2005, AAS, 37, #185.09

"Rotation and Spitzer/IRAC fluxes in Orion", Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Megeath, T., Hora, J., and Hartmann, L. 2005, AAS, 37, #185.08

"Mid-Infrared Emission from the High Mass Protostar IRAS 18089-1732", Campbell, M. F., Sridharan, T. K., Hora, J. L., Kassis, M., Johnson, L. C., Fung, S. H., Beuther, H., and Adams, J. D. 2005, AAS, 37, #185.05

"Discovery of a Pre-main sequence Population in SMC cluster, NGC 602 with HST/ACS and SST/IRAC", Carlson, L. R., Sirianni, M., Hora, J. L., Sabbi, E., Nota, A., Meixner, M., Clampin, M., Gallagher, J., Oey, M. S., Pasquali, A., Smith, L. J., Tosi, M., and Walterbos, R. 2005, AAS, 37, #185.03

"Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE)", Meixner, M., Babler, B., Bernard, J.-P., Blum, R., Churchwell, E. B., Engelbracht, C., For, B.-Q., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Leitherer, C., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Reach, W., Vijh, U., Whitney, B., and SAGE Team 2005, AAS, 37, 1254

"Spitzer-IRAC and NIR imaging of S255", Chavarria, L. A., Allen, L. E., and Hora, J. L. 2005, AAS, 37, 1253

"Spitzer/IRAC observations of the Helix Planetary Nebula", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., and Marengo, M. 2005, AAS, 37, 1162

"Molecular Hydrogen Emission in the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6720 and NGC 6853", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., Marengo, M., Fazio, G. G., Allen, L. E., and Pipher, J. L. 2005, AAS, 37, 493

"Spitzer-IRAC Photometry of M, L, and T Dwarfs", Patten, B. M., Henry, T. J., Burrows, A., Stauffer, J. R., Ragavan, D., Liebert, J., Luhman, K. L., Hora, J. L., Megeath, T., Marengo, M., and Fazio, G. G. 2004, AAS, 36, 1353

"Saturn's Atmosphere: An Infrared Assessment Using Cassini CIRS and Earth-Based Observations", Orton, G., Fisher, B., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Ressler, M., Campbell, R., Kassis, M., Hora, J., Deutsch, L., Achterberg, R., Conrath, B., Swenson, A., Katz, J., and Winfield, A. 2004, DPS, 36, 1134

"The Nucleus of Comet 2P/Encke as Observed in the Fall 2003 Apparition", Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C. M., Schleicher, D. G., Bus, S. J., Kassis, M., Hora, J. L., and Deutsch, L. K. 2004, DPS, 36, 1117

"Surface Characteristics of Comet-Asteroid Transition Objects 944 Hidalgo and 162P/Siding Spring (2004 TU12)", Campins, H., Licandro, J., Ziffer, J., Fernandez, Y. R., Hora, J., Kassis, M., and Pinilla-Alonso, N. 2005, DPS, 37, 645

"Albedo Distributions of Near-Earth and Intermediate Source Region Asteroids", Tedesco, E. F., Bottke, W. F., Bus, S. J., Volquardsen, E., Cellino, A., Delbo, M., Davis, D. R., Morbidelli, A., Hora, J. L., Adams, J. D., and Kassis, M. 2005, DPS, 37, 643

"The Role of Photodissociation Regions in Massive Star Formation", Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Megeath, S. T., Deutsch, L. K., and Fazio, G. G. 2004, AAS, 36, 723

"Spitzer-based Studies of Galactic Star Forming Regions", Allen, L. E., Megeath, S. T., Calvet, N., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G., Hartmann, L., Hora, J. L., Marengo, M., Myers, P. C., Gutermuth, R. A., Peterson, D., Pipher, J. L., D'Alessio, P., Merin, B., and Carey, S. J. 2004, AAS, 36, 723

"Detecting Brown Dwarfs, Disks and Protostars with Spitzer: First Galactic Results from the IRAC GTO Program", Megeath, S. T., Allen, L. E., Calvet, N., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hartmann, L., Hora, J. L., Melnick, G. J., Patten, B. M., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Smith, H. A., Forrest, W. J., Gutermuth, R. A., Peterson, D. E., Pipher, J. L., and Stauffer, J. R. 2004, AAS, 36, 700

"In-Flight Performance of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope", Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Deutsch, L. K., Huang, J.-S., Marengo, M., Megeath, S. T., Pahre, M. A., Patten, B. M., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Hoffmann, W. F., Moseley, S. H., Arendt, R. G., Mentzell, J. E., Trout-Marx, C., Eisenhardt, E., Stern, D., Gorjian, V., Bhattacharya, B., Carey, S., Glaccum, W. J., Lacy, M., Lowrance, P. J., Laine, S., Nelson, B. O., Reach, W. T., Stauffer, J. R., Surace, J. A., Wilson, G., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McMurty, C. W., McCreight, C. R., McKelvey, M. E., and McMurray, R. E. 2004, AAS, 36, 699

"The Spitzer Space Telescope: The First Nine Months", Werner, M., Roellig, T. L., Low, F. J., Rieke, G., Rieke, M., Hoffmann, W. F., Young, E., Houck, J., Fazio, G., Hora, J., Gehrz, R., Soifer, T., Helou, G., Keene, J., Eisenhardt, P., Gallagher, D., Gautier, T. N., Irace, W., Lawrence, C., Simmons, L., Wright, E. L., Jura, M., Cruikshank, D., and Brandl, B. 2004, AAS, 36, 699

"Compact Mid-IR Emission from High-Mass Protostellar Candidates", Campbell, M. F., Sridharan, T. K., Kassis, M., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., and Beuther, H. 2003, AAS, 35, 1362

"Determination of the SIRTF Focus from IRAC Images without a Focus Slew", Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Mentzell, J. E., Marx, C. T., Eisenhardt, P. R., Carey, S. J., and Megeath, S. T. 2003, AAS, 35, 1244

"The State of the Focus and Image Quality of the SIRTF CTA", Gehrz, R. D., Romana, E. A., Hoffmann, W. F., Schwenker, J. P., Mentzell, J. E., Hora, J. L., Eisenhardt, P. R., Brandl, B. R., Armus, L., Stapelfeldt, K. R., Hines, D. C., Mainzer, A. K., Young, E. T., and Elliott, D. G. 2003, AAS, 35, 1244

"Early Galactic Science Results from the Infrared Array Camera for SIRTF", Megeath, S. T., Allen, L. E., Carey, S. J., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Forrest, W. J., Marengo, M., Melnick, G. J., Patten, B. M., Pipher, J. L., Reach, W. T., Smith, H. A., Stauffer, J. R., and Willner, S. P. 2003, AAS, 35, 1244

"Extragalactic Science Results with IRAC", Willner, S. P., Arendt, R., Ashby, M., Barmby, P., Eisenhardt, P., Stern, D., Fazio, G. G., Forrest, W. J., Hora, J. L., Huang, J., Huchra, J. P., Im, M., Pahre, M., Pipher, J. L., Reach, W. T., Stauffer, J., Smith, H. A., Surace, J., Tollestrup, E. V., Wang, Z., Wilson, G., and Yan, L. 2003, AAS, 35, 1244

"In-flight Performance of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for SIRTF", Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Allen, L. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Deutsch, L. K., Huang, J.-S., Marengo, M., Megeath, S. T., Pahre, M. A., Patten, B. M., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Hoffmann, W. F., Moseley, H., Arendt, R., Mentzell, J. E., Trout-Marx, C., Eisenhardt, P., Stern, D., Gorjian, V., Bhattacharya, B., Glaccum, W. J., Lacy, M., Lowrance, P. J., Carey, S. J., Laine, S., Stauffer, J., Surace, J. A., Reach, W. T., Wilson, G., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McCreight, C. R., McKelvey, M. E., and McMurray, R. E. 2003, AAS, 35, 1242

"SIRTF in Space: On-orbit Performance of the SIRTF Observatory", Werner, M., Low, F., Roellig, T., Rieke, G., Rieke, M., Young, E., Hoffmann, W. F., Houck, J. R., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Gehrz, R., Soifer, T., Helou, G., Eisenhardt, P., Gallagher, D., Gautier, T. N., Irace, W., Lawrence, C., Mainzer, A., Simmons, L., Jura, M., Wright, E. L., Cruikshank, D., Keene, J., Brandl, B. R., and Van Cleve, J. E. 2003, AAS, 35, 1242

"A Resolved Circumstellar Disk around the Herbig Ae Star HD 100546 in the Thermal Infrared", Liu, W. M., Hinz, P. M., Meyer, M. R., Mamajek, E. E., Hoffmann, W. F., and Hora, J. L. 2003, AAS, 35, 1226

"Compact Mid-IR Emission from High-Mass Protostellar Candidates", Campbell, M. F., Kassis, M., Adams, J. D., Hora, J. L., and Deutsch, L. K. 2003, AAS, 35, 736

"Mid-Infrared Observations of the Orion Bar with MIRSI", Kassis, M., Deutsch, L. K., Bakes, E. L. O., Adams, J. D., Hora, J. L., and Campbell, M. F. 2002, AAS, 35, #143.04

"Multiwavelength Monitoring of Sgr A* During Chandra Observations of Multiple X-ray Flares", Baganoff, F. K., Bautz, M. W., Ricker, G. R., Morris, M., Becklin, E. E., Ghez, A. M., Hornstein, S. D., Tanner, A. M., Brandt, W. N., Chartas, G., Feigelson, E. D., Garmire, G. P., Cotera, A. S., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Meyer, M. R., Eckart, A., Genzel, R., Zhao, J.-H., Herrnstein, R. M., Hora, J. L., Macquart, J.-P., Maeda, Y., Sault, R. J., Taylor, G. B., and Walter, F. 2002, AAS, 34, 1153

"Peering Through the Homunculus in the Thermal IR: Complex Equatorial Structure Around Eta Carinae", Smith, N., Hinz, P. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Gehrz, R. D., Meyer, M. R., Mamajek, E. E., Hora, J. L., Davidson, K., and Morse, J. A. 2001, AAS, 33, #135.02

"First Light for MIRSI", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Adams, J. D., and Kassis, M. 2001, AAS, 33, #102.10

"The Post T Tauri Binary HD 113766: Discovery of an Inner Debris Disk System?", Meyer, M. R., Backman, D., Mamajek, E. E., Herrera, V. M., Hinz, P., Carpenter, J. M., Hoffman, W., and Hora, J. 2001, AAS, 33, 1420

"Detection of an Extended Dust Disk Around HD 100546 Using Nulling Interferometry", Hinz, P. M., Meyer, M. R., Mamajek, E. E., Hoffmann, W. F., and Hora, J. L. 2001, AAS, 33, 1395

"Spatial Distributions of Multiple Dust Components in the PPN/PN Dust Shells", Ueta, T., Speck, A. K., Meixner, M., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Deutsch, L. K., and Hoffmann, W. F. 2001, ASSL, 265, 339

"Deep Surveys with SIRTF's Infrared Array Camera", Eisenhardt, P., Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Forrest, W., Hora, J., Huang, J., Huchra, J., Moseley, H., Pahre, M., Pipher, J., Reach, W., Stauffer, J., Tollestrup, E., Wang, Z., Willner, S., and Wright, E. 2001, defi.conf, 154

"MIRSI, a Mid-InfraRed Spectrometer and Imager", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Kassis, M. F., Adams, J. D., and Tollestrup, E. V. 2000, AAS, 32, 1430

