import glob import shutil import os # Casa tasks used: this is the CASA 5 version of importing (it is different in CASA 6) from taskinit import * from concat_cli import concat_cli as concat from importuvfits_cli import importuvfits_cli as importuvfits def concatSMAdataset(targetlist='allsources', finalvis='allsources', offset=100, ignoreContinuumSpws=True, timesort=True, overwrite=True, skipFinalConcat=False, relabelAsTopo=True, importdata=True): """ This function is meant to be run after you have run auto_fits in MIR/IDL for each source in an SMA dataset that has been despiked and had tsys applied, and then imported each of the resulting FITS files into measurement sets. It will produce a fully concatenated ms, by first concatenating each spw of a target into a target ms, then concatenating all targets. The offset parameter is used to avoid collisions in the scan numbers between targets. targetlist: list of sourcenames (i.e. the initial characters of each per-source/per-spw input ms); either a python list or a comma-delimited list finalvis: name of final concatenated ms offset: first offset will be zero, subsequent will be 1*offset, 2*offset, etc. timesort: passed to concat task for final measurement set relabelAsTopo: default is True Todd Hunter Nov-2019 """ if importdata: uvfits = glob.glob('*.UVFITS') for f in uvfits: if ignoreContinuumSpws and f.find('_C1_')>0: continue dataset = f.lower().replace('.uvfits','.ms') importuvfits(f, dataset) setMeasFreqRef(dataset) if type(targetlist) == str: targetlist = targetlist.split(',') outputvislist = [] for i,target in enumerate(targetlist): concatvis = target + '' outputvis = target + '' if not os.path.exists(concatvis) or overwrite: if os.path.exists(concatvis): shutil.rmtree(concatvis) if ignoreContinuumSpws: vislist = sorted(glob.glob(target+'*_s*.ms')) else: vislist = sorted(glob.glob(target+'*.ms')) print("Concatenating %d ms: %s" % (len(vislist), vislist)) concat(vislist, concatvis=concatvis, timesort=False) setMeasFreqRef(concatvis) # relabels all spws as TOPO if not os.path.exists(outputvis) or overwrite: if os.path.exists(outputvis): shutil.rmtree(outputvis) myoffset = i*offset print("Finished %s now offsetting by %d" % (concatvis,myoffset)) offsetScanNumbers(concatvis, offset=myoffset, outputvis=outputvis) print("Finished ", outputvis) outputvislist.append(outputvis) if not skipFinalConcat: if finalvis == '': finalvis = '' print("Doing final concatenation") concat(outputvislist, concatvis=finalvis, timesort=timesort) listobslist(finalvis, overwrite=True) return finalvis else: return concatvis def setMeasFreqRef(vis, newcode=5, spw=''): """ Uses the tb tool to change the MEAS_REF_CODE entries in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW_TABLE. newcode: 1 = LSRK, 4 = GEO, 5 = TOPO, etc. integer or string integer spw: default=all, or integer or list or comma-delimited string """ if not os.path.exists(vis): print("Could not find dataset.") return mytb = tbtool() newcode = int(newcode),'SPECTRAL_WINDOW'), nomodify=False) if spw == '': spws = range(mytb.nrows()) elif type(spw) == str: spws = [int(i) for i in spw.split(',')] elif type(spw) == list or type(spw) == np.ndarray: spws = spw else: spws = [spw] for spw in spws: oldcode = mytb.getcell('MEAS_FREQ_REF',spw) if oldcode != newcode: print("Changing spw %d from %d to %d" % (spw, oldcode, newcode)) mytb.putcell('MEAS_FREQ_REF', spw, newcode) mytb.close() def offsetScanNumbers(vis, offset=100, outputvis=''): """ Adds a constant integer offset to the SCAN_NUMBER column of the main table. """ if outputvis == '': outputvis = vis else: print("Copying %s to %s" % (vis,outputvis)) shutil.copytree(vis, outputvis) mytb = createCasaTool(tbtool), nomodify=False) scan = mytb.getcol('SCAN_NUMBER') scan += offset mytb.putcol('SCAN_NUMBER', scan) mytb.close() return outputvis def listobslist(vislist, suffix='.listobs', outpath='', overwrite=False, verbose=True, field=''): """ Run listobs on a list of measurement sets vislist: either a list ['',''], a comma-delimited string, or a wildcard string e.g. '*.ms' outpath: if blank, write to same directory as measurement set, otherwise write to specified directory, using basename of measurement set -Todd Hunter """ if (type(vislist) == str): if vislist.find('*') >= 0: vislist = glob.glob(vislist) else: vislist = vislist.split(',') if len(vislist) == 0: print("No qualifying measurement sets found.") for vis in vislist: vis = vis.rstrip('/') if len(outpath) > 0: listfile = os.path.join(outpath,os.path.basename(vis)+suffix) else: listfile = vis+suffix if (not os.path.exists(listfile) or overwrite): if (os.path.exists(listfile)): os.remove(listfile) print("Running listobs('%s', listfile='%s', field='%s')" % (vis, listfile, field)) listobs(vis, listfile=listfile, field=field)