Current Positions
Senior Physicist, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Lecturer, Department of Astronomy, Harvard University
Faculty Emeritus,
International Space University, Strasbourg, France
Dr. Fazio
received BS (Physics) and BA
(Chemistry) degrees from St. Mary's University, Texas, in 1954, and a Ph.D. (Physics)
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1959, having done his graduate
work in elementary particle physics. The same year, he joined the Physics Department,
University of Rochester, where he pioneered the development of gamma-ray astronomy
using balloon-borne telescopes and was the Co-Principal Investigator for the gamma-ray
telescope experiment on NASA's first Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO-1; 1962). In
1962 he joined the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College
Observatory, where he initiated a program in gamma-ray astronomy using balloon-borne
and ground-based telescopes He initiated the construction of the 10-meter optical
reflector at the F. L. Whipple Observatory, Arizona, to search for ultrahigh-energy
cosmic gamma-rays. In the early 1970's he pioneered the development of large balloonborne telescopes for far-infrared astronomical observations above the atmosphere, and
for twenty years was Principal Investigator for the 1-Meter Balloon-Borne Far-Infrared
Telescope. He was also the Principal Investigator for the first infrared astronomical
telescope to fly on the Spacelab II flight of the Space Shuttle (1985). In 1984 he was
selected as Principal Investigator for the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) experiment on
the Spitzer Space Telescope, one of NASA's Great Observatories. The Spitzer Space
Telescope was launched in August 2003 and terminated in January 2020. Dr. Fazio was
also a Co-Investigator on the Submillimeter Wave Astronomical Satellite (SWAS; 1998).
His current research interests include the development of infrared instrumentation and the
use of infrared array cameras on ground-based and space telescopes to observe galaxy
formation and evolution in the early Universe, black holes, ultraluminous galaxies, star
formation and evolution, brown dwarfs, and asteroids.
Contact Information
Dr. Giovanni G. Fazio
Senior Physicist
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Office: M-233
Office phone: 617-495-7458
Office fax: 617-495-7490
Short Vita (pdf)
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)