"Observations of Circumstellar Dust Shells Around Proto-Planetary Nebulae", Meixner, M., Speck, A. K., Ueta, T., Knapp, G. R., Hoffmann, W. F., Hinz, P. M., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., and Deutsch, L. K. 2000, AAS, 197, 613

"Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Warm Dust in W3 (Main)", Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Deutsch, L. K., Ladd, E. F., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deane, J., and Sanders, D. B. 2000, AAS, 197, 517

"The Mid-Infrared morphology of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027", Dayal, A., Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., and Deutsch, L. K. 1999, AAS, 31, #110.02

"Large Field Mid-Infrared Imaging in M17.", Kassis, M., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A. 1999, AAS, 31, 1492

"Mid-Infrared Emission in PDRs: Ionized PAHs?", Kraemer, K. E., Kassis, M., Jackson, J. M., Deutsch, L. K., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., Price, S. D., Egan, M. P., Carey, S. J., Kuchar, T. A., and Mizuno, D. R. 1999, AAS, 31, 1446

"The Nuclei of Comets Giacobini-Zinner (21P) and LINEAR (C/1998 U5)", Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C. M., A'Hearn, M. F., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., and Hora, J. L. 1999, DPS, 31, #16.01

"The nuclei of comets Giacobini-Zinner (21P) and LINEAR (C/1998 U5).", Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C. M., A'Hearn, M. F., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., and Hora, J. L. 1999, BAAS, 31, 1095

"The Circumstellar Environment of Herbig Ae/Be Stars at Mid-IR Wavelengths", Williams, L. P., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A. 1999, AAS, 31, 935

"Ground- and Space-Based Mid-Infrared Observations of S140: ISO Spectroscopy and MIRAC Spectral Imaging", Kraemer, K. E., Jackson, J. M., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A. 1999, AAS, 31, 931

"Analysis of Narrow Band Mid-Infrared Images of the HII Complex G34.26+0.15", Garland, C. A., Campbell, M. F., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Dayal, A., and Hoffmann, W. F. 1998, AAS, 30, 16.08

"Determining the Structure of Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae with NICMOS", Dayal, A., Latter, W. B., Bieging, J. H., Kelly, D. M., Hora, J. L., and Tielens, A. G. G. M. 1998, AAS, 30, 14.04

"A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates", Meixner, M., Ueta, T., Dayal, A., Hora, J., Fazio, G., Hrivnak, B., Skinner, C., Hoffmann, W., and Deutsch, L. 1998, ADIL,

"NIR imaging of gamma-ray burst error boxes", Klose, S., Stecklum, B., Eislöffel, J., Hora, J. L., and Tuffs, R. 1998, AIPC, 428, 635

"Investigating the Near-Infrared Properties of Planetary Nebulae II. Medium Resolution Spectra", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., and Deutsch, L. K. 1998, STIN,

"The Morphology of Proto Planetary Nebulae Dustshells", Meixner, M., Ueta, Dayal, A., Bobrowsky, M., Hrivnak, B., Skinner, C., Hora, J., Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, W., and Fazio, G. 1998, IAUS, 191,

"Physical Properties of the Nucleus of Comet Hale-Bopp", Fernandez, Y. R., A'Hearn, M. F., Kundu, A., Lisse, C. M., Weaver, H. A., Dayal, A., Hanner, M. S., Ressler, M. E., Hoffmann, W. F., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., and Kaufl, H. U. 1997, AAS, 29, 72.10

"Thermal Emission of Ceres and Vesta in the Mid-Infrared", Deutsch, L. K., Wargo, C. J., Williams, L. P., Lovell, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A. 1997, AAS, 29, 71.04

"Staring into the Winds of Destruction: HST/NICMOS Imaging of Young Planetary Nebulae", Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., Kelly, D. M., Dayal, A., Bieging, J. H., Tielens, A. G. G. M., and Trammell, S. 1997, AAS, 29, 15.10

"Optical/Infrared Imaging and Modeling of Dust and Ionized Gas in the Planetary Nebulae M 4-18", Dayal, A., Sahai, R., Trauger, J., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., Deutsch, L. K., and Latter, W. B. 1997, AAS, 29, 15.09

"MIRAC2 Observations of the NGC 6334 Star Formation Region", Jackson, J. M., Kraemer, K. E., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., and Dayal, A. 1997, AAS, 29, 06.09

"Narrow Band Mid-Infrared Images of the HII Complex G34.26+0.15", Garland, C. A., Campbell, M. F., Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Dayal, A., and Hoffmann, W. F. 1997, AAS, 29, 06.01

"Two Extremely Red Galaxies", Joseph, R. D., Hora, J., Stockton, A., Hu, E., and Sanders, D. 1997, STIN, 97,

"Multiwavelength Observations of the Nucleus and Coma of Comet Hale-Bopp", Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C. M., Wellnitz, D. D., A'Hearn, M. F., Kundu, A., Buie, M. W., Dunham, E. W., Millis, R. L., Nye, R. A., Stansberry, J. A., Wasserman, L. H., Golden, M. E., Persson, M., Howell, R. R., Marcialis, R. L., Spitale, J. N., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Hanner, M. S., Ressler, M., Kostiuk, T., and Livengood, T. A. 1997, DPS, 29, 37.05

"Infrared Observations of the Dust Emitted by Comet Hale-Bopp", Lisse, C. M., Fernandez, Y. R., A'Hearn, M. F., Kostiuk, T., Livengood, T. A., Kaufl, H. U., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hora, J. L., Hanner, M. S., and Ressler, M. 1997, DPS, 29, 32.05

"Application of a Rough-Surface Thermal Model to Observations of Mercury", Sprague, A., Emery, J., Bigelow, J., Deutsch, L., Hora, J., Hoffmann, B., Dayal, A., Witteborn, F., Wooden, D., Colwell, J., Kozlowski, R., and Ludwig, B. 1997, DPS, 29, 13.12

"Infrared imaging of the starburst galaxy NGC 7469", Jayawardhana, R., Fazio, G., Eikenberry, S., Hughes, D., Hora, J., Hoffmann, W., Dayal, A., and Deutsch, L. 1997, AIPC, 393, 303

"Mid-infrared imaging of dust shells around young Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae", Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Meixner, M., and Skinner, C. J. 1997, IAUS, 180, 347

"Investigating the near-IR properties of PN: Deep imaging of molecular hydrogen emission", Latter, W. B. and Hora, J. L. 1997, IAUS, 180, 254

"H2 kinematics in Planetary Nebulae", Kelly, D. M., Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., and Woodward, C. E. 1997, IAUS, 180, 245

"A near-infrared spectral survey of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., and Deutsch, L. K. 1997, IAUS, 180, 238

"Molecular Hydrogen Imaging of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L. and Latter, W. B. 1996, AAS, 28, 97.08

"Imaging of the Nucleus of Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)", Fernandez, Y. R., Lisse, C. M., Kundu, A., A'Hearn, M. F., Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., and Fazio, G. G. 1996, AAS, 28, 62.04

"Mid-IR imaging of the warm dust emission from the young proto-planetary nebula IRAS 07134+1005", Dayal, A., Hoffmann, W. F., Bieging, J. H., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., and Fazio, G. G. 1995, AAS, 27, 44.11

"Thermal and Cloud Properties of Jupiter on the Eve of the Galileo Mission", Orton, G., Friedson, J., Ressler, M., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Bock, J., Koerner, D., Ortiz, J. L., Matthews, K., Robertson, D., Spitale, J., Parija, K., Lim, K., Wong, F., Spencer, J., Hoffmann, W., Dayal, A., Hora, J., Hayward, T., and Vancleve, J. 1995, DPS, 27, 28.05

"Tropospheric Temperature Perturbations Resulting from the Impact of Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter", Spitale, J. N., Orton, G. S., Friedson, A. J., Yanamandra-Fisher, P. A., Baines, K. H., Parija, K. P., Hoffman, W., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L., and Hora, J. 1995, DPS, 27, 28.04

"Infrared camera and spectrograph for the Subaru telescope.", Tokunaga, A. T., Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J., Rayner, J., Kobayashi, Y., Kobayashi, N., Maihara, T., and Nagata, T. 1995, seft.conf, 263

"Astronomical characterization of 1024×1024 HgCdTe HAWAII detector arrays.", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Hall, D. N. B., Irwin, E., Keller, T., and Vural, K. 1995, seft.conf, 145

"Mid-IR Spectral Features of Young Stars in the BD+40 4124 Region", Deutsch, L. K., Iyengar, M. A., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Butner, H. M., and Fazio, G. G. 1994, AAS, 26, 84.16

"Jovian Atmosphere Structure Investigation in the NASA IRTF SL9 Campaign", Orton, G., Friedson, J., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., Baines, K., Hoffmann, W., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L., Fazio, G., Hora, J., Hammel, H., and Harrington, J. 1994, DPS, 26, 03.05

"The NASA/IRTF SL9 Observing Campaign", Orton, G., Baines, K., Friedson, J., Goguen, J., Yanamandra-Fisher, P., A'Hearn, M., Esterle, P., Lisse, C., Weaver, H., Wellnitz, D., Hoffmann, W., Hunten, D., Dayal, A., Sprague, A., Sykes, M., Wells, K., Marley, M., Fazio, G., Deutsch, L., Hora, J., Jewitt, D., Joseph, R., Deming, D., Kostiuk, T., Bjoraker, G., Fast, K., Livengood, T., Zipoy, D., Griffith, C., Dowling, T., Hammel, H., Harrington, J., Kelly, D., Lacy, J., Noll, K., Knacke, R., Miller, S., Zahnle, K., and Mac Low, M.-M. 1994, DPS, 26, 02.19

"A Search for Seismic Waves Launched by the Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy/9", Marley, M. S., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Hunten, D. M., Sprague, A. L., Sykes, M. V., Walter, C., and Wells, K. W. 1994, DPS, 26, 02.13

"IRTF and HST Observations of the Dynamic Response of Jupter's Atmosphere to the Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9", Harrington, J., Dowling, T. E., Hammel, H. B., Mills, J. R., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Wells, K., Sprague, A., Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Fazio, G. G., Baines, K. H., Friedson, A. J., Orton, G. S., and Yanamandra-Ficher, P. A. 1994, DPS, 26, 02.10

"Thermal Infrared Observations of the Impack of Fragment R at the IRTF", Friedson, A. J., Goguen, J. D., Orton, G. S., Hoffmann, W. F., Dayal, A., Deutsch, L. K., Wells, W. K., Hora, J. L., Spitale, J. N., and Fazio, G. G. 1994, DPS, 26, 02.05

"Progress Report on the HAWAII 1024times 1024 Array for 1.0 -- 2.5 microns Astronomy", Hora, J. L., Hodapp, K.-W., Hall, D. N. B., Vural, K., Kozlowski, L. J., Bostrup, G. L., Chen, A. C., Cooper, D. E., Bailey, R. B., Cabelli, S. A., and Kleinhans, W. 1994, AAS, 26, 26.11

"Mercury: Mid-Infrared Imaging with MIRAC", Sprague, A., Deutsch, L., Hoffman, B., Hora, J., Kozlowski, R., Fazio, G., and Shivanandan, K. 1993, DPS, 25, 23.19-P

"1993 SEB Revival: Expansion Phase", Yanamandra-Fisher, P. A., Hoffmann, W., Friedson, A. J., Orton, G. S., Duetch, L. K., Hora, J., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1993, DPS, 25, 03.02

"KSPEC: A Cross-Dispersed Near-Infrared Spectrograph", Hora, J. L., Hodapp, K.-W., Irwin, E., and Young, T. 1993, AAS, 25, 51.06

