Daniel Fabricant Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) A member of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Bob Fata and Wide Field Corrector Cell Robert Dew with Sol-Gel Fixture at Cleveland Crystals Rotation of Sol-gel Coated Lens 3 (April 2001) Lens 4 Lifting Fixture (April 2001) Lens 4 Lifting Fixture Detail (April 2001) Corey and Dick Test RTV Pads for Lens Bonding (May 2001) Jack and Corey Check Cell Measurements for Radial Mounts (May 2001) Corey Touches Up the Black Paint in the Cell (June 2001) Kevin Adjusts the Dust Cover (June 2001) Lens 3 and ADC Prism Subassembly (Spectroscopy) (June 2001) Lens 4 Subassembly (Imaging) (June 2001) One of the Two ADC Prism Drive Motors (June 2001) Installing Lens 1 - Step 1 (April 2002) Installing Lens 1 - Step 2 (April 2002) Installing Lens 1 - Step 3 (April 2002) Installing Lens 1 - Step 4 (April 2002) Completed Lens 1 and Lens 2 Assembly (April 2002) Lens 1/Lens 2 Assembly Dust Skirt Installation (April 2002) Completed Lens1/Lens2 Assembly (April 2002) Bob Fata Inspects ADC Prism Assembly (April 2002) Lens 3 Assembly Rotated for ADC Prism Installation (April 2002) Lens 3 Assembly is Lowered into Its Shipping Box (June 2002) Lens 4 Assembly in Its Shipping Box (June 2002) Lens 1 Assembly Being Lowered into Shipping Box (June 2002) Packing Up the Truck to Arizona (June 2002) The Truckload of Corrector Boxes and Fixtures (June 2002) Preparing to Lift a Corrector Assembly Into MMT Chamber (April 2003) Lifting the Main Corrector Assembly (April 2003) Test Fitting the Corrector into the MMT (April 2003) The Corrector and the MMT Primary Mirror (May 2003)