pro uti_avgband, all=all, band=band, old=old, swmch1=swmch1, swmch2=swmch2, zeroflag=zeroflag, excludefreq=excludefreq, c1_order=c1_order ;yes ;=Task:UTI_AVGBAND --- To create new continuum visibilities by averaging channel data. ;#Type: utility ;+Use: ; The commnad UTI_AVGBAND can be used to average the uv data in ; one or more chunks and make a new continuum channel c1. The ; following are some examples: ; >uti_avgband --- Averaging all bands ; >uti_avgband,band='s3' --- Averaging chunk3 data ; >uti_avgband,band=['s1','s2','s3','s4'] --- Averaging data from chunk1 ; to chunk4. ; >uti_avgband,band='s1',chstart=32,chend=64 --- Averaging chunk1 data, ; but only from ch32 to ch64;%history: ;&history: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; cykuo 19feb04 Adapting the header ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ common global common data_set if tag_exist(in,'conid') then newformat=0 else newformat=1 if keyword_set(band) then begin print,' BAND SELECTION IS OBSOLETE HERE' print,' PLEASE USE SELECT OR DAT_FILTER TO SELECT BAND FIRST' print,' BE SURE TO INCLUDE C1 FOR CONTINUUM GENERATION.' return endif ;if not keyword_set(band) or keyword_set(all) then begin if not keyword_set(old) then begin print, 'Averaging all filtered spectral bands to regenerate continuum ...' if keyword_set(excludefreq) then begin ; if sp[psl[0]].sphint1 ne 1 then begin ; print,'Stop ! Not a SWARM-only track.' ; return ; endif ; temp=uti_distinct(bl[pbl].irec,nrecs,/many) ; temp=uti_distinct(bl[pbl].isb,nsbs,/many) ; if (nrecs gt 1) or (nsbs gt 1) then begin ; print,'Stop ! Not working for multi-rx, multi-sb data.' ; return ; endif ntmp=n_elements(excludefreq) if ntmp/2*2 ne ntmp then begin print,'*** Wrong EXCLUDEFREQ range !***' print,'*** Quit ! ***' return endif if (size(excludefreq))[0] eq 2 then excludefreq=reform(excludefreq,ntmp) nlines=ntmp/2 print,'Excluding frequency ranges:' for i=0,nlines-1 do begin print,' ',excludefreq[2*i], ' to ',excludefreq[2*i+1],' GHz ...' if (abs(excludefreq[2*i+1]-excludefreq[2*i]) gt 1.806) then begin print,'*** EXCLUDEFREQ range too wide !***' print,'*** Quit ! ***' return endif endfor endif nch=sp[psl].nch j=where(nch lt 10, count) if (count le 0) then begin print,' *** NO CONTINUUM BAND IN FILTER ! ***' print,' *** PLEASE RESET FILTER TO INCLUDE CONTINUUM BANDS ***' return endif j=where(nch gt 10,count) if (count le 0) then begin print,' *** NO SPECTRUM BAND IN FILTER ! ***' print,' *** PLEASE RESET THE FILTER ! ***' return endif ;minch=min(nch[j]) if keyword_set(zeroflag) then begin ibad=where(abs(ch[pcl[j]+nch[j]/2]) eq 0., count) endif else begin ibad=where((nch[j] lt 2000) and (abs(ch[pcl[j]+nch[j]/2]) eq 0.), count) endelse ;print,j[ibad] ;print,uti_distinct(sp[psl[j[ibad]]].iband,nband_bad,/many) if (count gt 0.) then begin int_bad=uti_distinct(in[pil[j[ibad]]].int,nint_bad,/many_repeat) print, 'Automatic flagging flat-spectrum points in integrations:' print,int_bad print, '' sp[psl[j[ibad]]].wt=-abs(sp[psl[j[ibad]]].wt) re.wts[prl[j[ibad]]]=-abs(re.wts[prl[j[ibad]]]) result=dat_list(s_l,'"wt" gt "0"',/reset,/no_notify) endif distinct_iband=uti_distinct(sp[psl].iband,nband,/many_repeat) nch=sp[psl].nch