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L. 1993, AAS, 25, 02.05

"The Morphology of MID-Infrared UIR Feature Emission in the PPN M 2-9 and IRAS 21282+5050", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1993, IAUS, 155, 344

"Near and Mid-Infrared Imaging of the PN IC 418", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1993, IAUS, 155, 210

"Investigating the Circumstellar Environments of YSOs Through Mid-IR Imaging", Deutsch, L. K., Butner, H. M., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1992, AAS, 24, 103.03

"A Near-Infrared Study of AFGL 2688", Latter, W. B., Hora, J. L., Kelly, D. M., Deutsch, L. K., and Maloney, P. R. 1992, AAS, 24, 39.07

"Temperature Structure and Spactial Distribution of Mid-Infrared Emission for Three Proto-Planetary Nebulae", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Hoffmann, W. F., and Fazio, G. G. 1990, BAAS, 22, 1250

"Near-and Mid-Infrared Imaging of Planetary Nebulae", Hora, J. L., Hoffman, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Duetsch, L. K. 1990, BAAS, 22, 1231

"High Resolution 8-13 Micron Imaging of Pre-Planetary Nebulae AFGL 618 and HD 44179", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., and Hoffmann, W. F. 1988, BAAS, 20, 1052

"High Resolution 8-13 Micron Imaging of Planetary Nebula BD+30°3639", Deutsch, L. K., Hora, J., Fazio, G. G., and Hoffmann, W. F. 1987, BAAS, 19, 1089

SPIE and Technical Conference Proceedings

"Calibration trending in the Spitzer beyond era", Lowrance, P. J., Krick, J. E., Ingalls, J. G., Laine, S., Carey, S. J., Glaccum, W., Hora, J. L., and Grillmair, C., 2018, SPIE1 10704, 1070427

"TIGER: a high contrast infrared imager for the Giant Magellan Telescope", Hinz, P., Codona, J., Guyon, O., Hoffmann, W., Skemer, A., Hora, J., Tolls, V., Boss, A., Weinberger, A., Arbo, P., Connors, T., Durney, O., McMahon, T., Montoya, M., and Vaitheeswaran, V. 2012, SPIE, 8446,

"The IRAC point response function in the warm Spitzer mission", Hora, J. L., Marengo, M., Park, R., Wood, D., Hoffmann, W. F., Lowrance, P. J., Carey, S. J., Surace, J. A., Krick, J. E., Glaccum, W. J., Ingalls, J. G., Laine, S., Fazio, G. G., Ashby, M. L. N., and Wang, Z. 2012, SPIE, 8442,

"Absolute photometric calibration of IRAC: lessons learned using nine years of flight data", Carey, S., Ingalls, J., Hora, J., Surace, J., Glaccum, W., Lowrance, P., Krick, J., Cole, D., Laine, S., Engelke, C., Price, S., Bohlin, R., and Gordon, K. 2012, SPIE, 8442,

"A Spitzer IRAC measure of the zodiacal light", Krick, J. E., Glaccum, W. J., Carey, S. J., Lowrance, P. J., Surace, J. A., Ingalls, J. G., Hora, J. L., and Reach, W. T. 2012, SPIE, 8442,

"Calibration and data quality of warm IRAC", S. J. Carey, J. A. Surace, W. J. Glaccum, J. Ingalls, J. Krick, M. Lacy, P. Lowrance, S. Laine, J. O'Linger, J. R. Stauffer, S. P. Willner, and J. L. Hora, 2010, Proc SPIE, 7731, 77310N-1

"Stability of the Infrared Array Camera for the Spitzer Space Telescope", Carey, S., Surace, J., Lacy, M., Glaccum, W., Lowrance, P., Hora, J. L., Willner, S., 2008, Proc. SPIE, 7010E..85C

"The effects of cosmic rays and solar flares on the IRAC detectors: the first two years of in-flight operation", J. L. Hora, B. M. Patten, G. G. Fazio, W. J. Glaccum, 2006, in High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy II , eds. David A. Dorn & Andrew D. Holland, Proc. SPIE 6276, 627609

"In-flight performance and calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope", J. L. Hora, G. G. Fazio, L. E. Allen, M. L. N. Ashby, P. Barmby, L. K. Deutsch, J.-S. Huang, M. Marengo, S. T. Megeath, G. J. Melnick, M. A. Pahre, B. M. Patten, H. A. Smith, Z. Wang, S. P. Willner, W. F. Hoffmann, J. L. Pipher, W. J. Forrest, C. W. McMurty, C. R. McCreight, M. E. McKelvey, R. E. McMurray Jr., S. H. Moseley, R. G. Arendt, J. E. Mentzell, C. T. Marx, D. J. Fixsen, E.V. Tollestrup, P. R. Eisenhardt, D. Stern, V. Gorjian, B. Bhattacharya, S. J. Carey, W. J. Glaccum, M. Lacy, P. J. Lowrance, S. Laine, B. O. Nelson, W. T. Reach, J. R. Stauffer, J. A. Surace, G. Wilson, E. L. Wright, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 77

"Observing with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope", S. J. Carey, M. Lacy, S. Laine, W. T. Reach, J. A. Surace, W. J. Glaccum, J. L. Hora, S. P. Willner, R. G. Arendt, M. L. N. Ashby, Lori E. Allen, P. Barmby, B. Bhattacharya, L. K. Deutsch, P. R. Eisenhardt, W. F. Hoffmann, J.-S. Huang, P. J. Lowrance, M. Marengo, S. T. Megeath, B. O. Nelson, M. A. Pahre, B. M. Patten, J. L. Pipher, J. R. Stauffer, D. Stern, Z. Wang, G. Wilson, and G. G. Fazio, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 211

" Determination of the SIRTF Focus from IRAC Images without a Focus Slew", Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Mentzell, J. E., Marx, C. T., Eisenhardt, P. R., Carey, S. J., Megeath, S. T., J. Schwenker, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 186

" Normal and Unusual Transient Events in IRAC Images", B. M. Patten, J. L. Hora, G. G. Fazio, P. Barmby, Z. Wang, D. Makovoz, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 223

" Comparison of laboratory and in-flight performance of InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) detector arrays on Spitzer Space Telescope", J. L. Pipher, C. W. McMurtry, W. J. Forrest, C. R. McCreight, M. E. McKelvey, R. E. McMurray Jr., R. R. Johnson, G. G. Fazio, J. L. Hora, L. E. Allen, M. L. N. Ashby, P. Barmby, L. K. Deutsch, J.-S. Huang, M. Marengo, S. T. Megeath, M. A. Pahre, B. M. Patten, Z. Wang, S. P. Willner, W. F. Hoffmann, S. H. Moseley, R. G. Arendt, D. J. Krebs, P. Eisenhardt, D. Stern, V. Gorjian, B. Bhattacharya, W. J. Glaccum, M. Lacy, P. J. Lowrance, S. J. Carey, S. Laine, J. Stauffer, J. A. Surace, W. T. Reach, G. Wilson, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 234

"The state of the focus and image quality of the Spitzer Space Telescope as measured in orbit", R. D. Gehrz , E. A. Romana , W. F. Hoffmann , J. P. Schwenker, J. E. Mentzell, J. L. Hora, P. R. Eisenhardt, B. R. Brandl, L. Armus, K. R., Stapelfeldt, D. C. Hines, A. K. Mainzer, E. T. Young, and D. G. Elliott, 2004, Proc. SPIE, 5487, 166

"A Realistic Science Data Simulator for the IRAC Camera on SIRTF", Ashby, M. L. N., Surace, J. A., & Hora, J. L. 2003, in IR Space Telescopes and Instruments, SPIE 4850, 50

"Performance of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for SIRTF during instrument integration and test", Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Allen, L. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Barmby, P., Deutsch, L. K., Huang, J.-S., Megeath, S. T., Pahre, M. A., Patten, B. M., Wang, Z., Willner, S. P., Hoffmann, W. F., Mentzell, J. E., Eisenhardt, P., Glaccum, W., Surace, J. A., Reach, W., Pipher, J. L., Forrest, W. J., McCreight, C. R., 2003, in IR Space Telescopes and Instruments, SPIE 4850, 83

"SIRTF-CTA Optical Performance Test Results", J. P. Schwenker, B. R. Brandl, W. F. Hoffmann, J. L. Hora, A. K. Mainzer, J. E. Mentzell, J. E. VanCleve, 2003, in IR Space Telescopes and Instruments, SPIE 4850, 30

"MIRSI: A Mid-infrared Spectrometer and Imager", L. K. Deutsch, J. L. Hora, J. D. Adams, & M. Kassis, 2003, in Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, SPIE 4841, 106

"SIRTF-CTA Optical Performance Test", J. P. Schwenker, B. R. Brandl, W. L. Burmester, J. L. Hora, A. K. Mainzer, P. C. Quigley, J. E. VanCleve, 2003, in IR Space Telescopes and Instruments, SPIE 4850, 304

"Simfit and Focus Diversity: Methods for determining the focus of the SIRTF telescope in space without a focus slew", W. F. Hoffmann, J. L. Hora, J. E. Mentzell, C. T. Marx, P. R. Eisenhardt, 2003 , in Infrared Space Telescopes and Instruments, SPIE Proceedings, 4850, 428.

"Calibration and performance of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)" Joseph L. Hora, Giovanni G. Fazio, Steven P. Willner, Matthew L. N. Ashby, Jiasheng Huang, S. Tom Megeath, John Stauffer, Eric V. Tollestrup, Zhong Wang, William Glaccum, Judith L. Pipher, William J. Forrest, Craig R. McCreight, Mark McKelvey, William F. Hoffmann, Peter Eisenhardt, Jason A. Surace, William Reach, S. Harvey Moseley, Richard Arendt, Kenneth P. Stewart, F. David Robinson 2000, in Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VIII, eds. M. Stojnik & B. F. Andresen, Proc. SPIE, 4131, 13-25.

"Implementation and testing of SIRTF's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)", F. L. Jones-Selden, T. Ackerson, C. Allen, M. Armbruster, R. Barney, J. Britt, W. Eichhorn, J. Florez, G. Fazio, W. Glaccum, J. Golder, Q. Gong, B. Grammer, C. Hakun, P. Haney, S. Hendricks, W. Hoffmann, J. Hora, M. Jhabvala, R. Jungo, G. Karpati, D. Krebs, J. Lander, M. Lander, P. Losch, S. Mann, C. Marx, S. Moseley, J. Polizotti, J. Rivera, F. Robinson, W. Rosborough, D. Schwinger, K. Shakoorzadeh, K. Stewart, R. Taylor, C. Tomasevich, V. Torres, C. Trujillo, R. Trunzo, S. Willner, & L. Workman, 2000, in Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing VIII, eds. M. Stojnik & B. F. Andresen, Proc. SPIE, 4131, 50-61.

