NSF Graduate Research Fellow in Physics at Harvard University
I am currently a NSF Graduate Research Fellow in the Physics department at Harvard University. I completed my B.S. in Physics at The Ohio State University in 2011. I am broadly interested in radio astronomy instrumentation, microwave device physics, microwave measurement and design, data analysis, nanofabrication, electronics, and RF electronics. For my dissertation (Ph.D. expected May 2017), I am working with Dr. Ray Blundell and Dr. Paul Grimes at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) on the modeling, fabrication, and measurement of Microwave Graphene FETs. I have also led several projects on the design and fabrication of an optically controlled attenuator and broadband millimeter optics for the Submillimeter Array (SMA). For more information, including short descriptions of and figures from my ongoing projects, see my research pages. A complete list of my publications is available on ADS.
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