icont=where(nch lt 10, count) if (count le 0) then begin print,' *** NO CONTINUUM BAND IN FILTER ! ***' print,' *** PLEASE RESET THE FILTER ! ***' return endif acont=icont[0L:count-2L] bcont=icont[1L:count-1L] ccont=bcont-acont i=where((ccont le 1) or (ccont gt nband),temp) if (temp gt 0) then begin int_bad=uti_distinct(in[pil[icont[i]]].int,nint_bad,/many_repeat) print, ' No CORRESPONDING SPECTRA BAND in integrations:' print, int_bad print, ' *** CHECK/FLAG THE DATA AND RESET FILTER ! ***' return endif for i=0L, count-1L do begin if i eq count-1L then nb=n_elements(pcl)-icont[count-1L]-1 else nb=icont[i+1]-icont[i]-1 npts=nch[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb] avgwt=dblarr(nb) skip1 = fix( (1 - 82./104.)*npts/2. ) skip2 = fix( (1 - 82./104.)*npts/2. ) first = pcl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb] if keyword_set(excludefreq) then begin chunkfreq=fltarr(nb*2) chunkfres=fltarr(nb) excludechan=intarr(nb,2*nlines) excludebw=fltarr(nb) iexclude=0 if sp[psl[icont[i]]].fsky lt sp[psl[icont[i]+1]].fsky then sign=-1. else sign=1. for j=0,nb-1 do begin chunkfres[j]=sp[psl[icont[i]+j+1]].fres*1e-3 chunkfreq[2*j]=sp[psl[icont[i]+j+1]].fsky-sign*(npts[j]/2-skip1[j])*abs(chunkfres[j]) chunkfreq[2*j+1]=sp[psl[icont[i]+j+1]].fsky+sign*(npts[j]/2-skip2[j])*abs(chunkfres[j]) endfor ;print,chunkfreq loc = VALUE_LOCATE(chunkfreq,excludefreq) ;print,loc for index=0,nlines-1 do begin m=index*2 ;if loc[m] ge 0 then begin if abs(loc[m+1]-loc[m]) ge 2 then begin print,'*** EXCLUDEFREQ '+string(excludefreq[loc[m]])+' and '+string(excludefreq[loc[m+1]])+ ' set too wide !***' print,'*** Quit ! ***' return endif inb=loc[m]/2 inb2=loc[m+1]/2 ; start line in even loc but not same chunk (save) ;if (inb*2 eq loc[m]) and (loc[m+1] ne loc[m]) then begin ; if chunkfres[inb] gt 0 then skip2[inb]=skip2[inb]+(chunkfreq[loc[m]+1]-excludefreq[m])/chunkfres[inb] else skip1[inb]=skip1[inb]-(chunkfreq[loc[m]+1]-excludefreq[m])/chunkfres[inb] ;endif ; end line in even loc if inb2*2 eq loc[m+1] then begin if loc[m+1] eq loc[m] then begin ; same chunk ; excludechan[inb,iexclude]=128+fix((excludefreq[m]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) ; excludechan[inb,iexclude+1]=128+fix((excludefreq[m+1]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) tmp1=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].nch/2+fix((excludefreq[m]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) tmp2=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].nch/2+fix((excludefreq[m+1]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) excludechan[inb,iexclude]=tmp1tmp2 ;print,excludechan[inb,iexclude] ;print,excludechan[inb,iexclude+1] iexclude=iexclude+2 excludebw[inb]=abs(excludefreq[m+1]-excludefreq[m])*1e3 ; mhz endif else begin ;if (loc[m+1]-loc[m]) ge 2 then begin (save) ; if (loc[m+1]-loc[m]) eq 2 then begin ; if chunkfres[inb2] gt 0 then skip1[inb2]=skip1[inb2]+(excludefreq[m+1]-chunkfreq[loc[m+1]])/chunkfres[inb2] else skip2[inb2]=skip2[inb2]-(excludefreq[m+1]-chunkfreq[loc[m+1]])/chunkfres[inb2] ; endif else begin ; print,'Freq range wider over one chunk width. Check freq range!' ; return ; endelse ;endif