"Gemini near-infrared imager", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Young, T. T., Irwin, E. M., Yamada, H., Douglass, J. W., Graves, J. E., Bell, J., Neill, D., and Robertson, L. 1998, SPIE, 3354, 545

"The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)" G. G. Fazio, J. L. Hora, S. P. Willner, J. R. Stauffer, M. L. N. Ashby, Z. Wang, E. V. Tollestrup, J. Pipher, W. Forrest, C. McCreight, S. H. Moseley, W. F. Hoffmann, P. Eisenhardt, & E. L. Wright 1998, in Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation, ed. A. Fowler, Proc. SPIE 3354, 1024-1031

"Precision slit design and fabrication for the SUBARU IRCS instrument", Young, T. T., Tokunaga, A. T., Hora, J. L., Robertson, L., and Kobayashi, N. 1998, SPIE, 3354, 317

"Infrared camera and spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope", A. T. Tokunaga, J. Bell, K. Hodapp, J. L. Hora, P. M. Onaka, J. T. Rayner, L. Robertson, T. T. Young, N. Kobayashi, M. Weber, & D. W. Warren 1998, in Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation, ed. A. Fowler, Proc. SPIE 3354, 512-524

"MIRAC2, a mid-infrared array camera for astronomy", W. F. Hoffmann J. L. Hora, G. G. Fazio, L. K. Deutsch, & A. Dayal 1998, in Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation, ed. A. Fowler, Proc. SPIE 3354, 647-658

"Gemini near-infrared imager", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Young, T. T., Irwin, E. M., Yamada, H., Douglass, J. W., Graves, J. E., Bell, J., Neill, D., and Robertson, L. 1998, SPIE, 3354, 545

"Nulling interferometry using the MMT", P. Hinz, J. R. P. Angel, D. W. McCarthy, Jr., W. F. Hoffmann, N. J. Woolf, J. L. Hora, 1998, in Astronomical Interferometry, ed. R. Reasenberg, Proc. SPIE 3350

"Infrared instrumentation for the SUBARU Telescope", Nishimura, T., Hayashi, S., Kaifu, N., Kobayashi, N., Kobayashi, Y., Tamura, M., Takami, H., Takata, T., Yamashita, T., Kataza, H., Tanabe, T., Ito, Y., Miyata, T., Mori, A., Onaka, T., Tomono, D., Murakawa, K., Shibai, H., Nagata, T., Iwamuro, F., Maihara, T., Motohara, K., Oya, S., Tsukamoto, H., Cowie, L. L., Hall, D. N., Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Rayner, J. T., and Tokunaga, A. T. 1997, SPIE, 2871, 1064

"Design of the near-infrared camera for the Gemini telescope", Hora, J. L., Hodapp, K.-W., Irwin, E. M., Keller, T. J., and Young, T. T. 1995, SPIE, 2475, 308

"Astronomical characterization results of 1024 X 1024 HgCdTe HAWAII detector arrays", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Hall, D. N., Cowie, L. L., Metzger, M., Irwin, E. M., Keller, T. J., Vural, K., Kozlowski, L. J., and Kleinhans, W. E. 1995, SPIE, 2475, 8

"Infrared camera and spectrograph for the Subaru telescope.", Tokunaga, A. T., Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J., Rayner, J., Kobayashi, Y., Kobayashi, N., Maihara, T., and Nagata, T. 1995, seft.conf, 263

"Astronomical characterization of 1024×1024 HgCdTe HAWAII detector arrays.", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Hall, D. N. B., Irwin, E., Keller, T., and Vural, K. 1995, seft.conf, 145

"MegaCam: a wide-field optical/infrared camera for the UH 2.2-m telescope", Hora, J. L., Luppino, G. A., and Hodapp, K.-W. 1994, SPIE, 2198, 498

"Infrared camera and spectrograph for the SUBARU Telescope", Tokunaga, A. T., Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Rayner, J. T., Kobayashi, Y., Maihara, T., Nagata, T., and Kobayashi, N. 1994, SPIE, 2198, 438

"MIRAC: a mid-infrared array camera for astronomy", Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., Shivanandan, K., Hora, J. L., and Deutsch, L. K. 1993, SPIE, 1946, 449

"Measurement of non-optical quality mirror surfaces with a 10.6 micron interferometer and optimized analysis program", Hoffmann, W. F., Lott, W. B., Hora, J. L., and Woida, P. 1986, SPIE, 628, 492

Other publications, Internal reports, Circulars, Dissertation

"Roman Early-Definition Astrophysics Survey Opportunity: Galactic Roman Infrared Plane Survey (GRIPS)", Paladini, R., Zucker, C., Benjamin, R., Nataf, D., Minniti, D., Zasowski, G., Peek, J., Carey, S., Allen, L., Alonso-Garcia, J., Alves, J., Anders, F., Athanassoula, E., Beers, T. C., Bird, J., Bland-Hwathorn, J., Brown, A., Buder, S., Casagrande, L., Casey, A., Cassisi, S., Catelan, M., Chary, R.-R., Chene, A.-N., Ciardi, D., Comeron, F., Cohen, R., Dame, T., Drimmel, R., Fernandez Trincado, J., Finkbeiner, D., Geisler, D., Gennaro, M., Goodman, A., Green, G., Hajdu, G., Henderson, C., Hora, J., Ivanov, V. D., Kirkpatrick, D., Kobayashi, C., Kuhn, M., Kunder, A., Lu, J., Lucas, P. W., Majaess, D., Megeath, S. T., Meisner, A., Molinari, S., Mroz, P., Ness, M., Neumayer, N., Nogueras-Lara, F., Noriega-Crespo, A., Poleski, R., Rix, H.-W., Rebull, L., Reggiani, H., Rejkuba, M., Saito, R. K., Schoenrich, R., Saydjari, A., Schisano, E., Schlafly, E., Schlaufman, K., Smith, L., Speagle, J., Wisz, D., Wyse, R., and Zakamska, N., 2023, arXiv, arXiv:2307.07642

"NANCY: Next-generation All-sky Near-infrared Community surveY", Han, J. J., Dey, A., Price-Whelan, A. M., Najita, J., Schlafly, E. F., Saydjari, A., Wechsler, R. H., Bonaca, A., Schlegel, D. J., Conroy, C., Raichoor, A., Drlica-Wagner, A., Kollmeier, J. A., Koposov, S. E., Besla, G., Rix, H.-W., Goodman, A., Finkbeiner, D., Anand, A., Ashby, M., Bahr-Kalus, B., Beaton, R., Behera, J., Bell, E. F., Bellm, E. C., BenZvi, S., Beraldo e Silva, L., Birrer, S., Blanton, M. R., Bock, J., Broekgaarden, F., Brout, D., Brown, W., Brown, A. G. A., Bulbul, E., Calderon, R., Carlin, J. L., Carrillo, A., Castander, F. J., Chakraborty, P., Chandra, V., Chiang, Y.-K., Choi, Y., Clark, S. E., Clarkson, W. I., Cooper, A., Crill, B., Cunha, K., Cunningham, E., Dalcanton, J., Danieli, S., Daylan, T., de Jong, R. S., DeRose, J., Dey, B., Dickinson, M., Dominguez, M., Dong, D., Eifler, T., El-Badry, K., Erkal, D., Escala, I., Fazio, G., Ferguson, A. M. N., Ferraro, S., Filion, C., Forero-Romero, J. E., Fu, S., Galbany, L., Garavito-Camargo, N., Gawiser, E., Geha, M., Gnedin, O. Y., Gomez, S., Greene, J., Guy, J., Hadzhiyska, B., Hawkins, K., Heinrich, C., Hernquist, L., Hirata, C., Hora, J., Horowitz, B., Horta, D., Huang, C., Huang, X., Huanyuan, S., Hunt, J. A. S., Ibata, R., Jannuzi, B., Johnston, K. V., Jones, M. G., Juneau, S., Kado-Fong, E., Kalari, V., Kallivayalil, N., Karim, T., Keeley, R., Khoperskov, S., Kim, B., Kovács, A., Krause, E., Kremer, K., Kremin, A., Krolewski, A., Kulkarni, S. R., Kuna, M., L'Huillier, B., Lacy, M., Lan, T.-W., Lang, D., Leahy, D., Li, J., Lim, S., López-Morales, M., Macri, L., Marc, M., Mau, S., McCarthy, P. J., McDonald, E., McQuinn, K., Meisner, A., Melnick, G., Merloni, A., Millard, C., Millon, M., Minchev, I., Montero-Camacho, P., Morales-Gutierrez, C., Morrell, N., Moustakas, J., Moustakas, L., Murray, Z., Mutlu-Pakdil, B., Myeong, G., Myers, A. D., Nadler, E., Navarete, F., Ness, M., Nidever, D. L., Nikutta, R., Nushkia, C., Olsen, K., Pace, A. B., Pacucci, F., Padmanabhan, N., Parkinson, D., Pearson, S., Peng, E. W., Petric, A. O., Petric, A., Ratcliffe, B., Razieh, E., Reiprich, T., Rezaie, M., Ricci, M., Rich, R. M., Richstein, H., Riley, A. H., Rockosi, C., Rossi, G., Salvato, M., Samushia, L., Sanchez, J., Sand, D. J., E Sanderson, R., Šarčević, N., Sarkar, A., Savino, A., Schweizer, F., Shafieloo, A., Shengqi, Y., Shields, J., Shipp, N., Simon, J., Siudek, M., Siwei, Z., Slepian, Z., Smith, V., Sobeck, J., Sohn, S. T., Som, D., Speagle, J. S., Spergel, D., Szabo, R., Tan, T., Theissen, C., Tollerud, E., Tolls, V., Tran, K.-V., Tsiane, K., Vacca, W. D., Valluri, M., Verberi, T., Warfield, J., Weaverdyck, N., Weiner, B., Weisz, D., Wetzel, A., White, M., Williams, C. C., Wolk, S., Wu, J. F., Wyse, R., Yang, J. R., Zaritsky, D., Zelko, I. A., Zhimin, Z., and Zucker, C., 2023, arXiv, arXiv:2306.11784

"The Science Case for an Extended Spitzer Mission", Yee, Jennifer C., Fazio, Giovanni G., Benjamin, Robert, Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Malkan, Matt A., Trilling, David, Carey, Sean, Ciardi, David R., Apai, Daniel, Ashby, M. L. N., Ballard, Sarah, Bean, Jacob L., Beatty, Thomas, Berta-Thompson, Zach, Capak, P., Charbonneau, David, Chesley, Steven, Cowan, Nicolas B., Crossfield, Ian, Cushing, Michael C., de Wit, Julien, Deming, Drake, Dickinson, M., Dittmann, Jason, Dragomir, Diana, Dressing, Courtney, Emery, Joshua, Faherty, Jacqueline K., Gagne, Jonathan, Gaudi, B. Scott, Gillon, Michael, Grillmair, Carl J., Harris, Alan, Hora, Joseph, Ingalls, James G., Kataria, Tiffany, Kreidberg, Laura, Krick, Jessica E., Lowrance, Patrick J., Mahoney, William A., Metchev, Stanimir A., Mommert, Michael, Migo Mueller, Michael, Shvartzvald, Yossi, Smith, Howard, Stevenson, Kevin B., Teplitz, H. I., & Willner, S. P. 2017, arXiv, arXiv:1710.04194

"The Cygnus-X Legacy Project Data Description: Delivery 1, July 2011", Hora, J. L., and the Cygnus-X Legacy Project Team, 2011, NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive,

"GRB 110205A: FAST redshift.", Cenko, S. B., Hora, J. L., and Bloom, J. S. 2011, GCN, 11638, 1

"Supernova 2008hv in NGC 2765", Challis, P. and Hora, J. 2008, CBET, 1604, 1

"Supernova 2008hs in NGC 910", Challis, P. and Hora, J. 2008, CBET, 1599, 1

"IRAC In-Orbit Checkout Plan", Hora, J. L., with the IRAC team at SAO and the Spitzer Science Center, 2003, IRAC01-901.

"IRAC User's Guide", Hora, J. L., with the IRAC team at SAO and the Spitzer Science Center, 2001, IRAC01-903.

"IRAC Calibration Plan", Hora, J. L., 1999, IRAC98-202.

"IRAC System Description Document", Hora, J. L., with the IRAC team at SAO and Goddard Space Flight Center, 1998, IRAC98-201.

