Daniel Fabricant Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) A member of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Andy Szentgyorgyi Inspecting Grating Alignment Structure Hectochelle Optical Bench Hectochelle Dewar and Camera Head Hectochelle Order Separating Filter Selector Hectochelle Grating Assembly with Dummy Grating Hectochelle Camera Mirror Being Mounted into Cell (June 2001) Hectochelle Camera Mirror Goes Into the MMT Building (September 2002) Hectochelle Optical Bench Goes Into the MMT Building (September 2002) Hectochelle Camera Mirror is Unpacked at the MMT Building (September 2002) Hectochelle (left) and Hectospec (right) Benches at the MMT (September 2002) Hectochelle Gratings Disperse Light (January 2003) Hectochelle Dewar at the MMT (January 2003) Hectochelle/Hectospec Fiber Slit Assembly at the MMT (January 2003)