else begin ; start line in odd loc tmp1=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb2+1]].nch/2+sign*fix((chunkfreq[loc[m+1]]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb2+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb2]) tmp2=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb2+1]].nch/2+fix((excludefreq[m+1]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb2+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb2]) ;stop excludechan[inb2,iexclude]=tmp1tmp2 ;print,excludechan[inb2,iexclude] ;print,excludechan[inb2,iexclude+1] excludebw[inb2]=abs((excludechan[inb2,iexclude+1]-excludechan[inb2,iexclude])*chunkfres[inb2])*1e3;mhz iexclude=iexclude+2 ;excludebw[inb2]=abs(excludefreq[m+1]-chunkfreq[loc[m+1]])*1e3 ; mhz endelse ; end line in even loc endif else begin ; end line in odd loc if loc[m+1] eq loc[m] then begin ; same chunk if (loc[m] lt 0) or (loc[m] eq nb*2-1) then begin ;print,'excludeFrequency range not used.' goto, sbFlag endif else begin print,'*** EXCLUDEFREQ '+string(excludefreq[m])+' and '+string(excludefreq[m+1])+' set incorrectly !***' print,'*** Quit !! ***' return endelse endif else begin ; start line in even loc tmp1=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].nch/2+fix((excludefreq[m]-sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) tmp2=sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].nch/2+sign*fix((-1.*chunkfreq[loc[m]]+sp[psl[icont[i]+inb+1]].fsky)/chunkfres[inb]) excludechan[inb,iexclude]=tmp1tmp2 ;print,excludechan[inb,iexclude] ;print,excludechan[inb,iexclude+1] excludebw[inb]=abs((excludechan[inb,iexclude+1]-excludechan[inb,iexclude])*chunkfres[inb])*1e3;mhz iexclude=iexclude+2 ;excludebw[inb]=abs(excludefreq[m]-chunkfreq[loc[m]])*1e3 ; mhz endelse endelse ;endif sbFlag: endfor endif if e.debug then begin print,'skip1:' print,skip1 print,'skip2:' print,skip2 print,'excludechan:' print,excludechan print,'excludebw:' print,excludebw read,iii endif ; k=where( npts eq 16384, nswp) if newformat then k=where((sp[psl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb]].sphint1 eq 1) or (sp[psl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb]].iband ge 49),nswp) else k=where(sp[psl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb]].iband ge 49,nswp) bw=0. if nswp gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(swmch1) and keyword_set(swmch2) then begin skip1[k]=swmch1-1 skip2[k]=npts[k]-swmch2 endif else begin skip1[k]= fix( 1024.*npts[k]/16384. ) skip2[k]= fix( 1024.*npts[k]/16384. ) endelse swmfres=abs(sp[psl[k[0]+1]].fres) bw=total([npts[k]-skip1[k]-skip2[k]])*swmfres + (nb-nswp)*82. avgwt[*] = 82./bw avgwt[k] = (npts[k]-skip1[k]-skip2[k])*swmfres/bw if keyword_set(excludefreq) then begin bw=bw-total(excludebw) avgwt[k]=((npts[k]-skip1[k]-skip2[k])*swmfres-excludebw[k])/bw endif endif else begin bw=n_elements(npts)*82. avgwt[*] = 82./bw endelse ; with chstart and chend ; if ( keyword_set(chstart)) then begin ; if (n_elements(chstart) gt 1) then begin ; if (n_elements(chstart) ne n_elements(npts)) or (n_elements(chend) ne n_elements(npts)) then begin ; print, 'Wrong number of chstart/chend !' ; print, 'Please reset chstart/chend !' ; return ; endif else begin ; skip1=chstart - 1 ; skip2=npts - chend ; endelse ; endif else begin ; skip1 = make_array(n_elements(npts),/long,value=chstart)-1 ; skip2 = make_array(n_elements(npts),/long) ; skip2 = npts - chend ; endelse ; endif cmp=complex(0,0) for j=0,nb-1 do begin if keyword_set(excludefreq) then begin jtmp=where(excludechan[j,*] gt 0, jcount) tmpcmp=dcomplex(0,0) if jcount gt 0 then begin nexclude=0 for n=0,jcount/2-1 do begin tmpcmp=total(ch[first[j]+excludechan[j,jtmp[n*2]]:first[j]+excludechan[j,jtmp[n*2+1]]]) nexclude=nexclude+abs(excludechan[j,jtmp[n*2+1]]-excludechan[j,jtmp[n*2]]) endfor cmp=cmp+avgwt[j]*(total(ch[first[j]+skip1[j]:first[j]+npts[j]-skip2[j]-1])-tmpcmp)/(npts[j]-skip2[j]-skip1[j]-nexclude) endif else begin cmp=cmp+avgwt[j]*total(ch[first[j]+skip1[j]:first[j]+npts[j]-skip2[j]-1])/(npts[j]-skip2[j]-skip1[j]) endelse endif else begin cmp=cmp+avgwt[j]*total(ch[first[j]+skip1[j]:first[j]+npts[j]-skip2[j]-1])/(npts[j]-skip2[j]-skip1[j]) endelse endfor uti_conv_apc,cmp,amp,pha,/amp_pha bl[pbl[icont[i]]].ampave=amp bl[pbl[icont[i]]].phaave=pha if sp[psl[icont[i]]].nch gt 1 then begin bl[pbl[icont[i]]].blhdbl1=total(avgwt*sp[psl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb]].fsky) bl[pbl[icont[i]]].blhdbl2=bw bl[pbl[icont[i]]].blhdbl3=sp[psl[icont[i]]].wt*bw/abs(sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres) if keyword_set(c1_order) then ch[pcl[icont[i]]+c1_order-1]=cmp endif else begin ch[pcl[icont[i]]]=cmp oldfres=sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres=sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres/abs(sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres)*bw sp[psl[icont[i]]].wt=sp[psl[icont[i]]].wt*abs(sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres/oldfres) re.wts[prl[icont[i]]]=re.wts[prl[icont[i]]]*abs(sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres/oldfres) sp[psl[icont[i]]].fsky=total(avgwt*sp[psl[icont[i]+1:icont[i]+nb]].fsky) sp[psl[icont[i]]].vres=-1.*sp[psl[icont[i]]].fres/sp[psl[icont[i]]].fsky*!cvel/1e6 endelse endfor print, 'Done!' endif else begin band=uti_distinct([sp[psl].iband],nband,/many_repeat) band=band[where(band ne 'c1')] distinct_sb=uti_distinct([bl[pbl].isb],nsbs,/many_repeat) distinct_blcd=uti_distinct(c.blcd[bl[pbl].iblcd],nblcds,/many_repeat) distinct_rec=uti_distinct(c.rec[bl[pbl].irec],nrecs,/many_repeat) for ir = 0,nrecs-1 do begin for is = 0,nsbs-1 do begin freq=0. nfreq=0. for ib = 0,nblcds-1 do begin result=dat_list(s_l,'"wt" gt "0" and "band" eq "c1" and "sb" eq "' $ +distinct_sb[is] + '" and "blcd" eq "' +distinct_blcd[ib]+ $ '" and "rec" eq "'+distinct_rec[ir]+'"',/reset,/no_notify) if sp[psl[0]].fres ne n_elements(band)*82. then sp[psl].fres=(sp[psl].fres/abs(sp[psl].fres)) * n_elements(band)*82. nc=n_elements(pil) nint=in[pil].int nb=intarr(nc) for k = 0L,n_elements(band)-1 do begin recheck: result=dat_list(s_l,'"wt" gt "0" and "band" eq "' + band[k]+ '" and "sb" eq "' $ +distinct_sb[is]+ '" and "blcd" eq "' +distinct_blcd[ib]+ $ '" and "rec" eq "'+distinct_rec[ir]+'"',/reset,/no_notify) if result eq 0 then begin print, 'No data in '+band[k] print, 'Please flag out this whole band