"NIRI Critical Design Review", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Irwin, E., Young, T., Bell, J, Douglass, J., Neill, D., & Yamada, H. 1997, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii

"NIRI Preliminary Design Review", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Irwin, E., Young, T., & Yamada, H. 1996, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii

"The Gemini Infrared Imager Conceptual Design Review Document", Hodapp, K.-W., Hora, J. L., Irwin, E., Keller, T., Yamada, H., & Young, T. 1995, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii

"Observer's Guide for QUIRC", Metzger, M., Hora, J. L., & Hodapp, K.-W. 1994-5, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, 18 pages.

"Observer's Guide for KSPEC", Hora. J. L., & Hodapp, K.-W. 1992-95, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, 20 pages.

"MIRAC II User's Manual", Hoffmann, W. F. & Hora, J. L. 1992-8, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 231 pages.

"Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)", Deutsch, L. K., Hoffmann, W. F., Hora, J. L., Regester, J. R., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1992, IAUC, 5675, 1

"Nova Cygni 1992", Hora, J. L., Deutsch, L. K., Butner, H. M., Hoffmann, W. F., Fazio, G. G., and Shivanandan, K. 1992, IAUC, 5545, 1

"A new mid-infrared camera for ground-based astronomy and an infrared study of planetary nebulae", Hora, J. L. 1991, PhDT, (Link to Thesis)

Spitzer, Herschel, JWST Programs

"A Database of Interstellar Ice Absorption Spectra", Tolls, V., Ashby, M. L. N., Hora, J. L., and Smith, H. A., 2024, jwst.prop, 5369

"Zooming in on the Dust in the R Aqr Symbiotic System: Effects of the Powerful? Outburst and Jet resulting from the Recent WD Periastron Passage", Karovska, M., Claussen, M. J., Hack, W. J., Hora, J. L., Marengo, M., Mioduszewski, A., and Mohamed, S. S., 2024, jwst.prop, 4901

"Spacetime & Spectra: Joint Chandra/JWST/EHT Observations of Sgr A*", Haggard, D., Balokovic, M., Bower, G., Chandra, S., Fazio, G. G., Hada, K., Hora, J. L., Johnson, M., Kim, J., Krichbaum, T., Lico, R., Markoff, S., Neilsen, J., Nowak, M., Ramakrishnan, V., Ripperda, B., Willner, S. P., Witzel, G., Zhang, S., van Langevelde, J., and von Fellenberg, S., 2023, jwst.prop, 4572

"Sgr A* as Particle Accelerator: What Drives the Black Hole's Variable IR and X-ray Emission?", Hora, J. L., Haggard, D., Witzel, G., Ashby, M. L. N., Becklin, E. E., Bower, G., Boyce, H., Do, T., Eckart, A., Fazio, G. G., Ford, N., Gammie, C., Ghez, A. M., Hada, K., Markoff, S., Morris, M. R., Ripperda, B., Sabha, N. B., Smith, H. A., Willner, S. P., and von Fellenberg, S., 2023, jwst.prop, 3324

"Calibrating Billions of SPHEREx Spectra from 2.4 to 5.0 µm", Ashby, M. L. N., Crill, B. P., Hora, J. L., Melnick, G., and Werner, M., 2021, jwst.prop, 1678

"Placing New Observational Constraints on the Structure of the Zodiacal Dust with the Spitzer/IRAC Shutter", Chary, R.-R., Carey, S., Hora, J., Ashby, M., Fazio, G., Willner, S., Lowrance, P., Krick, J., Glaccum, B., Laine, S., Matsuura, S., Takahashi, A., Ootsubo, T., Zemcov, M., Cooray, A., Ingalls, J., Lau, R., Tsumura, K., Sano, K., and Gorjian, V., 2019, sptz, 14269

"Star formation in transitional environments", Stroe, A., Hora, J., Ashby, M., and Smith, H. 2019, sptz, 14242

"The Vital Infrared to X-ray Link in the Sgr A* Accretion Flow", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Baganoff, F., Becklin, E., Boyce, H., Carey, S., Gammie, C., Ghez, A., Glaccum, W., Gurwell, M., Haggard, D., Herrero-Illana, R., Hora, J., Ingalls, J., Lowrance, P., Markoff, S., Marrone, D., Morris, M., Narayan, R., Neilsen, J., Ponti, G., Smith, H., Willner, S., and Witzel, G., 2018, sptz.prop 14026

"A Spitzer Search for Activity in Dormant Comets", Mommert, M., Trilling, D., Hora, J., and Smith, H., 2018, sptz.prop 14025

"Investigating Massive Star Formation in the Cep OB4 Association", Hora, J., Smith, H., Winston, E., and Tolls, V., 2018, sptz.prop 14005

"Physical characterization of Near Earth Objects with Spitzer", Trilling, D., Hora, J., Mommert, M., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H., 2018, sptz.prop 14004

"ToO observations of a newly discovered interstellar ('Oumuamua-like) object", Trilling, D., Hora, J., Mommert, M., Farnocchia, D., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H., 2018, sptz.prop 14003

"Spitzer DDT observations of the interstellar comet A/2017 U1", Trilling, D., Hora, J., Mommert, M., Carey, S., Lisse, C., Werner, M., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Fernandez, Y., Harris, A., Marengo, M., Mueller, M., Roegge, A., Smith, H., Smith, N., and Weaver, H., sptz.prop 13249

"Spitzer identification of potentially active Near-Earth Asteroids", Mommert, M., Trilling, D., Hora, J., Smith, H., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Farnocchia, D., Fazio, G., Harris, A., and Mueller, M. 2017, sptz.prop, 13164

"Diagnosing the Black Hole Accretion Physics of Sgr A*", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Baganoff, F., Becklin, E., Carey, S., Gammie, C., Ghez, A., Glaccum, W., Gurwell, M., Haggard, D., Hora, J., Ingalls, J., Marrone, D., Meyer, L., Morris, M., Smith, H., Willner, S., and Witzel, G. 2016, sptz.prop, 13027

"Orion: The Final Epoch (OrionTFE)", Megeath, T., Allen, T., Arce, H., Booker, J., Calvet, N., Flaherty, K., Furlan, E., Fischer, W., Gonzales, B., Gutermuth, R., Hartman, L., Henning, T., Hora, J., Karnath, N., Kim, K. H., Kounkel, M., Mazur, B., Offner, S., Osorio, M., Pillitteri, I., Pipher, J., Prchlik, J., Rebull, L., Terebey, S., Tobin, J., Stanke, T., Stutz, A., Watson, D., and Wolk, S. 2016, sptz.prop, 13010

"Constraining the Bulk Density of 10m-Class Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 LA", Mommert, M., Hora, J., Farnocchia, D., Trilling, D., Chesley, S., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2016, sptz.prop, 13008

"NEOLegacy: The ultimate Spitzer survey of Near Earth Objects", Trilling, D., Mommert, M., Hora, J., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2016, sptz.prop, 13006

"Probing the Long-Term Variability of Evolved Stars in the Magellanic Clouds", Sargent, B., Meixner, M., Vijh, U., Hora, J., Boyer, M., Cook, K., Riebel, D., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Ita, Y., Feast, M., Kemper, C., Marengo, M., Otsuka, M., Srinivasan, S., and Jones, O. 2015, sptz.prop, 12097

"Search for CO2/CO Band Emission in Active Asteroid 324P", Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Hsieh, H. H., Trilling, D. E., and Sheppard, S. S. 2015, sptz.prop, 12043

"Understanding How a Black Hole Feeds: Sgr A*", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Baganoff, F., Becklin, E., Carey, S., Gammie, C., Ghez, A., Glaccum, W., Haggard, D., Hora, J., Ingalls, J., Marrone, D., Meyer, L., Morris, M., Smith, H., Witzel, G., and Willner, S. 2015, sptz.prop, 12034

"Spitzer Light Curves of Dusty AGB Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Sargent, B., Meixner, M., Riebel, D., Vijh, U., Hora, J., Boyer, M., Cook, K., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Ita, Y., Feast, M., Kemper, C., Marengo, M., Otsuka, M., and Srinivasan, S. 2014, sptz.prop, 11163

"An Exploration Science Survey of Near Earth Object Properties", Trilling, D., Mommert, M., Hora, J., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2014, sptz.prop, 11002

"Following Up the First Light Curves of the Dustiest, Most Extreme Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the LMC and SMC", Sargent, B., Meixner, M., Riebel, D., Vijh, U., Hora, J., Boyer, M., Cook, K., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Ita, Y., Feast, M., Kemper, C., Marengo, M., Otsuka, M., and Srinivasan, S. 2013, sptz.prop, 10154

"Constraining the size, density, and mass of ARRM mission target 2011 MD", Trilling, D., Mommert, M., Chesley, S., Chodas, P., Farnocchia, D., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., Hora, J., and Smith, H. 2013, sptz.prop, 10132

"(Not yet) Dead Comets in the Near-Earth Object Population", Mommert, M., Trilling, D., Mueller, M., Hora, J., McMillan, R., Reach, W., Emery, J., Harris, A., and Smith, H. 2013, sptz.prop, 10109

"Watching a supermassive black hole eat -- Sgr A* and cloud G2", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Becklin, E., Carey, S., Ghez, A., Hora, J., Huang, J., Ingalls, J., Meyer, L., Morris, M., Smith, H., Wang, Z., Witzel, G., and Willner, S. 2013, sptz.prop, 10060

"A Survey for Outflows in Infrared Dark Clouds", Hora, J., Cyganowski, C., Smith, H., Foster, J., Povich, M., Finn, S., and Jackson, J. 2013, sptz.prop, 10012

"DDT observations of 2009 BD, the primary target of the Asteroid Retrieval Mission", Trilling, D., Chesley, S., Hora, J., Mueller, M., Smith, H., Mommert, M., Farnocchia, D., Fazio, G., Emery, J., and Harris, A. 2013, sptz.prop, 90256

"The First Light Curves of the Dustiest, Most Extreme Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the LMC and SMC", Sargent, B., Meixner, M., Riebel, D., Vijh, U., Boyer, M., Cook, K., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Ita, Y., Hora, J., Feast, M., Kemper, C., Marengo, M., Matsuura, M., Otsuka, M., and Srinivasan, S. 2012, sptz.prop, 90219

"Extreme Star Formation in the Massive Young Cluster Westerlund 1", Hora, J., Kraemer, K., Megeath, T., Gutermuth, R., Smith, H., Martinez Galarza, J. R., Guzman Fernandez, A., Carey, S., Koenig, X., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Bontemps, S., Adams, J., Simon, R., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Schilke, P., Keto, E., Fazio, G., and Allen, L. 2012, sptz.prop, 90187

"The Pilot Warm Spitzer Near Earth Object Survey: Probing the size distribution of the most abundant Near Earth Objects", Trilling, D., Delbo, M., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Fuentes, C., Harris, A., Hora, J., Mommert, M., Mueller, M., and Smith, H. 2012, sptz.prop, 90147

"Last call for Spitzer support of sample-return mission Hayabusa 2: measuring the thermal inertia of 1999 JU3", Mueller, M., Emery, J., Rivkin, A., Trilling, D., Hora, J., Delbo, M., Sugita, S., Hasegawa, S., Ishiguro, M., Choi, Y.-J., and Mommert, M. 2012, sptz.prop, 90145

"Physical characterization of Near-Earth objects: OSIRIS-REx targets", Emery, J., Trilling, D., Hergenrother, C., Hora, J., Lim, L., Mueller, M., Delbo, M., Harris, A., and Barucci, A. 2011, sptz.prop, 80232