first. Quit !!!' return endif n_ch=sp[psl].nch+1 ibad=where(abs(ch[pcl+n_ch/2]) eq 0., count) if (count gt 0.) then begin int_bad=strcompress(string(uti_distinct(in[pil[ibad]].int,nint_bad,/many_repeat)),/remove_all) print, 'Automatic flagging bad points of integrations in baseline '+ $ distinct_blcd[ib]+ ' band '+band[k]+':' print,int_bad sp[psl[ibad]].wt=-abs(sp[psl[ibad]].wt) re.wts[prl[ibad]]=-abs(re.wts[prl[ibad]]) goto, recheck endif ; kk=where((in[pil[1:*]].int-in[pil].int) ge 2, count) ; if count gt 0 then deficit=in[pil[kk]].int+1 else deficit=-1 freq=freq+total(sp[psl].fsky) nfreq=nfreq+n_elements(psl) dat_get_rows,cmp,amp,pha,x,wts,first,npts,'channel',js,/list,/amp_pha ; print,'The number of points is ',n_elements(first) skip1 = fix( (1 - 82./104.)*npts/2. ) skip2 = fix( (1 - 82./104.)*npts/2. ) if ( keyword_set(chstart)) then begin if (n_elements(chstart) gt 1) then begin print, 'chstart/chend have to be set as a single number here.' print, 'Please reset chstart/chend !' return endif else begin skip1 = make_array(n_elements(npts),/long,value=chstart) skip2 = make_array(n_elements(npts),/long) skip2 = npts - chend endelse endif ;print,'start end ',skip1[0],npts[0] - skip2[0] ;print,'skip channels ',skip if (k eq 0) then begin avgreal = fltarr(nc) avgimag = fltarr(nc) endif for j = 0L, nc-1 do begin i=where(nint(j) eq in[pil].int, count) if count ne 0 then begin avgreal[j] = avgreal[j] + total( float (cmp[ first[i]+skip1[i] : first[i]+npts[i]-skip2[i]-1 ]) )/(npts[i]-skip2[i]-skip1[i] ) avgimag[j] = avgimag[j] + total( imaginary(cmp[ first[i]+skip1[i] : first[i]+npts[i]-skip2[i]-1 ]) )/(npts[i]-skip2[i]-skip1[i] ) nb[j]=nb[j]+1 endif endfor endfor n_nb=where(nb eq 0,count) if count gt 0 then begin int_nb=strcompress(string(nint(where(nb eq 0))),/remove_all) command='"rec" eq "'+distinct_rec[ir]+'" and "sb" eq "'+distinct_sb[is]+ '" and "blcd" eq "' $ +distinct_blcd[ib]+ '" and ("int" eq "'+int_nb[0]+'"' if count gt 1 then for i=1,count-1 do command=command+' or "int" eq "'+ int_nb[i]+'"' command=command+')' ; print,command result=dat_list(s_l,command,/reset,/no_notify) sp[psl].wt = -abs(sp[psl].wt) re.wts[prl] = -abs(re.wts[prl] ) endif avgreal = avgreal(where(nb ne 0))/nb(where(nb ne 0)) avgimag = avgimag(where(nb ne 0))/nb(where(nb ne 0)) ; print,'The number of average points is ',n_elements(avgreal) result=dat_list(s_l,'"wt" gt "0" and "band" eq "c1" and "sb" eq "' +distinct_sb[is] $ + '" and "blcd" eq "' +distinct_blcd[ib]+'" and "rec" eq "'+distinct_rec[ir]+'"',/reset,/no_notify) ; print,'The number of continuum points is ',n_elements(pcl),n_elements(pbl) ch[pcl]=complex(avgreal,avgimag) phase2 = atan( avgimag,avgreal ) * 180./!pi amp2 = sqrt(avgimag*avgimag + avgreal*avgreal) bl(pbl).ampave = amp2 bl(pbl).phaave = phase2 print,'Bands averaging done for baseline '+distinct_blcd[ib]+' '+distinct_sb[is]+ 'sb'+ ' '+'rx '+distinct_rec[ir] print,'' endfor freq=freq/nfreq result=dat_list(s_l,'"band" eq "c1" and "sb" eq "' +distinct_sb[is]+ '" and "rec" eq "'+distinct_rec[ir]+'"',/reset,/no_notify) sp[psl].fsky=freq endfor ; for sb endfor ; for rec print,'Finished bands averaging ',band endelse result=dat_list(s_l,/reset) end