"The First Light Curves of the Dustiest, Most Extreme Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the LMC and SMC", Meixner, M., Riebel, D., Vijh, U., Boyer, M., Cook, K., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Ita, Y., Hora, J., Feast, M., Kemper, C., Marengo, M., Matsuura, M., Otsuka, M., Sargent, B., and Srinivasan, S. 2011, sptz.prop, 80121

"YSO variability in Massive Star-forming Regions", Hora, J., Megeath, T., Stauffer, J., Gutermuth, R., Morales-Calderon, M., Flaherty, K., Forbrich, J., Plavchan, P., Rebull, L., Whitney, B., Winston, E., and Smith, H. 2011, sptz.prop, 80088

"Eclipsing binary asteroid 2000 DP107", Mueller, M., Margot, J.-L., Fazio, G., Smith, H., Hora, J., Delbo, M., Trilling, D., Thomas, C., Kistler, J., Harris, A., Mommert, M., Emery, J., and Naidu, S. 2011, sptz.prop, 80084

"Deep GLIMPSE: Exploring the Far Side of the Galaxy", Whitney, B., Benjamin, R., Churchwell, E., Meade, M., Babler, B., Allen, L., Anderson, L., Balser, D., Bania, T., Blitz, L., Boyer, M., Brunt, C., Chakrabarti, S., Chambers, E., Clemens, D., Cohen, M., Cotera, A., Cyganowski, C., Davis, C., Elmegreen, B., Frinchaboy, P., Froebrich, D., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Ioannidis, G., Jarrett, T., Kerton, C., Kolbulnicky, H., Kraemer, K., Kumar, N., Liu, S.-Y., Lucas, P., Majewski, S., Mauerhan, J., Marengo, M., Megeath, T., Minniti, D., Mottram, J., Povich, M., Robitaille, T., Rood, R., Sewilo, M., Smith, H., Smith, M., Stanke, T., Stauffer, J., van Dyk, S., van Loon, J., Volk, K., Watson, C., Wolf-Chase, G., and Zasowski, G. 2011, sptz.prop, 80074

"Search for Planetary Mass Companions of Nearby Young Stars", Marengo, M., Stapelfeldt, K., Werner, M., Hora, J., Fazio, G., Tolls, V., Carson, J., and Hulsebus, A. 2011, sptz.prop, 80071

"W43 - Extreme Star Formation in the Galactic Bar", Hora, J., Motte, F., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Megeath, T., Schilke, P., Schneider, N., Bontemps, S., Gutermuth, R., Smith, H., Kraemer, K., Carey, S., Keto, E., Koenig, X., Fazio, G., Simon, R., Allen, L., Mizuno, D., Price, S., and Adams, J. 2011, sptz.prop, 80058

"Spitzer Very Deep Survey of the HST/CANDELS Fields", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Dunlop, J., Egami, E., Faber, S., Ferguson, H., Grogin, N., Hora, J., Huang, J., Koekemoer, A., Labbe, I., Wang, Z., and Willner, S. 2011, sptz.prop, 80057

"YSOVAR II: Mapping YSO Inner Disk Structure in NGC 2264 with Simultaneous Spitzer and CoRoT Time Series Photometry", Stauffer, J., Morales-Calderon, M., Rebull, L., Affer, L., Alencar, S., Allen, L., Barrado, D., Bouvier, J., Calvet, N., Carey, S., Carpenter, J., Ciardi, D., Covey, K., D'Alessio, P., Espaillat, C., Favata, F., Flaccomio, E., Forbrich, J., Furesz, G., Hartman, L., Herbst, W., Hillenbrand, L., Holtzman, J., Hora, J., Marchis, F., McCaughrean, M., Micela, G., Mundt, R., Plavchan, P., Turner, N., Skrutzkie, M., Smith, H., Song, I., Szentgyorgi, A., Terebey, S., Vrba, F., Wasserman, L., Watson, A., Whitney, B., Winston, E., and Wood, K. 2011, sptz.prop, 80040

"The Spitzer Ultra-Deep Survey of the HST/ERS Field", Fazio, G., Soifer, T., Willner, S., Ashby, M., Hora, J., Huang, J., and Wang, Z. 2011, sptz.prop, 70204

"OT2_jhora_2: Completing the Herschel Survey of Cygnus-X", Hora, J. 2011, hers.prop, 1667

"Circumstellar disk heating II: linking stellar X-ray flares with IR disk afterglows on timescales from hours to months", Forbrich, J., Covey, K., Wolk, S., Stauffer, J., Gutermuth, R., Morales, M., Whitney, B., Hora, J., and Posselt, B. 2010, sptz.prop, 70172

"Physical Characterization of Near-Earth Asteroids: Backup Targets for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission", Emery, J., Hergenrother, C., Trilling, D., Hora, J., Lim, L., Mueller, M., Delbo, M., Harris, A., Barucci, A., and Lauretta, D. 2010, sptz.prop, 70163

"Variable Massive YSOs in the Magellanic Clouds", Vijh, U., Beck, T., Chen, R., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Megeath, T., Meixner, M., Oliveira, J., Sewilo, M., Stauffer, J., van Loon, J., and Whitney, B. 2010, sptz.prop, 70088

"Balancing the Budget: Simultaneous Near- and Mid-IR Phase Curves of WASP-12b", Machalek, P., Cowan, N., Croll, B., Burrows, A., Hora, J., Deming, D., and Greene, T. 2010, sptz.prop, 70060

"First thermal observations of an eclipsing near-Earth asteroid", Mueller, M., Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Fazio, G., Smith, H., Hora, J., Delbo, M., Walsh, K., Trilling, D., Thomas, C., Kistler, J., Harris, A., Mommert, M., and Emery, J. 2010, sptz.prop, 70054

"Probing Star and Planet Formation in a Young OB Assocation: Warm Mission Mapping of the Orion OB1 Association", Megeath, T., Briceno, C., Allen, L., Hernandez, J., Heitsch, F., Gutermuth, R., Muzerolle, J., Myers, P., Pipher, J., Stauffer, J., Ciardi, D., Hora, J., and Adams, F. 2010, sptz.prop, 70044

"Non-Axisymmetric Structure in the Inner Disks of YSOs -- Signposts of Planet Formation?", Stauffer, J., Morales-Calderon, M., Rebull, L., Barrado, D., Bouvier, J., Brown, T., Carey, S., Carpenter, J., Grankin, K., Gutermuth, R., Hartman, L., Hillenbrand, L., Holtzman, J., Hora, J., Ibrahimov, M., James, D., Megeath, S. T., Skrutzkie, M., Vrba, F., Wasserman, L., and Whitney, B. 2010, sptz.prop, 70025

"A Survey for Wide Substellar Companions in the Solar Neighborhood", Luhman, K., Stauffer, J., Fazio, G., and Hora, J. 2010, sptz.prop, 70021

"Period Luminosity Relationships and Mass-Loss Rates of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars", Meixner, M., Riebel, D., Groenewegen, M., Whitelock, P., Feast, M., Cook, K., Whitney, B., Ita, Y., Hora, J., Boyer, M., Sargent, B., Srinivasan, S., Kemper, C., Cioni, M.-R., van Loon, J., Babler, B., Churchwell, E., Cohen, M., Fraser, O., Marengo, M., Matsunaga, N., Matsuura, M., Meade, M., Otsuka, M., Vijh, U., Wood, P., and Woods, P. 2010, sptz.prop, 70020

"Measuring X-ray Heating of Circumstellar Disks: Linking Stellar X-ray Flares With Mid-IR Disk Afterglows", Covey, K., Forbrich, J., Wolk, S., Stauffer, J., Rebull, L., Morales, M., Gutermuth, R., Plavchan, P., Megeath, T., Whitney, B., and Hora, J. 2009, sptz.prop, 60205

"Cadenced IRAC Monitoring of Infrared-Variable AGNs, Part III", Ashby, M., Fouesneau, M., Hora, J., Krick, J., Moustakas, L., Smith, H., and Surace, J. 2009, sptz.prop, 60121

"Dynamic atmosphere of the eccentric and massive planet XO-3b", Machalek, P., Burrows, A., Deming, D., Hora, J. L., Johns-Krull, C., and McCullough, P. 2009, sptz.prop, 60058

"A Survey for Wide Substellar Companions in the Solar Neighborhood", Luhman, K., Fazio, G., Hora, J., and Stauffer, J. 2009, sptz.prop, 60046

"Spectroscopic survey of 24 microns selected dust-free SNR candidates", Flagey, N., Billot, N., Carey, S., Hora, J., Kraemer, K., Latter, B., Mizuno, D., Noriega-Crespo, A., and Shenoy, S. 2009, sptz.prop, 533

"SEDS: The Spitzer Extended Deep Survey", Fazio, G., Willner, S., Arendt, R., Ashby, M., Barmby, P., Bell, E., Bouwens, R., Cattaneo, A., Cox, T. J., Croton, D., Dave, R., Dunlop, J., Egami, E., Faber, S., Finlator, K., Guhathakurta, P., Hernquist, L., Hora, J., Huang, J., Illingworth, G., Kashlinsky, A., Koekemoer, A., Koo, D., Labbe, I., Lai, K., Li, Y., Lin, L., Mather, J., Mo, H., Moseley, H., Nandra, K., Newman, J., Noeske, K., Ouchi, M., Papovich, C., Rigopoulou, D., Rix, H.-W., Robertson, B., Sarajedini, V., Simard, L., Smith, H., Wechsler, R., Weiner, B., Wilson, G., Wuyts, S., Yamada, T., Yan, H., and van der Wel, A. 2008, sptz.prop, 60022

"GLIMPSE360: Completing the Spitzer Galactic Plane Survey", Whitney, B., Arendt, R., Babler, B., Benjamin, R., Beuther, H., Bhattacharya, B., Blum, R., Bracker, S., Brunt, C., Carey, S., Churchwell, E., Clemens, D., Cohen, M., Elmegreen, B., Frinchaboy, P., Heitsch, F., Hoare, M., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Jackson, J., Jarrett, T., Kerton, C., Kobulnicky, H., Kraemer, K., Lucas, P., Majewski, S., Marengo, M., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Mizuno, D., Molinari, S., Povich, M., Price, S., Rathborne, J., Reach, W., Reid, N., Rho, J., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Shenoy, S., Smith, H., Smith, N., Stauffer, J., Stolovy, S., Ubeda, L., van Dyk, S., Volk, K., Watson, C., Wolff, M., Yusef-Zadeh, F., Zasowski, G., and van Loon, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 60020

"Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR): Mid Infrared Clues to Accretion Disk Physics and Protostar Rotational Evolution", Stauffer, J., Akeson, R., Allen, L., Ardila, D., Barrado, D., Bayo, A., Bouvier, J., Calvet, N., Carey, S., Carpenter, J., Ciardi, D., Covey, K., Favata, F., Flaherty, K., Forbrich, J., Guieu, S., Gutermuth, R., Hartmann, L., Hillenbrand, L., Hora, J., McCaughrean, M., Megeath, T., Morales-Calderon, M., Muzerolle, J., Plavchan, P., Rebull, L., Skrutskie, M., Smith, H., Song, I., Stapelfeldt, K., Sung, H., Terebey, S., Vrba, F., Werner, M., Whitney, B., Winston, E., and Wood, K. 2008, sptz.prop, 60014

"The Warm Spitzer NEO Survey: Exploring the history of the inner Solar System and near Earth space", Trilling, D., Bhattacharya, B., Bottke, W., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Emery, J., Fazio, G., Harris, A., Hora, J., Mainzer, A., Mueller, M., Penprase, B., Smith, H., Spahr, T., and Stansberry, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 60012

"Thermal Inversion in the atmosphere of XO-3b", McCullough, P., Burke, C., Burrows, A., Hora, J., Johns-Krull, C., and Machalek, P. 2008, sptz.prop, 525

"An Interferometric Snapshot Survey to Constrain Mass-Loss Dynamics and Physics in AGB Stars", Creech-Eakman, M., Hora, J., Ivezic, Z., Jurgenson, C., Luttermoser, D., Marengo, M., Stencel, R., and Thompson, R. 2008, sptz.prop, 50717

"Proper Motion Search for T-Dwarfs", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Luhman, K., Marengo, M., Patten, B., and Schuster, M. 2008, sptz.prop, 50604

"Spitzer Mapping of the Outer Galaxy (SMOG)", Carey, S., Ali, B., Berriman, B., Boulanger, F., Brunt, C., Cutri, R., Flagey, N., Gibson, S., Heyer, M., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Kraemer, K., Kuchar, T., Latter, B., Marleau, F., Miville-Deschenes, M.-A., Mizuno, D., Molinari, S., Noriega-Crespo, A., Padgett, D., Paladini, R., Price, S., Rebull, L., Rottler, L., Shenoy, S., Shipman, R., and Testi, L. 2008, sptz.prop, 50398

"Spectroscopic confirmation of two candidate z~8 galaxies with IRS", Lacy, M., Appleton, P., Ashby, M., Hora, J., Krick, J., Surace, J., and Teplitz, H. 2008, sptz.prop, 50262

"The SMC as a probe of dust in the early Universe (GTO)", Sloan, G., Bernard-Salas, J., Blum, R., Bolatto, A., Bot, C., Cohen, M., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Houck, J., Indebetouw, R., Keller, L., Kraemer, K., Lagadec, E., Lebouteiller, V., Li, A., Madden, S., Marengo, M., Markwick-Kemper, F., Matsuura, M., Meixner, M., Oliveira, J., Sandstrom, K., Sewilo, M., Simon, J., Speck, A., Tielens, A., Volk, K., Wood, P., Zijlstra, A., van Dyk, S., and van Loon, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 50240

"Cadenced IRAC Monitoring of Infrared-Variable AGNs, Part II", Ashby, M., Fouesneau, M., Hora, J., Krick, J., Smith, H., and Surace, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 50201

"The Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals", Barmby, P., Ashby, M., Gordon, K., Hora, J., and Jarrett, T. 2008, sptz.prop, 50134

"Investigating the Dust Chemistry in Pre-Planetary Nebulae", Fazio, G., Cerrigone, L., Hora, J., Marengo, M., Trigilio, C., and Umana, G. 2008, sptz.prop, 50116

"Spectra of Massive Young Stars in the Cygnus-X Complex", Fazio, G., Adams, J., Allen, L., Bontemps, S., Carey, S., Gutermuth, R., Hora, J., Keto, E., Kraemer, K., Megeath, T., Mizuno, D., Motte, F., Price, S., Schneider, N., Simon, R., and Smith, H. 2008, sptz.prop, 50045

"MIPS and IRAC Imaging of High Mass Protostellar Cores", Fazio, G., Smith, H., Campbell, M., Faustini, F., Hora, J., Keto, E., Molinari, S., Patel, N., Pillai, T., Sridharan, T., Whitney, B., and Zhang, Q. 2008, sptz.prop, 50026

"A Search for Y Dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars and Brown Dwarfs", Luhman, K., Fazio, G., Hora, J., Marengo, M., Patten, B., Schuster, M., and Stauffer, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 50013

"Proof of Concept for Spitzer Warm Mission Observations of Near Earth Objects", Trilling, D., Chesley, S., Fazio, G., Hora, J., Mainzer, A., Mueller, M., Smith, H., Spahr, T., and Stansberry, J. 2008, sptz.prop, 476

"IRAC Search for Planetary Mass Companions of Extrasolar Planetary Systems: Probing the Inner 400~AU", Marengo, M., Carson, J., Hora, J., Luhman, K., Patten, B., Schuster, M., Stapelfeldt, K., and Wright, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40976

"Secondary eclipses of XO planets", McCullough, P., Burke, C., Hora, J., Janes, K., Johns-Krull, C., Long, D., and Valenti, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40780

"Cadenced IRAC Monitoring of Infrared-Variable AGNs", Ashby, M., Hora, J., Krick, J., Smith, H., and Surace, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40553

"Deep imaging of rich clusters in W5", Fazio, G., Allen, L., Hora, J., and Koenig, X. 2007, sptz.prop, 40448

"Subarray observations of bright young stars", Fazio, G., Alllen, L., Chavarria, L., and Hora, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40440

"W5 Map Extension", Fazio, G., Allen, L., Hora, J., and Koenig, X. 2007, sptz.prop, 40402

"SAGE-SMC: Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Tidally-Disrupted, Low-Metallicity Small Magellanic Cloud", Gordon, K., Babler, B., Bernard, J.-P., Block, M., Blum, R., Bolatto, A., Bot, C., Bracker, S., Carlson, L., Churchwell, E., Clayton, G., Cohen, M., Engelbracht, C., Fukui, Y., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Israel, F., Kawamura, A., Leroy, A., Li, A., Madden, S., Markwick-Kemper, C., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Mizuno, N., Mizuno, A., Muller, E., Oliveira, J., Olsen, K., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Points, S., Reach, W., Robitaille, T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Sato, S., Sewilo, M., Shibai, H., Simon, J., Smith, L., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, X., van Dyk, S., van Loon, J., Vijh, U., Volk, K., Whitney, B., and Zaritsky, D. 2007, sptz.prop, 40245

"Searching for Companions to a New Member of the 5 pc Sample", Fazio, G., Allen, P., Carson, J., Ellis, R., Hora, J., Luhman, K., Marengo, M., Patten, B., Schuster, M., and Stauffer, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40228

"LMC Planetary Nebulae: IR Luminosity Functions, AGB Halos, and a Spitzer Search for New Candidates", Cohen, M., Hora, J., Parker, Q., and Reid, W. 2007, sptz.prop, 40210

"T Dwarf Explorer", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Luhman, K., Marengo, M., Patten, B., Sonnett, S., and Stauffer, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40198

"A Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Cygnus-X Complex", Hora, J., Adams, J., Allen, L., Bontemps, S., Carey, S., Fazio, G., Gutermuth, R., Keto, E., Kraemer, K., Megeath, T., Mizuno, D., Motte, F., Price, S., Schneider, N., Simon, R., and Smith, H. 2007, sptz.prop, 40184

"SAGE-Spectroscopy: The life cycle of dust and gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Tielens, A., Markwick-Kemper, F., Bernard, J.-P., Blum, R., Cohen, M., Dijkstra, C., Gordon, K., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Lagadec, E., Leisenring, J., Madden, S., Marengo, M., Matsuura, M., Meixner, M., Olsen, K., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Rubin, D., Sewilo, M., Sloan, G., Speck, A., Srinivasan, S., van Dyk, S., Vijh, U., Volk, K., Whitney, B., Zijlstra, A., and van Loon, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40159

"IRS Spectra of a Unique Infrared-Varying Galaxy in the IRAC-CF", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Hora, J., Krick, J., Smith, H., and Surace, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40146

"Dual dust chemistry in Wolf-Rayet Planetary Nebulae", Fazio, G., Barlow, M., Cohen, M., Crowther, P., Hora, J., and Parker, Q. 2007, sptz.prop, 40115

"Decoding the colors of the interstellar medium", Fazio, G., Reach, W., Hora, J., and Meixner, M. 2007, sptz.prop, 40031

"The Extended Halos of Planetary Nebulae", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Marengo, M., and Smith, H. 2007, sptz.prop, 40020

"MIPS imaging of infrared PDRs", Fazio, G., Allen, L., Chavarria, L., and Hora, J. 2007, sptz.prop, 40005

"Thermal Emission from Extrasolar Planet XO-1", McCullough, P., Gilliland, R., Hora, J., Janes, K., Johns-Krull, C., Stys, J., and Valenti, J. 2006, sptz.prop, 30879

"IRAC GTO Map Extensions", Fazio, G., Allen, L., Chavarria, L., Hora, J., and Megeath, T. 2006, sptz.prop, 30784

"Stellar Feedback on Circumcluster Gas and Dust in 30 Doradus, the Nearest Super-Star Cluster.", Indebetouw, R., Babler, B., Boulanger, F., Engelbracht, C., Galliano, F., Gordon, K., Hora, J., Madden, S., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Smith, J., Smith, L., Tielens, X., Vijh, U., Werner, M., and Wolfire, M. 2006, sptz.prop, 30653

"Extending the Spitzer Orion Molecular Cloud Survey", Fazio, G., Megeath, T., Allen, L., Gutermuth, R., Hartmann, L., Hora, J., Muzerolle, J., Myers, P., Stauffer, J., and Young, E. 2006, sptz.prop, 30641

"IRAC Characterization of Galactic AGB Stars", Fazio, G., Allen, L., Barmby, P., Hora, J., Marengo, M., Melnick, G., Schuster, M., and Willner, S. 2006, sptz.prop, 30411

"A Search for Y Dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars and Brown Dwarfs", Luhman, K., Fazio, G., Hora, J., Marengo, M., Patten, B., Schuster, M., and Stauffer, J. 2006, sptz.prop, 30298

"Spitzer Observations of Planetary Nebulae - 2", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Cerrigone, L., Latter, W., and Marengo, M. 2006, sptz.prop, 30285

"Spitzer Observations of Luminous Blue Variables", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Buemi, C., Leto, P., Trigilio, C., and Umana, G. 2006, sptz.prop, 30188

"An Enigmatic Source Towards The LMC", Fazio, G., Ashby, M., Barmby, P., Hora, J., Kallivayalil, N., and Patten, B. 2006, sptz.prop, 30180

"T Dwarf Variability", Fazio, G., Hora, J., Luhman, K., Marengo, M., Patten, B., and Stauffer, J. 2006, sptz.prop, 30179

"A Search for Widely-Separated Low-Mass Companions Around Extra-Solar Planetary Systems", Fazio, G., Carson, J., Hora, J., Lowrance, P., Luhman, K., Marengo, M., Patten, B., Schuster, M., and Stauffer, J. 2006, sptz.prop, 30136

"Inspecting infrared properties of proto- and young planetary nebulae", Fazio, G., Cerrigone, L., Hora, J., Marengo, M., Trigilio, C., and Umana, G. 2006, sptz.prop, 30036

"Photoevaporation and triggered star formation in the massive star forming region W5", Allen, L., Brunt, C., Chavarria, L., Hora, J., Megeath, S. T., Muzerolle, J., and Young, E. 2005, sptz.prop, 20300

"Spitzer Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE)", Meixner, M., Babler, B., Bernard, J.-P., Blum, R., Boulanger, F., Churchwell, E., Cohen, M., Engelbracht, C., Frogel, J., Fukui, Y., Gallagher, J., Gordon, K., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Jansen, S., Kawamura, A., Kelly, D., Kemper, C., Latter, W., Leitherer, C., Madden, S., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Mizuno, N., Mizuno, A., Mould, J., Nota, A., Oey, S., Olsen, K., Onishi, T., Paladini, R., Panagia, N., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Reach, W., Shibai, H., Shuji, S., Smith, L., Staveley-Smith, L., Tielens, X., Ueta, T., van Dyk, S., Volk, K., Werner, M., Whitney, B., and Zaritsky, D. 2005, sptz.prop, 20203

"Magellanic Clouds Survey", Fazio, G. and Hora, J. 2004, sptz.prop, 125

"PDR Spectra", Fazio, G. and Hora, J. 2004, sptz.prop, 115

"Studying Stellar Ejecta on the Large Scale using SIRTF-IRAC", Fazio, G. and Hora, J. 2004, sptz.prop, 68

Astronomical Data/Catalogs/Software

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Westerlund 1 NIRCam/MIRI images (Guarcello+, 2025)", Guarcello, M. G., Almendros-Abad, V., Lovell, J. B., Monsch, K., Muzic, K., Martinez-Galarza, J. R., Drake, J. J., Anastasopoulou, K., Andersen, M., Argiroffi, C., Bayo, A., Bonito, R., Capela, D., Damiani, F., Gennaro, M., Ginsburg, A., Grebel, E. K., Hora, J. L., Moraux, E., Najarro, F., Negueruela, I., Prisinzano, L., Richardson, N. D., Ritchie, B., Robberto, M., Rom, T., Sabbi, E., Sciortino, S., Umana, G., Winter, A., Wright, N. J., and Zeidler, P., 2024, yCat, 369, J/A+A/693/A120

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Variability of Sgr A* in 2019 July (Boyce+, 2022)", Boyce, H., Haggard, D., Witzel, G., von Fellenberg, S., Willner, S. P., Becklin, E. E., Do, T., Eckart, A., Fazio, G. G., Gurwell, M. A., Hora, J. L., Markoff, S., Morris, M. R., Neilsen, J., Nowak, M., Smith, H. A., and Zhang, S., 2022, yCat, J/ApJ/931/7

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spitzer IRAC photometry of 36 JWST calibration stars (Krick+, 2021)", Krick, J. E., Lowrance, P., Carey, S., Laine, S., Grillmair, C., van Dyk, S. D., Glaccum, W. J., Ingalls, J. G., Rieke, G., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G. G., Gordon, K. D., and Bohlin, R. C. 2021, yCat, J/AJ/161/177

Spitzer Cygnus-X Legacy Project, Hora, Joseph L., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S. T., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Gutermuth, R. A., Carey, S., Mizuno, D., Kraemer, K. E., Simon, R., Keto, E., Smith, H. A., Allen, L. E., Fazio, G. G., Adams, J. D., Price, S., Koenig, X. P. 2021, Harvard Dataverse

"imclean: IRAF Script for interactive corrections to Spitzer/IRAC images", Hora, J. L. 2021, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4850526

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spitzer obs. of YSOs in the SMOG field (Winston+, 2019)", Winston, E., Hora, J., Gutermuth, R., and Tolls, V., 2020, yCat, J/ApJ/880/9

"SFOG data Tables", Winston, Elaine; Hora, Joseph L.; Tolls, Volker, 2020, "SFOG data Tables",, Harvard Dataverse, V1

"SFOG Cluster Fits Images", Winston, Elaine; Hora, Joseph L.; Tolls, Volker, 2020, "SFOG_Cluster_Fits_Images",, Harvard Dataverse, V1

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spitzer, VLT and Keck NIR light curves of SgrA* (Witzel+, 2018)", Witzel, G., Martinez, G., Hora, J., Willner, S. P., Morris, M. R., Gammie, C., Becklin, E. E., Ashby, M. L. N., Baganoff, F., Carey, S., Do, T., Fazio, G. G., Ghez, A., Glaccum, W. J., Haggard, D., Herrero-Illana, R., Ingalls, J., Narayan, R., and Smith, H. A., 2019, yCat, J/ApJ/863/15

SMOG Mosaics", 2019, Winston, E., Harvard Dataverse, related to Winston, Hora, Gutermuth, & Tolls 2019

SMOG IRAC+MIPS Photometry", 2019, Winston, E., Harvard Dataverse, related to Winston, Hora, Gutermuth, & Tolls 2019

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Embedded clusters infrared photometry (Chavarria+, 2014)", Chavarria, L., Allen, L., Brunt, C., Hora, J. L., Muench, A., and Fazio, G., 2018, yCat, J/MNRAS/439/3719

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: KMTNet-SAAO observation of near-Earth asteroids (Erasmus+, 2017)", Erasmus, N., Mommert, M., Trilling, D. E., Sickafoose, A. A., van Gend, C., and Hora, J. L., 2018, yCat, J/AJ/154/162

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: YSOs in the star-forming regions W51 & W43 (Saral+, 2017)", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Audard, M., Koenig, X. P., Martinez-Galarza, J. R., Motte, F., Nguyen-Luong, Q., Saygac, A. T., and Smith, H. A., 2017, yCat, J/ApJ/839/108

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spitzer/IRAC Sgr A* light curve data (Hora+, 2014)", Hora, J. L., Witzel, G., Ashby, M. L. N., Becklin, E. E., Carey, S., Fazio, G. G., Ghez, A., Ingalls, J., Meyer, L., Morris, M. R., Smith, H. A., and Willner, S. P., 2017, yCat, J/ApJ/793/120

Near Earth Object Survey Database, Trilling, D., Mommert, M., Hora, J. L., Chesley, S., Emery, J., Fazio, G. G., Harris, A., Mueller, M., Smith, H., 2017

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: YSOVAR: infrared photometry in NGC 1333 (Rebull+, 2015)", Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Cody, A. M., Gunther, H. M., Hillenbrand, L. A., Poppenhaeger, K., Wolk, S. J., Hora, J., Hernandez, J., Bayo, A., Covey, K., Forbrich, J., Gutermuth, R., Morales-Calderon, M., Plavchan, P., Song, I., Bouy, H., Terebey, S., Cuillandre, J. C., and Allen, L. E., 2016, yCat, J/AJ/150/175

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: YSO candidates in W49 observed with Spitzer (Saral+, 2015)", Saral, G., Hora, J. L., Willis, S. E., Koenig, X. P., Gutermuth, R. A., and Saygac, A. T., 2016, yCat, J/ApJ/813/25

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spitzer-CANDELS catalog within 5 deep fields (Ashby+, 2015)", Ashby, M. L. N., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Dunlop, J. S., Egami, E., Faber, S. M., Ferguson, H. C., Grogin, N. A., Hora, J. L., Huang, J.-S., Koekemoer, A. M., Labbe, I., and Wang, Z., 2015, yCat, J/ApJS/218/33

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: SAGE-SMC III. Young stellar objects (Sewilo+, 2013)", Sewilo, M., Carlson, L. R., Seale, J. P., Indebetouw, R., Meixner, M., Whitney, B. A., Robitaille, T. P., Oliveira, J. M., Gordon, K., Meade, M. R., Babler, B. L., Hora, J. L., Block, M., Misselt, K., van Loon, J. T., Chen, C.-H. R., Churchwell, E., and Shiao, B., 2015, yCat, J/ApJ/778/15

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: YSOVAR: infrared photometry in Lynds 1688 (Gunther+, 2014)", Gunther, H. M., Cody, A. M., Covey, K. R., Hillenbrand, L. A., Plavchan, P., Poppenhaeger, K., Rebull, L. M., Stauffer, J. R., Wolk, S. J., Allen, L., Bayo, A., Gutermuth, R. A., Hora, J. L., Meng, H. Y. A., Morales-Calderon, M., Parks, J. R., and Song, I., 2014, yCat, J/AJ/148/122

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Cool evolved stars in SAGE-SMC and SAGE-LMC (Boyer+, 2011)", Boyer, M. L., Srinivasan, S., van Loon, J. T., McDonald, I., Meixner, M., Zaritsky, D., Gordon, K. D., Kemper, F., Babler, B., Block, M., Bracker, S., Engelbracht, C. W., Hora, J., Indebetouw, R., Meade, M., Misselt, K., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2012, yCat, J/AJ/142/103

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: LMC point source classification in SAGE-Spec (Woods+, 2011)", Woods, P. M., Oliveira, J. M., Kemper, F., van Loon, J. T., Sargent, B. A., Matsuura, M., Szczerba, R., Volk, K., Zijlstra, A. A., Sloan, G. C., Lagadec, E., McDonald, I., Jones, O., Gorjian, V., Kraemer, K. E., Gielen, C., Meixner, M., Blum, R. D., Sewilo, M., Riebel, D., Shiao, B., Chen, C.-H. R., Boyer, M. L., Indebetouw, R., Antoniou, V., Bernard, J.-P., Cohen, M., Dijkstra, C., Galametz, M., Galliano, F., Gordon, K. D., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J. L., Kawamura, A., Lawton, B., Leisenring, J. M., Madden, S., Marengo, M., McGuire, C., Mulia, A. J., O'Halloran, B., Olsen, K., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Soszynski, I., Speck, A. K., Srinivasan, S., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Aarle, E., van Dyk, S. D., van Winckel, H., Vijh, U. P., Whitney, B., and Wilkins, A. N., 2011, yCat, J/MNRAS/411/1597

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Fundamental stellar parameters in 47 Tucanae (McDonald+, 2011)", McDonald, I., Boyer, M. L., van Loon, J. T., Zijlstra, A. A., Hora, J. L., Babler, B., Block, M., Gordon, K., Meade, M., Meixner, M., Misselt, K., Robitaille, T., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., and Whitney, B., 2011, yCat, J/ApJS/193/23

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: SAGE-Spec Spitzer legacy program (Kemper+, 2010)", Kemper, F., Woods, P. M., Antoniou, V., Bernard, J.-P., Blum, R. D., Boyer, M. L., Chan, J., Chen, C.-H. R., Cohen, M., Dijkstra, C., Engelbracht, C., Galametz, M., Galliano, F., Gielen, C., Gordon, K. D., Gorjian, V., Harris, J., Hony, S., Hora, J. L., Indebetouw, R., Jones, O., Kawamura, A., Lagadec, E., Lawton, B., Leisenring, J. M., Madden, S. C., Marengo, M., Matsuura, M., McDonald, I., McGuire, C., Meixner, M., Mulia, A. J., O'Halloran, B., Oliveira, J. M., Paladini, R., Paradis, D., Reach, W. T., Rubin, D., Sandstrom, K., Sargent, B. A., Sewilo, M., Shiao, B., Sloan, G. C., Speck, A. K., Srinivasan, S., Szczerba, R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., van Aarle, E., van Dyk, S. D., van Loon, J. T., van Winckel, H., Vijh, U. P., Volk, K., Whitney, B. A., Wilkins, A. N., and Zijlstra, A. A., 2010, yCat, J/PASP/122/683

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Youngest massive protostars in the LMC (Sewilo+, 2010)", Sewilo, M., Indebetouw, R., Carlson, L. R., Whitney, B., Chen, C.-H. R., Meixner, M., Robitaille, T., van Loon, J. T., Oliveira, J. M., Churchwell, E., Simon, J. D., Hony, S., Panuzzo, P., Sauvage, M., Roman-Duval, J., Gordon, K., Engelbracht, C., Misselt, K., Okumura, K., Beck, T., Hora, J., and Woods, P. M., 2010, yCat, J/A+A/518/L73

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: PN medium-resolution spectra (Hora+, 1999)", Hora, J. L., Latter, W. B., and Deutsch, L. K., 2007, yCat, J/ApJS/124/195

"VizieR Online Data Catalog: A mid-IR survey of Proto-PNs Candidates (Meixner+, 1999)", Meixner, M., Ueta, T., Dayal, A., Hora, J. L., Fazio, G., Hrivnak, B. J., Skinner, C. J., Hoffmann, W. F., and Deutsch, L. K., 2000, yCat, J/ApJS/122/221

Last updated: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2025 15:15:24 EST